

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi all. I'm not going to say much because I'm not feeling well but yesterday was a better day as far as eating goes. No emotional eating. I'm going to go lay down now have a great day.

    @theslightedgeforever for the sushi, I could make smarter choices, or eat less + a salad. I choose to eat it all though because I love it, and if it is a once in a while thing, it's not a problem to eat it like that. It's kind of like using some of my weekly points for sushi. That's too bad that you can only have you ever eat vegetarian meals because you are sick of chicken? Scalloped cauliflower sounds delicious and doable.

    @lore11a Happy Easter weekend to you too! Your Easter menu sounds delicious. That's good that you looked at the calories before going to eat, what a shame it didn't match MFP's. I am not really doing that much better, somewhat I am. I am still very nauseous from the concussion and have other symptoms. Thanks for asking. I am getting a rental car this morning.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    lore11a Your Easter menu sounds exactly like the menu my mom would have made. Yaaay on your lost lbs.

    trooworld Vegetarian meals.....I would if I liked veggies. lol I'm learning to like veggies. Problem is I'm always low on protein. I became anemic when dh first was diagnosed because suddenly my iron levels dropped. Now I just order beef when we go out. No way will I eat chicken out lol One of these years I will learn to like fish. I do like Long John Silver fish though. Hooray no emotional eating. You are feeling better?

    I did yoga last night. Tonight I will work on my cardio.

  • SunnyDayzMomma
    SunnyDayzMomma Posts: 114 Member
    Just found you all, this sounds great! Can I join in?!

    I'm 70 pounds into my goal of 90-115 pounds to lose. The first 50 was a breeze, the next 20 was tricky, but this 20-30 last bit is HARD HARD HARD!!!! Maybe I lost too fast, maybe my willpower is depleted, maybe maybe maybe. I've been maintaining instead of losing for months and I'm frustrated! The problem is my mouth and all the food I stuff into it, and the fact that I hate exercising, lol just being honest! There's no medical or logging culprit. The culprit is my mind and my appetite, lol! But I seriously want this last 20-30 gone. I'm able to maintain, just want to maintain at a lower weight! I obviously need more accountability, so here I am!

    A little about me... I am a happy, joyful, silly 36 year old wife and mom to kids ages 8 and 5, but I am serious when needed. I'm a pastor's wife and love it. My 5 year old is extraordinarily medically complex and the loss of 70 pounds has helped me so much in caring for him. I am so grateful for the day I woke up and decided enough is enough! I love my Jesus and my family. I check into MFP daily but logging has become non existent since I hit 70 pounds lost, and that's the first thing I need to change I think.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited April 2017
    @SunnyDayzMomma Welcome to the group. If you click the star at the right side of our group name at top of this thread, it will make it a favorite for you. My dad was a pastor. 70 lbs is awesome. I seem to be stuck on the first 20 so maybe the next 70 will be a breeze. lol I think of everything tracking is the most important because you can go back and see what you did. I can do well for two days before weigh in and then have a gain and tell myself BUT I've been doing good. I forgot about the first 5 days of that week. In April, I just started a weekly review and I go back and look at each meal and see where I could have shaved off a few calories or carbs. I used to be on WW but then became prediabetic so I'm on a modified carb plan. Basically nothing is off limits for me as long as I count it and plan for it. I know all about that maintaining thing. For now I just focus on one lb a week.

    Lazy day for me. I didn't plan my day well. Afternoon exercise works best.
    I stayed within my calorie budget though.

    WW Meeting Weekly Highlights
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    I lost 0.8 lbs this week

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    happy Easter to all,

    I am so frustrated with life and myself. I went shopping with my granddaughter yesterday and was so disgusted with my body. I came to the conclusion last night that I have been eating for the last 2 years out of a hole that is in my heart over family that I have no connection with and there just seems to be this void and emptiness, I have dreams that never come to be and I know in my HEAD I am putting my happiness in someone else and not where it should be. So last night even thought I wanted to just break out and cry, I went to the fridge, the pantry, and back to the couch. That is the other thing...TV is always on and I feel like if I am not with the family, I am not bringing that wholeness into our home. So this is a mind game for me and I have to win..I walked out the front door to check something yesterday and said to myself...I am so sick of feeling as if my family/dreams were stolen from me and the person that stole them needs to give them back...yes I am turning into one of those old ladies that talk to themselves. But this is about me and what "I" need to do, not what others can do for me. Yesterday I found out that my brother-in-law had a heart attack..he has to have a triple by pass, then a friend of mine from my high school days, who lost one husband, now has her husband with bladder cancer...such a great day yesterday. However, I was taught to take that and make it a positive...Today is Easter and it's not the day I had wished for, but I am up and have my mind and body, my home, and am going to church and will enjoy my time there. I will keep fighting this fight of health as I need to be the example and not the problem.

    @lore11a I hope you have a great Easter and congrats on the loss!!!
    @trooworld I hope your Easter is good, and glad you got the rental. Try to make (1) change today based
    on what you know works for you. You were in an accident and that really does mess with our heads and emotions. I am here holding up your arms in the battle and know you will WIN.
    @theslightedgeforever I like cooked veggies, not raw...But I also drink my greens. I started eating veggies when I was on WW and realized they were either free points or almost free..LOL Thanks for the highlights.
    @SunnyDayzMomma Welcome!! great job on the loss. We all have been on the maintenance program and wondered how we got in the wrong line at check out. LOL I was always told totally change your diet for a couple of days and it jump starts your body. Think of it like the antibiotics we take. If you take them too long they no longer are effective in fighting the disease. :)

    okay gals I have a lot to do before church.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all. I'm glad to report that I lost 1.4 lbs this week. I don't know how, I've emotionally eaten on one day and been above my calories the rest, but I'll take it. I'm still feeling pretty terrible, I can't sit at the computer for hours like I used to, and I have a cold on top of it all. :( I hope to have a nice Easter dinner with hubby and relax.

    @theslightedgeforever lol...well, I hope you learn to like veggies so you can have more variety in your diet. That's good you order beef when you go out. I love fish, do you like salmon or swordfish? I find they are less "fishy" than other fishes. I am not feeling better, I am actually feeling worse. On top of my accident problems/symptoms, I have a bad cold. I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow to get checked out again. Thanks for asking. Great job on yoga, I love yoga. Congrats on the loss!

    @SunnyDayzMomma they say that the last bit is the hardest to lose. Welcome! Do you like walking? That counts as exercise, many maintainers just walk for exercise.

    @cbabie I'm sorry you are struggling right now. I hope you can turn it around soon. It sounds like this stuff that happened to your brother-in-law and friend from high school could inspire you to get healthier? Thank you for your support. I'm pretty messed up from the accident. The other day, I was in the car with my sister-in-law and someone started pulling out towards us and I freaked out. I have a lot of healing to do.

  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning
    Frustrated here too. Not sure what is going on but I just can't seem to shed any of these extra pounds. Even dropping to 1000 calories and exercising daily doesn't seem to result in a move of any kind. I guess this is what we call a plateau? I think maybe too I am not being honest enough with the weighing, measuring and tracking. I'll have to work on that. I have a family dinner here tomorrow and I know myself well enough to know that will be challenging. Really need the right frame of mind for that. So anxious to get rid of these last 25 pounds for good this time. I think I need to think ONE DAY AT A TIME and then do exactly that. Ok enough complaining from me.

    Need to get going. Busy day of housecleaning, some dinner preps for tomorrow and "hunt", gift preps for my little darlings. Oh and my treadmill workout of course. Need to muster up the motivation for that. :(

    Have a nice Easter everyone.

    Cheers Carol
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    Carol that wasn't meant as a message to you. I just read your post. I saw it while looking how to make my own success journal.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    cbabie I will eat veggies it's just not something I would go to first. I'm making vegetarian lasagna in my crockpot tomorrow. We'll see how it goes. How about put your foot down on TV and say one night a week we are having game night. There are a lot of fun interaction games that don't take for ever and are really fun. You can stop at any point. Taboo, 3 second rule. Heads up app on the phone is also fun. But I think that one is paid. There's a free one my kids showed me. We did that when the boys were last here and it was hilarious. My dh doesn't do games but he did this night and him trying to act out cowboy was something to see. Someone just needs to lead. Maybe even make it fun and also help the grandkids prepare the snacks.

    trooworld Yaaay on weight loss. Boooo on not feeling good.

    gemwolf Happy Easter. I hope you had a good one.

    cmedwards Inwatch a youtube channel featuring twins who are losing weight on WW and one has lost almost 75 and one almost 100 lbs. They talked about that this time that they rejoined WW it was going to be about total honesty with themselves. With food, etc They are not big exercisers which really surprised me. They are working on that part of their journey. Each journey is different. Tracking is their #1 thing Why not start there. I noticed I made the mistake of taking the easy way and finding something similar in the MFP data base instead of being exact just because I didn't want to get up and go scan the item. Once I have found less cals which was good but once more calories. The old me was well it all just balances out. But I'm working on honesty. So I have been scanning. These two inspire me. I have seen a "before" photo of both of them and I say Wow there's hope for me. Looking at other success stories has not inspired me before like these. I think because of their personalities.

    30 min treadmill today
    stayed within carbs and cals
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning! I have an early morning appointment and am running late. I was looking over my sleep habits and last week I got lots of sleep. I think that's why I feel always behind. Almost had a meltdown yesterday as I didn't get my work done, or my taxes..and our internet had an outage all day..I don't work on Sundays, but really wanted to get my taxes done. So I ate sweets and no protein yesterday ...had a breakfast at church, but didn't have time to goes my story.

    How was your Easter weekend?

    I was reading in my Bible and I have circled a new day, it was describing the day Jesus I am taking that an claiming this a NEW DAY. I believe that I have it in me to make some good choices and I will. I have a meeting with my boss today and she had left me an email on Friday that was reprimanding me I am so looking forward to 3:30 today....NOT

    Be that as it may..these are my choices and I will be accountable for the choices I make.

    I am so encouraged, by you guys...what are the choices you are making today?

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all. Still feeling cruddy. I think I have a sinus infection or bronchitis, I smell mildew when I shouldn't...that's weird. Okay, just wanted to check in and say hi.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes! I love that meme. It's so true, I need to remember that.

    @cbabie sleep is important though. Today is a new day ok, so start over. My choices include taking care of me by going to the doctor's, eating healthy and that's about it, I'm not cleared to exercise and don't feel like I could even if I was.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good morning all!! My dinner yesterday with my Son and Daughter-in-law was really good. I did pretty good on my portions and everything was very tasty. Then came dessert...We had pecan pie, triple chocolate cake, carrot cake and muffins. Oh, my!!! It was hard but I just got really small slivers of the cakes and pie. I love sweets and that was the hard part. This morning I hadn't gained, I stayed the same. I was very thankful.

    @cbabie..So sorry you are feeling down. Just remember you are not alone. We are here for you and God is too! It is nice to be able to tell others how you are feeling and I think it is a little like therapy.

    @gemwolf110 ..Happy Easter to you. Have you been getting to ride that new bike much?

    @trooworld..I hope you are feeling better today. I hate colds!!! I so know what you are talking about if a car gets too close. Someone hit me from behind years ago and if someone is coming up behind me and I don't think they are going to stop, it still freaks me out.

    @theslightedgeforever..Congrats on the weightloss. Slow and steady is great!!

    @SunnyDayzMomma..Welcome to this great group. Everyone here is so encouraging and friendly. Congrats on your 70 lb weightloss. That is awesome.

    Everyone have a wonderful and blessed week..
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Well my company has all gone home and I've finished cleaning up the kitchen. Feel very good about the dinner I had. I pre-planned my portions to not exceed 1200 calories (total for the day) and I came in just under 1100 so I'm happy with that. Lots and lots of water too - that can't hurt. Didn't get a chance for a treadmill workout today but I was very busy so that may be worth a few calories burned.
    Now its off to watch a little TV before going to bed.
    Cheers, Carol
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,254 Member
    cbabie Choices. I made good choices today in regards to food and exercise. In fact I was rewarded by fitting into a new shirt that I have had hanging in my closet two years with tags still on it. So this keeps me going knowing that one day I'll be able to wear the other new shirts and a skirt that's still hanging in there.

    trooworld Hopefully you will feel better soon. Are you on antibiotics? Yes rest until you are completely fine. Exercise just makes it last longer.

    lore11a Did you track all your food? Tracking has really been helping me. I'm start to pretrack it before I eat it to see if it fits into my calories for the meal. If not, then I can take a slightly smaller portion. If it's something I really want, then I will give up the calories for my next snack. I have built in a morning and evening snack of 100 calories each and then a 150 afternoon snack. The evening snack is the one I look forward to the most and almost never give that up. If I've been good during the day, I can have a bigger portion of my snack since that means more calories.

    cmedwards Sounds like your preplanning was a success Good for you. One day at a time.

    Food was within carbs and calorie budgets
    Exercise 30 min treadmill and 35 min strength training.

    and onto tomorrow
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member

    Well I tracked all that I ate yesterday and it wasn't pretty. After doing my taxes...:(

    I have already pretracked up until coming home. Since I know this is the key to my success I have to be more accountable to myself and DO THIS. I seemed to not have the time to track...I hate waiting on technology..once I leave my house work consumes my every minute, no time to how do I track? just make myself wait on the eternal wheel going around and do it in the mornings. Something else I do will have to go by the wayside until I get this weight off.

    @trooworld I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!
    @lore11a Good choices for Easter dinner, so glad you enjoyed it
    @cmedwards52 Whew...I am sure you are glad company is gone and you can get back to your routine. I hope you have a great day.
    @theslightedgeforever congrats on fitting into that shirt!!

    Okay gotta run
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,136 Member
    Hi all. Not feeling that much better. The cold? Yes. The rest? not so much...neck, yes a bit better, back, no, migraine definitely not better.

    @lore11a congrats on doing great at the dinner. That's real control to just take slivers! Those desserts sound delicious. I am not feeling better as far as my migraine goes, and the nausea, but my cold is a bit better.

    @theslightedgeforever no I'm not on antibiotics. I went to the doctor's yesterday and it's just a cold, no sinus infection. It is better today, a bit. Great job on the macros, you are on track to lose that pound!

    @cbabie great job tracking the good, the bad, the ugly. lol Really, that's not easy. What helps me track is to pretrack. That way, I just need to adjust it.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning, I tracked again yesterday, got over my 10K steps, going for it again today!

    @trooworld glad your feeling better, hopefully the stomach follows suit...

    Okay running late, but wanted to check in

    missing my fellow warriors..

  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning
    Well much happier today. I have started a low carb routine after advice from my personal trainer daughter and it is already making me feel better. I am still counting calories but leaving out sugar, flour, high sugar fruit, root veggies, processed foods etc. It is amazing how much healthy food you can actually eat if you leave out all that stuff. So here's hoping this will kick a few pounds to the curb. Sure can't hurt anyway.
    Have a good one, Carol