

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all. Looks like nobody's been here since my last post. I'll keep this short. I got two new pairs of shoes yesterday, I went to Clark's since I have so many problems with my feet. One pair has about a 1 1/2 inch heel, the other has about 1/2 inch heel. They are both very comfortable and I don't anticipate losing any toenails over them. lol It was the last day for their 20% off sale, so I got a pretty okay deal on them.

    I hope you all have a great day.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Running late, will try to pop in and tell you how I am not winning, LOL oh who needs to hear that. So maybe it's better I am out of time.

    @trooworld it's the 7 day beyond diet program..I am just too hungry, so trying to figure it out.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    trooworld I'm glad you got some new shoes. Keeps your feet healthy so you can exercise. How is that part of your journey going?

    cbabie What if you wrote your own program? Oh wait didn't I say that the other day? You are listening but are you hearing ;P

    I finally got on the treadmill for 40 min. I need to get working on my strength training. Food is so-so but pretty good. Overall I'm pleased and hope to lose my lb this week.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all ( all 3 of us) LOL

    I bombed, I know exactly where I went wrong...

    @theslightedgeforever This 7 day program is specific to certain foods working together to help move the weight and change your behavior. So when I start making my own..not a good thing. So today I try again...I keep trying until I stop failing... glad you got on the treadmill..I am making my way there in about 20 min.

    @trooworld yea on the shoes, I need some new ones. Mine have to be at least 5-6 years old. I have always been a miser on shoes. :( Funny someone in my family told me that it's because I am a(maiden name here) LOL He thinks my family was that way so I am..:)

    Okay here is to another day of trying to get it right.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all! I've been stressed lately. Our apartment lease is almost up and the management sent us a letter saying we either have to renew it (and the new rent is $25 more), or apply to go month to month (and there is a $100 a month fee to go month to month, and we might not even get approved to do that, so we might either have to sign a lease or be forced to move within the next 30 days!). I wish we could afford to buy a condo, but our debt-to-income ratio is too high right now. Our goal is to pay off some debt and buy within 5 years. This renting is for the birds!

    @cbabie I hate being hungry, that wouldn't work for me. I like @theslightedgeforever's idea of writing your own program. Take what works from everything you've done in your past.

    @theslightedgeforever me too. I've been wearing inappropriate all black tennis shoes to work (with a note from my doctor, so it's okay with my work, it just looks bad). I haven't worn the new shoes yet, I have to wait until my new hose socks come in I ordered, which will be today. I have only been going for walks on the weekends, no time during the week between physical therapy and not getting up early enough to go to the gym. I need to make it a priority. I'm glad you are having a good week. Congrats on getting on the treadmill!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all. I guess nobody has checked in since I last checked in. Well, I'll just update you really quickly. I think there is going to be some bad news today at work, there was a hint about it today at the end of the day, so I'm already anxious about it. Trying not to worry about it until I know what it is, but this anxiety causes me to go straight to doom and gloom.

    On another note, we are going to see a "perfect" apartment today. I hope this is the one. I hope it's not already rented by the time we get there. Send good thoughts my way please!

    Well, have a good day everyone!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    trooworld They kept raising the rent on my dad every year. His social security didn't raise every year though. I hope you aren't eating more due to stress. How about shoot for one time at the gym this week and keep up your walking on the weekends.

    cbabie Hmmmm, probably true on your (maiden name). I'm like that. Although I would buy more if I could find ones I like or fit. Maybe not. lol You make up for shoes in electronics and gadgets. Mine is pillows. So keep trying til you find something that works for you.

    I just started reading a book called Work Clean which is based on the concept of "mise en place". A term that chefs use for efficiency and order in their kitchens. It is taught at the Culinary Institute of America in NY It means put in place. So the book talks about how you can use this concept in every aspect of your life. Office, house, family etc. I'm excited to see how it crosses over to healthy lifestyle. As an example, students were told to dish up soup into bowls. A serving was 8 oz. One student grabbed a 2 oz. ladle and dipped four times. He asked why didn't she just grab the 8 oz ladle and dip once. Her focus was on the result: getting the soup into the bowl. But it took four times as long. She could have dished up four bowls in the same amount of time and then went on to do something else. She slowed herself and everyone else in the kitchen down which caused stress. So they discuss planning and using the right tool.

    So what planning and tools are you using on your health journey?

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning to you all:

    @trooworld I am so sorry for your stress, my mom used to always say don't borrow trouble when I would start down that path of yuck. I am learning to be less frantic and not always expect the worse...but I don't stay in that place all the time. LOL Sirens just went by, every time I hear them here at home, I cringe and say Lord, help whom ever that is for. I will be keeping you in my prayers today.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes I love my gadgets..but today I don't feel like walking or working out and I am not going to. I don't know why, it's rare I feel this way, but today no... I realized this morning that the program I am trying
    to do, JUST will not work for me. Like yesterday, I was all good to go but then had an unexpected luncheon at work...So I need to get back to the days where everything was okay, but in moderation. I still will not try to eat bread, I am good with open face sandwiches. I used to choose my points based on what I wanted NOT to give up. LOL Let us know about your book.

    Well girls, I have to go get ready for work, I have a 9:30 I have not prepared for.. :(

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi all. It turns out the bad news about my job was about one person at work's husband's job, who doesn't work in our department at all. I was worried for nothing. I "borrowed trouble" cbabie lol. That was a relief (although a shame for my colleague). I weighed in yesterday, I didn't lose anything but I literally didn't gain an ounce either so I guess I'm okay with that, considering how stressed I was. Oh by the way, that perfect apartment we were going to see? I called at 4pm to confirm our appointment and he said it had been rented that morning! :( It feels like we'll never find a place.

    I have a busy day today, grocery shopping this morning, a haircut at 12:30, other things this afternoon.

    @theslightedgeforever I'm not really eating more due to stress, just letting my husband make whatever he wants to make because I don't have the fight in me right now. I also like electronics and gadgets lol. What planning and tools am I using on my health journey? I'm using the following:
    - this thread
    - MFP, pretracking my food and adjusting as necessary
    - my water bottle
    - my VIDA coach + the mindfulness techniques I am learning
    - I have a daily desk calendar that gives me motivational and fitness tips that I have at work, I love it
    - I have a sort of mini-fanny pack (more of a running belt) for when I go walking, I put my keys and a credit card in case I want to stop for a coffee or tea, kind of like this
    - this book, which is teaching me more about mindful eating: Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: How to Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle
    - to plan healthy meals and grocery lists, I use Plan to Eat

    @cbabie thank you very much. I like your mom's saying. Cbabie, I don't know if you would be interested in this or not, but there is a cheap app that counts Weight Watchers points like WW but is not WW. I forget the name of it but if you are interested let me know and I'll find out the name of it. It's like $3.99 for the app.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning, well I didn't get on my treadmill, but I am okay with that today. I have so much to do, I am sure I will be getting my exercise in. LOL I made my breakfast and tracked. I have to force myself to track. This is the only way I will see what I am doing. I just went in and put in how much I wanted to loose a week and I had to lower my calories to 1000 to even get close. It didn't matter carbs vs protein..just calories.

    @trooworld I wish my DH would do the cooking..he does only on the grill because I won't grill. I am afraid of it. Thanks for the offer of the app, but then I would have to double track. If I can't track, I know I won't double track. LOL

    Well I have to make my grocery list..(yuck) and then go to where all the people are. :s:'(:(

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    Here's the weekly link to WW meeting highlights
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    I did it, I tracked (1) whole day..LOL I feel like the toddler that says mommy I went in the pottie..LOL
  • Nbaker0909
    Nbaker0909 Posts: 102 Member
    Awesome! I know how big of an accomplishment that can feel. Now make it 2 days you got this!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all! Any minute now, over 20,000 people will start running down my street for the Rock and Roll marathon. We are trapped in our apartment from 5am-10am due to the marathon, but honestly we weren't planning on going anywhere anyway.

    We've made a decision about apartment hunting: we are going to stop apartment hunting and stay in the place we are in for another year or two until we can afford to buy a condo. Yes, we will be miserable but it will be worth it in the end.

    I need to get back to focusing on my health. I've been so focused on anxiety and apartment hunting, that I haven't been tracking well, nor have I been making healthy decisions 90% of the time, more like 70%-80% of the time. Time to get back to business. My goal is to pretrack my meals this week 3 out of 7 days, and go to the gym 2 out of 7 days. And lose 1 lb @theslightedgeforever .

    @cbabie at least you made breakfast and tracked, that is a start. I'm afraid of the grill too! With good reason: once, the grill kind of exploded and singed DH's eyebrows and arm hairs. No thank you! Yeah, I wondered if you would be into double tracking's hard enough to do it once, right???? Great job tracking the whole day! I am having trouble tracking right now, so I understand how great of an accomplishment that is.

    @theslightedgeforever thanks for the highlights
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    trooworld Well sorry for your coworker but good for you. That's great you didn't gain because of stress eating. Now onto this next week. You have some great tools. 70-80% is still pretty good compared to what you used to do. Remember days of 30-40%? I think we focus too much on oir shortcomings that we don't give credit to how far we've come. Are you tracking on your phone or your computer? Put the MFP app next to the app you use the most each day so it's always visible as a reminder.

    cbabie Who's mommy's big girl ;) Actually, mom probably made you potty train yourself. lol
    I think find foods you love and fit them into your plan. I'm following a pre-diabetes book and MFP for my daily calories and carbs. 1330-1417-1700 and 133g-142g-170g of carbs.

    @ndevoy1 Welcome to the group.

    I lost my 1 lb this week and now onto next week.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning: Day 2 tracked, I remembered how I satisfied my sweet tooth in the very beginning of WW..Cantaloupe! i always had it on hand in the fridge. I cut some up yesterday and got hungry last night and went to "search" for the kill and saw that and ate a cup of it and felt satisfied!!

    @theslightedgeforever yea on the loss, good for you! So it looks like you are doing 10% of your calories in carbs?

    @trooworld you probably feel much better that you have made a decision about your place to live. There is something about indecision that puts a weight and a stress on us. So I am glad for you guys, now you can focus on your health!

    @ndevoy1 Your right, I/we can do this!

    Okay working on day 3 and time to get on my treadmill.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    HI all...well that weekend went fast. Back to work today. I tracked everything yesterday so that was good. I'm pretracked today so as long as I stick to the plan or if I change the plan, I adjust my tracking, I'm good.

    @theslightedgeforever you are right, 70-80% is better than the 30-40% I used to do. I track mostly on my computer but sometimes on my phone. I leave it up on a tab on my browser at work and at home so it's always excuses but somehow I find them. Congrats on your 1 lb loss!!!

    @cbabie there you go! Cantaloupe is a great thing to eat. And great job tracking.

    @ndevoy1 welcome! (forgot to say that!)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    cbabie I'm doing 40% of my calories in carbs the carbs is in grams. 1 gram is 4 calories. Yeah for second day of tracking. I love cantaloupe.

    trooworld yeah on pretracking

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning, Day 3, made it. Tracked everything and kept to my goals. I did go over my carbs, but it was fruit, not starch! Yesterday was a very stressful day and I didn't go to food.

    @trooworld Good for you!! I have to be careful at what I open on my browser. Work watches us and some sites are's crazy, but that is the world I live in. So I have to do it on my phone if I am at work and want to add it right then.

    @theslightedgeforever I made my "fruit" ice cream last night. 1 banana, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 1/2 cup of frozen cantaloupe. YUM

    Okay on to day 4, I hope you all have a great day!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all. I did pretty well yesterday, although I went over on my calories, I did track everything. I got more sleep last night than the night before, so I should have a better day today than yesterday at work. Yesterday at work I was tired.

    @cbabie you are doing great, keep it up! My work is the same way.