

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all. Yoga went well yesterday except I got a bit of vertigo from one of the poses and I still have it. :( I hope it goes away before tomorrow. I did not track any food yesterday, I was too busy and too distracted by all that was going on. I will track today.

    @theslightedgeforever yoga was weird. It wasn't like my normal class at work: the class was called "Gentle Yoga" and it was that. We never got up off the mat, the closest we came was when we were on our hands and knees (in what's called tabletop position), but we only did that for about a minute. Other than that we were sitting or laying down. It was good, but weird. Yes, flexibility is very important I think. Dinner was good but got changed...he decided he did not want Thai food but did want Asian meatballs and other Asian appetizers. It was easier so I was glad.

    @cmedwards52 I think you got some great advice from cbabie. I would do that.
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for the advice ladies. I do plan to talk to Shauna about it except that I know she will say she is ok with it even if she is not. She wouldn't want to "hurt" my feelings. Perhaps we are all too sensitive?

    gemwolf110: Good idea except that would mean a full-out workout (that's what it would be with both) 6 days a week. I don't think I could manage that, nor would it be recommended by either trainer. I don't know a whole lot about training but I do know you need a "rest" day here and there. lol

    Having the family over today for Father's Day dinner. I will need to put my extreme control hat on and stay away from some of the menu. Bbq steak and bratwurst; baked potatoes; roast mushrooms; cauliflower casserole; corn and spinach salad. Dilly bars for dessert. Never mind a beverage or two!!

    Enjoy your day ladies.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    cmedwards I say go where you are going to get the best workout for YOU. For too long we put others feelings ahead of our own. I would explain it to her like you did us. Or going along with gemwolf's advice workout out one day a week with Shauna. Maybe some floor exercises or non traditional stuff using your own bodyweight. Those exercises are harder for me than traditional weight lifting.

    trooworld Hmmmm that is weird yoga. But new things cause us to get out of our comfort zone which is good.

    gemwolf I can tell your intent was to make everyone happy. That was my second thought for advice. That would be too much working out with other people. lol I do better on my own as I "think" alot during exercise.Yummmmm Dilly bars. I'm such a kid.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    edited June 2017
    cbabie I read yours but didn't respond. I think I'm too much like my mother. I do what I want and figure they'll get over it. As we know, that is not necessarily true. They don't always get over it. But I'm a firm believer in doing what's good for me. If I don't take care of myself, who will?

    Feeling a bit down today as this is the first Father's Day without Dad.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    gemwolf I like your profile pic A good reminder.

    Here's the link to the WW meeting highlights

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    I gained this week. :( Lack of focus


  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    Headed out to do some exercise. I'm excited, my dh was asking about a wireless keyboard we have had in the closet for about 8 years. I could never figure out how to hook it up with his SONY tablet. It's been on my to do list since then. I forgot about it and he wanted it for his SMART TV. But we didn't find a bluetooth setting on there. So I said, I will try it on my laptop. My keyboard has been broken for about a year but I have a touchscreen so I've been typing on the screen. Not the best. Slow as heck. This works great and is so fast. Another good excuse as to why I don't declutter. lol I might need it one day.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all! I hope you are doing well. I'm doing okay. I had to go to the dentist yesterday to start the process for a crown over my dental implant. Implants are so expensive...this is the 2nd one I've gotten done, when all is said and done, it's going to cost between $3,500-4,000 just for one tooth! Man, if I could stand working in people's mouths, I should have been a dentist.

    Anyway...have a good day!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    trooworld Yikes. I need to go to the dentist. I think I cracked a filling. I keep saying tomorrow, tomorrow. So hopefully I'll get it done tomorrow. lol I'm afraid they will say the tooth is decayed and we need to pull it like we did the other one. Are you still eating mindfully. I've said no to Oreos today. Then a snickers bar. I think I'm craving chocolate. Must be PMSing......But I said no.

    Where is everyone else at?

    I'm watching a documentary on Netflix entitled From Fat to Finishline. I was reading a blog
    It's about her journey along with other people who lost 100+lbs. I'm hoping to learn something.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Hello gals,
    I have been fighting depression and not doing so well eating. I seem to be on edge, but I am also learning that I am hanging on to my grief, not just my dad , but other things in life I have lost in the last 4 years. So I am trying to move on from there. I take 2 steps forward and 1 or 3 steps backwards. :) I am preaching to someone about getting over things and moving on and realize I need to do the same. I feel horribly fat today, but hopefully when I get on my treadmill that "feeling" will go away.

    I was trying to hide from the world yesterday, you know it comes and finds you.. :)

    @trooworld Yes teeth are expensive. My grandson need almost 3K work on his mouth and he is only 16.
    @theslightedgeforever glad to see you getting back to your routine.
    @gemwolf110 Glad to see you back here and you are doing great, keep you great attitude!!

    Okay I am going to go make lunches.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all! Well I don't expect a loss at the scale on Friday, can we just skip Friday altogether? lol Hubby and I didn't feel like cooking two night in a row so we ordered delivery (Chinese food one night, Thai food the next). Not the best avenue to go. Plus, had cupcakes and beer at his birthday celebration on Saturday. I need to get back to mindful eating and concentrating on losing rather than maintaining or gaining.

    @theslightedgeforever I need to get back to eating mindfully, I kind of got away from it. When I'm craving chocolate, I have just one piece of Dove dark chocolate (those individual wrapped). Would that help? They are like 45 calories for one piece. I'll have to look up that documentary, I heard a podcast featuring two of the people from that documentary (the podcast was Half Size Me). Yes, get to the dentist, you don't want your tooth to turn into a situation where they recommend an implant!!!

    @gemwolf110 it was actually the implant and the crown that cost that much. I know, right?

    @cbabie cbabie, have you ever considered talking to someone about medication for your depression? I'm on medication for depression, it can help a lot if the depression isn't going away. You seem to be struggling with it and I know how terrible it can be. Just a thought. There are other ways to deal with depression, but for me, medication is the most effective and has literally saved my life. ((( HUGS )))
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    gemwolf I don't know about On Demand. I've watched half of it. It's 90 min long. I'm going to finish it when I'm done here. It was inspiring though so far.

    cbabie Sorry to see you are down. I have spent so much money on my kids teeth. If I had to do it all over again I probably wouldn't. If they don't wear their retainer after braces, the teeth can shift back, which they did on two of my kids. Wasted time and money. One child was $10000 but he had to have 2 implants along with braces. His permanent incisors came in smaller than his baby teeth. There wasn't even enough tooth mass to put a fake tooth on it. I've lived 53 years with bad teeth. One of these days I might get them done, but then think I could do so much more with that money. I hope the treadmill made a difference.

    trooworld Let's skip Friday. lol I think lots of sodium in the Chinese and Thai. So the scale may be higher than you think. I'm good with cutting Snickers into bite-size pieces and just eating one piece. I'm lucky in that I can control sweets. But I was already over on my calorie goal for the day which is why I just kept saying no. I'm trying to lose my pound this week. The other day I seem to have eaten the whole house out.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all. I hope you have a great day!

    @theslightedgeforever we definitely have to skip Friday...last night, we ordered out again! We ordered pizza this time. I don't know what is wrong with us. Actually, I do: we usually do meal prep on Sundays and this week, we didn't do any meal prep on Sunday so that's why. I need to schedule easy prep meals and make sure to do meal prep on Sundays. Now, I'm going to have a bad gain tomorrow. grrrrr
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    theslightedgeforever: And then SATURDAY will be the first day of a much better week for you!! Run with that!! :)

    Summer has arrived (officially and finally) here in BC's beautiful Fraser Valley. 30 degrees (that's C of course) predicted for the next 10 - 14 days. HURRAY!! Out golfing yesterday. Great day!! Little gardening planned for today and time with my little girls this afternoon. We are also heading out to visit my DH's uncle. His 100th birthday today. He lives in a nursing home nearby and is in amazing health. He needs some help walking but otherwise in great shape with a memory in full working order. I'm wondering if this might be a result of never smoking and never taking a drink of alcohol of any kind. Just sayin......................

    Have a good one everyone and don't beat yourselves up too much about that darn metal beast!!

    Cheers, Carol
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    trooworld Salads, tuna, fruit, etc. can work in a pinch. So try to have the ingredients on hand at all times. Also, maybe a frozen dinner in the freezer or double cook some healthy recipes and put them in the freezer just for these times that you haven't done your meal prep.

    cmedwards Saturday is my weigh in day so it's usually the beginning of my week anyway. lol I guess 30C is good, right? I never did learn the conversions other than 0 celcius is 32F and 100 is 212F. Freezing and boiling point. Hm, I wonder if that's right after all these years. I did pay attention in Science class in my younger years. Happy birthday to dh's uncle. 100 is great. May he have many more years. We all need to work on keeping healthy so we have lots of years ahead.

    Hello to the rest of you lurking. Did you track your meals? Move your body? Drink your water? Choose wisely?
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    the slightedgeforever: Yes 30C is good!! About 90-92F so we will be happy campers around here.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hello all! Well the verdict is in from eating takeout 3 nights this week: up 2 lbs! I'm not surprised. :( Some of that is probably water weight but some of that is probably a true gain. I'm so glad it's Friday, can I just say that??? Have a great day, everyone!
  • jdc1965
    jdc1965 Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2017
    So if I read things right this thread is kind of a WW thing? I've been on WW for about a year and have lost about 50lbs. I wish it were more, but life happens and I derailed over the winter. Leaving ww due to finances. I really wish I could stay, but it is what it is. I'm going to miss my friends on the WW app, but hope to make new friends here.

    Today is the first time I've used MFP in a very, very long time and it's nothing like I remember. Still learning to navigate. Switching from points to calories may be a bit cumbersome too. REALLY liked the point system. I've also been following the ssprengel23 plan of eating my weeklies. I'm no really sure how to do something like that here, but we'll see how things go.

    Glad I found this thread!


  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    cmedwards Enjoy the sunshine. Lots of Vitamin D. I'm a much happier person in the sun.

    trooworld They don't say TGIF for nothing. I weigh in tomorrow and I'll see how I did. Now you can't change last week but you can make this week much better. What days are your meal prep? What day will you be going grocery shopping to make sure you have everything for meal prep? My plan this next week is to plan my day the night before and log it in and follow that. My usual plan is to log as I eat and then by dinner hope I have enough calories left over. Sometimes that works and sometimes that doesn't. lol

    @jdc1965 Welcome to the group. We started this group when they changed the WW community and started that Connect thing. A bunch had been together a long time then as life got in the way one by one people dropped off. I think originally 4 came over here. I saw it was free and mentioned it to cbabie. I became prediabetic and doc said I needed to start counting carbs, so I quit counting points. I'm on a modified carb plan as low carb won't work for me long term and I want to lose it like I will maintain it. Slower but doable for me. I say follow whatever plan gets you to goal. Even if it's a combination of two plans. Your after pic looks great. Do you lift? I still follow alot of youtube channels that do WW. I get ideas about food and then just log them and count the cals.

  • jdc1965
    jdc1965 Posts: 8 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I totally agree. Each must find their own path to goal and what works for one may not necessarily work for another. When I started WW, Connect was already in place so it's really all I know. I also follow a page on Facebook called No Finish Line Nation. It was started by 5 people from WW Connect. A lot of support and good advice there.

    Thank you for the compliment about the picture. I still have about 60 or so pounds to go. I keep updating my goal weight because I do lift. Trying to build muscle and get rid of the fat. I know that I'll never be what the BMI chart says I should be (it should be called a BS chart. Told my Dr that and to not ever mention that thing to me again) and I am absolutely okay with that. I'm looking more for a size and to be healthy than a number on the scale.

    So happy to have found this thread. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.