

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Okay I have been in hiding long enough! We all know I have been fighting life. :) I am so miserable and therefore grumpy. My closet looked like something out of a college dorm this past week. Trying to find something to wear to work. I had to go to the Dr again and have gained 2 lbs more. I am so messed up, if I can't do it perfect I don't want to do it. I am seeking on how to do this thing rational. Like I have 1000 as my calorie total and I only have 398 left for today. That means a light meal and nothing else and it's only 2:30. I am here to figure this out. My sister asked me what 1 thing am I going to do to move in the right direction. Ok it must be TRACK. I will have to keep getting those numbers down. So I am going to do this. I used to be the leader at so many things and now I have just existed. So it's time to rise again. Slow but stead as my sister would say.

    @theslightedgeforever thanks for keep coming and encouraging. It's one of your strong points.
    @jdc1965 Glad to have you aboard. Yes we all have to make our own way. I am so proud of your progress. You are right it's all about health and not thin, etc.
    @trooworld Sorry about the gain, but yes I am sure some is water based on what you ate. You will turn it around, you are finding your strengths!!

    Okay I am going to go do my normal Sat things. I didn't exercise today..I like to do mine in the mornings

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    edited June 2017
    jdc1965 My tentative goal is the high number for my weight range. I'm really short. lol But I'll know more when I get closer. Right now miles away. But my real goal in all this is not to get cancer nor diabetes. Like my parents. Although thinking about it I could add heart disease. My dad had a list a mile long. Oh and to be 100% mobile in my old age. I'm 53 right now.

    cbabie Ok so why do you have 1000 as your calorie goal. You have to "feed" the body it's fuel. A friend of mine I have known oh for about 12 years or so. We have this discussion all the time. She says she has to eat low like that to lose weight. I keep telling her she can't sustain it and when she does go back to eating normal her body takes it as a sign of WHOA! We better store up for the winter. Food is scarce around here. So she gains weight. Then that makes her want to eat less and round and round we go. What calorie level for your current activity level did MFP give you. Take this as motivation and not nagging. ;) By the way, your sister sounds like a smart cookie.

    oh it's Saturday. Skipping over Friday must have messed me up. lol So I'll weigh in tomorrow.
  • jdc1965
    jdc1965 Posts: 8 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I hear you! My father had heart disease and died of liver cancer. I'm doing what I can to be healthy. Right now my goal weight is 190. According to the chart I should be below 170, but that isn't something I want. I want muscles! lol I want to be RIPPED
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Okay I tracked and it was ugly. I ate another 320 car wouldn't stay running, I drove with the air off and the windows down. Came home hot and red in the pool, but ice cream hit the spot. I made better choices the remainder of the night, but it is what it is. At least I tracked it ALL.

    no exercise morning was not off to a good start and I have to now get ready for church and will be there until about 1:30 today. I have to get done all that I didn't get done yesterday because of the car thing. Otherwise I will feel overwhelmed all week!!

    @theslightedgeforever I changed my goals to 1200, we will see.
    @jdc1965 yep I am trying to forgo all of my parents health issues. Which is why I am very frustrated with myself. I have done so much better in my prior. But instead of beating myself up (today) I am setting goals for each day.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    jdc1965 I could hear Diana Ross singing..........what did you do today that brought you closer to your goal?

    cbabie Good for you for getting back on track and making better choices. We will always stumble and slip. But how quickly we get back to it determines our overall success.

    I don't know that I have done much today to help me towards my goal. I did get on the treadmill last night. I have my meals all planned out and pre-tracked in my food diary for tomorrow. I've set an alarm on my fitbit to remind me to go put on my shoes 15 min before my scheduled exercise time. I will fill up my water bottle before I sleep so I'm ready for tomorrow. I'm working hard on little strategies to keep me successful.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all! I was so busy over the weekend that I forgot to check in and lost my check-in streak on MFP. Bummer, it was over 255 days. Oh well. I wasn't that busy, but I was distracted I guess. Reading, grocery shopping, and I went out to dinner with my sister-in-law and hubby. And we've been having problems with these people that live in the complex and that is taking a lot of mental energy, I want them out, I think they are dealing and doing drugs. So my mind isn't really on my health journey right now. I have to get back to it. I have a coaching call with my Vida health coach tonight, I hate that I have to tell her I gained 2 lbs. Maybe I'll jump on the scale this morning and see if any of it went away. I don't usually weigh more than once a week, but I think I will weigh today.

    @jdc1965 congrats on your success on WW! I, too, left due to finances (well, that was one reason). If you like the points system, there are apps out there that are for Android and Apple that cost a little bit of money that follow the points system, I forget their names, but they are out there. But I like MFP myself. Welcome! :) I agree about the "BS" chart lol.

    @theslightedgeforever my meal prep days are Sundays. We did some meal prep yesterday, like 4 meals. Hopefully, that should keep us in check. I usually pretrack my days and tweak it as needed, which works out well.

    @cbabie welcome back, I'm sorry you are struggling so much. Tracking is a great "one thing". I think I'll join you, I haven't been tracking very well either. Great job for tracking it all, good bad ugly.
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning
    Well this is going to be a tough week for me. My DH and DDs threw a surprise bday party for me on Saturday. I was told there would be something special on July 8th but that was a set-up and it was actually this past Saturday. Wonderful celebration with about 50 friends and family in our backyard. Fortunately I had it all up to date. My DD also had a house cleaner in for a couple of hours before the party so that I wouldn't feel embarrassed if my house wasn't "clean" enough. What a great gift that was. Anyway, I didn't really overdo the food and drink but I know I ate some things I haven't indulged in for several weeks now so I'm expecting a few tough days to burn off those few extra calories. All in all, well worth it. I just have to be VERY DEDICATED for at least these next 4 days. Wish me luck. Oh, and by the way, yes it is a milestone bday - 65 on July 5th!!
    Have a good one everyone, Carol
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    trooworld Awww too bad about your streak. How did the Vida coach meeting turn out? I saw a quote today that says Being committed means doing it no matter what. I'm trying to remember that this week. I'm up about 1.5 lbs. Totally unacceptable. That will not keep me healthy.

    cmedwards What a wonderful surprise. Hey you know calories don't count on Milestone birthdays. :smile: It's just one day out of the year and if you go back to working your plan you will keep going in the right direction. Can I say Happy Bday now. I may not remember by July 5th. lol

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    edited June 2017
    WW Meeting Weekly Highlights
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all,

    I tracked and stayed okay. Had I not been upset at work all day, I might have done more damage. :) However, my boss was upset over something and called a 2 pm meeting and I couldn't eat. She says I can't ask other sales people questions. uhm..she is always in meetings and works at night. oh well... I just play the game and say yes mamm....

    @trooworld sorry for the gain, but you know you had a rough week and you are getting back to your planning. it's when we give up and say why or I quit on my health that we should be concerned, so great JOB!!!
    @cmedwards52 you know it's called life and one weekend does not make it over. you are doing great and you enjoyed the time with family/friends and that is worth enjoying!
    @theslightedgeforever yes you gained, but you know you have not been in your routine, so keep moving forward. you got this!!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all. I decided I'm not going to beat myself up about last week because it was quite stressful. What I might not have told you is that we have some people that are living in our complex that I think are dealing drugs and it's stressing me out quite a bit. They come and go at all hours of the night, all types of people, they put a pushkey keyless entry on their door, leave trash everywhere, prop the security gates open, etc. I finally told the property manager about everything yesterday. They said they suspected something like that was going on but NOBODY was telling them anything. I was the first person to complain! They said they already started the process to evict them for nonpayment of rent, but they will try to speed it up but it will probably take a few months. So, I'm in for a few more months of stress. The original people that signed the lease aren't even the ones that are still living there.

    @cmedwards52 how nice! Well, happy birthday a bit early!

    @theslightedgeforever yeah I was bummed I lost my streak. My meeting turned out well. We set some goals: go to yoga twice this week, at least 72 oz of water most days, mindfulness around the eating scale, if tempted with free food get up and walk around for 5 minutes and think about whether I want it.

    @cbabie she's not available for questions...what are you supposed to do??? that woman sounds psycho lol. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Thanks, I'm going to really try.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    cbabie Sorry you are having such a hard time at work. I would email her my questions and then when she doesn't answer you and next time she tells you to ask her questions I would say I did but you didn't answer me. Probably a good thing I don't work for someone like that.

    trooworld Beating yourself up anytime is not worth it. It serves no purpose. It's all learning opportunities on how we can do better the next time we get into that situation. I hope they can move those people out quickly.

    okay. Food is OP so far. I need more water.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all:

    I stayed OP yesterday and tracked. The unfortunate part is I still don't eat at work. I also didn't drink much water. That part I really have to work on. However I will take staying OP and tracking . One thing at a time.

    @trooworld I am sorry about your neighbors. Sounds like you have your week planned! :)
    @theslightedgeforever sounds like you and I have the same needs...water. LOL

    okay guys, I have to go pick up my grandaughter, come back and get ready for work..oh I love going there. :'(

  • shonat11
    shonat11 Posts: 170 Member
    Hello ladies , Just thought I'd check in and say hi.
    @cbabie - sounds like you're doing well with the tracking. I'm really pleased with myself when I manage to track everything even if I go over - seems to me that's the 1st step.
    @trooworld . So sorry about your neighbors. A friend of mine went through exactly the same thing and it was really stressful. She's fine now and they're gone! Don't beat yourself up . Just keep on going.
    I've had a few bad days recently when I went over calories but am pleased I kept tracking. Also I'm now able to exercise a bit more which helps the weight loss but, most of all, helps me clear my head and feel positive.
    Hope you all have a good day,
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all! I didn't do too bad yesterday, I stayed under my calories despite having a breakfast sandwich from the cafe. Oh, wait, strike that, I forgot I had a slice of apple pie that someone brought in so I am probably not under my calories (I forgot to track it). grrrrr I am eating my feelings. Tomorrow, I go to yoga at work that should help a little.

    @theslightedgeforever yeah I hope they move them out quickly too. I need to drink more water too.

    @cbabie ((( HUGS )))

    @shonat11 thank you. It is really stressful I hope they are gone soon!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    cbabie I've been good on my water for 3 days now. Although I'm in the bathroom all night. Good for you for staying on track.

    shonat11 I am finally tracking regularly. Now to be exercising regularly. That's my next goal.

    trooworld Yaaay for almost being under calories. Just try again today. Can you keep some healthy snacks at work for those times treats appear? Maybe even bake some apples up with cinnamon and vanilla. It would be close to apple pie. If you have access to a microwave heat it a bit Even better. What can you do besides eat your feelings? Do you have a list printed out that you can see at work and at home?

    Treadmill done for the day and strength training in a bit. I will lose a lb this week.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning: I have never felt like this before in my job, but I can say I am not eating my way out of my fears. I have a meeting at 11 with my boss and I am sick to my stomach wondering what I have done wrong since Monday. I had a mother who expected perfection, but she also knew to encourage you. Actually I think both parents did. I am not sure how my other siblings feel..LOL I just knew that we were taught if you put your mind to it you can do it. Or they would say you have a gift for that...So

    @theslightedgeforever you have a gift for encouraging others, good job on the treadmill.
    @shonat11 You know how to identify with each of us. I am so glad you checked in and you know what
    you have to do to reach your goals and you don't beat up on yourself, and know how to do what encourages you with a positive attitude.
    @trooworld You have a gift of practicality. You look at the situation and sum it up clearly and make good sense out of it. I love your insights.

    Okay gals..I did track everything. Even the 10 pieces of candy corn. I hit over 11K steps yea.

    Enjoy your day all~!!

  • shonat11
    shonat11 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi, The weather's not great here today. Not cold but raining on and off - I'm feeling tired but think I'll try and walk as that usually helps.
    Yesterday we had a massive clear out and that felt really good - trouble is there's more to do today and I do NOT feel like doing it ! As you can see , I'm procrastinating!

    @cbabie Hope the meeting's ok. It's not nice being that worried about something.
    @theslightedgeforever . Sounds good - one thing at a time. Like you , I'm now tracking and am also trying to get back in to regular exercise. Sometimes I feel too tired but I know that regular exercise gives us more energy not less.
    @trooworld - yoga at work sounds nice. Too bad about the apple pie! Hope it was good!

    Have a good day .
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    cbabie I think Mom used up all the encouragement on you. :wink: As they say, give yourself what you wish others would give you. Interesting that I'm an encourager, guess that's not a real word. Ok, one who encourages. lol I still think you should tell your boss what you need from her. Part of her job as a supervisor is to help you "grow" in your job.

    shonat11 Did you get a walk in? On your clear out, tell yourself you will just do 15 min or one box or whatever. Baby steps. It's overwhelming to think about it all so break it down into bite size pieces. I used to have my kids draw intersecting lines like tic tac toe all over their carpet. All they had to do was clean 1 square, then clean 1 square.

    Today is my off day for exercise.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all. I got on the scale and am down 2.1 lbs, I'm glad to say. Even if you take last week's fluke weight out, I'm still down an ounce. I go to the doctor today and I'm sure he's going to lecture me about my weight, he always does. :( Just love going to the doctor!

    @theslightedgeforever I had an apple with peanut butter, I had hard-boiled eggs, I had babybel cheese...I chose to have the pie! :( grrr I need to have a list printed out, that's a great idea. I can go for a quick walk to "snap" me out of it. Do you know that stupid supermarket pie is still there? Everyone else has the good sense not to eat it! I didn't have anymore of it.

    @cbabie oh dear, I hope your meeting goes okay. You are right about @theslightedgeforever, she is great at encouraging others!

    @shonat11 I hope the weather clears up for you. That's good you are going for a walk. The apple pie was meh, supermarket apple pie...not worth it!