

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,234 Member
    edited March 2018
    Trooworld. I don’t know if I’ve ever had yogurt pretzels. Now white choc pretzels yummy. I can’t have those in the house. Sorry about your cold. I understand. Just think of it as your body burning more calories to keep itself warm. Hooray on tracking. Me too. Now onto today. It really doesn’t take more time but I think we tell ourselves we are busy with X we don’t have time right now.

    Cbabie. I listened to that Morning Miracle thing I did it in 15 min spurts. So did all of that eating change anything about the situation you found yourself in. What could you do instead? Phone a friend? Close relative? Journal. Go take a walk. How about get your bike out of the garage before it turns hot again. These things wouldn’t actually change anything either but they will help your body and mind instead of hurting it. You say you don’t like dogs but I know you secretly do. Lol.

    Here’s the WW meeting. Every time I would go to YouTube to copy the link I would end up seeing another video and start watching that. Lol.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,978 Member
    @cbabie I'm sorry you had a bad day. What kind of a plan can you come up with on a good day for a bad day so that you don't have such a bad day? Can you think of alternatives to eating? For instance, writing in a journal or taking a walk? I understand why you won't let your DH put the heat on. I understand why my DH won't let me put the heat on (it would hurt our tvs), but we have a space heater in the garage, I wish he would bring it in!

    @theslightedgeforever they are like white chocolate covered don't have them!!! I think I resisted tracking because I didn't want to see how bad I was doing. Thanks for the meeting highlights.

    Hi all! Well, I lost 3.2 lbs this week! I guess I wasn't eating that poorly. I'm so relieved. I thought I'd gain or maintain. It's just what my morale needed. Now, to track every day. I've got to get myself to track through the bad. Ugh. Well, I've gotta get ready for work. TTYL!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,577 Member
    I did much better yesterday with my eating. I so miss my treadmill. I have come to realize that my whole life routine is no longer as it was and I have to accept, change or I am trying to come up with a plan for getting that thing fixed. It's really something I looked forward to each day. However, I just had a thought, what if the part I think I need is not really whats wrong with it..Time to evaluate. I ate PB yesterday, but spoonful,not with ice cream. I am not sure if I could ever give that up as it's been my mainstay since I was mom actually cried in the middle of the aisle of the grocery store when I got married, realizing that she would not be buying peanut butter each week..LOL

    @trooworld Congrats on the loss, yes that always gives us the push to keep going on our journey!! Yes I almost brought in the space heater yesterday rained all day and was so cold!!

    @theslightedgeforever okay you and trooworld both gave the same I am listening and putting in my memory banks...ride, journal, walk away..LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,978 Member
    @cbabie you are not a mechanic (that is one thing I know about you :) ), what if the part is really cheap to fix? It wouldn't hurt to find out an estimate so you can plan for a repair?

    Hi all! TGIF! It seemed like it took forever for today to get here. It is supposed to rain today, so hubby and I are making ramen soup today and I'm not talking about a dried up brick of noodles. I'm talking about homemade broth with fresh egg noodle soup. Yum! It's our favorite thing to have on a rainy day. And I'll be listening to Miles Davis - Kind of Blue album on my way home in the rain because that goes so well with the rain. Last night, it took me 1 1/2 hours to get home and it was NOT raining. I can only imagine how long it will take me with the rain tonight! Wish me luck!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,577 Member
    yea another bomb night...oh well I keep trying. I almost went to WW, but decided not to. I am trying not to spend any money. I have debts to get paid, no reason to create more. I do think that one thing I have to concentrate on is my treadmill. I really do miss my morning routine. I am reading in the Miracle Morning, some things I don't agree with as they are things in my walk of faith that are borderline to me, but I do know where he is coming from with using the treadmill/bike, etc time for use other than exercise. I used to do my prayers while walking..tried to do my school work, but couldn't bounce and read..LOL

    @trooworld , No I am not a mechanic, my DH is YEA!!! I already know the part is about just looking at options. I remember those days in traffic...Phoenix, took on the CA traffic people. LOL I could sit in one place sometimes for 10-15 min at a time. Normal drive time home was 45 min to 1 hr, (one way) I hated it, that's when I started listening to audio books before I would be one of those rage drivers you see on the news..LOL

    Well I hope everyone who isn't here, finds their way back home.....

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,978 Member
    @cbabie keep trying! It will click one of these times. I forgot your DH is a mechanic (lucky you! Really, you don't know how lucky you are!!!). Yeah, traffic stinks. Yesterday, it didn't rain until late in the evening so it "only" took me an hour to get home. I listen to podcasts, audiobooks, and on Fridays I jam to music to get me pumped up for the weekend celebration! :)

    Hello all. I do hope the others come back soon. Not that I don't enjoy talking to you, cbabie, but I miss everyone else too and hope they are doing well. I am getting my haircut today and then we are going to dinner with some friends, that is about all my plans (besides going to the hospital). I hope everyone has a good Saturday!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Sorry - sometimes life just takes over. We have a 3 day weekend here and the local council is collecting all the green waste we put out, so we are busy cutting down a rosemary hedge that is overgrown and overlapping with each other.. DH is cutting and I am carrying. I spent some "me time" yesterday, Someone put up a post about Obesity: The Post Mortem. It takes us into a real life post mortem of a lady of who gave up where body for science. They classed her as obese - she was 5ft 5 in and 17 stone (107kg or 235 pounds). If you have a strong stomach - it is a wakeup call (or it was for me). We all see what being overweight does to us on the outside, but no one sees the inside until you go through an autopsy. This lady was 55, she did not drink, but had a fatty liver from the excess fat inside her.

    They showed that eating the way we do, shortens our lives considerably and I am hoping that it remains long in my memory - I can not keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result (sorry if the above was too much info)

    @cbabie - I agree - get a quote for the treadmill - then you will know what is wrong and if it is an easy fix?

    @Trooworld - Travelling to and from work is crazy at 1.5 hours. I used to drive 110km (698 miles) to and from each work every day so you have my admiration for sticking to it

    Hello to @theslightedgeforever _ I am doing well (espically after the above comment)

    Welll DH has already been out for 45 min, so I need to get out there again before we head to a girlfriends for lunch
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,234 Member
    Trooworld. Good for you on your weight loss Freestyle is really working for you. So back to tracking.

    Cbabie. Email treadmilldoctor and see what they think. Check out YouTube. We diagnosed ours by ourself and ordered the part and installed it ourselves
    It’s a wonder that your mother didn’t think about the rest of family and PB. Maybe they liked it too.

    Trishastime. I’ll have to check out that Obesity show. Maybe it will wake me up

    So either I lost a crown or a filling and have a big gaping hole in my tooth. So I need to go find a dentist. My regular one moved away and I didn’t like his replacement.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,978 Member
    @TrishasTime thank you for the info on the documentary. I don't have a strong stomach, but just hearing the synopsis is enough to make me want to do better. Not TMI. A rosemary hedge must smell nice? Luckily not every day is 1 1/2 each way. It's usually only that bad on Thursdays, but sometimes more often. Usually it is only an hour each way. I hope you had fun on your girlfriends lunch.

    @theslightedgeforever yep, back to tracking. Except yesterday there was an emergency at the hospital, so I didn't do such a good job, but I'll go back and track what I ate. I remember it well. I wish I didn't. Oh no (about your tooth)! I hope you can find someone you like to fix it. It's so important to "click" with your dentist, or at least tolerate them!

    Hi all. I hope you have done better with your eating than me. We were supposed to go out for dinner last night with friends but that had to be canceled because of our loved one's health. I emo ate yesterday after the hospital visit (not because of the canceled plans), and was already in the danger zone as far as my tracker was concerned before that. :( All I can do is do the best I can for today and that is what I am going to do.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    It is a public holiday here in Western Australia. I have already been up and walked 4.5km (2.8 miles) it is going to be 96 degrees (F) here today, so wanted to get out early with the dogs and make sure I could still do a fun walk for cancer that is on Mothers Day. It took 58 mins to walk but that was much better than surfing the couch. I have attached a view for you - so you qzzdtjzedi0q.png
    can start to see what is like over here


    @theslightedgeforever - How is your tooth? Are you in alot of pain? Can your friends recommend a dentist for you?. You can see what I am doing to live my healthy plan.

    @trooworld - I am so sorry that your family member is struggling with his health. My new motto is "If you track it - you will own it" so well done that you intend to track it . I am wondering if the family member is going to be in hospital for a little while, if you could pack an emergency food kit to bring with you - then you simply have to snatch the bag up as you run out the door. When my GD was in hospital alot that is what I had on hand as I absolutely hate the vending machines and cafeteria in hospitals. It is a struggle when you are trying to deal with your emotions and eat healthy.

    @cbabie - Have you called the treadmill Dr for a quote yet? Like @theslightedgeforever - we googled my issue and bought the part and DH put it in. I am not saying it was not a struggle (my husband is not mechanically minded ) but we did it. It seems the treadmill is a big part of your healthy life.

    I am off to go food shopping - I absolutely hate to do that when it is a public holiday as the crowds are out as well but the kitchen is kind of bare of heathy food .

    Hope you all have a great weekend

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    @cbabie - can you get a refurbished part or a second hand part to keep you going ?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,978 Member
    @TrishasTime what a beautiful view! Yes, much better than surfing the couch. Great job! An emergency food kit is a good idea and I attempted to do that the other day--- I packed about a cup of almonds (with the intention of sharing them) and these things called Veggie Straws which are like a salty snack. I shared the Veggie Straws but nobody wanted any of the almonds. I ate half the bag, which was 8 pts. Luckily, I won't have many days like that, as my husband is the one spending most of the time at the hospital, but I will try to pack a better emergency food kit in the future. I hate shopping on holidays,'s like the world is running out of food on those days! lol

    Hello all! I'm so glad I am not working an early shift this week (except on Friday, which is my normal thing). I didn't go to the hospital yesterday (DH did), but instead I did laundry and prepped some soup, my breakfast, and last night's dinner. I had hoped I could prep all the meals for the week but that just did not happen. I hope everyone is well.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,978 Member
    Hello all! It's been a long time since I've had to talk to myself lol. I guess I will do it. :) I got my hair cut over the weekend and it's dramatically different but everyone seems to like it. It's an asymmetrical cut, very short. I have to try to replicate what the stylist did this morning and I don't know how successful I will be but we'll see. Yesterday was okay, I went over in my points but at least I tracked most of it. I have to go back and adjust supper because what I pretracked I did not have. Well, I hope you all are well.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hello there

    I am still over here, woke up late thismorning and therefor will be late to work. Not too fussed as yesterday I worked an hourover and they still owe me about 20 hours I do not get paid overtime - just hours off - one for one.

    DH's TV stopped working yesterday and my fridge that has an ice water section has stopped making ice. That all my first world problems today :)

    hope everyone is doing well. Congrats to @theslightedgeforever for your weight loss

    Off to work now

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,577 Member
    Afternoon all, sorry I have been MIA, weekends are hard for me and I had a horrible headache yesterday and woke up with it today. I am better, but I think it's the weather changing. Yes I have to get my treadmill fixed. It is like taking PB from me..LOL I am on a fast for the church, but decided that my health doesn't need to do a 3 day NO FOOD fast, so doing a protein shake in the morning and one at the evening meal time, but using my time to pray otherwise.

    @trooworld I am sure your hair looks cute, I love those type of haircuts. I am so sorry for the emergency at the hospital. I don't usually share my nut mixture.LOL Sorry you were alone again. I am tracking, but whats to track..but hopefully it will get me back in the habit for when I do eat real food later this week.

    @TrishasTime wow I love the view, who wouldn't want to get out and walk that. It's beautiful, I was driving today and we have several hiking places here and I passed one I used to go to every day when I was first able to walk again..loved it. I decided to ask my grandson if he would go with me sometimes, he said now to get the plan in motion.

    @theslightedgeforever I will email treadmill dr...never heard of that. Thank for the info.

    Okay guys I have to go finish up some things and then off to a Mary Kay meeting..

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,234 Member
    edited March 2018
    Cbabie. Have you written on your Trello board make plan with grandson to go hiking. Plus research treadmill dr
    I’m glad you are thinking about your health

    Trooworld. I hope everything is okay at the hospital now. I don’t share my nuts either. I hate sharing food. Because it messes with my portion size I’m trying to come up with a new hairstyle too but can’t make up my mind.

    Trishastime. Oh that’s right this is March. You and the UK celebrate Mother’s Day earlier than we do. I remember arguing with my British friend over this one years ago. Lol. I love those walking trails. When I go visit my kids they have a nice set in their area that we walk. Now everyone has left that area and I’ll need to find a new place. Oh a lake too. That would get me out there walking I’m in no pain at all with my tooth. I think it’s dead. I have since seen two dentists. One put in a temp filling and said I needed to see an an oral surgeon because it fractured underneath the gums So I went and saw him and he wanted to do an implant immediately after I told him you can’t do that the gum needs to heal up to 3 months. I already did the research with my other tooth I lost. they were going to charge me $250 for an X-ray which I was flabbergasted but then later after walking out of his office found out it was a 3D CT scan Which part of I’m not going to do the dental implant right now did he not get. Then today I broke the temp filling. So back out tomorrow to look for another dentist. I had one bad dental experience before which makes me jittery and cautious #firstworldproblems lol My Kids quote me that a lot when I’m complaining

    WW meeting highlights

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,978 Member
    @TrishasTime I hope you can get the tv and fridge fixed soon. Although first world problems, both are nuisances!

    @cbabie I get migraines from changes in the barometric pressure myself. I hope your migraine stays away. That sounds like a healthy way to do the fast and an effective way to use the time. I wish I would have shared those nuts lol.

    @theslightedgeforever things are improving at the hospital, thanks. I hate sharing food too but my in-laws love to share food. I hate that. They still tease me about when I first started going out with my DH and we all went out for Chinese and they asked if I wanted to share my dish and I said no. The reason I don't like to share is that I pick something because I like it and I want it, I don't want a little bit of a lot of things. lol

    Hi all. Well it took me almost 1 1/2 to get home on a TUESDAY which is unusual (usually it takes an hour to get home on a Tuesday) and by the time I got home, I had to walk the dog and then had to leave in 15 minutes to pick up the DH from the hospital. No time to cook, felt sorry for myself, wanted to comfort eat so I ordered takeout. At least I didn't eat as much of it as I usually would. I've got to make more of an effort to cook all the meals (or at least the proteins) on the weekend this week. Have a good day, everyone!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,577 Member
    Morning all! Well almost afternoon... I have had a bit of a busy morning, but all is good. I am getting laundry done that needed done 2 days ago..It's been a weird week. I am still tracking and still fasting. Today is the last day of the fast.

    @trooworld LOL I am such a picky person, first I don't like people touching something I am going to put in my mouth, I don't like to share yes because of tracking...but people in my family want to take a bite...I like really? here take the whole thing. So sorry for your drive time impacted everything else..I so remember those days and DON'T miss them. However, it looks like you made a better choice than before in stressful situations!! Congratulations!

    @theslightedgeforever Okay, getting there on the Trello Board. I hope you find the right dentist. We have one here, my daughter used to work for him, he is the gentle and always willing to work with you. I mean you have to pay him, but he helped find the lowest cost solution to my grandsons wisdom teeth, etc.

    Okay, gotta run
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Disaster struck when I went in to work yesterday when an application stopped working. I used to look after this application and the girl that does it now was on a road trip, so guess who got stuck with it. I ended up with a 10 hour day and ended up with takeaway and a couple of drinks :(.

    Hubby is getting a new TV today, his shaver broke this morning, so he is getting a new one of those but he did fix the fridge for me.

    Not sure about going to work today, I am just thinking what else can go wrong. I have had my 3 things.

    @theslightedgeforever - I hope when you get the new temporary filling it holds this time

    @trooworld - seems we are going through the same hours at the moment. I think yours is more stressful as it is about family.

    @cbabie - Looking forward to hearing about the the treadmill doctor says

    Oh well - off to work

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,234 Member
    Trooworld. Sounds like you have a plan for this weekend to cook up your proteins for next week. Stick to it. How about keep a bag of Steamables vegetables in the freezer for those situations you found yourself in on Tuesday. You just have to pop it in the microwave and if you have your protein cooked Voila. Quick meal

    Cbabie. I don’t think we were taught to share our food as children. I know for a fact my mother wouldn’t share hers. Probably cause she felt she had to give up everything else for the family she was like Can I at least keep my food for myself? I wonder if that’s why I won’t share my food. I once pretended to spit in my food when a friend asked me to share my dessert that I had brought to her house. We were having a gathering and I was being extremely good then. I asked if I should bring enough for everyone she said no she would provide the desserts so I brought enough just for me. One serving. SF choc pudding with FF cool whip and a graham cracker crumbled up. She then said that looks good give me some. Uh no. Then she tried to wink wink bully me into so I pretended to spit and said ok now you want some. Here take it She just walked away. Lol. She still brings that story up and it’s been at least 10 years. Although looking at my weight I would be better off to change and start sharing my food

    Trishastime. I also said you’ve had your three things. Lol. Well today is a new day. I’m not getting a filling just having the tooth pulled. The tooth is basically dead and will have to be pulled 2-3 years anyway according to the 3 dentists I’ve seen. They said why keep putting money into it. I made an appt for Monday and hopefully will be less one tooth.

    The format of this seems all wonky. I hope it posts correctly