

  • shonat11
    shonat11 Posts: 170 Member
    Thanks for the advice trooworld. I hope your back is ok.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Hello! I've been on mfp for 1,894 days consecutively. I lost injured....had some (a lot) of stress and I'm back up to only a 40 pound or so loss.

    I'm a vegetarian and I lost the initial weight doing lower carb. I'm leaning towards weight watchers now (never did it before) because I keep feeling deprived and once I screw up the day, I really really screw it up.

    Add me please! I really think I'm going to go the ww online route.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning friends:

    I did not stay the course, I let my emotions over my bosses email get to me..makes me mad because I gave her too much control in my life. I did go get my nails done and I did ride my bike this weekend, but didn't do great on food.

    @shonat11Welcome! you know they say it's never too late until you take your last breath!! :) I am happy to see you today!

    @JenniTheVeggie Welcome! I started struggling more with my weight after I broke my knee. However, now I struggle because I can't eat like I used to (almost 60) LOL You can do this. I always look at a lot of my things in life, saying I did it before I can do it again. So here is that small voice in your head...YOU CAN DO IT!! :)

    @Lore11a Don't you just love grand kids. I love mine, but I don't get to see 4 of them very often. :( Thank goodness for text.

    @trooworld I certainly hope you feel better. I agree, medical garbage go back to where you came from.

    Today is a new day!! Live it with laughter, and know you can do whatever it is you need to do today!

  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning Everyone
    Had a really nice weekend. Lovely dinner at our DD's Friday night celebrating our granddaughter's 4th birthday and my father-in-law's 92nd. Was a great 88th birthday gift for him the day little Genevieve was born. It is especially nice to be able to celebrate with him this year as he is struggling with terminal cancer. So sad that he is burdened with this when otherwise he is a very healthy 92 yr old still driving and living on his own. Cruel world sometimes!
    Saturday my dear dear friend of almost 50 years came for a "pajama party" while our husbands went to their 50th highschool reunion. We had a great time, shopping, chatting, drinking wine, casinoing (I know - not a real word but you get the picture) etc. Then I topped the weekend off with a great day around here with DH. Doesn't get much better than that.
    Now its time to tighten the belt so to speak and get down to business, so that I can still have a good weigh-in Friday. Shouldn't be doable since I did stick to my calorie/carb budget with the exception of the wine and because of that, not enough water. Also, not enough exercise but I plan to make up for both these next four days.
    Out to my garden this morning to plant two new shrubs.

    cbabie and Lorella: ditto on the "love grandkids". My granddaughters are 4, 5 and 6 years old (sisters with a very busy Mom and Grandma when I have them - lol) who live 20 minutes away from us. We get to see them LOTS!!

    Have a good one.
    Cheers, Carol
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    edited June 2017
    @shonat11 Welcome to the group. I do better with planned snacks that fit into my cals and carbs. I too used to do WW then became prediabetic and have to watch my carbs so I just post here for now. I like a bigger breakfast so I get an afternoon snack and an evening one after dinner.

    lore11a I saw you welcomed a new person. Did she delete her post? or am I just blind in my old age. I don't do as much weighing and measuring as I should. I know how much cereal to use because I use the same bowl and have measured once. I should measure my meat. I buy packaged chicken breast and usually do math. lol 16 oz divided by 4 is 4 oz. Although i do realize they don't all weigh exactly ghe same tjing. I figure it will all even ourt eventually. I do need to get more strict with that. I have a snack bowl that I thought was one cup. Turns out it was 1/2 c. so that was a good surprise.

    trooworld Shrimp heads??? lol I like my food headless. I went to China and about starved How's your back.

    @JenniTheVeggie Welcome to the group. I'm on a modified carb eating plan. I can't do low carb long term. Tell me NO and I say watch me. So... I eat what I want just smaller portions and not every day. My problem is consistency. I watch a youtube channel each week with some twins who are on WW. One has lost 100 lbs and the other one 80 something. She's got about 5 lbs to goal.

    cbabie So you lost that battle. You'll win the next one. Do you have a strategy? Do you have things in your house ready to go when the urge to eat hits you. How about little containers from the Dollar store. Pack them with 7 cheddar cheese cubes and 12 grapes. Or 1 string cheese and apple slices. Cut up carrots and dip You get the idea. Think Snackables. Only make your own. Here's a good video. Mind over munch She's got a bunch.

    cmedwards Sounds like you are blessed and have a very full life. So good for you on trying to stay healthy to be around as long as your father in law. He sounds so sweet.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all! Well, well my back feels a bit better this morning, I don't know if the 2 pain pills I took last night still haven't worn off yet or if my back just feels better. This all is incentive to get this weight off asap.

    @JenniTheVeggie wow, that is quite a streak! Congrats! I've lost 40 lbs but gained all but about 15 lbs back myself, so I can relate a bit. But the good thing is that we know that we are capable of losing the weight because we already did it once! At least you've kept off 40 lbs, that's a nice start.

    @cbabie I'm sorry you have to deal with such stress at work. That makes it hard to stay on track. Can you sort of go into your own world at work by putting headphones on?

    @theslightedgeforever yep! I like my food headless too, luckily I just used the heads for the broth and then threw them away (but they were in the back of my mind when I was eating the pad thai so it kind of grossed me out). My back sucks, thanks for asking lol. I found out the reason for my pain: they said, likely from the accident, I am having an arthritis flare up and one of my vertabraes is moving forward out of place. She recommended I do more yoga, core strengthening exercises and move around more. She didn't say lose weight but I know my regular doctor will tell me that when I go to a follow up visit in a few weeks. Thanks for asking!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning gals, running late I have a meeting with a client on a bid package this morning. I tracked yesterday and didn't do that bad. I did eat ice cream, but controlled how much I ate. I will try to catch up with personals later.

    have a great day

  • shonat11
    shonat11 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi folks,
    Trooworld I'm glad your back is better. Hope it stays that way .
    Theslightedgeforever thanks for the advice!
    Today's been good and I stuck to my calorie limit, largely thanks to encouraging posts on MFP.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all. The back is definitely on the mend, I could almost get right out of bed this morning. I don't think I will have to walk like an old lady at work today, yay! Now for the bad news: my tracking has been spotty because I've been focused on my pain. Yesterday, I did track 100% but I was over my calories. My choice for breakfast this week is a 722 calorie something or other, I didn't realize it would be 722 calories when I chose the recipe...lesson learned: figure out the calories before you commit to it for the week. If I don't have any snacks today, I can end the day with 93 extra calories (so I guess I can have an apple lol).

    @cbabie sounds like progress to me.

    @shonat11 me too! yay for good days and sticking to calorie limits!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning gals: Where is everyone? I know where I was, in the bottom pit of depression. This has nothing to do with my weight, but it does have an effect on how and when I eat. I haven't been this low in a long time.

    @shonat11 I am so glad you are finding support and staying to your goals. Yes we help, but you also know you are the one making the choices and you are doing a great job.

    @trooworld I am so glad your back is better. I know when my knee acts up, I am not my usual self..(whatever that is) :)

    Okay I am running late, I didn't get up until my DH alarm went off.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all. My back is slowly but surely feeling better. I hope to start going to yoga classes next week. Hubby said he would start going with me, I ordered him a yoga mat so hopefully he meant it lol. I'm so glad it's almost Friday. I made a minor mistake at work yesterday, I work in a library and I let a student whose card expired yesterday check out books. Well, if the head librarian finds out, she will lecture me, she NEVER makes mistakes (that she lets anyone know about) and expects nobody else to make them either. When someone does make a mistake, she gets really angry and makes a big deal about it. So, I have that to look forward to today. :(

    @cbabie I'm so sorry you have been struggling with depression. I suffer from it too, and I know how bad it can get. It has a lot do with weight--- it's hard to lose weight when you are depressed. It's hard to find the motivation to do anything while depressed. ((( HUGS ))) to you.
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning Everyone
    Well we are back to rain here again. YUK!! I still need to do some gardening so I guess I will be doing it either in the rain or wait for a break and then get out there. The later would be my preference!! Feels like October here rather than June. Been nasty since November. Ok enough complaining - obviously that's not helping.

    I have been pretty good on my carbs and cals and exercise actually but need to ramp it up a bit if I'm going to guarantee at least a stay-the-same for tomorrow's weigh in.

    I am starting a new exercise class tomorrow morning. Its every Monday and Friday morning at 6 a.m. My sister and niece will be there and my great-nephew is the trainer so it will be fun. I am actually excited to go with my sister. She is 9 years my senior and this is the FIRST time we have ever done anything together that is not family-related. Love her dearly and we are very much alike but because of our age difference (I guess that's the reason) we have not really "hung out" over the years. I've always been the little sister.

    cbabie: I too am sorry to hear of your struggle with depression. I do have an issue with it at times also but not what I would call serious. My daughter however does suffer with it and has been on meds since she was a teen. She's now a 40 year old mother of 3. It is a serious medical condition and so often not talked about. That is the REAL PROBLEM!!

    trooworld Boy I can relate re: your boss. When I retired from my job at the high school (secretary) 9 years ago I had a boss just like that (maybe even worse if you can imagine). Actually she is the reason I retired a year earlier than I was going to. Just couldn't see myself working for her any longer. Yesterday I heard from my dear friend and ex-colleague that "the boss" has finally been given a choice - either quit/retire or be fired. Finally she has a "boss" with enough guts to get the job done!! Wonderful news for all who work for her. Just wish it had happened about 10 years ago. Here's hoping you'll get similar news soon!! In the meantime, try not to let her "get to you". It won't help the cause and it certainly won't help YOU!! Folks like that are not likely to change!!

    Well I'd better get my house tidied up and head outside - rain or shine. Oh, please --- SHINE!!

    Cheers, Carol
  • shonat11
    shonat11 Posts: 170 Member
    Trooworld, glad your back is on the mend
    Cbabie,so sorry to hear you're feeling low. I've had times like that in the past but am better now. I Hope you find the right help or something /some way to feel better .
    Just a quick post tonight as really tired and looking forward to zzzzzzzzz
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all. TGIF! We made it! I am so glad it is Friday. I'm going to go to a yoga class tomorrow I think. Tonight, I'm going to physical therapy and then relaxing. Bad news at the scale: after 3 weeks of maintaining, I'm up 1 lb. I'll have that off in no time though. Hello to all you lurkers. @theslightedgeforever, where are you? @cbabie I hope your depression is better.

    @cmedwards52 I wish it would rain here. I'm sorry it's raining so much for you! What kind of exercise class is it? re: my work situation...she's actually not my boss, that's the worst part, she's a step above me in ranking but not my boss, she's just someone that has the ability to make my life miserable! lol You are right though, she is not likely to change. And to make matters worse, she is going to be in a bad mood today, and still hasn't discovered my mistake yet, so I'm really stressed. When she finds out, ugh.

    @shonat11 I hope you caught up on sleep. That is soooooo important! Yes, I'm glad my back is feeling better too.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning gals: yesterday was a bust, I didn't have time to eat and when I did I did! Meal prep, meal prep, meal prep.....

    @shonat11 I hope you got some rest>>> One thing is I never give up, I have my days or moments or whatever, but I get up and fight the battle each day.

    @trooworld I am certain you will get that pound off, you are getting your rhythm back!! Thank you I am better today, just anticipating my meeting with my lovely boss...I was so focused on doing everything right and exactly as my boss had said, so I wouldn't get another verbal whipping in my meeting or in email..I forgot a client meeting. THAT HAS NEVER happened to me got work on that. :) ( I did remember in enough time to tell the client I would be 1/2 hour late and they were good with that.) (God's favor) :) I hope you get a surprise and your coworker is busy with someone else..LOL

    @cmedwards52 We could use some of that rain too!! I am glad you are enjoying retirement. I want to be one of those and I believe I will be who enjoy it and never look back on the decision to retire.!!

    Ok gals, have to be at work soon..

    Have a great day!!!

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    I feel like I've fallen down a big black hole. I think hormones. I've not even been tracking the last three days or so. But I started again. Actually I've heard eating your biggest meal at breakfast is a good thing

    trooworld Glad to hear your back is getting better. Hopefully tbe bead librarian won't find out.

    cbabie See how much progress you are making. Baby steps.I saw you were in a pit. I didn't see you in my black hole. Maybe too dark. Mine wasn't depression though just lack of focus.

    shonat11 Good for you for sticking to your calorie level. I was doing well before my vacation but having problems getting back into it.

    cmedwards I think I'd rather have your October weather. But I don't like rain so I'd be complaining about that too. lol What kind of exercise class are you and your sister doing? There is just a bit over 6 years between me and my sister. I've been hanging around the same weight as last week. I'll weigh in officially tomorrow and see. So maybe I know how to maintain if I could just get to goal weight.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all. It's going to be a busy Saturday today. I'm going to go to yoga today with my husband, it will be my first yoga class since the accident. I used to go to yoga at my work, but this class is at my gym so we'll see how it goes. The class is called Hatha/Stretch so I think it will be on the gentler side (I hope at least). I'm going on the blessing of my physical therapist. After that, I need to come home and start cooking for my husband's birthday. We are having Asian meatballs, spring rolls with sweet and sour sauce, dumplings, Thai cucumber salad, and his sister is bringing cupcakes.

    @cbabie I'm glad you are better today. It must be so stressful working for someone like that. I'm glad you were able to the client in time. Luckily, in my case, the student returned the books before my colleague found out. So, I'm safe. I was so relieved!

    @theslightedgeforever good to hear from you. I'm sorry you were down a black hole. I've heard the same thing about breakfast. The head librarian did not find out (see above). I'm lucky!

    @gemwolf110 hey there! Nice to hear from you! That is quite an accomplishment, 30 miles great job! And great cause too. :) I'm glad you seem to be enjoying your life. Take care.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    gemwolf Nice profile pic Wow on the 30 mile bike ride. Good cause both of my parents were diabetic

    trooworld How was yoga? As I age I need to do that more. Flexibility go hand in hand with cardio and strength training. Your dinner sounded good
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    theslightedgeforever: The class is a bootcamp of sorts focusing on strength and conditioning with some cardio. We did weights and rowing yesterday. Was a very good workout. Pretty sore today but its a "good" kind of sore. The next class is Monday. Planning to attend. I have a bit of a conflict however. I thought it was going to be a cardio class and was surprised its strength and conditioning. My conflict is my DD is a personal trainer and has a gym in her home. I know I could train there with her and for free and I am concerned that she may feel "hurt" that I'm going with my sister to this gym and paying for my time there. My great-nephew is the trainer and he is very good but not as good as Shauna (DD). I am really torn. I really want to spend the time with my sister but I don't want to hurt my DD. Not sure just what to do. And of course there is the other side - I don't want to hurt my sister either by not going with her because I could go to Shauna's. Any advice anyone??
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    @cmedwards52 I think you should be upfront with your daughter and tell her just what you said to know she is a great trainer, but your sister wants to do this with you and you want to spend healthy time with her. There will come a time you can spend time with your daughter training. (or great-nephew) This is sister time, not anything else. There is no reason for hurt feelings, you raised your daughter and I am sure she has a good head on her shoulders. I do understand, I have 2 daughters that I for years have walked on this same road. It's not a road I want to stay on.
