

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member

    I tracked again yesterday, I was over my goal a little, but I tracked. I also got new yesterday from my blood test...all is good except..I am per-diabetic. So now the challenge begins.

    @trooworld Great job in tracking everything. Good on the sleep, I didn't get much sleep, but have to be at work soon. I am going to go walk and get ready for work.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all. I hope you are well, especially you lurkers. Happy Weds! Two more days.

    I'm doing pretty well. I bought these ice cream sandwiches from Walmart that are 250 calories, I think I will cut them in half, half is really all I need to be satisfied, and it would be a nice treat for 125 calories. Even with the ice cream sandwich, I ended up being 176 calories under for the day yesterday, I hadn't been under in a while so that was nice. I should be under again today, as long as nobody brings in any free food today at work. I have a plan if someone does: after discovering the free food, take a 5 minute walk and think about it mindfully, if I still want it, have a small portion of it and eat it in my office with no distractions (not while working, just enjoy it).

    Well, have a good day everyone!
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Everyone
    Haven't been here for a few days. Very busy in my garden with this absolutely beautiful weather. Supposed to change back to rainy as of tomorrow so one more day in the yard today plus I'll have my little granddaughters this afternoon so a recipe for a good day ahead.
    This has been a challenging week. We were away on a little golf holiday last week and I managed to do ok but for some reason having a tough time getting back on track. The cals and carbs are ok but I've had wine every night with dinner and I think that is coming back to haunt me a bit. Need to be VERY good today and tomorrow if I'm going to have a loss at weigh-in Friday morning. Also need to make sure I exercise both days and drink LOTS of water. Wish me luck.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    cbabie yaaay on your tracking and fruit ice cream. I find it faster to track on my phone especially when it suggest foods that are normally eaten with a particular food. I'm a creature of habit.

    trooworld Cutting your ice cream sandwich in half was a good idea. I like your plan for free food.

    cmedwards What are you growing in your garden? You sound like you have a good plan to get back on track.

    I have a social event tomorrow night. My plan is to be picky what I choose and small portions.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all! I did it! I finally went to the gym last night for the first time since the accident. I just did the recumbent bike, but it was something. For 20 minutes. I'm probably going again tonight. I tracked everything yesterday. I hope for a great weigh in tomorrow.

    @cbabie great job on the tracking. It sounds like you have a new motivation, a new "WHY". By the way, if you all haven't heard his podcast, Fatdag (WW leader and Connect star) has a free podcast that is very good: Whys Advice: He has a free app in the Google Play store for android and one coming out for apple soon, for the podcast. I like it a lot. He always says to focus on your "WHY"...why did you get started on this journey?

    @cmedwards52 I love wine. I make a spritzer with 50% wine, 50% diet 7up.

    @theslightedgeforever I did cut my ice cream sandwich in half last night and you know what, I survived! lol I didn't miss the other half. Well, maybe a little, but oh well, I got over it. I like your plans for your social event. And focus on the conversation, always have a glass of water in your hand too.
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    theslightedgeforever: Our garden. We grow carrots, beets, gr. beans, peas, cucs, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and herbs as well as lots of flowering shrubs and annuals. We have a quarter acre yard all, if I do say so myself, meticulously landscaped. Lots of work but we love it. Its our favourite place to be and we are able to use it year round, even in the winter. Yes, in CANADA!! LOL

    As of yesterday I have another motivation to be VERY good for at least the next 4 weeks. I was told yesterday that there is something special planned for my 65th birthday coming up July 5th. I am to keep Saturday, July 8th open so I suspect my daughters and DH are planning a party, probably here in our backyard. If that won't keep me in control of my eating/drinking/exercising not sure what will.

    Have a good one.

    Cheers, Carol
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Okay I totally blew it last night. I have found my triggers though...PASTA, I have to stay away from that, it causes me to crave carbs and sweets. So today is another day and now that I know that, my food plan will be different.

    @cmedwards52 your garden sounds wonderful. Glad you have a goal, it always keep me on track. (if it's a reasonable goal) lol

    @theslightedgeforever How did your social go?

    @trooworld yea for you, I am sure it feels good to be doing something you used to do before the accident.

    Okay gals I am stressing I have a meeting with my boss and I usually come out of those meetings feeling not worth going to make sure I take GOOD food and not get into the trail mix or the birthday cake from yesterday. Maybe I will go out for a walk, it's hot, but it might be worth the sweat. :)

    Have a great day.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Hi all! Well, I weighed in exactly the same, which is 3 weeks in a row that I've weighed this. That's okay, it's better than a gain...I guess I'm practicing for maintenance lol. I'm glad it's Friday and time to reset my eating plan clock. Not that I had a terrible week, but I have a chance to correct the misteps from last week. Well, I hope everyone has a great day.

    @cbabie ah pasta! That's good you realize that about it. Good luck with your meeting. It sounds like you have a good plan to handle it, I'm sorry about you feel after the meetings with the boss, you shouldn't have to feel that way.
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning!!! It has been a while since I have posted but I have been trying to keep up with reading most of the posts. So far I am having a busy summer and every once in a while start to feel a little over whelmed with everything. Since my darling husband passed a couple of years ago, I have had to keep up with all the yard work. I love to work outside but it gets to be a bit much sometimes. I have a small garden this year and I planted cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, onions. I have cilantro that came back up this year and I attempted to plant just a few potatoes, but they are not doing very well. I also have an above ground pool and I am trying to get it ready to swim in. One of my grand-daughters car broke down so I have been taking her to work 3 or 4 times a week. I have not been doing very well on my exercising but that will have to change. I found out a couple of years ago that I am pre-diabetic and the doctor said to watch my carbs and exercise. I spoke to a really nice dieticican and she told me to have around 130 carbs a day, so we will see how that goes. Well I am going to go for now. I hope everyone has a great day!!!!!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    trooworld Yaaaay on going to the gym You're becoming a new you. What other non scale victories have you had? Time to switch things up if you are maintaining.

    cmedwards Your garden sounds lovely. So lucky for the fresh veggies. What's your average temp? I always think of Canada as really cold in the wintertime.

    cbabie I've been having good success with using zucchini and cauliflower instead of pasta. I made a really good veggie pizza today. I need to learn how to make a good cauliflower crust.

    lore Good to see you. Oh I see you have a garden too. Sounds like a lot of us are prediabetic on here. Yes, I need to recommit to my exercise program.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning: Well I fought depression last night and the food one. I intend to do some food prep today to keep me out of trouble. I didn't to too bad at work. I have decided not to put in words, about my's better not said. So I changed my profile picture to help remind me. LOL

    @trooworld You got this. You have done so great with all that life has thrown at you the last couple of months.
    @lore11a I am so glad to hear from you. I can't imagine life without my DH, you are one great grandma. When you get overwhelmed. Just know you can only do one thing at a time and pick that one thing and then feel accomplished when you finish it. Then you can move to the next one thing, :)
    @theslightedgeforever yes back to are lagging in steps.. LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Good morning ladies (and lurking gentlemen)! Happy Saturday. Today's not too busy of a day, I have to dye my hair and go grocery shopping. Other than that, just put together a medicine cabinet and maybe do some reading and enjoy myself. I hope you enjoy your day as well. Tonight for dinner, I am making pad thai, which is Thailand's most popular noodle dish in case you've never heard of it. I am practicing because DH wants me to make it for his birthday along with panang curry (his birthday is June 20th). Working with rice noodles is tricky, so I want to do a trial run.

    @lore11a nice to hear from you! It must be nice to have a garden, I would love to even have containers with plants but my apartment gets no sun, so no plants. :( It sounds like you have a busy life right now.

    @theslightedgeforever Other NSVs, this last week, I suppose I could count resisting free food (bread and cheese brought in last week), yesterday at a business lunch I ordered a veggie burger with a side salad while everyone else ordered lasagna, that's about it that I can remember off the top of my head.

    @cbabie food prep sounds like a good plan. I try to do that on Sundays for the week, and when I do do it, it helps tremendously. I like your profile pic, it's a great reminder. Thanks, cbabie. I'm trying. I think the scale will start to go down again, it's just a matter of time, I just need to keep on keepin on.
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Ladies

    So this is not weight-loss related in the least but I thought I'd run this by you and see what you'd do. Here's the scenario.

    Look outside this morning around 9 and noticed the two 12 year old twin boys and their buddy, dressed in their pajamas and slippers, climbing out the bathroom window, on to the roof of their two-storey home, across the street.

    They have been our neighbours for the last 7/8 years or so. We don't know them real well but have often chatted with them and their siblings and parents and they know us well enough to have asked, on at least one occasion, if they could come in and wait for their parents when they forgot their key. We of course invited them in and contacted their parents. About to order them pizza for dinner when their older sister came home. So, we are, in no way, strangers.

    They proceeded to run the ridge of the roof, climb on the chimney to take photos etc. My question to you ladies is: would you have said or done anything???

    Here's what I did. I called over to them saying "Hey guys, are your parents home?" Response: "No!" Me: "Are they ok with you climbing on the roof?" Response: "If its dry, we can but if its slippery (had just quit raining) we are not allowed." Me: "so, if I called your Dad right now he would tell me its ok?" Response: "If its dry, he doesn't care and anyway we are going in now." Me: "good idea".

    I don't think I overstepped. It does, after all, take a village to raise children. If anyone is annoyed I did what I did, I don't care. I would rather have them and/or their parents angry with me than to have one or all of those young boys seriously hurt from something I could have protected them from. If they were my children I would be very appreciative to hear a neighbour stepped in on my behalf.

    Anyway, if you'd like to comment, love to hear from you.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    @cmedwards52. I would have done the same thing. I would think if the parents are responsible and love their kids (which I am sure they do) they would be glad I care enough to speak up,
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks cbabie. I felt about the same as the day I stopped (at least for the moment) a young man I knew from the highschool where I worked, from buying beer. I was at the checkout at our local liquor store when I say him come in the front door. I saw and recognized him and he saw and recognized me. I thought that might be enough for him to head right back out that front door but no he came in. I thought about it for a nanosecond and then said to the clerk: "Just an FYI but you might want to check the ID of that young man who just walked in. He is a student at the highschool where I work." Here in BC the legal age to buy alcohol is 19. I waited outside to see what happened and as expected he left the store without any liquor. I didn't even feel bad since I knew I would have felt VERY bad if I'd not said anything and then heard he had killed himself and/or someone else in an alcohol related car accident. I felt quite sure he would still manage to get his beer should he want to but it wouldn't be with any help from me. After all, I was the adult, he the child!!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    Here's the WW meeting highlights.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    edited June 2017
    cbabie Yes on the exercise and steps. Summer is hard for me. But it is what it is so I just need to do it.

    trooworld I have heard of Thai Pad but haven't eaten it. I'm not very adventurous when it comes to food. You have a lot of great NSVs.

    cmedwards On the roof thing.....When my son was 3 and 4 he used to crawl out the window all the time and go on the roof. My neighbors would call and I would say thank you. At 5-6 he was tying sheets together to make a rope and would climb down to the ground from second floor. I appreciated my neighbors call No amount of punishment worked with this child. Lots of trips to ER. He's now 27. Yes on the alcohol thing too.

    I lost 1.3 lbs this week so onto next week. Total of 31 lbs from highest weight.

  • shonat11
    shonat11 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi everyone . Is it too late to join this discussion? It seems to me that you give each other lots of support and I'd love to be part of that if possible. I've done WW in the past but am now tracking exclusively on MFP.
    I'm 48 and trying to get down to a healthy weight /BMI. I like exercising though am confined to walking for now after recent surgery. I have a problem with emotional eating and tend to snack loads.
    My "personal challenge " is to stop eating between meals.
    As I said I'd love to join in your discussion and hear from you.
    Good luck to you all
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Happy Sunday!!

    @trooworld..That was a very smart thing to do, cutting your icecream sandwich in two. I tend to have a mentality of all or nothing. Lol. How did your Thai Pad turn out?


    @theslightedgeforever..Thank you for posting the WW videos. They are really good. Congratulations on your weightloss.

    @cbabie..Good job on tracking your food. Even if you go over you are still being accountable. Thank you so much for saying I am a good grandma. You made my day. You are so sweet to say so.

    @cmedwards52..It is sometimes hard to know what is the right thing to do in different situations. Concerning the small boys climbing on the roof, "Great Job"!!!! Personally I don't think they should be on the roof even if it is dry.

    @shonat11..Welcome. I tend to want to do my snacking at night..not good!! Lol.

    Does anyone else ever get tired of measuring and weighing all their food, besides me? Sometimes I think it would just be nice to just eat and not worry about how many calories are in this and that. I have found out though, that doesn't work for me. Sometimes it doesn't seem like we eat as much as we do. It all adds up. Everyone have a wonderful day!!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Morning all! I'm having some lower back pain today pretty bad, I don't know what is going on, it's right at the base of my spine and it hurts with movement. I might have to go to urgent care today. grrrrr medical things! I've had enough. I have things to do today, I don't need to deal with pain too.

    @cmedwards52 I would have said something as well. I'm sure their parents would have appreciated it.

    @theslightedgeforever congratulations, you are making great progress!

    @shonat11 never too late to join! Welcome! I'm 48 too, I also used to do WW now just do MFP. One thing that helps me eat less between meals, actually a couple things: eat lots of protein with my meals, drink lots of water, keep busy. Again, welcome! I'm glad you are here. :)

    @lore11a thanks, it works out okay to cut it in half. The pad thai turned out really well. I bought shrimp with the heads still on (which I was really squeamish about), because I needed to make shrimp stock for the pad thai. We had the pad thai with some dumplings from the asian market. Yum! I go through spurts where I get sick of weighing and measuring and I do quit weighing and measuring and I guesstimate things...and guess what? I don't do so well and it shows on the scale. So...back to weighing and measuring I go. I see you have had the same experience. lol