

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,590 Member
    Morning! I hit the depression wall on Friday and Sat....UGH...but God is working and I have been vertical since Sunday AM...well except to sleep last night. only got up 1 time..better than usual. I am making tiny baby steps toward life in general. I decluttered one of my closets yesterday...little by little..

    @TrishasTime Such beautiful flowers! Glad your friend has you as her friend. Great start of your morning with 5000 steps...I am only at 2609 and I have to jump in the shower for my 9am meeting.. I think I am in meetings most of this day..UGH.

    @theslightedgeforever Great job on walking the mall and outside. I haven't been to a mall in forever..mostly here at home or church..or in a car. LOL

    @cmedwards52 Glad you are feeling better. I could never get knitting down too well. I did okay for a short stint, but crocheting has been one of my favorite yarn hobbies. I hope you enjoy your time!!

  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning All

    So frustrated here today. Just can't get that darn scale to go DOWN. I was doing really well in the Fall but then Christmas happened and I am having a really hard time getting back on track. I am up 7 pounds since December and it just doesn't want to move. Why is it so easy to put back on and so, so hard to take off again. Pretty sure it will help if I continue to post here. Thank you my friends, for "listening"!!

    cbabie: doesn't it make you feel good when you have accomplished a "decluttering (or as I like to call it -dejunking) job? Good for you. Keep feeling better and "little by little" works just fine!! I love to crochet also. It always seems much faster than knitting. I knit lap blankets for a couple of the local Nursing Homes. They are always so grateful and that's a WONDERFUL feeling.

    Have a good one,

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @cbabie - I hope with all these meetings that you are making time for your health. Decluttering is a wonderful thing

    @cmedwards52 - Have you used other signs like measurement etc?? I tried crocheting to give my hands something to do at night and my squares look lik blobs, so I have kinda given up

    I am at home today, my foot is slightly swollen and I could not get into my shoes, so I will rest up most of the day

    Catch you all later

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,244 Member
    edited February 2018
    Trishastime Super Bowl is always on Sunday so most people are off if they have the weekends off. I was celebrating because Eagles won. I just didn’t want Patriots to win another. What is Australia’s national sport? Cricket? Rugby? Hope your foot is better

    Cbabie. I spent the last two days being lazy. Along with that came food. Sigh. So no laziness for me tomorrow. Although I have to say I did walk an hour one of those days so half lazy on that day I don’t knit or crochet. I had an impatient left handed mother :). I was reading a book on sorting and decluttering this morning. It says most people think that to declutter is to throw things out. It’s actually keeping the things you love I’m trying to tie that thought in with body clutter

    Cmedwards. I hear you on the weight. My struggle is food right now. I used to have a pause button. Don’t know where that went. Maybe I need to go buy a new one Very nice of you on the lap blankets. For Canada I’m assuming hockey? As a young girl I went to one hockey game. Very exciting

    WW meeting highlights
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,055 Member
    @TrishasTime how nice of your neighbor to send the flowers and champagne! I bet that brightened your day.

    @theslightedgeforever hahaha that's pretty funny I wish!

    Hi all! I'm back. Boy, did I have fun in Colorado with my best friend. We went shopping, did a lot of walking, but we also went out to eat and made food for the Superbowl. I just know I'm going to have a gain on Thursday, but I'm going to eat as healthy as I can between now and then and not just throw in the towel. We did make the Superbowl food with reduced fat items wherever we could, but that only helps so much. I just don't want to be back to square one. Please don't let me be back to square one!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,590 Member
    Morning everyone.

    Good to see all on the board, even me. LOL I sometimes don't do as planned. It's been a weird morning so no walking and I had a bagel for breakfast...but life goes on.

    @trooworld Glad you had fun and you are back!!!
    @theslightedgeforever You will get back on track, I have faith in you...yes you had the left handed teacher...I learned in a book...before the left handed teacher knew how...LOL
    @TrishasTime Oh, I am sorry about your foot..keep it elevated. Yes I am trying to make little changes every day. Thank you for asking!
    @cmedwards52 I like the dejunking, LOL I saw something on FB today and it was good, it said
    "When the world says, "give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time"......You can do this!!

    Okay have a great day


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,055 Member
    @cbabie I'm glad to be back. Life does go on, just track that bagel and move on. I love that quote (...Try it one more time...).

    Hi all! I had a healthy dinner last night and it felt good. I'm back on track and I'm so glad. I do weigh in tomorrow, and although I haven't peeked at the scale, I just know it isn't going to be pretty because how can it be pretty when I'm so in the negative? (-89 SPs) There is a part of me that is hopeful, but the realist in me says don't be a fool.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,590 Member
    Morning: I did my walk today, I am up to 5042 steps. I drank my protein shake and getting ready to log it.

    @trooworld You know even IF you have a gain or stay the will be different next week. This is not a forever act in your play!! :)

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,244 Member
    Trooworld. Sounds like a really good trip. You at least tried to make better choices with reduced fat items for Super Bowl. Think of past Super Bowls. You will get back on the train and be a loser again. Who knows you might have just maintained. If you flew, that causes a little water retention too. At least you tracked if you know you are in the negative

    Cbabie good to see you so upbeat. I always learn better out of a book than if someone shows me. Maybe the trauma from this experience :)

    I have had a rough couple of days. I think I’m decompressing from the strain of the last month or so. The last 3-4 days I’ve done nothing but watch Netflix. Seriously. Along with that came mindless eating. I’m in the negatives too but unlike Trooworld I didn’t track. But the body keeps count.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,055 Member
    @cbabie thanks! :)

    @theslightedgeforever true true. I weighed in. I'm keeping you all in suspense. I'm sorry that you are having a rough couple of days. Don't end up going down the rabbit hole, try tracking your next meal? Start now. You don't want to disappear and end up 10 lbs heavier, do you? I don't want that for you.

    Okay, enough holding you all in suspense. I weighed in and I maintained! I weighed exactly what I weighed last week! I am so relieved. I just knew I'd gain 5 lbs or more. I think it really helped to track it all and it helped to get right back on the healthy eating train once I got home. Have a good day, everyone!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone

    @trooworld - glad you had a nice trip sith your friend, spending time with friends is very important
    @cbabie - How are you today?, great walking 5000 steps
    @theslightedgeforever - I believe that is our body telling us that our mind needs a break. I can understand the mindless eating though. Today is a new day

    Today is Friday - we will go and see NBL tonight. Not expecting a loss tomorrow byt hope to stay the same (please please)

    Catch you all later


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,055 Member
    @TrishasTime thanks! What is NBL? I hope you have a nice time.

    Hi all! I'm glad it is Friday. We are celebrating Valentine's Day tomorrow, we are making champagne risotto and sundried tomato, spinach & cheese stuffed chicken breasts and for dessert, I'm making pots de creme (which is a chocolate dish sort of like mousse or souffle). It should be fun. That's all I have planned this weekend. How about you?
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,590 Member
    Morning guys: I am in such a funk...I can't get control. I almost got on here last night and said I can't do this...I am who I am, I weigh what I weigh...I will never move on...but you know with each new day, you get up and more try. I don't know what is going on with me...this is such a struggle...I just want to stop my brain and my mind from thinking!!!!

    @trooworld Sounds like you got it all planned, GREAT job. congratulations on the no gain no loss!!!
    @TrishasTime Thanks, I actually made 10 K that day before going to bed...but yesterday was a totally different story..LOL in agreement with you for maintaining!!
    @theslightedgeforever what gives with us...we are usually never alike..LOL

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - I am slightly jealous - I do not think we have celebrated Valentines day for over30 years. My husband declares it is too commericalised and it is what he does everyday that matters - not just on that one day (which is true). Ihave a good 360+ days of each year with him

    @cbabie - I can only send out cyber hugs, you go through life the best you can, please do not compare yourself to anyone, they are not you.

    Today I going with GD for an hour drive. She is on learners so if I do not get back here - you know I did not survive (lol m- only gidding)

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,055 Member
    @cbabie don't give up, you are so close! Today IS a new day. It is a struggle, I know, I find it hard some days too, but the time is going to pass whether we try to lose weight or not, we might as well be fighting the good fight rather than be gaining weight, right? Thanks, I'm happy I didn't have a gain too. We'll see how I do this week--- I'm having a very indulgent dinner tonight! ;)

    @TrishasTime Hi there! Well, my husband feels a bit this way, but I kind of would throw a fit if we didn't celebrate it lol so he goes along with my plans. I hope you have a nice drive! I know it can be nervewracking to drive with a new driver.

    Hi all! Well, we changed the dessert to fudgy brownies, my husband was watching a tv show that was making brownies and that put him in the mood for brownies today so pots de creme another day! I don't know how I will time risotto and stuffed chicken breasts cooking at the same time. I'll work it out somehow... Happy Saturday, everyone!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,244 Member
    Trooworld. Woohoo on maintaining. I feel like I’ve told you before. Maybe I started a post and didn’t finish it. Oh well. Isn’t that a great feeling. I have have gained back 9.5 lbs since fall. But always the chance to start over right. The rest of my weekend plans is my son and hubby are taking me out to dinner for my bday Calories don’t count on your bday Although tonight I was thinking okay so you can reach your goal by 55. Then the thoughts came you said that for 50, 45, 40, and 35 :( That’s really sad and disgusting. What wasted years The fudgy brownies sounded better. Lol

    Trishastime I remember those days of teaching my son to drive. We had to log 20 hrs 20 hrs of me watching him not know what a brake is for or waiting til the last moment to use it. When it got time for my daughter I paid someone. Lol. My husband feels the same about Valentines Day ugh. He gives me the same song and dance “but I show you love everyday not just one”. I give him the same song and dance but I want the chocolates dang it But I’ll keep him.

    Cbabie. Here’s a good podcast for you to listen to. That really means listen to it. There will be a quiz later.

    How about thinking and recording in your journal all the ways you have gained control. Doing good for 23 hrs and then messing up for 1, you will look at that one and declare the whole day a disaster.

    Okay off to do some other stuff
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,055 Member
    @theslightedgeforever thanks, yes always a new chance to start again. If we aren't trying, the time passes anyway so might as well try, right? Happy birthday!!! No, calories don't count! :) The fudgy brownies were worth every point...I used 71 points yesterday and I can honestly say I don't regret any of them. Everything was delicious and worth it! I'm -20 points, but I'll hopefully catch up a little bit by Thursday with rollover points.

    @gemwolf110 gemwolf! Hi! Nice to "see" you. Those are great goals, good luck!

    Hi all, last night went really well. I was perplexed as to how to time the risotto and the stuffed chicken but it all worked out perfectly. Unfortunately, I was smooching on my husband and he woke up with a cold, so I hope I don't end up sick. :( I don't have any sick time or vacation time left. Well, have a good day everyone! Here's a pic of last night's dinner...l9ykc4oxzolu.jpg
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,244 Member
    edited February 2018
    Gemwolf. Great goals there. Now be more specific. I just listened to a podcast talking about goals and how we write them Your brain needs to know exactly what you will do to be successful so it doesn’t have to make so many decisions during the day which depletes our energy. It says make the decision once and stick to it Then your brain will help you stick to it

    So how often will you check in with us? Once a week? Twice a week?

    How often will you exercise? When will you exercise? Before work. After work?

    How will you eat healthier? Add more greens? Stay under X amount of calories/carbs/points/ whatever you count? No nighttime snacking? Whatever you think will help you lose weight and stay healthy

    Hubby and I eloped I say save the money for a nice honeymoon or something big for your house. It lasts longer than the actual wedding. What field of study are you going to be doing?

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,244 Member
    edited February 2018
    Birthday Brxxxxxx
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,244 Member
    Trooworld The food all looks good. We went to a steakhouse and I had ribs and salad. Ate 1/2 my serving of Mac and cheese because I never make that here anymore. I might do a cauliflower “Mac” and cheese Never tried that. Then DH asked me if I wanted dessert but after hearing you talk about brownies that’s all I wanted. Just a simple brxxxxxx. So I said not at the steakhouse but I did want one from DQ with hot fudge. Something plain and simple and I would really enjoy. I didn’t want to make a pan at home because I’m the one that would eat them all and I only need one. So I took him over there. It was a new one closer to the house and when we got there. The sign said Coming soon. Noooooooooo. I thought they had opened already. It was in a strip mall and looked finished to me. I was so disappointed. He kept saying how about baskin Robbins. Let’s get ice cream No I want a brxxxxxx. I’m the kind that once I have my taste set for something I may eat other things but won’t be satisfied so now I know not to waste the calories. So I went home. Still thinking about that brxxxxx though. Maybe I could make homemade brxxxxxs. No cause I only need one. So I thought. Oooh brxxxxxx in a mug. Pinterest. I made it. Blech. That was not a brxxxxxx lol. So as you can see I’m still thinking about those darn brxxxxxs. Although now I realize I’ve said it so many times I have you all wanting one too. Sorry. Troo started it. :) I went back and tried to make it easier for you. Here’s my attempt above. I ate half. I kept taking another bite hoping it would get better.

    I gained almost another lb. this has to stop. So I’ve already preplanned my meal for tomorrow. I will do some sort of strength training