

  • beebomb3
    beebomb3 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I am also coming from WW as the program wasn’t working for me - the restrictiveness and weird points allotted to healthy foods was triggering binges and, well, feeling like a total failure! :) I’ve been on MFP for a few days now and already feeling like this is a much more manageable program for me. <3
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Hi guys,

    I am getting on late tonight. I have been crazy busy. Sundays are hard for me to get on as I am usually at church starting at 7 and don't get home until about 12:30-1. I have been doing a little better with my eating. I didn't exercise Sunday and today. Yesterday was one of my granddaughters birthday. (19)....LOl we had to go out so people could sing to's all about her!!! :(

    @TrishasTime glad I always hated going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark. I hope you had a good day.

    @trooworld Sorry I am here, just didn't make it on this morning!. I am glad you got to will do fine on your trip. I also say you know its not like you will be living there from now on, just don't binge, but enjoy.

    @beebomb3 Welcome!!! So glad you found us. I did WW for a long time and got to lifetime, but still needed the accountability and friendships. So we started this group, I didn't like the connect thing. So come visit regularly, we like to get on here everyday and I don't always make it, but I do try. LOL Glad that MFP is working for you!!

    @Devinpa Welcome!! I am so glad you joined us. We love the company. You can do this, you learned the core values at WW, just apply the tracking and accountability here. WW when I was there, taught good habits, but it is more than points, it is about health.

    Okay gals, I hope you all had a great day.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    trooworld Maybe cbabie and I are the same person like clark kent and superman. lol Now you don't want to undo all your hard work and losses over this Colorado trip. Nor do you want to eat like rabbit and not enjoy yourself. Find the balance in the middle. Think portion control. If it's an unhealthy food, eat just half. Think of the free foods you can eat and incorporate those at restaurants. Chicken breasts, fish, fruits, veggies, and beans. Take some walks with your friend. Burn off the extra calories. Pick one meal a day to not worry about food but then the other two meals need to be OP. It can be done. Maybe a goal of maintaining your weight is realistic.

    @Devinpa Welcome to the group. Maybe try measuring all your food and counting calories for awhile will work for you. I stopped WW because I'm prediabetic and the dr told me I need to count carbs. Now I'm trying to eat alot more like Freestyle. I want to count fiber grams though. I was on a losing streak this past summer but then things slowed and now have stopped and backed up. Part of the reason was I quit pretracking my food. That works so well what are you doing for cardio?.

    trishastime Send me your fitbit i fo so I can add you. Good for you on all those steps.

    @beebomb3 Welcome to the group. Finding the right program for ourselves is half the battle. The other half is actually following the program. So you have found a starting place here with us. Are you consistent in tracking your foods each day? I used to be so good at that and now this month I've only been halftracking. So back to it for me.

    I need to get back to earning my stickers.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,022 Member
    @Devinpa Hi and welcome! I'm so glad you joined us! I'm currently on Freestyle as well. One thing that helps me with the zero points foods list is that I don't consider them free. What I mean is: I still track the zero points foods (as zero, but still I weigh/measure them out and track them) and I eat a sensible portion of them. For instance, 4 oz of chicken breast, 5 oz of salmon, etc. I also make sure and PREtrack my food every morning before work. That way, all I have to do is adjust it throughout the day. It helps tremendously. If you aren't already doing this, you might give it a go, it might help you. It may also help you to track in calories for a while to see if you are eating enough calories for your range...perhaps you aren't eating enough? Perhaps you are eating too much? You never know what you will discover. Again, welcome! :)

    @TrishasTime thanks, yes, I think I will just do the best I can do and enjoy myself. I hope you have a great day at work!

    @beebomb3 welcome! I'm glad you are here. We are a lively group. Make sure and bookmark us.

    @cbabie thanks, I don't think I will binge but I know I will get goofy around my friend. I'll have a great time!

    @theslightedgeforever lol! Those are good ideas, thanks. It's only 3 days, I'm sure I'll be fine.

    Hi all! I am so tired. I worked 10 hours yesterday and will work 10 hours today, I'm making up some time for taking off on this coming up Friday. I made a good salmon dish last night, it would have been really high in cals/points but I adapted it to my way of eating. Win! Have a good day, everyone!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Morning all!
    I felt so good about myself last night. I did not eat after 6:10!!! That's a win for me.

    @trooworld I know you will have fun and you will enjoy your time off...
    @theslightedgeforever which one is superman...LOL

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning all

    @trooworld _ Snap - I did a 10 hour day yesterday, but did not finish up eating as healthy as you - I called in takeaway pizza :(

    @theslightegdeforever - How is your MIL going?

    @cbabie - I hope you had a nice time with your GD for her 19th.

    @beebomb3 - you need to do what works for you- let us know how you go

    Okay back at work again today - hope you all have a fabulous day

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    edited January 2018
    Trishastime. I took my mil to the dr and we got her a chest X-ray. We will know results soon. Her blood oxygen levels were at 97%. Came home with a couple of inhalers and antibiotics. Hopefully she will get better soon

    Cbabie. You know which one is Superman.

    Trooworld. You look like you are making some new habits with food. Good for you

    I did 30 min treadmill and stayed within calories

    Plus I got a sticker. Onto tomorrow
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,022 Member
    @cbabie that's great, congratulations! Yes, I'm sure I will and I'm sure the time will fly by!

    @TrishasTime well, we can have a treat once in a while, right? Was it good?

    @theslightedgeforever I hope your MIL gets better soon. Thanks, yes good habits.

    Hi all! I'm glad yesterday was over, it was a bit stressful (because it was long and hectic and I didn't get to do what I wanted to do at work). We ended up not wanting to cook, so we bought flatbreads and made flatbread pizzas, which fit nicely into my plan. I'm hoping for a loss tomorrow, but we'll see. Sometimes it's a crap shoot.
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning All: I'M BACK!!!

    Haven't posted here for a very long time. Can't even remember the last time actually. A few life challenges in the past few months. My DFIL passed away last September so DH and I have been busy settling his affairs. Happy to say the house is sold, most of his paperwork has been completed with the exception of his income tax for 2017 but we will leave that up to our accountant. Now its just making sure DMIL is properly cared for in the Nursing Home where she resides and has done so for the past 9 years. She suffers from advanced Alzheimer's. According to her medical charts, the only thing she can do unassisted is, BREATHE!! How very sad for her and us actually. Only good thing about this dreadful disease is she never has to mourn the death of her husband.
    Anyway, I am back on track and need to be. A few pounds gained back over Christmas etc but I will get r done now that things are somewhat back to normal around here. Normal??? I think that's a good thing!! LOL
    Thanks for "listening" and we'll "talk" soon.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    Trooworld. Crapshoot. Lol. I agree 100%. That’s why I think we should think process over progress. We do everything right one week and we still don’t lose so we give up our good habits the next week and say why bother. Had we kept to the process we might have been rewarded with a nice huge loss the second week Losses are much more motivating than gains

    Cmedwards. Welcome back. Sorry to hear about your fil. My sil passed almost 10 days ago suddenly. My mil has Alzheimer’s but she’s still with it at times and knows her daughter is gone. So I’m glad your mil was spared that grief. So time to get back to our healthy habits. My exercise habit is getting better. Now onto the food.

    I lifted weights today. Haven’t done that for a long time. Trying to get back in the swing of things
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,022 Member
    @cmedwards52 welcome back! I'm so sorry to hear about your DFIL. That is sad about your DMIL. What a dreadful disease.

    @theslightedgeforever agreed! I see people on Connect saying, "I did everything right and I didn't lose. I'm quitting." basically. It's too bad...had they stuck it out, they probably would have been fine. Good for you for lifting weights.

    @cbabie I see you! ;)

    Hi all! I lost another pound this week, so I am down a total of 6.5 lbs since December 21st. I am excited that the Freestyle program is working for me! Well...I have a lot going on this morning so I've gotta get going. Just wanted to give the scale report. Have a good day!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Wow guys, I thought I posted yesterday, but I see that I didn't. I am so focused on getting my routine back, that I guess I messed this one up. I ate last night when I got home from church, but it wasn't ice cream..LOL I am in the process of fixing 2 boiled eggs. I am trying to watch my carbs, much better than I have. It's all about the tracking and preparing. I have found that If I don't plan my food I fail..

    @cmedwards52 Welcome back, I am so sorry for your loss. This is when my dad was in the hospital last year. It's a healing process that can't be quickened. :( But we do heal. I am glad you are back, keep posting and use us as your sounding board, encouragement, laughter, sanity..LOL

    @trooworld congratulations on the LOSS!!! are on a roll! So happy for you.

    @theslightedgeforever were there 2 supermans?LOL

    @TrishasTime We had a good dinner and some DH is a child actor when he goes out in public..LOL He acts like a 5 year old instead of a 62 year old. :)

    okay guys have a great day

  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning
    Thank you all for the kind words. We are feeling better. Dad was fighting melanoma for most of 2017 with several surgeries, chemo, radiation etc. In September the cancer invaded his lungs and he passed away on the 21st of that month. On the bright side he was 92 years old and until just 10 days before he passed away, was still living on his own in his own home and still driving his car. As my husband says, "Dad had 92 great years and 2 crappy weeks." That's what we need to focus on. Although we miss him dearly, we have to remember, he really did have a very good life and if we should all be that fortunate, hurray!!
    Have a great day and again, THANK YOU!!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    Trooworld. Hooray on another lb. just keep doing what you are doing.

    Cbabie. Come on you know I’m the fun one. Superman was definitely more fun Glad to see you are focused on YOU. That’s progress.

    Cmedwards. I loved your husbands motto about his dad. Cancer still sucks and is my biggest fear. Oh just realized I’ve kind of crossed that bridge A couple of months ago I was diagnosed with Basal cell on my nose and had a small surgery. I’m talking about the big- C

    I walked 30 min on treadmill I would have been OP but forgot to track a bag of kettle corn. I did meet my step goal
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,022 Member
    @cbabie I'm the same way. I plan my meals out on Thursday or Friday nights for the next week. It helps. Thanks! I am on a roll, I hope with my trip to Colorado this weekend, I don't come to a rolling halt! ;)

    @cmedwards52 wow, it sounds like he had a pretty good life until the end. Again, I'm so sorry.

    @theslightedgeforever thanks! I forgot to track something too, have to go back and track it.

    Hello all. I'm going to visit my best friend today in Colorado. We've been best friends since 8 years old. I haven't seen her for a couple of years. I'll be coming back on Monday morning, so not long enough to do too much damage, but I'll try to keep my goals in mind and do the best I can. I probably won't check in here until Tuesday, so don't call the police or anything lol. I know it will be weird without me here checking in bothering you all. Have a great weekend!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone- been a stressful few days at work and have not had the chance to drop by expect of course to log meals.

    @trooworld - Hope you have a fabulous time :)

    @theslightedgeforever - Glad you are tracking steps - generally I m round 10K but work had me sitting on my but processing end of month, so steps were around 5K

    @cbabie - Yes I need to get back to preparing. Long days kind ogf wipe you out but today is a fresh day and I am doing well
    @cmedwards52 - Hello - I am new to the group, I am from Aussie. Sorry to hear about our FIL but I love your DH motto

    My good new is that I did something for a neighbour who is selling her home as her husband has got a new job several thousand kilometres away. Settlement is Monday and the house inspection came up with some water faults. I got them fixed yesterday and this is what arrived at my office - I am so blessed


    Hope you all have a nice weekend
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    trooworld Hope you are having a good time in Colorado. We are watching you through your phone camera. lol So make good choices.

    trishastime What lovely flowers. Plus you are a good neighbor. You don't find many good neighbors anymore. Most people don't know their neighbors. I see a night of relaxation in your future. I should get in 10000 steps today.

  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    trishastime: Thank you so much and welcome. Looking forward to hearing all about your beautiful country. I live in British Columbia, Canada and needless to say, VERY PROUD of that!! Lucky neighbours you have - the ones moving out and the new ones moving in and they don't even know about you yet (or maybe they do). We also have WONDERFUL neighbours. We have lived in this home for 34 years now and most of our neighbours have been here as long or even longer. The neighbours on either side of us are getting up there in age and we make sure we help them out as much as we can. Very selfish reasons however - we want them to be able to be our next door neighbours for a very long time!! :) We all have large lots so always plenty to be neighbourly about - gardens, snow removal etc.

    Having a good day today. Haven't been feeling well the last couple of days but much better now. I guess whatever it was that was bugging me has run its course. Thank goodness as there is a really nasty flu in these parts.

    Well I'm off now to do a little more laundry and then some knitting while watching some of my favourite TV programs.

    Cheers, Carol

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    Cmedwards. Glad you are feeling a bit better. Sounds like we Americans could learn a lot from Canadians and Aussies. Your neighbors are lucky to have you I will make it a goal this year to get to know my neighbors better

    I walked the mall for 25 minutes and then outside for 35. Went over calories though
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    I hear it is "Superbowl" today - does that mean you get a day off?? I went for a walk with the puppies this morning and found 5000 steps to start the day

    @cmedwards52 - Glad you are feeling better and having a great day. Yes, I remember when all the neighbours used to know and help each other

    @theslightedgeforever _ Nice walking, it will go towards any calories issues. Are you celebrating today?

    I am at work, so this is short, catch you all tomorrow
