

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather, thanks for the tip. I'll check it out. Yes, I can go to the local Sporting Goods store anf try them out.

    Does anyone have experience with the adjustable weight kettle bells. I want to ensure they are safe to use.

    Janetr okc
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Heather - These statutes look so real, they could probably almost be 'in plain sight'. My BF collected rabbits for a while; then she gave it up. I have collected flamingos for about 25 years and have about 70, no 2 are alike. A couple or a few are 'similar' but just not 'the same'. I plan to put them out on the glassed-in porch off our MBR when DH 'finally' gets the carpenter, 'who has a door he'll give us and put it up himself' gets around to it. I'll open the door in the AM; but it has been way too hot to even do that for a little time. Got to stay 'out' of Hobby Lobby since they've had a bunch of them. DDnL#1 took a picture of the display.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Re, you preach it, sister! I was paying big bucks to go to a weight loss center once and was scolded for eating carrots because they have too much natural sugar. Do you really think we got fat eating carrots and grapes? I don't think so. There are those who avoid dairy at all costs, so I can understand someone choosing not to eat yogurt, but I personally still think there's a lot to be said for the old-fashioned food pyramid. It sounds like you and I have similar eating philosophies. Sustainable for life. No more yo-yo-ing.

    Marcelyn , congrats on the ability to set boundaries with your friend/relative. I'm a big proponent of debt-free living myself. People will usually figure it out when there's no other choice. Helping someone in need is one thing, enabling is another. You did good.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited August 2016
    Stronglifts Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X95
    OHP-1X5X 45/50/55/60, 5X5X 55
    DL-1X5X 145

    Kettlebell Swing
    Russian kettle bell swing-19X 10 X 35

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    5 miles
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    @Katla Thanks for the support. About those tomatoes, have you thought about roasting them? Toss them in olive oil and roast on a cookie sheet @ 400 and then freeze for anytime you want a fresh cherry tomato sauce or add in?

    Penny, nice to meet you! What a place to live.... and what a menu! Holy Cow!! Oh wait- there was no cow on it! lol..I was envisioning it all as I read!

    Betty, glad you found your stone. Don't worry, a good jeweler can fix it good as new. I did something similar once... while I was still Engaged! My DH almost had a heart attack!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beautiful day here in NY. Was motivated to repaint our master bedroom today , low humidity every window in the house open and I awoke up rested so why not paint! The gentle blue is now replaced with a very restful sage green which feels fresh! Wonder if I burned many calories moving up and down the ladder?

    My goal to savor my August activities is okay so far (wait it's only August 3!!)
    Well anyway I am proud of myself for calling and rescheduling a get together with a retired colleague because I really want to focus on doing fun things with DD before she flies the coop :s

    When her summer job is over I want to get discount tickets to see Broadway show, visit our favorite museums and take a day trip to the ocean. I think it will be lots of fun to be all spontaneous.

    We shall see, but for now I am making good food choices and intend to stick with it. NYKAREN
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Teri in TN - I felt the same way last May a year ago, when I was at my DYS's wedding. Was about to top at 200lb; never quite got to that; but, so close I could feel it coming. I came home and cried for a solid week; MD put me on a MD ordered and regulated medical weight loss program. I have lost down to 155.5; with about 10lbs to go to reach my goal. We'll discuss it further when my BMI reaches a 'normal' number for my frame and age. A couple of weeks ago, I tried but could not lift a 40lb bag of potting soil and to think I had been toting around that on my body made me really think, 'I do NOT want to EVER let it get this bad again'. I take a lot of medication for a variety of health issues ... all with the 'side effect' of 'weight gain'. Tracking my CI and making sure that I have daily CO is key for me to lose it and keep it off. But, I don't eat back my exercise calories ... it just makes me happy on those days that I go over, to know I have a little cushion. I think my DGDs were trying to 'kill' me by walking on the beach ... I can barely move and when I do ... it hurts.

    Betty - My Mother had the diamond in her engagement ring which was formed into a 'figure 8' and wore it as a necklace. She had to have both the engagement ring and wedding band cut off when she accidentally stuck her hand in a can of hot bacon grease when she went to put the top back on it. The diamond is in the cross-over of the "8". I got it when we put her into an A.L.F. prior to her death. We broke up her household, so she got to see which one of us got what. That made her happy; then we donated the rest to the community center ... she did NOT want others coming through the house such as a garage or estate sale. Three daughters got what we wanted; and, then when we finished our picks; then, what out children had said they wanted became our picks. We did it on a rotating basis to make it fair to each of us.

    She lived on a small town block and owned all 3 houses that were on it. The church bought it and then rented it back to her at a 'great' price (until she either could not live alone or died; whichever came first). They tore down the house that my Daddy had his office in; sold Mimi's house and it got moved out into the country; and, finally decided to tear down the house that I grew up in after debating on what to use it for. One of my HS friends and her husband had the contract to take it down and retain the salvage after the asbestos abatement. However, someone announced to the congregation that 'if' they wanted anything out of the house, they needed to go get it because the decision had been made to tear it down. My friend and her husband had already sold a mantelpiece out of the LR and DR to the people who had bought and were remodeling a house built at the same time and adding a den to the back of it; and, they (church congregation) had taken chain saws to the mantles and surrounds just to see if there were coal bins in any of the FPs. There were 6 fireplaces and 3 chimneys in the house when my Dad purchased it on my oldest sister's 10th birthday (as a surprise for my Mother) who had always wanted to live in a 'big house' one day. When they started going in and pulling down walls, they found all sorts of 'treasures'. Daddy had the bannisters made for the ones missing. There was a 'hidden' closet under the front stairwell where there was bead board. That is where we put our Christmas Decorations. I asked my HS friend if she would see about getting some of the 12" baseboard for me. Both my oldest sister and I had earlier gotten the 2 stained glass windows out of it during times of being remodeled and a screened porch being built. After they found that people had gone into the house after they had put up the 'hazmat notice' and basically raped the house of any and all valuable salvage, they had to re-do the contract. They were pissed to say the least. She found some 'unpainted' baseboard under the stairwell; and I got about 15' of it. Made each sister a coat hanger out of a piece with several hooks and DH had stained it and put a hanger on the back. We've yet to make mine. I'd really like to go to the flea market to see if I could find some of the same type of solid brass door handles it had (or the glass ones).


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Research has shown that people who eat dairy do better at losing weight and keeping it off.

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    @frankiesgirl21 and everyone else, I should clarify that the portions were TINY! Just enough to leave you wanting more. If I'm up a couple pounds it's because entertaining and the throat thing have kept me from jogging for nearly three weeks. I'll be back on my own in Northern Norway from tomorrow, though. If I can't jog, at least I'll be able to put in a good long walk. PROMISE!
    /Penny again :smiley:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Well, ladies my ring saga continues...

    I went to the jewelry clinic at lunch and the nice man looked at my band and cut the thing off without doing me any damage. Then I showed him the stone we had found and he looked at it, then back at the ring and said "This is not your stone." So my jaw dropped and then he said "it is too small for the prongs plus it is a rhinestone!"

    Then my jaw dropped again and he said I should just go back and look some more. Feeling extremely dejected at this point especially after I had told my husband that it had been found, I walked back to the office and slowly started looking again. I was about to head over to the nice lady who had found the rhinestone to tell her and stopped to talk to someone else who had missed the previous excitement. Then SHE started looking with me and within 5 minutes she found something shiny under a book truck we hadn't gotten to searching yet! So I am blessed with two angel co-workers now!

    This stone is larger and sparkly-er and if it is not a diamond I might just use it anyway. But I really do not want a Part 3 to this story--have no desire to compete with Wagner or Tolkien as far as ring sagas go!!!!

    Betty, ever more frazzle-ized and wanting to go home now...
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Howdy ladies! Nothing really to report here in Oregon... Had my TOPS meeting this morning, and came out with a 1.4 lb loss so that was nice.

    Have you all ever been too hungry to fix anything? I will take a nap (for 15 min) maybe then fix lunch. My stomach hurts, and I just don't feel like cooking right now...

  • melaniemetoyer
    melaniemetoyer Posts: 50 Member
    Heather in UK I see you mentioned that you suffer with RA. How does your Dr. treat that? and that research about dairy, does that include an occasional cup of ice cream ;)
    Karen in Virginia I did see something about methotrexate????? when I was trying to find out about the rheumate. I guess the bottom line, (question) is, is it (the rheumate) safe to take, but more importantly, will it help with the soreness in my hands & wrists?
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Becca- congratulations on your loss!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Becca- Nice loss! Sweet dreams! When I am too hungry to cook that is when I turn to cereal or cottage cheese.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    kj love the pics with you all together, those cuties look like a handful but oh so adorable! They are lucky to have you! NYKAREN
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    KJ ~ Lov the pics of you and all the kiddos! You look so young! :)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    I think I would like to join you all here. I am pretty bad with commitment so this will be an exercise in itself. Been an on again off again MFPer for a couple of years. Started with about 50 to lose and currently have 20-25 more to go. Sedentary office job more or less and I hate exercise. Ergo I don't. But it is beginning to take its toll. All that sitting has lead to chronic bursitis in my hip. Looking to get serious about being in better shape and look better too. I was a size 2/4 up until about ten years ago when I just packed on the 50. I may never be that tiny again but I would like to be a hell of a lot better! So, anyway I am married to the world's best man and my true BF. We have a Harley so in the summer that's our place to be. I am from PA and looking forward to getting to know you all but there seems to be a lot of you so that could take awhile. LOL! I am also hypo thyroid so right now I am trying Keto. I have known for awhile I don't feel my best with a lot of carbs even thought they are my biggest weakness! Thanks for taking time to hear from me. Oh, btw I am Tracey. Frankie (as you have probably guessed by now) is my Hubs.

    :)Welcome, Tracey, we are glad you have joined us....why not start small by committing to read this thread every day....it might help you get the mind set and info that you need to get more active...there are lots of ways to burn calories and when you find the one for you, it will be easy. I walk my dogs and take dance classes.

    :) Barbie from NW Washington