

  • MrsGLT
    MrsGLT Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you all for the warm welcome. I haven't quite figured out how all of this works as far as posting and replying but I will.
    I decided to set a few doable goals for August
    1. Track everything no matter how bad it may be.
    2. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day in addition to my morning coffee. I don't drink enough as a rule and I constantly battle swelling in my legs. This Texas heat doesn't help.
    3. Incorporate at least 10 minutes of purposeful movement into my day. I'm really out of shape. I have arthritis in both knees due to my weight and a lifetime of being less than graceful.
    4. And last but not least spend at least 30 minutes a day doing something I love that is just for me. I crochet, sew, quilt, play the piano and love to read. Doing any one of those things for 30 minutes a day would definitely increase my contentment.
    I hope you all have a wonderful Friday evening.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – I read the profile; because it could have been a woman posting her ‘family’ as her avatar (for the 1st time). Like you posting you men …; but, I could not understand why the ‘friend request’ would have shown up in WOMEN 50+ thread. I would have ‘thought’ that would have been sort of a point that it was a thread for WOMEN 50+. I did not accept the friendship. There are so many ‘other’ threads that a man can go to ‘if he is trying to make friends with apparently only females. Still, I would be sort of ‘upset’ … even ‘if’ this thread is ‘open’, like Penny said.

    Before I found this thread; I had gone on a few that looked like they were 'games'. After being on it for a while; and NOT going along with it ... it get 'very sexually explicit' real fast; I deleted it. I could not believe that young women would fall for the remarks made by some of the men. I've 'made' friends with a few here; but, I remember being on FB and getting a friend's (or family's) friends' (or family's) comments that I really did NOT appreciate. The first thing I did was to 'block' my DDnL#1 ... but, that did not stop the several times a day remarks she made and then when someone made a remark back ... I couldn't jump in and say anything; so I decided it was best to 'delete' my account; but, FB still has it 'up' (and there is nothing I can do about it)

    But, I guess that could be true of any 'community' set up under a program/app like MFP.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    :)Lenora, I've gotten friend requests from many people male and female that I don't know. Sometimes I send them a personal message and say that I don't have friends that aren't on the thread I post on and sometimes I just don't accept the request. It has nothing to do with this thread. Sometimes people search for friends who live in a certain place or are a certain age or have a certain number of pounds to lose. They are unlikely to be reading this thread...it's not that interesting to anyone but us.

    <3 Barbie
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    OK, so I won't worry about it. It just 'surprised' me ... and 'how did he come up with my profile or whatever to even ask for a friendship'. I'm not at all FB savvy, so 'communities' associated with an app can sometime make me think I am back in "FB HELL". I had to 'delete' my FB account to prevent an all-out war with a close family members who thinks 'nothing' of posting 'anything she so desires'. We don't tell her 'squat' any longer. I've even told her that 'if' I even hear of something posted about me ... "I'd kick her @$$!" She posts things and do it just to 'get attention' ... such as "I got a job; and, were moving to the beach." When my sister called to ask me about it I told her that I doubted it was true as it had not been brought up and it would surely have been.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 10.29in, 15.2mph, 129mhr, 2.6mi = 77c
    JOG- 50min, 9.49ap/min mi, 6.1-6.4sp, 138ahr, 151mhr, 5.09mi = 501c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.15min, 11.9amph, 147mhr, 1mi = 67c
    ride dome 2 hm, WINDY!!!- 19.43min, 7.8amph, 147mhr, 158c
    total cal 803
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Hello ladies: I have been reading but have not posted for a while. I had company for a week, two of my cousins from CA. We had lots of fun and time to chat. The last time we saw each other was at my mom's 90th birthday three years ago. This week has just been crazy up until today. DH is in SD at a reunion. He will be home tomorrow. He left with the car's brakes grinding occasionally and then when we took the cousins back to the airport in Seattle a warning light came on indicating a failure in the power steering assist. Great! A car with iffy brakes and steering, just what I need. Had to find a repair shop and have it fixed. I think finding a new mechanic after moving is almost as bad as having to find a new doctor. Then our barn cat apparently got chased by a coyote (yes we hear them often and have seen them in our back yard) and ran about 40 feet up into a cedar tree and could not get back down. She was up there for two days and two nights. We called Canopy Cat Rescue and Shaun came out, climbed the tree and rescued her. We are now keeping her shut in the barn at nights. I have done fairly well on food, not so well on exercise.

    Margaret - While my cousins were here we went to Chihuly gardens and glass at the Seattle Center. His creations are amazing and breathtaking. We ate at the Collections Cafe where a lot of his collections are displayed, crazy things like accordions, radios, string dispensers and bottle openers.

    Yeah for Michele and Jake being able to drive again.

    Joyce - Anti-inflammatory diets - I tried this not too long after I was first diagnosed with sarcoidosis. Andrew Weil has a book out called Healthy Aging that includes an anti-inflammatory diet that I liked except at the end he gets into a lot of supplements. The Heart Hospital of SD puts out a list of anti-inflammatory foods and I would think any other cardiac center might do that too. Also if you really want to get into it Self Nutrition Data has a database that when you put in the food you want will give you complete nutrition info including where that food is on the inflammatory scale. The idea is to add up all the numbers, pluses and minuses and come out to 50 at the end of the day. I tried this for a short while but with working found it just was too fussy and took too much time. However I did learn a lot. The most inflammatory food I ever looked up was Cheetos!

    Charleen - We all knew that was a championship quilt but nice to have it confirmed.

    Cheri - Hope your move continues smoothly.

    Welcome to all the new people. Keep coming back. Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    81824br5uyrfrsr.gif Today was the line dance party....it was right after the class I teach in the morning. We danced 20 dances with a break for lunch in the middle. I was exhausted by the time I got home, but it was great fun just dancing without having to teach the dances.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did a workout on the bosu today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Tracie Long Defining Lines
    DVD. We shall see what that one's all about.

    Becca - we used to live in Stroudsburg, so we know all about tourists. Everyone and his brother I think would come to the Poconos in the summer. I got real real good at learning how to get from point A to point B by using the backroads. During the summer you avoided the main roads as much as possible.

    DJ - nope, no flooding at all. I saw on the news that Statesville had a lot but we didn't. Plus, we have two drains in our backyard. My understanding is that when this house was originally built, they put one in the back of the property but then they had a big flood in the basement, to the point where they had to put in all new carpeting. That's when they installed the second drain.

    Elizabeth - feel better soon. Pampered Chef items are on the expensive side, but they do also last a long time. I really like my pastry blender from them. It's nice and sturdy, not like the others that I bought.

    Cheri - thanks for just popping by and letting us know what's up with you. I'm so excited for you.

    Mary - have fun with your company

    Lenora - I didn't get a request from a man. thanks for the heads up, tho. I think one time we had a man join (this was a few years ago) but he left after a short time. I don't even want to think about the humidity at the condo (in FL). Whenever we go there, when we open the car door, the humidity hits you like a ton of bricks. Even in February. Lenora - I seem to remember that my father had some sort of rubber mattress protector. I know that I got a mattress protector for our beds. It's like a real big bag that zips down the bottom. It's made of vinyl. then on top of that I have a quilted mattress pad. There have been times when one of the cats has peed on it and it hasn't gone thru to the mattress. Do you have something like this? I got mine at Kohl's. I know WalMart sells a plastic cover that encases the entire mattress, but it isn't very sturdy.

    Debbie - what will your daughter be doing in China?

    Grace - welcome

    Exercised then went to play mahjongg. Came home and we went to Sherwin Williams to see about stain for the front door. It really needs to be done. Then went to WalMart. They've stopped price matching so had to go to Aldi to get grapes. On the way back stopped at ACMoore to get glue sticks since Jess used up most of the ones I had.

    Joyce - I, too, am worried about your excessive fatigue. You really shouldn't be that tired all the time. You've been under a lot of stress lately.

    tracie - I agree, yes, there are time when I "pig out". But, like you, then I feel like crap even for a few days afterward. Just reminds me how crappy I feel when I put yukky stuff in my body

    Penny - I see why you call that "Paradise". I would, too.

    Jess is supposed to be here around 5 in the morning. Get this -- the reason she's coming down is to get her hair cut. can you imagine driving 6 hours just to get your hair cut? It's not like it's saving THAT much money. Maybe she just needs to get out of the Reston area for a bit.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    While at the gym today I tried the kettle bell swing again, but this time with a much lighter weight, about two pounds. It worked really well to loosen up my "frozen" shoulder. The shoulder still feels better, hours later. :bigsmile:

    I have a horseback riding lesson tomorrow. Yay! I've missed two weeks because of our trip to Virginia. It was worth missing a couple of lessons. I enjoyed the trip and am very impressed with my son & DIL's home. It is lovely and in a nice neighborhood. I am glad to be home now and eager to ride tomorrow. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Katla, I had the same experience with the kettle bell recently--it loosened up my legs and hips and they continue to feel better with regular swings. I'm glad your shoulder is looser--just in time for your horseback ride tomorrow! Have a wonderful time!


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am better today, had a decent nap and good supper. I have done some work in the house and was not short of breath. I think it was my MS and the opresive heat. Katla will tell you that people with MS really need to stay away from heat. Heat can temporarily bring back any of your symptoms that you had managed to get control over. There really is no set thing to diagnose MS with, you have to go with symptoms, spinal tap, and ruling outt many other diseases. But one thing they use to do to diagnose you was put you in a bath tub with very hot water in it. If you kind of wiped out in the bath tub you get your diagnosis. Some people who have problems with their vision can take a hot shower and then lose their vision until they cool off. Then it comes back. So I think it was the heat. My main initial problems was weakness in my legs.

    I am watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics. I should have had some sort of routine that during every commercial to get up and stretch or do something. It's 4 hours straight.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Sue glad you liked the Chihuly gardens. It is always fun to see his pieces. At our Art Museum they have one of his pieces hanging at the entrance. It looks like the sun.
    :heart: Margaret
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited August 2016
    Tracie- yes, Babe the Blue Ox from Brainerd is the one that was knocked over. Luckily they were able to lift it with a crane and no damage!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Katla and KarenE - the Kettlebell movement alone will loosen up several joints. It makes my shoulder, neck and back area feel great!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hi Gals,

    A bit behind… but doing a speed reading session.. thinking of you all even if I do not reply to each!

    Heather – congrats on modem/printer, memoir writing; I love the hiding critters in the garden idea… too fun! If they left them then they could be hidden a different place each time they came to visit. Cute Bea pic

    Eava57, Tracey (frankiesgirl), Teri tennessee welcome

    Melanie - Happy Birthday early, my 58 is on Monday

    Miriam – cute cat nip commentary! Sorry to hear your sick baby passed…

    Katla – I did smile when Heather said she was buying Pot Plants….

    Betty – what a drag about your ring….

    Penny – that menu is amazing…. I have never been to a restaurant that served a multi course menu, just read about them and drooled…

    Margaret – great idea and wonderful thing to do to pay for an officers lunch

    Mary – (((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))

    Charleen - Grand Champion it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Melanie - Sorry you were logging incorrectly, but glad you found your error.

    So I had company Thursday afternoon until Friday morning a favorite professor and his wife from my time at college many years ago, we went out for Mexican food and I did ok until dessert and as my birthday is soon, they had dessert delivered, a huge deep fat fried mountain of ice cream covered in whip cream and chocolate sauce, I ate more than I should have but spilt it with all, and ate way way less than I would have a couple of years ago… so my NSV. They left around noon on Friday and at 2 pm I picked up another girl friend who came for her daughter’s bridal shower (she used to live here now lives in New Mexico) we went to San Francisco and did a walking tour of the Japanese Tea Garden then to Japanese food for lunch, I did pretty darn good, all things considered. Like Melanie I may have dinner alone on my actual birthday, but I’m ok with that. That is a huge growth thing for me as I have always been super sensitive about actual holidays.

    August Goals:
    2 fun things a week
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -

    July Goals:
    2 fun things a week, Lunch with Ben, visiting with mom, Cajun food with a friend, got the job!, watched the sunrise every morning, planning a camping trip with a friend.Done
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be. Done
    11,000 + steps everyday – like to hit 160 miles for the month. **** fitbit says 178.48 miles****


    Kim from N. California
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member