

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to everyone new who just found this forum today! This is a wonderful group.

    To all my friends in this forum - Welcome to July! I will catch up on the posts later as I'm already at work. I hope you are all doing OK and ready for the weekend and a new month.

    June goals - I only met two. I joined the Y and started an exercise class. That's about it. No weight loss.

    July goals - I will set these later when I have some time to think.

  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    Ah, a new month !! It promises to be a busy one, with visiting family, both 5 year old grandsons with us for a week, birthdays and anniversary too.

    I'm noticing a change in my mind set as we enter July. I feel as if a new leaf has been turned. I'm sticking with my weight loss and fitness path, I'm feeling a new enthusiasm for goals and anticipating success. I need to add some July goals to my siggie... thinking, thinking...

    to the newbies... I'm one too and feel so welcome here... I know you'll find inspiration, encouragement and friendly advice just as I have. So don't be shy, jump on in with both feet.

    DH and I got all kitted out to ride our bikes early this morning, successfully dodging spotty dark clouds on the outward leg. We stopped at "SuzyQ's" for breakfast, sharing a veggie omelet, whole wheat toast and fruit cup... plenty of food for two in the one serving. Why do restaurants insist on giving people such huge portions? Sharing and doggy bags are the only sensible answer, but I wish we could convince restaurants that smaller portions and lower prices is the way to go. Isn't it funny how supermarket food labels suggest such tiny servings in contrast? I remember buying a frozen stir fry entree that was just a little over 18 oz and they suggested it contained 5 servings... for fairies and elves, perhaps. :wink:

    Our luck didn't hold on the ride home, as we got drenched in a brief downpour, with no shelter in sight. At least there was no lightning. So... we just kept riding. Actually, once the rain stopped, my soaked biking clothes acted like a portable air conditioner... drippy but cooling as I rode along. We only rode 15 miles... but in the summer heat, that's pretty good....

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: Happy Canada Day! :drinker: Mimi, you sound like my daughter. She also believes birthdays should be celebrated for at least a week (or longer) :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I had a wonderful time on my birthday yesterday and today we host a BBQ for friends and family to celebrate some more.

    :ohwell: My goal for July is to lose 2.5 pounds and remain active. For the next 3 months my goal is to reduce my (animal) fat intake and increase my fiber intake. With the increase in medicine dosage I hope to have my cholesterol levels within the normal range, by the end of September. For my longer term 6 month goal I would like to see another 20 pound loss by the end of this year. :tongue:

    :drinker: Welcome to the newbies!! :drinker: You will love being part of this group of women!!

    (((hugs))) Rebel :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I am a newbie! I haven't quite hit 50 yet but am in desperate need of support and encouragement. :frown: Had a TERRIBLE month of June and am :embarassed: embarrassed to see how little it took to derail my efforts! My banner is a liar but I am not changing it yet. Ended the month with a walk, so I feel that I'm starting July on the right path - deliberate pun! Hopefully, the 4th of July holiday festivities won't make me a bigger liar still! My goal for July is to get back to June 1st weight, walk more and log faithfully. My lazy logging did me in!
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Let's see...how can I celebrate Canada Day????? I know, I'll have a Maple Leaf salad.:noway: Anyway, HAPPY CANADA DAY:bigsmile:

    I fell short on my June goals. Was .5 lb away from the 5 I wanted to lose...close, but no cigar! Also didn't do very well with water intake. For July I plan to lose 5.5 pounds and drink, drink drink water!:drinker: I love to exercise, but have a problem getting to 8 glasses of water a day.The water makes a difference, I know:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Welcome to all the newbies...you'll find this site amazingly helpful and supportive:smile:

    Hello to tiarapants: Happy July to you too!:wink:

    Honeyhuggy: It's amazing that weight can fluctuate so much from day to day:ohwell: Keep on plugging!

    Mary(msh): Happy mowing, and congratulations on your Mom getting "out of Jail":smile:

    Birdie: It must be so much fun wearing your new wardrobe:glasses:

    Robin: Love th adventures of Keira and Bodi:laugh:

    Mimi: Weight loss probably does reveal who we really are...especially to ourselves. You make a good point:smile:

    To everyone else....Happy July 1, and here's to a successful and happy month:happy:
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Hi girls ,I am so happy my mam has had a chest infection for the past month that wouldnt clear up then she could hardly breathe so they sent her to hospital for a chest xray last Monday and rang her the next day to say they had found a shadow .
    The whole family was devasted and worried sick I tend to just go quiet and think if I dont talk about it everything will be ok !

    So today she had to go back to hospital for 3 hours of tests we took her and my dad up at 2 and she rang at 3 for us to pick them up,she has a collapsed lung ! We were all like thankfull thats all it is ,as we had dreaded you know what so I feel fantastic now and raring to go ,my mam had just been asking what I wanted for my birthday at the weekend but I have the best present I could ever have :heart: :smile: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: A very good evening to you all ....
    Welcome to all the "Newbies" .......this is a great place to be. Advice, laughter, comfort and friendship abound.

    A bit of a normal day for me. Nothing much has happened. A bit of housework ...tried the new hoover we splashed out on!!
    Our old one was new when we moved in to this house 8 years ago. Wouldn't you know it ...In the old house I was hoovering away once the removal people had gone and...:frown: the old ,old one gave up the ghost! A quick whip to the shops and this old one saved the day...confused yet?!!! So here we are 8 years on ...and the new old hoover started to complain bitterly. :sad: Whine and whinge and even scream! :noway: Maybe it didn't like being used to remove the floor debris when we did mum's bedroom!! As DH is not a DIY or electrical person ... back to the electrical store and we've gone bagless now! We'll keep the old one for the garage and cars.

    :bigsmile: I heard today that I'm eligible for an annual £250 grant as a carer. It has to be put towards something for me. The last two went towards our holidays but this time I'm asking for it to put towards somebody doing my ironing. Heaven .... especially as my arm suffers after I've stood there for ages!! Seeing as I don't iron everything ...where does it all come from? I can't wait until we have the info as it's piling up as I post ....must do a bit more tonight ! Do any of you have pet domestic hates?

    Anyway .....must go now. I have put in my goals for July .I did achieve some of June's goals ...The weight went back to what it was and I did stay in the calories. The exercise DVD sadly stayed mainly in it's box :ohwell: ...my arm you understand!!. Now I've put in the new one's I can't think what the other one was!!oops!

    So ...cheerio from me
    I'll be back tomorrow
    :heart: Jackie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies who have found us this month!!:flowerforyou:

    Your story about Bodi's reaction to Keira and her "alien dog":noway: characterization reminded me of the reaction of a friend's dog when the man of the house shaved off his beard. The dog went bananas--growled at him, like he was a stranger breaking into the house. Even after the wife kissed her hubby and assured the dog that he was not the boogyman, it took a couple of days before things got back to normal.:bigsmile:

    Happy Canada Day to You All up North!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Kathy (pjms),
    Sorry you are getting rain up there. I is supposed to arrive here this evening, so I plan to get myself and the doggies out early enough to miss it.

    Saw your message (maybe on the June thread?) about having your thumb looked at. Better safe than sorry. Now we can all stop worrying about you!!:heart::smile:

    Wahoo!! I have been staying within my calories all week, but no exercise since Sunday due to being sick, and I am down 2 more lbs. this morning!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I ended up losing 9 lbs. during June. (Admittedly, some of them were to catch up with my ticker, but a pound is a pound is a pound!!) My goal was 10 lbs. by July 4th, so that could still happen. I just updated my goals for July. If I can lose 10(NEW:wink: ) lbs.in July and again in August, and another 8 in September I will be on track to meet my goal by the time my cousin's daughter's wedding comes at the end of September.

    I have to get going or my walk, and my enthusiasm for it, might be "dampened" by the weatherman!!:bigsmile:


    EDIT: PS Mary--That is great news about your mom coming home early from rehab. Sounds like she is motivated to get back to her life.

    SusieW--What a relief to hear your mom only has a collapsed lung. I am sure you and your family are dancing the happy dance, compared to what you were thinking.

    OK, now I am REALLY getting off of here!!:laugh:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Happy Canada to those of you north of the border!
    Susiewusie - Great news about your mom; glad to hear it!

    Well, I mowed for two hours, now I am off to clean for an hour and then head to the swimming pool. I'm going to come home, fix dinner, and take it to my daughter's house. Tonight I will play in another summer band concert. I'd better go before I get too tired just thinking about the day!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    I had a bathing suit that I wore to my water aerobics class today. It was a size 12, but it seemed to fit me pretty well. Guess each manufacturer is different. Anyway, as I was doing some of the exercises, I noticed that the straps were a bit loose. That must mean that I'm losing, or at least I hope it does

    My hubby's idea of camping is sitting in a tent watching the football game on TV....lol

    Laura - one of the reasons I exercise is because I love, love, love to eat and if I go a bit over on the calories (like I did yesterday) then I know that I'm most probably safe. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I exercise, mother nature and gravity work against me. Oh well.....

    SuzyQ - yup, I track protein, fat, sodium and other stuff. What I meant (and I probably didn't make myself real clear...not that that's anything new for me....lol) was that it would automatically be on the chart where you log in your food (right now you just get calories, carbs, fat and protein). Thanks for posting those pics. Awesome, that's all I can say. You are so pretty in your pic, but these are something else. I know you'll get to that size 8!

    barbie - thanks so much for all you do! It was just great that you posted a link to the July thread.

    I, too, really prefer going to the gym. I like having people around me, also having someone say "just one more, you can do it". Unfortunately, there aren't too many classes offered around here so I wind up having to do things at home. Thank goodness for collage video. It's so nice to be able to preview the video before you buy it. There's one yoga instructor whose, for whatever reason, voice really irritates me. Also, I thought that I'd really like this one yoga video, but when I listened to the woman and the music, I just got turned off. So it's good that I didn't spend the money.

    mimi - there's one part of me that really would like to get a scale, but honestly, I'm afraid that I'd get too obsessive. As it is now, I measure most things. Unfortunately, my out-of-country travel has only been to Canada :( But I've heard too much about how beautiful it is in Switzerland. My gf from high school lives there. Bryan has talked about when he's in Reunion, he'll get a break in the middle of January and hopefully we can go over there and he can be our tour guide. That would be so much fun. Maybe I will even be able to spend my birthday in Paris, that would be just awesome! Now to convince Vince of that. Let me tell you, that aerobics instructor was something else. Even after she had to stop teaching the classes, many times I would see her in the gym, walking on the treadmill, with her oxygen tank right next to her. One reason I think she came to the gym was because afterwards we'd get together for coffee, many times someone would bring some munchies. That's important, too. Not just the exercise, but the emotional comraderie. ouch about the cut. Hope it does only take a few bandages. I do agree with everyone, get it looked at by a professional. Oh, I'm so relieved you had it seen by someone!

    Denise - congrats on the birth of your nephew's child. So sorry to hear of the death. Isn't it funny, that saying "when someone dies someone is born". Just reading this gave me the chills in a way.

    BC1 - by the time we get back to FL, I'll probably be in need of a few more tubs of those meringues. Yes, they are SOOO good. A nice dessert -- you get your chocolate, your mint, but not a lot of calories. Many times I can even get by with only 2 (but I'd rather have all 4) About the Elderhostels - what are the rooms like? Personally, I probably wouldn't have much of a problem, but Vince most likely would.

    Usually I put my bathing suit and water gloves out on the porch to dry. But today (Fri) the sky doesn't look all that great, like it could start raining at any minute. So I put them in the dryer.

    tiarapants - our neighbor where we used to live had a baby, so I bought the baby some clothes. My problem? I went to the store and couldn't decide which outfit I liked better, so I bought them both!!!! Bet you'll be the same way once those babies arrive. Love that slogan "you don't scare me, I'm having twins"....lol Really put a smile on my face. How can a grandmother NOT dote on the grandchild? My children have already decided that when they have children, those grandchildren will be the most spoiled around. Then I'll have a great excuse to have to bake cookies and cakes. You know something, I'm not much of a swimmer at all. Can only go in the deep end on my back, can't go on my stomach. I know that it's fear that gets to me. Now I can go in the deep end on my stomach but as long as I have a floation belt on or am holding onto a kickboard or the weights. Can't do it on my own. Good luck on your swim lessons, you CAN do it. If I can, anyone can. Your plan of using a wagon made me smile...thanks

    You know, yesterday dd#3 called and gave me a really great compliment. I don't think she realized how much of a compliment it was. She said to me that basically, she realizes that most times she doesn't eat really healthily "like you always made us do, ma". Vince even said to me "you were the good influence on the kids' eating habits, I admit that I wasn't, but you were the one with them the most". The other day I saw on TV about this girl who is only 4 years old and is something like over 80lbs. So sad, her mother was on the (I want to be nice here) large side, so was her father. Seems the mother couldn't say "no" to the little girl. So whenever the girl whined for cookies or chips, the mother would give in rather than listening to the child. She looked so pathetic. To think what her life will be like in 10 years. According to the charts, by the time she is 18, she'll be 400 lbs! That blew my mind

    Jeannie - your mind is probably so preoccupied with the pain in your legs, that it doesn't even feel the pain in your backside....yet I'm one of those people who if I'm in bed all day in my PJ's, you KNOW that I'm sick. I like to get up and get dressed. Makes me feel better, regardless of how I feel.

    You know, I never had a problem sleeping. But lately I've found that there are nights when I just can't get to sleep. So....I thought about those nights and realized that I'd had caffeine late in the evening. I tried not having (or having only a little) caffeine last night and I slept like a baby!

    rjadams - my thoughts are with you and Keira. Hope everything works out well. Update: I'm so very relieved that things went well, I just knew that they would.

    tcac - about your FT7, did you find that it was saying you burned calories at the same pace (I know I'm not expressing myself well), or did you find that at times when you were especially active, was the calorie count faster than otherwise? Now is that clear as mud or what? I found that the calorie burn kept being the same when I was sprinting and when I was recovering. I would have thought that the calorie burn would have been more when I was sprinting. Maybe I'm not doing something?

    Big welcome to everyone that is new

    Oh, Mary, (msh), how wonderful your mom is coming home!

    Birdie - what a terrible problem you have -- needing smaller sized slothes....lol

    FitnessOver50 - I agree that a personal trainer is invaluable. But may I add one thing? I had one a while ago, and then we moved so I stopped for a while. After having a p.t. and then stopping for a while, go back after a while, even if it's just for a few sessions. It's so very easy to fall into poor exercise habits, even without realizing it.

    Right now I'm making a package of bacon for Vince. He likes when it's made in the microwave, which works for me because I don't really like it that way, so I'm not at all tempted to eat any of it. For anyone who has a septic tank -- we've always had septic tanks (except for in the apt when we were first married), you shouldn't put the grease down the sink. The other alternative is to wait for it to congeal and then throw the grease out. What I do is I put the hot grease into a baby food jar. Now baby food jars are the ONLY glass jars that won't shatter when you pour hot grease into them. Probably has to do with the fact that the glass has to be able to withstand pressure when the baby food is made. Anyway, the jars are small, and so you don't have the odors while the grease is cooling. I don't have a baby, but almost any daycare that has infants can supply you with baby food jars.

    Unfortunately, I'm beginning to get some different feeling for July, more of a "mayaswell" attitude. I'm really, really trying to break this. I was good during the winter, but these cookouts and all.....

    I don't know why restaurants insist on giving such large portions. Personally, I'd rather they charge me less but give me less. Oh, I know that I can have them put 1/2 of it in a box to take home, but many times I really don't want to take something home. What I have done is ordered some sort of combo knowing full well that I'd be bringing part of it home. At least this way, I get two different meals. I've also ordered from the "senior" menu if they have one....much to Vince's delight. He never ceases to rib me about that.

    X marks the spot .... so here I go.......

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    What a lovely day I've had today! My step-grandson is an absolute darling delight. He's just turned ten and has the sweetest manners. We decided to get lunch from the supermarket and take it down to the river to watch the ducks, as it was warm and sunny. I told him he could choose whatever he wanted for lunch and he went for a mozzarella, basil and tomato sandwich on sundried tomato bread, followed by some slices of pineapple and a cold milk. I thought his choices were excellent for a youngster. My daughter had real problems with him when he was over here last year. He was eating rubbish and she sat him down and had a good long discussion about healthy eating. He seems to have stuck with it which is good. He's over from Ohio for another couple of months and then he will be coming back for Christmas (this will be the first Christmas he will have spent with his Dad since he was a baby). I think that it will be perfect for him to come over just after the twins are born. when

    Tomorrow morning I have to take my dad shopping and also sort out his new mobile phone. For an intelligent man, he is extremely bad at new technology! I always tell him that he should read the manual when he gets something new, but it's as if he takes that as an affront to his masculinity! Come to think of it, my DH is a bit like that too - it is definitely a man thing, probably in the same vein as men not asking for directions!

    This week seems to have absolutely flown by and I cannot believe that it will be Friday again tomorrow. If I have the energy, I want to clear one of the spare rooms out completely and give it a freshen up in readiness for our Australian friend coming over next month. The bedroom I am going to give him is at the back of the house, overlooking the gardens and it has a huge tree outside the window which the children used to climb out on to when they were young. It used to scare the life out of me, but the were like little monkeys.

    Speaking of Australia, our August party is all set now and I've been discussing with DH about what we should wear. He suggested convict outfits! I told him that he should dress up as Dame Edna Everage, but I'm still not sure what I'm going to wear - possibly swagman hats, complete with corks. Corny, but that's part of the fun of it. We still have loads of Fez hats left over from the Moroccan party and sombreros from the Mexican one.

    Michele, I wonder why you can only bring one kangaroo over from Australia? Maybe I can get my friend to smuggle one over with him. Actually, that's a no-no as he is stopping off in India on his way over!

    Right, I'm going to have one last tread on the mill before I call it a night. Catch up with you all tomorrow xx
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    just marking my spot. Going to take dgd to sleepover and then off to ride with DH.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :smile: So I really wanted to take the time to comment on everyones status, but it's been so busy at work it's just not going to happen....the two off the top of my head...

    Mimi:flowerforyou: so glad that your thumb / cut wasn't serious

    Faye- 6-8 deer to butcher each year! Wow:noway: helping with the occasional one every few years is more than enough for me!


    So I'm totally obsessed, sooo what to reach my goal and all I can think about is how many calories I'm putting in my mouth, whether or not I can exercise it off and if when I next get on the scale it will be good news:huh: This "I want to win this battle" is so strong that it's hard for me to think of other things....I think I need to get a grip and chill...maybe I can this weekend and just maybe that grandson#2 will arrive to distract me.

    Have a good evening all:drinker: let's continue to fight the good fight against those unwanted pounds and drink plenty of water:drinker:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    ... I call my Mom on the new phone that I got yesterday, and find out she gets to go home from rehab today!!! ... She can't wait to get out of "jail". Thanks for all of your prayers and encouragement.

    :laugh: This made me laugh out loud because that is EXACTLY what my Moma called it too!

    Hubby was off today and we spent most of the day at the Windmill Museum about an hour from here. We did lots and lots of walking, but I only logged a few hours of it as exercise.

    Our formal offer for the short-sale is in the hands of BoA now so hopefully we'll know for sure next week if the house we want is ours or not. Waiting is always the hardest part of any equation for me. If they refuse this offer, we are planning to walk away and let someone else have it.

    My goals for July are to exercise at least an hour every day and lose at least 1 pound a week. :drinker:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    June goals:

    Lose 1-1/2 to 2 lbs a week: I lost about 6-1/2 pounds. Definitely slower than the first few months of the year, but expected because I’m lighter! :happy:

    Get half way to my weight loss goal: I came in within a hair – exactly half a pound in fact - of reaching my goal. I’ll claim that one anyway. :drinker:

    Exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week: I didn’t quite make it but exercised at least half an hour on 21 days. Close enough to feel good about it. :drinker:

    Count my blessings: I do, and this group is one of them. I treasure your friendship. :heart:

    July goals: Lose an average of 1-1/2 lbs a week. Exercise 60 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Start 1 exercise class or find a walking partner. Keep counting my blessings every day.


    Tomorrow we leave for Winnemucca and the wedding celebration on a mountain peak, followed the next day by a family reunion. I’ve thought about what I’m going to eat but am a little nervous about it. I won’t have a lot of control over the choices.

    I’ll take small portions of whatever is served for dinner at the reception. Same thing for the pancake breakfast the following morning. (I am planning to have 2 slices of bacon!) Then, the night of the 4th, I’ll load up on veggies and keep everything else to a minimum. I'll have a margarita too :drinker: . After that…eek. I’ll be sure to have veggies and fruit on hand though. It’s hard to go wrong if I include plenty of those. Plenty of people will want to walk, so I should be okay in the exercise department.

    I may not be in touch much over the next few days, but I'll be thinking about you. Everyone in the US, have a wonderful but not too crazy Independence Day. Everyone else, have a wonderful weekend! :glasses:


    SusieWusie, I’m so glad about your mam. What a scare – and a happy outcome. :flowerforyou:

    Barb, yahoo on the weight loss. Your ticker is really moving! :happy:

    Amanda, you sent me to the Internet to find out about swagmen’s hats and corks! Your party sounds like it will be delightful (or should I say Brilliant!)

    Laura, My daughter told me I was obsessed with MFP and losing weight. I told her she was right and that I figure this obsession is a good obsession. She agreed. There are so many bad habits to unlearn and replace.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    My long day is almost over. I am printing documents for a job that I have first thing in the morning. Then I will have a snack, finish my diary, and head to bed. Hope all of you who will be too busy to log in over the weekend have a great 4th! And Rebel, Happy Anniversary!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Didn't do so well on my June goals. Work and injury made workouts hard to get in. Work made it hard to get to bed at my appointed hour. And work made it hard to write in my blog.

    So I guess I get to do it all over again for July. :laugh:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I need to renew my rule that I can't get on MFP until I drink a glass of water...I'm keeping up with 8 cups a day but I'd like to go a little higher than that.

    :flowerforyou: I have been "obsessed" with MFP for 17 months and it has been worth it........it has made me mindful of what I eat and how active I am

    :flowerforyou: I am so accustomed to exercise, walking, moving, burning calories that I had to think hard about how I got started and finally realized that it started with a pedometer........I felt challenged by trying to increase the number of steps I took every day so i started adding little bits of walking (not just parking far from the door of the store) and then setting a daily goal which turned into the practice of walking up and down the hall at bedtime if I happened to be short of my goal......it was a real example of taking baby steps toward a goal

    :flowerforyou: I did fairly well with my June goals.....I lost a pound putting me only one pound away from my recently revised goal (my current goal is 13 pounds lower than the original one); I finally did yoga every day which sound impressive until you find out that I bought the yoga DVD over a year ago, I did "Gut 'N' Butt" exercises pretty regularly and added a few extra pilates moves to the mix, but I didn't take many walks with hubby (he seemed to be more interested in walking the golf course:laugh: ).....so........I decided to keep the same goals for July
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I put in 5 miles today, despite some rain showers. As long as I wear my baseball hat, my glasses and head don't get wet, so therefore I don't FEEL wet.:noway: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I would like to see at least another pound gone by July 4th, but we shall see.

    Happy Canada Day to our neighbors to the North.:flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning!

    It's a warm day today, but slightly overcast and a little sticky. I've just had twenty minutes on my treadmill, wanted to make sure I had a bit of a stomp before I go off to my collect my dad. I'm not really in the mood to be stuck indoors and would prefer to be having a walk down by a lake or by the sea. If I get the time later on, I may take myself off to Richmond Park for a walk around Pen Ponds. That used to be an almost daily walk for me when I had my three dogs (and eventually four, as I inherited my mum's dog). My beautiful golden cocker spaniel (my children used to call her a copper spangle!) loved to go for a swim and I always thought she looked like Ursula Andress in James Bond's Dr No as she emerged from the water in that famous bikini. Maybe my doggie didn't have Ursula's bikini, but she definitely had that same swagger!

    Mimi - enjoy the wedding on a mountain, it sounds like it's going to be lovely.

    SuzyQ - fingers crossed that you get the house you are after.

    To everyone else, keep up the good work and don't forget to drink your water! My motto is sip, sip, walk, walk. Happy Friday to you all xx