Why are people so negative regarding clean eating?



  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I said in caps that this statement was not 100% of people, it was a general statement. Good for you on your social behavior. I was talking about, and I've seen it more than once is oh no I can't have that I'm watching what I eat" etc. That can come off as offensive. As well as that attitude my eating is better, or I have more will power. I was just addressing many points made in this thread. It was someone else who said clean eaters had more determination, I was just addressing that.

    I know it wasn't 100% of people, I read that, but your "I just know" what other people are thinking makes me think it's a bit more personal than that. If you take offense to people saying, "Oh no, I can't have that, I'm watching what I eat," you may want to look at why. Unless they launch into a tirade about you, or about the food being disgusting and filthy, you are probably taking it too personally. I find it a lot more rude to expect people to eat something they don't want to in order to avoid others feeling a certain way about a choice that has nothing at all to do with them.
    And this post was about clean eaters so please don't get me started about other group of people in the world (clean eaters, IIFYM, vegans, Christians, Caucasians, Asians, cat people, anti-baby people, parents). That is not what we are addressing here.

    You missed the point. Singling out arrogant people from a certain group to make a point is meaningless unless you are really trying to make a point about the whole group while appearing like you are not. Arrogant people are arrogant-it will likely reflect in what they do. Some arrogant people may consider themselves elitist eaters, which I almost can't type without laughing. How does this sentence sound: "People who eat whatever they want are arrogant because I just know they are rubbing it in my face that they work out more than me and can afford to eat that. I don't mean all of them, just SOME of the people who eat whatever they want." Sounds pretty silly, put that way. Or do you really know that many clean eaters in your life, who are watching you take white rice and bread, that you can have all these general feelings about them?
    And although its not "your fault" if the way you word your choices makes people feel bad, we can all edit our sentences so our choices don't effect anyone. That's what I was getting at, so if you aren't the rude one at a work function awesome! Go you :)

    Of course we can all edit our thoughts! I definitely do so routinely when posting on MFP. Saying, "I'm sorry, I can't eat that right now" is not rude, and if someone feels defensive because of it, that's so far outside of my control I can't worry about that. You may ask, "Why add the not right now?" Because people always feel entitled to ask why someone doesn't eat the meatloaf or the rice or whatever. People shouldn't have to lie and make excuses when the simply truth isn't offensive.
    All I wanted to address is that there are some clean eaters that have a high sense of entitlement and that does cause "dirty" eaters to be defensive.
    There are clean eaters with a high sense of entitlement, and do not let them cause you to feel defensive. Be ok with what you eat and why, and you won't allow others to make you feel defensive. I get ridiculed for my diet, and while sometimes I get sick of it, I never feel defensive, because I don't care what others think about the food that goes in my mouth. I also don't apologize for not taking a scoop of the chicken salad because someone else may feel bad.
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    I tend to eat a lot of the local fruits and veggies that are grown locally. This isn't due to any philosophical outlook or ideology. It is because it tastes good. I live in California's Central Valley. We've got three growing seasons and the stuff I can buy at the local fruit stand blows the doors off of processed food. If fresh local produce happens to be cheap and also healthy, great, but for me it starts with the taste. And if I sneak in a cheat once in a while, who cares? I'm burning 4k calories a day. Put simply, I can afford a glass of cabernet or a cup of mango sorbet.

    I tend not to argue with friends about what kind of food they eat. That's their business. And because I cook pretty well I usually find that people who come over for dinner go away happy. If somebody did try to start an argument with me over food I'm not sure what I'd say. Usually I care more about the relationship than I do about being right. Once in a while you run across somebody who has an axe to grind about food. I tend to quietly steer clear of people who are self-righteous about their food. I've noticed that people who are self-righteous about one thing are frequently self-righteous about many things, and that's just not who I want to hang out with.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    I HATE the whole "deficit" argument. I'm not going to argue about whether it's true or not, that's not the point, it's just that the people who attack clean eaters seem to always say it and it's a little irrelevant to the purpose of clean eating.

    It's relevant when people spout that clean eating is the ONLY way to lose and that it doesn't matter if you eat at a deficit when you eat clean...which has been brought up several times in this thread.

    Clean eating is ONE way to lose weight. Mostly, people loose weight because generally processed foods have a higher calorie content per serving. Example being: Over eating carrots vs. overeating french fries ect.

    Obviously a deficit is the reason that we all lose weight- and generalizing that clean eaters think that its the only way to lose is just wrong. I have been told by other people that they cant believe how clean I eat- I do not consider myself a "clean eater" I just have a garden and shop locally for reasons non-diet related. I think the post that says something about living off of pop tarts and cake was referring to the fact that she doesnt plan on filling her calories with that type of food because of how she feels- which is her choice. I doubt she means shes never going to eat any type of that food ever again... inferring that from it is just silly.

    In all honesty I think most of the posts are mean and nasty. IF you want to eat clean and it makes you feel good go on and do your thing! That being said- dont disrespect others for filling their food diary with fast food or cake or whatever they choose to eat. We all have our own journeys. MFP is meant for each of us to find our way- it would be great if we could all just respect other peoples opinions and choices- and make our own choices based on our own beliefs.
  • esloper
    esloper Posts: 3 Member
    Clean eating is the most sustainable and HEALTHY way to keep off and maintain weightloss, that is a fact that you can not argue with.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Clean eating is the most sustainable and HEALTHY way to keep off and maintain weightloss, that is a fact that you can not argue with.
    that is such a stupid statement I'm afraid especially when the definition of clean eating is so woolly.
  • FitnessBeverlyHills
    For me this is a lifestyle change. I don't want to "diet" so I thought that logging what I eat on mfp whether it be on a cal surplus, maintenance, or at a deficit I could see how to eat real foods and keep it in my cal and macro allowance. So after logging for a few months I now know with the foods I eat about how many cals I get in a day.

    I just want to know what clean eaters do at a work potluck, a family bbq, a wedding, Christmas, etc. I think being fit is a personal choice and I don't like to make my choice effect others. So I grab my plate and load up on any meat or veg, but if there is a hamburger and bun or macaroni salad I'll eat it and fit it into my day. Do you go to places and refuse to eat because it's dirty? Just eat it and then do a workout at home later. I just know you knock us for having a bit of white rice, or bread with our sandwich, but you guys make everyday situations difficult when your at a function and your like "Oh I cant really eat that right now" you make people who have not made the choice to be fit feel bad.

    I don't eat 100% clean because I'm using food logging to learn how to eat for life. So seeing a few dirty items in my day has me learning their values. So don't knock me for trying to stick to a new way of eating for life, I'm not eating clean because I know it's not possible to eat 100% clean for life.

    It's not that your more dedicated or have more willpower. I mentally thought about my approach and made an educated decision not to eat 100% clean. I can also have a bite of a trigger food and then wrap it up to have a bite in a few days, some ppl eat clean because they would eat 2L of ice cream if they had 1 bite, so I can think of who has more willpower. I just hate how people who eat clean act so arrogant. ALL OF MY POST IS GENERAL BY NO MEANS IS EVERYONE WHO EATS CLEAN ARROGANT, BUT SOME ARE. (I don't want to scare anyone on my FL, this is just my 2 cents)

    I don't see why anyone should feel pressured to eat something they don't want to just on account of making others feel more comfortable. If someone is trying to change their lifestyle, eat healthier, make better decisions they should be commended and supported. I live in a city of very picky eaters. Some want the potato salad, and some pass on it, I am in no way offended by their decision. However making them feel bad for not eating it is kind of knocking them down for not wanting to eat the same way you might. It's really a 2 way street, just let everyone decide what works best for them. I think the arrogance is coming from a lot of members bashing anyone who even uses the word "clean" or decides they would rather eat quinoa instead of rice. It's completely over the top and uncalled for.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Clean eating is the most sustainable and HEALTHY way to keep off and maintain weightloss, that is a fact that you can not argue with.

    And it's as if, all at once, all the sensible and reasonable 'clean' eaters who came before you cried out in dismay, and then feel silent.
  • esloper
    esloper Posts: 3 Member
    'Clean eating' to eat a healthy balenced diet, that will vary on the persons own goals e.g weightloss or muscle gain.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    Clean eating is the most sustainable and HEALTHY way to keep off and maintain weightloss, that is a fact that you can not argue with.

    And it's as if, all at once, all the sensible and reasonable 'clean' eaters who came before you cried out in dismay, and then feel silent.

    I think this is the liftingheavy kid. New profile, probably created today, and *strong* first post. Hahaha. Maybe I'm just getting paranoid. Okay, I'm done.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    you can't let other people's opinions or rudeness or anything else get in your way. this is your life and they have their own so when you see something rude or negative, ignore it (easier said than done I know) and move on. The only person who gets hurt by worrying about other people's opinion, is YOU. Good luck!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I was talking about, and I've seen it more than once is oh no I can't have that I'm watching what I eat" etc. That can come off as offensive.

    See, now THAT right there? I would not find offensive at all. If someone doesn't want to eat something because it doesn't fit within their goals, that's just fine. I know what fits in my goals and I know my goals have stretchy elastic waistbands if I really REALLY want something that doesn't fit. But there are plenty of times I say "no, thank you" to foods, and I'm not passing judgement on anyone who is eating it. Just like I say, "No, thanks, I've had enough" after two glasses of wine, because I know past that point, I go beyond tipsy and into drunk, but that doesn't mean I think everyone who has more to drink than me is a raging alcoholic. :drinker:

    What would bother me is if someone said, "No, I can't have that, and you shouldn't have it either, because it will give you cancer and diabetes and make your babies have three heads." If I want a sermon, I'll go to church.
  • GameOfPounds
    GameOfPounds Posts: 128 Member
    I do both! I eat clean and have unhealthy foods too. I don't care,I just want to eat as healthy as I can :D
  • lana_313
    lana_313 Posts: 13 Member
    I have found that people can be negative regarding EVERYTHING! So do you and what works for you and don't worry about what other people think. :smile:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Clean eating is the most sustainable and HEALTHY way to keep off and maintain weightloss, that is a fact that you can not argue with.

    Um No just No..... :huh:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Clean eating is the most sustainable and HEALTHY way to keep off and maintain weightloss, that is a fact that you can not argue with.

    I disagree--I believe that calorie counting, with enough (not too little, not too much) calories is the most sustainable way to lose weight and keep it off. I can still surprise myself by how many calories I can take in with fruits, beans, and nuts and seeds.
  • esloper
    esloper Posts: 3 Member
    Clean eating is the most sustainable and HEALTHY way to keep off and maintain weightloss, that is a fact that you can not argue with.

    And it's as if, all at once, all the sensible and reasonable 'clean' eaters who came before you cried out in dismay, and then feel silent.

    I think this is the liftingheavy kid. New profile, probably created today, and *strong* first post. Hahaha. Maybe I'm just getting paranoid. Okay, I'm done.
  • FitnessBeverlyHills
    I don't have any issue with the diet choice it's the terminology I dislike. Due to the nature of language if you class some foods as "clean" then by assosiation foods that are not "clean" are "dirty" and I know a lot of people with EDs who would not need that sort of idea in their heads. If you want to eat things that are as close to their natural state as possible then fine, go ahead, but maybe find a different name for the foods you allow yourself to eat. "Raw" springs to mind, even though I know full well that you will be eating cooked stuff it doesn't have the same implications.

    I think the letters in bold are actually what most people consider "clean eating", its just a terminology no different than IIFYM. I think trying to get your calories from natural foods is a great concept with many benefits. I haven't really seen anyone be self righteous about it. The most I've seen are some posts asking for good suggestions and substitutions for food that are more processed than they would prefer. I'm not a clean eater by any means, but I think it has many great ideas that can be embraced and I think 80% of the time even the IIFYM'er are shocker..probably eating pretty "clean". I thought this was a good little article on the subject, its not meant to be torn apart, but I think its a positive article that doesn't demonize the word.

  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Clean eating is the most sustainable and HEALTHY way to keep off and maintain weightloss, that is a fact that you can not argue with.

    Um No just No..... :huh:

    ^^^This! When people post about clean eating, I see *blah* *blah* *blah* *blah* *blah*. I guess I will continue to eat dirty while I loose weight. :bigsmile:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I don't think they are negative about 'clean eating" as one of many methods a person might choose to use, they are negative when people start saying 'clean eating' is the ONLY way or BEST way for everyone... Plus the different definitions of 'clean eating' causes a riot.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    Because this is Sparta!