Lose 5 Pounds a Month- July 2010 Challenge



  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    I'm in...anything to keep the motivation going.

    July 1 - 203.5
    Aug 1 Goal - 198.5

    We can do it!!!!!
  • theartsymom
    I'm in!!

    July - 199
    Aug - 194
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, I went ahead and weighed myself again, and it said 221.4lbs! However, I'm not sure how correct it is since I weighed 2x this week and I know weight changes daily.

    So I'm gonna weigh in next Fri(or Sat) and hope it stays at 221.4 or maybe a little lower.

    I start week6 of C25k on Tuesday, fun! And I'll be starting up my dancing more and I am getting a 5mile walk dvd. What are your exercises you plan on doing this month/week??

    Also, stay tuned for Monday, I will have a challenge posted, you all do not have to complete it, but if you want to participate, just say so in your next post. I hope this helps give us an extra boost of exercise each week in case we are lacking or want to push a little farther. :)

    Happy 4th of July all!!

    XoxoxoX Bru
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Good morning everyone! It's looking cloudy here today and we might have thunderstorms. That makes my job even busier as people can't do as many outdoor activities so they come to the mall. So I know I'm going to be swamped at work. I'll be working the whole weekend. Yay me. But on the bright side, I start my last week of vacation on this coming Tuesday! We had planned to go to Nashville but I don't think that's going to pan out. We'll just stay home and get some things done around the house that we've been putting off.
    I stepped on the scales this morning and weighed 208! It's not my regular weigh in day so I won't log it yet. I'll have my regular weigh in on Monday.
    So anyway, I just wanted to share that.
    Everyone have a happy and safe 4th!
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    I am going to join this challenge! I like the idea of a little bit at a time!

  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm in.
    July 1st- 206
    Goal for Aug 1st - to be under 200, but I'll take the 5 pounds.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I want to be in for this challenge hope it's not too late I am up for 5lbs this month starting weight is 161.8 that was from July 1st!!
  • Families_R_Forever
    JULY GOAL...


    I hope I can finallly make it into the 130's...GOOD LUCK ALL!
  • FocusPlease
    FocusPlease Posts: 59 Member
    Count me in! : ) (but don't count the 1/2 donut i just ate!) : )
  • FocusPlease
    FocusPlease Posts: 59 Member
    Count me in! : ) (but don't count the 1/2 donut i just ate!) : )
  • TruSunshine
    TruSunshine Posts: 178
    Count me in for 10lbs!!! Please!!! :wink:
    On July 1st
    SW: 197.4
    GW: 187.4
  • jbongers
    jbongers Posts: 1
    I'm in, I'd love to lose more than 5 pounds, but I'll be happy with whatever comes off! I last weighed on 6/28 at 157. I'll update on Monday. I love the idea of short term goals!!
  • csproteau
    csproteau Posts: 4
    Count me in ... been really really bad lately so need to get back on track ...


    Starting weight was 162
    Current weight (after starting my journey May 8th) is 146.8
    Goal weight is 130
    (I am 5 feet 6 inches tall)
  • sweetgal2301
    sweetgal2301 Posts: 26 Member
    Count me in.
    Starting weight was 140lbs
    My weight right now is 136lbs
    and my goal is 130lbs by end of July
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    well minor misshap with my scale... my two and a half year old decided to play in the bathroom sink using his stepping stool on top of my scale and flooded my bathroom floor. needless to say my digital scale did not make it..... now it just gives off this ominous glow taunting me that i cant weigh. I usually weigh like every day sometimes twice a day cause im crazy like that i guess
    I do just focous on the weekly and monthly weight because normally when i have gained a pound its gone the next day but it reminds me to be strong and resist junk food,

    so ya anyway im without a scale untill further notice hopefully in like 2 weeks if we have some left over from fixing and registering the car but if not im sure i will just get one anyway lol... i can do this but it will be really hard without a scale.

    by the way today my town celebrated the 4th a day early and i went the whole nine yards, bbq turkey root beer float and alcohol and soda i really had a cheet day but all will be better tomorrow : ) thanks for listening and good luck to all this weekend
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    well minor misshap with my scale... my two and a half year old decided to play in the bathroom sink using his stepping stool on top of my scale and flooded my bathroom floor. needless to say my digital scale did not make it..... now it just gives off this ominous glow taunting me that i cant weigh. I usually weigh like every day sometimes twice a day cause im crazy like that i guess
    I do just focous on the weekly and monthly weight because normally when i have gained a pound its gone the next day but it reminds me to be strong and resist junk food,

    so ya anyway im without a scale untill further notice hopefully in like 2 weeks if we have some left over from fixing and registering the car but if not im sure i will just get one anyway lol... i can do this but it will be really hard without a scale.

    by the way today my town celebrated the 4th a day early and i went the whole nine yards, bbq turkey root beer float and alcohol and soda i really had a cheet day but all will be better tomorrow : ) thanks for listening and good luck to all this weekend
  • vsomsouk
    vsomsouk Posts: 8
    This will be my first challenge... I'm in. =]
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Happy Independence Day to all those in the U.S.!

    I am struggling! I am doing great with the exercise and pushing myself harder, but I am having a hard time controlling my eating. It is so hot and the ice cream taunts me with its deliciousness! I have got to watch what I put in my mouth! We are having some friends over for a cookout this afternoon. The menu is burgers, hotdogs, grilled corn on cob and mushrooms. I am also making a blueberry buckle at the request of my BFF. I KNOW that I can stay on track...but will I? My willpower has gone way down lately. I don't think we are going to see fireworks even tho I want to. My DF thinks DD won't be good if she stays up that late. He is probably right. It wouldn't be any fun anyway, to have to chase her through the crowd of people. DD is 17 mo. and NEVER slows down!

    I have read all of the posts but there are too many for personals right now. I hope everyone has a fun and healthy holiday!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    well we had left0vers t0day and i had ab0ut a cup 0f icecream but all in all i w0uld say i had a g00d day. (s0ry ab0ut the 0's my daughter t00k the 0 0ff 0f my keyb0rd and i cant get it t0 g0 back 0n...)

    anyway after dinner we put the kids t0 bed and i went f0r an h0ur and a half walk maybe n0t quite an h0ur and a half but cl0se. and then i am g0ing t0 try t0 get 0ut f0r a walk in the m0rning bef0re i sh0wer and head 0ut t0 w0rk t00 s0 i think we are 0n the right track... Its g0ing t0 be really hard n0t kn0wing if i let myself gain a permanent p0und t0day... i think i will g0 t0 my m0ms h0use and weigh myself 0n her scale alth0 i kn0w its best t0 use the same scale and see what my first weeks weight is. Here is h0ping wish me luck. and g00d luck t0 all 0f you as well :)
  • 4mcm
    4mcm Posts: 4
    First weigh in for me went well despite the holiday weekend. I hope that everyone had a safe and healthy 4th.

    07/01.......... 169
    07/05.......... 167
    08/01.......... 164 (goal)