Lose 5 Pounds a Month- July 2010 Challenge



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Happy Sunday Morning to Everyone!

    I am slowly reading the posts I missed on vacation and it is awesome to see so many highly motivated and hard working friends in this challenge.

    I am not doing so great in the weight loss arena this month and I am ok with that. This is my journey and right now my journey is taking me into becoming a runner. My weight is not going down at this point:cry: but looking back to January 1 I could not run a mile on the treadmill. Yesterday I did 5 miles....yes I did walk on occasion but I did it. Sometimes we focus so much on what the scale is doing that we miss the wonderful things our bodies are becoming capable of doing. Think about back when you started this weight loss journey.....what exercises were hard? Are they hard now? Are you walking/running/biking further? longer? When you lift weights are you doing more reps with heavier weights?

    For me it is not just about the scale (though it would be really nice to see it going down) its about me and my body and really loving myself for who I am and what I can do! And as I become stronger/leaner I feel my self-confidence growing by leaps and bounds. And that is what this journey is about....becoming the best me that I can be. First for me and then for my family so I can be the best wife/mother I can. And then for those around me.

    Live life to the fullest! Enjoy each moment!

  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Good morning : )

    So this week i did it i finally lost two pounds! it has been so great but i have a week to lose 3 more lol i will try my hardest i have had something to do 7 days a week for 2 weeks now this week being no different. today and last sunday were all day cleaning days then i have worked and last wednesday was wic and my brothers wedding and this wednsday is the day that all the family and our kids are going to take them to the zoo for the first time! and then more work so in leu of that i have not walked at all this week or last. which makes it more amazing that the two pounds finally melted off! I'm so excited. hopefully by next week things will mellow out. im going down to check out a zumba class the first day that im available to since hubby is on swing shift this week i will go next week on the 29th wish me luck i hope i like it. : )

    SW july 01-- 172.8
    july 11-- 172.6
    july 18-- 170.6
    GW aug 01-- 167

    pretty sure im not going to make my GW but if i can make it into the 160s i will be extreemly happy
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Happy Sunday Morning to Everyone!

    I am slowly reading the posts I missed on vacation and it is awesome to see so many highly motivated and hard working friends in this challenge.

    I am not doing so great in the weight loss arena this month and I am ok with that. This is my journey and right now my journey is taking me into becoming a runner. My weight is not going down at this point:cry: but looking back to January 1 I could not run a mile on the treadmill. Yesterday I did 5 miles....yes I did walk on occasion but I did it. Sometimes we focus so much on what the scale is doing that we miss the wonderful things our bodies are becoming capable of doing. Think about back when you started this weight loss journey.....what exercises were hard? Are they hard now? Are you walking/running/biking further? longer? When you lift weights are you doing more reps with heavier weights?

    For me it is not just about the scale (though it would be really nice to see it going down) its about me and my body and really loving myself for who I am and what I can do! And as I become stronger/leaner I feel my self-confidence growing by leaps and bounds. And that is what this journey is about....becoming the best me that I can be. First for me and then for my family so I can be the best wife/mother I can. And then for those around me.

    Live life to the fullest! Enjoy each moment!


    What a great attitude! You're sure to win this battle. What an inspiration.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Ladies, in Virginia...mostly day of travel yesturday....nice weather here. plenty of swimming...hopeing to get to the exercise facility here tomorrow....food choices not the best but....I am on vacation.....talk to you all tomorrow!!!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Ok, here's a sneak peek for this coming weeks BMK challenge: Did I hear crunches?! Yep!! See ya in the a.m. for the full challenge! Remember, it is a challenge, and no one has to join if they don't want to, although, I hope you all do! Night all <3
  • debhue75
    debhue75 Posts: 21
    I'm in too!:drinker:

  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    Weigh in: 124.9

    That's down 0.6

    A loss is a loss I guess. Must try harder.
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    Hey everyone! I've said before about me retaining water last week. I spent the weekend drinking as much water as I could. I think I averaged 12 glasses for the last 3 days, which is a lot for me. Anyway, I weighed myself this morning and I was down 1.4lbs:love: from Friday. I normally just weigh in once a week but I wanted to see how I was doing with water retention etc. Problem is, I was out last night for my best friend's birthday (not drinking, being very good with water all night:drinker:) and I've heard you can weigh less the next morning because of dehydration.:grumble: I really want the 1.4lbs to be a loss! I drank 11glasses yesterday plus some green tea during the day & it wasn't especially hot or crowed in the nightclub so fingers crossed it's a loss! Of course, it's unofficial as my weigh in day isn't till friday but it would certainly give me a boost to think I'd lost some so early in the week. What do you guys think? :smile:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Goooood mornin' my dears :D You ready for this weeks BMK challenge? GOOD! So, today through Sunday: 75 squats total, yep SQUATS! (For anyone who don't think they can do it, here's a modified version: http://exercise.about.com/od/exerciseworkouts/ss/howtosquat.htm ). Next up, crunches, lets do 100 for the week, and finish it off by trying a new veggie you've NEVER had before. So, who's with me? WE CAN DO IT!!

    I did weigh myself this morning because I was curious of the vacation weekend and sodium, I didn't 'gain' that much, so I'm still gonna up my water for the day. Headed out for week8 day1 c25k and gonna try and do some swimming and maybe some aerobics, and of course, the challenge!

    Have a great week! I'll be on and off throughout the week and will post my weight Friday.
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • dk82
    dk82 Posts: 142 Member
    Just checking in......
    SW- July 1- 184.8
    CW- July 19- 181.6....only 2 ilbs to go until the end of the month!!
    GW- Aug 1- 179.8

    I'm also in on the challenge!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I am in on the challenge since I do the squats and crunches already. I could use some ideas about a vegie I have never had because i have tried almost everything out there.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    July 1st 229.8
    July 5th 229.4
    July 12th 227.6
    July 19th 225.4
    July 26th
    July 31st >>>>>goal>>>>>> under 220!

    Of course I'm in on this weeks challenge....since I'm the K in BMK! :laugh:

    This week I WILL get back to C25K - my knee hasn't bothered me at all & since I did that awesome hike on Saturday that really was testing it! I have my Bix 7 run this Saturday (7 miles of hills). So I HAVE to get my butt going! Of course the squats & crunches will help out! I'm going to try eggplant as my new veggie. I've always wanted to try it, but yet never have! :huh:

    Hope you all have a great week! Kelly
  • owno9700
    owno9700 Posts: 24
    arghhhhhhh only down 1 pound!
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Good morning every one. My stats for the month so far:

    07/01/10 226lbs

    07/05/10 224.2

    07/12/10 225.6( gain of 1.4)

    07/19/10 223.0 (2.6 loss)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Had a good food and exercise weekend, now to carry it through the week. Water is become a challenge for me recently...gotta bump it up. Oh yeah, TOM is visiting...BBLLLAAAHHHH.
  • I am with you!

    I weigh 155, would love to be 125 by Christmas. thanks for the challenge
  • wacko1960
    wacko1960 Posts: 1
    I'm in

    July weight 118
    goal weight 110
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I went to the doctor and they gave me antibiotics for a sinus infection. Since I've been on them I have been coughing my head off and now my nose is stuffed up. I guess all that gunk was stuck in there and the antibiotic is clearing it out? It is also TOM and I am crampy and bloated and craving ice cream! I have been exercising but I don't have the intensity I normally do. I may take it easy this week if I don't start feeling better. I have already done crunches and squats but I don't know how many??? I am also gonna try a new veggie.
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Boy I'm tired.
    Checking in.

    july 1 wt 210
    july 5 208
    july13 207
    july 19 205.5

    July 31 Goal wt 205....so ALMOST there! WooHooo!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I missed out on the last several days of posts, but wanted to jump back in...
    I have been out of commission since Thursday due to a very yucky and very large boil on the back of my thigh. It has finally drained, and the pain relief has been significant! It's still tender, but nowhere near as painful as it was. So, my plan is to get back on track with a Pilates class tomorrow, re-do Week 2, Day 3 on Wednesday, and start Week 3 on Saturday. I also need to pick up the pace on the fruits / veggies again. I also didn't weigh in on Saturday, since I didn't go to the gym, so I'll have to be diligent this week to ensure I see good results at the next weigh-in.
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