Lose 5 Pounds a Month- July 2010 Challenge



  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Hey everyone! Congratulations to everyone losing, and congrats fivefatcats on the cruise! You are going to have a blast!

    July 1 weight: 161
    July 10 weight: 161 still

    I am surprised I didn't lose anything. I have done really well all week with diet and with exercise. My only bad behavior was last night so I am thinking the scale is reflecting that. It seems a lot of us tend to blow things on the weekend. We need a solution for that! Does anyone have any ideas?
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Congrats to everyone on your successes! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Traci - So awesome your hubby said yes to the cruise with your sister! You two will have a blast! I leave for my cruise in exactly 90 days! :bigsmile: WOW! Its coming up FAST! Therefore I am going to get back into it & get my butt worked off again! I've been slacking still since my at home "stay-vacation"! :grumble:

    So in response to Amanda for what to do on the weekends: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/105910-skinny-saturday-challenge

    I'm in for every Skinny Saturday & Skinny Wednesday Challenge! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Dmgaloha: nice job on the new food!! Many people won't try new foods,so good for you for breaking out of the comfort zone!

    Amandab: how did you make hummus? Great job using your garden! The bugs got to mine..and Kelly beat me to it, but yes, check out the thread 'skinny Saturday challenge' :)

    Traci: woot woot on the cruise!! Sounds like a good time to me!! Enjoy!

    PrincessPurple: don't be too hard on yourself! Just tweak your foods and water intake a bit and maybe go for an extra walk or two.

    Barty: plain and simple....you freakin rock!

    Jacque: thanks, but look at you and your 21lbs lost!! Great job!

    Roughneckwife: wtg on you loss so far!! Weekends are rough for me too, keep on rockin the scale and ypu can get to your monthly goal!

    4mcm: very nice loss as well!! You are doing great!

    Kelly: I have faith in ya, you will rock the cruise!! I know you will!!

    Welcome to all th new people and sorry if I missed anyone, doing this on a phone is hard!! I'll see ya all throughout the next week!! Keep on keepin' on ;)
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    5cats....what is vlcd? you will be hot on that cruise:)

    barty-that is awesome, you show me i CAN lose it!

    roughneckswife-good for you! that is a great loss:)

    Very low calorie diet - its a short term phase as part of a long term lifestyle. Check my blog for more info. :happy:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all, Although Friday official is still 150.6 today I was 149.0 I just wish I could get it to show up on Friday:grumble: so I can change my ticker. Ohwell maybe next week.

    I changed things up this week and finally got out my rollerskates, I had threatened to do that back in april and I finally got around to it. It was so much fun and my hamstrings are certainly complaing about it. I will go again a couple of times next week. I skate along a beautiful trail and as long as the weather cooperates I will get out there and go for an hour.

    Congrats to all of you on your losses and keep up the great work.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Good morning everyone I am doing the Skinny Saturday Challenge I really need to stay fous today!! Already got the activity in so that's a start I have to work long hrs tonight at work and trying to fine ways to keep my snacks healthy!!

    5cats I know you and your sister are going to be two smokin chicks on that cruise glad your hubby said yes what a great reward after all of your success!!

    Roughneckswife Awesome job on your weight loss and giving up the caffienf you can do it girl hang in there!!! I so know what you mean about those parties as I have been to several I have 2 friends that sell it but I think that is a great idea to eat before going and maybe take you a bottle of water to drink during your presentation to avoid those drink:bigsmile: Good luck with it!!
  • Barberoni
    Barberoni Posts: 7
    I'm IN!

    July 1 169

    Aug 1 164

    Sept 1 159

    Oct 1 154

    Nov 1 149

    Dec 1 144

    Jan 1 139
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    Sorry I have been MIA, just really busy at work this week. I wont be on much next week because we are having summer camp at the school where I work and I am camp director, so lots of planning, buy crafts, snacks, and water balloons. The week after I go on Vaca to San Deigo! So... I might check in time to time but wont be on daily for sure. I have still been eating really well and am really quite happy with myself about just how strong I have been. I went to 2 BBQ's in the last few weeks and eat lots of grilled veggies and almost no yummy meat. Hard, but worth it because the scale has been very nice to me. I really wanted to be down to 140 by the end of July so I can fit into the dress I got for the bridal shower I am giving my sister on the 31st. Well yesterday I weighed even though I didn't check in, and I was 141.8! I lost it so fast. If I can stay on track the next two weeks I might even be able to get down past 140, that would be great. I am going on vaca next week though so I am trying to keep that in mind and not get ahead of myself. I think being out in the sun and running all around all day after campers is helping my body lose faster. I am clearly burning more calories than sitting at my desk all day like I am use to. It is fun though, and a good thing for my job because my boss put me in charge so she must like what I am doing. I asked for more contact with the girls last fall and my boss has let me teach a class, be yearbook adviser, and now I am running the whole summer camp, so I take that as a good sign. Anyway, just wanted to say hi. Stay healthy!
  • CCMarie24
    CCMarie24 Posts: 3
    Me too I'm in as well:)
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I went to the gym this morning, went to a BodyFLOW class, then did my week 2, day 1 workout for Couch to 5k. I weighed in while I was there, and I am down 2 pounds from the start of July. Only 3 more pounds to go to reach July's goal!!

    July SW: 159.75
    Today: 157.75
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Jenn, glad to see you're still around. I was missing you. I think of you everytime I work on my "angel wings". LOL They are getting better, believe it or not.
    Phyllis, where are you? Are you still stateside in Idaho? Missing your fun stories and encouragement.
    My goal this week is to take up water aerobics again. It's so hot here, a cool morning would help. I used to teach swim lesson to little ones yrs. ago and an occasional water aerobics class, so I'm looking forward to it.
    Have a great weekend.

  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    June 1: 162
    July 1: 156
    July 9: 155 :smile:

    I haven't felt very well today so I just kinda lounged around. I did want to check in here since I actually weighed in yesterday. Hopefully, I will feel better tomorrow and get in a great workout.
  • mchandler67
    Sounds great!!! I am in!:smile:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Jenn, glad to see you're still around. I was missing you. I think of you everytime I work on my "angel wings". LOL They are getting better, believe it or not.
    Phyllis, where are you? Are you still stateside in Idaho? Missing your fun stories and encouragement.
    My goal this week is to take up water aerobics again. It's so hot here, a cool morning would help. I used to teach swim lesson to little ones yrs. ago and an occasional water aerobics class, so I'm looking forward to it.
    Have a great weekend.


    Hi! I think of you when I work on arms also :laugh: I love swimming and plan on doing that as my exercise on my vaca!
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    I'm in, current weight is 310 lbs

    Being ambitious as I am, I am going to try and do 10 lbs a month. :drinker:
  • AmandaLB03
    Hello ladies!!!! It has been a tough week. I have 3 sick little ones. MAN!! eating right with sick kidos is hard. I did have a 1 lb loss this week tho. Hey I am having a hard time getting my weigh ticker on my main screen. How did you ladies get it there?? Have a great day
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hello ladies!!!! It has been a tough week. I have 3 sick little ones. MAN!! eating right with sick kidos is hard. I did have a 1 lb loss this week tho. Hey I am having a hard time getting my weigh ticker on my main screen. How did you ladies get it there?? Have a great day

    Great job losing a 1lb!! I hope those poor babies feel better real soon and you continue to work hard trying to eat good and care for them!!

    From your profile page click on tools then weightloss ticker then change your style of ticker and fix the way you want it save it then click get code copy the code then go to my home page then message board next click signature and paste your ticker code in there and hit save and it should appear on your page for you hope that helps it may be a shorter version but that worked for me!!

    Hope you have a great day too:drinker:
  • theatremack
    This weekend has been such a challenge! I threw a baby shower for my sister-in-law and made the cake and had a brunch - no low fat food there! My mother-in-law planned the meal, but I cooked it! I tried to resist but haven't been too successful. I weighed this morning to check in and I haven't gained but haven't lost either! I know that is a positive thing, but I am so ready to be successful at this and I'm just SO frustrated.

    Anyhow - here's to the next 3 weeks of this month and making the goal of 5lbs down. I CAN DO THIS!!

    Sorry just needed to vent!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I hope everyone had a good week and a great weekend!! Monday is fast approaching which means this past weeks challenge ends tonight...but a new one starts tomorrow... I have next weeks' BMK Challenge ready to post in the morning...will you love us or hate by the end of the week.. a sneak peek into one of the challenges... 3fruits and 2veggies are envolved for 5days... be here in the morning to see the full challenge!!!

    Enjoy the rest of your day!! XoxoxoX Bru
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I went shopping today. I started a new job last week, and decided I needed some new summer-y clothes. You'd think I lost 20 pounds this week, not 2, the way I was acting in the store. I have a tendency to buy my clothes a bit too big, but today I actually was trying on smaller sizes, and choosing the more fitted versions. I'm acting like this weight loss is a done deal (just a matter of time), and that I need to be buying clothes that actually 'fit', so that I'll get to wear them longer. I figure the next ones are only going to be smaller, right? FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT!! I haven't been this convinced in a while, so it feels good. I had strawberries with vanilla yogurt for my TV snack tonight - which is amazing compared to my typical chips or chocolate (or both). I'm off to bed, I have a 6:30am C25k workout tomorrow. Good night!