Lose 5 Pounds a Month- July 2010 Challenge



  • jazzyfit150
    Hello all , I'm a newbie and would love to joint this challenge!!!:

    July Start - July 9: 213
    Aug 9 goal: 208
    Sept 9 goal: 203
    Oct 9 goal: 198
    Nov 9 goal: 193
    Dec 9 goal: 188
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Hi everyone!

    AmandaB4588 - I know what you mean about heart rate. Now that I am a 'regular' runner, my heart rate peaks/stays at around 170 during the 'stamina' or middle part of my run.
    Jacque - LOVE the tips - i love little quips you can take with you in your mind - THANKS!
    Shelli - Boy do I know about no control on the food front. This HCG thing is really getting my eating discipline back in line! Good job turning down Fazoli's and DQ!
    Dawn - don't cheat yourself - down 1 and a half!!
    Princess purple - was 4/11 your first half?? How long have you been running?? I have my first half in Sept and I'm ascared!
    Randi - try putting the scale in a closet and only take it out on weigh-day!
    abricklin - 170 would probably get you in an 8/10 - depending where you shop! Congrats on the 3 so far! Read your blog - welcome to the running world! Hope you LOVE it!
    Bru - Yahoo! 3 lbs so far this months!!! You rock! 10lbs to pedicure!
    Hugs to everyone else!

    About me:
    July 1 - 168.4
    July 9 - 165.0
    Looking for 159 (official BMI under 25 - out of 'overweight' range) but will take what I get.
    I'd like to see 155 before Labor day.

    Still using baking therapy (make lots of things at home I can't eat then bring them to church or work) - it helps just smelling all those yummies!

    My sister just invited me on a 4 day cruise in November - she called it a bikini cruise! I would sooo love that! She and I are two peas . . and our husbands would only moderately enjoy a cruise at best - but she and I would have a blast! Pray the hubby goes along with it - it would mean putting up with my mother for a week to help watch our four little angels!

    Have a wonderful, healthy weekend everyone!!!


    PS - called the hospital medical records department to find out what I weighed when I checked in to have the twins August 2009 - 262.5!!! Almost 100 lbs down since then!! AMAZIN!
  • princesspurple
    139.5 today....need to push harder! i am working out 2 times a day for the last 3 days! plus walking at night...:sad:
  • mrsyyoung
    mrsyyoung Posts: 16
    I'm in too!!!
  • mrsyyoung
    mrsyyoung Posts: 16
    Starting this challenge late but I need the support....so i'm still gonna jump in and hope for the best.

    Real hard to put this out there but here's my starting weight....191:sad: . When do you post your weight for the week???

    Really need a group to help me get it together!

  • rmwilliams0519
    I hope I can behave over the weekend to make my goal, I always start out really well at the begining of the week and the totaly mess up at the end. Mess up or maybe I give up. I'm just getting frusterated already.
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    mrsyyoung - pick a day to weigh in - some people are Fridays (like me) others on Mondays - whatever works for you!

  • princesspurple
    fivefatcats...you asked this above:
    Princess purple - was 4/11 your first half?? How long have you been running?? I have my first half in Sept and I'm ascared!

    My first half was on 4/11....I ran a little last summer, but only for about 4 weeks and then I got really lazy. I started running seriously in January w/ a 12 week training program for my half. I felt so accomplished! You can do it! You have plenty of time for training! How long have you been running? Where is your half?
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    fivefatcats - congrats on getting out of the BMI overweight range! You inspired me to check on my BMI, and at 159, I am now out of the "obesity" range and moving into the "overweight" range. (You must be a lot taller than I am! :happy: I am only 5'2".)

    Are those your 4 kids in your ticker picture? What a bunch of cuties! How on earth did you manage to get such a great picture of all of them? I only have two and can't even get them to pose together!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    princess - I started running when the twins were 10 wks old - mid October and ran faithfully 3 days a week - working up to 25-45 minute runs. I am running one day a week now while on the low cal diet, but will get right back to it - 3 days/week - as soon as the VLCD is done! My half is in Appleton, WI - the fox cities half marathon, Sept 19th!

    dmgaloha - yep - those are my angels. this pic was taken in February, they are 2 1/2, 6months, 6months, and 4 1/2. I get all my pics done at Target portait studio. The one here in Ashwaubenon (Green Bay, WI) is FANTASTIC!!! I CANNOT SAY ENOUGH PRAISES ABOUT THEM. They shoot about 30 pics (I try to get two of each kid plus groupings) then, rather than buy a portrait package, I buy a disc with copyright release ($120.00) and get my reprints at Walmart really cheap. (an 11x13 is only like $5 or $7) On my disc they put the originals, b&w and sepia. The only drawback to the disc is that you cannot get any of the 'enhanced' images on the disc. Those are the ones with soft focus or text or other embellishments. The group here is sooo patient with the kids and makes great suggestions on poses and props. I LOVE TARGET PORTAIT STUDIO!

    Also, I am 5'7" :smile:
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    I'm game, I will weigh myself tomorrow morning and report in. It is how I lost weight the first time. Now I have to do it again. I miss all my skinny clothes!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi Guys, Well I'm down half a pound to 124.5 which is great considering i've been to a BBQ and my Husbands Birthday Party and have had two Girly Lunches:wink: and this weekend is not looking any better with two 40 th Birthday Parties :laugh: :laugh:

    starting Weight with MFP on 1/12/10.........164.5
    Weight on 5/1/10............................................138
    Weight on 5/7/10............................................136
    Weight on 5/14/10..........................................134
    Weight on 5/21/10..........................................132
    Weight on 5/28/10..........................................131
    Weight on 6/4/10............................................129
    Weight on 6/11/10..........................................128
    Weight on 6/18/10..........................................127.5
    Weight on 6/25/10..........................................126 i'VE DONE IT ..... REACHED MY FINAL GOAL WEIGHT
    Final Goal Weight..........................................126
    New Goal Weight end of July......................121 GOING TO TRY AND LOSE A FEW MORE POUNDS TO BE ON THE SAFE SIDE
    Weight on 7/2/10............................................125
    weight on 7/9/10.............................................124.5

    Good Luck to you all
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Bru, congrats to you on the weight loss so far. Way to go.

    Traci, how fun to go on a cruise. I'm rooting for you that hubby will agree. Someday....maybe....I'll put that on my bucket list. LOL

    Congrats to all on your dedication to make you a better you for all of us.

  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Wow you guys are rocking and rolling congrats to all the success stories and to all those like me scared to face the scale hang in there we are going to do this!!! This week has been the best week I have had in months in 5 days I have worked out over 400 mins and I am totally stoked. It has been a while since I have been this motivated I am totally feeling on top of the world looking foward to weighing Monday and kust in case the scale don't reflect my success I am going to continue to push foward I feel to good to let the scale stop me!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    I joined and havent responded since the day I joined...I have been reading the post though! lol. I weighed in today for the first time this month. I started at 231 and I'm down to 226!!!!!!! SOOOOOO excited! I've actually been working my butt off and doing really good on my eating((for the first time EVER)).
    I've had no caffeine for 3 days and I think I might just go a little crazy...lol
    I do Passion Parties and that's usually my down fall on the weekends...I eat on the road and the girls at the party always want me to have drinks with them or snack with them and it's sooo hard for me to turn down. I have a party 2 hours away tomorrow so I'm going to actually eat at home before leaving...I realllllly hope I can steer clear of the snacks lol
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    cnbethea - welcome and keep it up! You'll never be sorry!!
    roughneckswife - good to hear from you! Just plan ahead - bring your own beverage/snacks! Willpower is soooo hard!


    My sis and I will be the hottest 39-41 year olds on the boat in November for 4 days in the Bahamas!! I am soooo excited!!
    And talk about motivation to keep up the healthy lifestyle!!! She and I actually laughed when we discussed the activies available on the boat, like the running track, pool, yoga and aerobics classes - instead of the bar and casino!! Did I say I was excited!!??
  • princesspurple
    5cats....what is vlcd? you will be hot on that cruise:)

    barty-that is awesome, you show me i CAN lose it!

    roughneckswife-good for you! that is a great loss:)
  • 4mcm
    4mcm Posts: 4
    Second weight in went really well, so I am resetting my goal for 08/01. During the last 10 days I have being at or just below my calories consumption for 7 days. As for fitness I need to do better...

    07/01.......... 169
    07/05.......... 167
    07/10.......... 165
    08/01.......... 160 (new goal)
  • jodiking
    jodiking Posts: 30
    Hey!! So I feel like I am a little late for this challenge but I would love to join anyways! I have failed miserably at this weight loss thing lately and I need some support and motivation!! I had lost a few pounds but am now back at my starting weight :cry: I'm telling myself that if I can start on a weekend then surely I can stick with it...the weekends are what kills me!!

    SW: as of today 149
    GW: 120
    N_TAGASI Posts: 3
    I'm new to this but I'm in.