Lose 5 Pounds a Month- July 2010 Challenge



  • katieann2
    katieann2 Posts: 26
    Just getting back on track, haven't really worked on it in about 6 weeks!

    The good news I didn't gain any weight, maintained.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Okay I am up for the challenge should be good!!!

    Yesterday I did two kinds of fruit and 3 kinds of veggies plus 25+ jumping jack!!
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    Day # 2--50 jumping jacks and one fruit in......will add more later......:happy:


    I'm going to officially TAP OUT (read: chicken out) on my weigh in this week cause it's that TOM. :sad: :noway:

    Let's see what happens next week.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    WTG everyone for doing the challenge!!! That's great!!! I've had an apple so far today, and I plan on grapes and canteloupe around lunch and as for veggies, I'm thinking cucumbers at lunch and cauliflower at dinner. I may even throw in some broccoli for good measure. My TOM started yesterday and when I went out to a friends house (an all guy house) they had no form of pain pills and I've never cramped this bad before. This morning was a little bit better but now that I'm up, they are coming back full force again. :( Not sure if I'll get in the 1.5hrs straight this week if these keep up. I'm gonna attempt jumping jacks and maybe a few short walks, but I don't know just yet. I hope you are all having a better week then me. On the plus side, I'm glad to have my TOM again, since prior to May, it was almost 10months since I had it. May went on for 3 full weeks and then two days of spotting in June. So I'm glad that weight loss and exercise is kicking it back on again, I just wish the cramps would stay. (I've never really been one to have cramps ever in the past :( ) Anyway, I know this weigh in will be blah, but I will still weigh in Fri morning before we head to the Lake of the Ozarks for the weekend. I'm gonna be logging everything via phone unless service disappears. Have a good week all.

    XoxoxoX Bru
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Good morning everyone! I missed posting my weigh in yesterday. Things are a little crazy here right now. I've just returned from my last vacation of the year and it was very hard eating in Nashville. Very limited choices where we were staying. It was a convention. Hectic and not good restaurants near by. But it sure was fun. Food was definitely not the focus. I didn't eat as healthy but I really didn't have alot of time to think about food. I think I did okay considering the pitfalls. Man, I love biscuits and gravy!
    Here's the details:

    July 1 SW 210
    July 5 208
    July 13 207 (I really think it should be less but travelling has caused some bathroom issues if you know what I mean...)

    July 30 GW 205
    Just 2 lbs to go!
  • mystery_pants
    The scale finally showed my effort today!
    July 1st- 214
    July 7th-217 EEK, bad weekend
    July 13th 213.2

    So down .8, only 4.2 more to go by the end of the month! And starting up on C25k today!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Did great on the BMK challenge yesterday - before bed I realized I was missing a fruit, so I ate a half dozen cherries for a bedtime snack, plus I did my 25 jumping jacks for the day.

    So far, I had strawberries for my first fruit today and I had some peppers/mushrooms in my leftover yellow chicken curry for lunch, but I'll be sure to eat extra veggies at supper to be on the safe side. I have fruit #2 in my drawer for this afternoon's snack, supper will be salmon on the BBQ, and I have Pilates class tonight.

    Recurring theme: my TOM started last night too! I'm fighting a headache and a bit tired. I'll try to get to bed early tonight, especially since Wed am is C25k, bright and early!
  • lifeis2enjoy
    I am with you guys. Hope this month will be better. I am stuck at a 7lb lost for 3 weeks now. Getting a little fustrated. Have a good day all.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Day # 2 in---just completed my last jumping jacks to total 150 again today....I love that this is the challange and I think I will continue to do them atleast 5 days a week from now on....it gets your heart rate up fast (doing 50 at a time usually) andthey don't take but a coupple minutes and at the end of the day.....extra calories burned with little effort....I mostly fit them in while I am preparing meals.....anyhow......had banana, grapes, and peaches for fruit and cucumber and zucchini for veggies.....tomorrow I plan on another 150 jumping jacks and getting my first 90 min. workout in....the weather is supposed to be good tomorrow so we shall see........good evening everyone!!:bigsmile:
  • mrsyyoung
    mrsyyoung Posts: 16
    Hey everyone,

    didn't do too great yesterday, got in 1 veggie and 2 fruit, totally forgot about the jumping jacks....

    But, today is another day, So far I've had 2 fruits and no veggies but I usually have those for my dinner...trying to watch the carbs after lunch.

    I will make up my jumping jacks today...going for 50

    Hope everybody has a great day!!!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Warning: This is a really long post!

    Bru—I put chickpeas, olive oil, garlic, sesame oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice and roasted red peppers in the food processor. Viola, hummus! It’s really good. I am making another batch soon. I am sorry to hear about the cramping. I hope this is a one-time, catching up kind of thing.

    Rj—I remember when you talked about bringing your skates out. I have been thinking about buying some ever since! What a fun way to get in some exercise!

    Jenn—Way to go! Almost in the 130’s and running camp all by yourself…. it seems things are falling into place. Great work!

    Dmg—Good job on your loss and that’s great news about the clothes! I tend to buy mine way too big, too. I almost always have to take things back a couple days later for a smaller size.

    Jacque—I hope the water aerobics goes well. I live in Houston, and it is SUPER HOT here. I am lucky that my sis has a pool and am thinking of starting some water aerobics as well. I have only ever seen it done in classes, though. Do you have a certain program you follow?

    Shelly—Feel better soon!!! Sorry you are feeling yucky!

    Terri—2 lbs is not bad at all for a very relaxing vacation. I am glad you had a great time and got to relax some!

    Georgette—Let’s tackle these 160’s together! It took me forever to get out of them the first time around. Then I went on vacation and came back in the 160’s again, ahhhh!!

    Kelly—That is the one thing I truly love about yard work… the work out it gives you! Have fun!

    Lori—My dad makes the best biscuits and gravy, mmmm!! The downside is he always makes it (or his delicious pancakes) on weekend mornings when family visits which has been happening a lot lately. They are so hard to turn away from. Most of the time, I am not successful!

    Tina—That’s so true about jumping jacks. I love how I can do them any time, any place!

    Whew, that's a lot of people!! Great job to everyone losing and welcome to all new people! You will love it here!

    I am definitely in for the physical challenge this week. I am sorry I missed yesterday but still have today to get to those jumping jacks. I didn't know we were continuing the 1.5hour workouts this week but I already have my 2 in! I am getting certified to dive (will finally be done on Monday!) I spent 3 hours in the pool yesterday and 2 at the lake today. I am exhausted!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Well here's my BMK Challenge so far this week: I did 50 jumping jacks yesterday & 25 today. Yesterday I had a banana, blueberries & cantelope, tomato, & romaine lettuce & grillin beans as well!

    Today I had a banana, strawberries, & blueberries, pickled beets, & mushrooms.

    My dad brought me a dumptruck load of dirt yesterday, so this afternoon I was busy hauling it around in my wheelbarrow. I'm adding yet MORE landscaping to my yard! I'm busy making a couple of burms on the corners of my yard to cover in flowers. I live on a corner lot, so its a lot to do! Today's work didn't even put a DENT in that dirt pile! WOW am I pooped! Over 900 cals worked off today! So I have one of my 90 min workouts done for the week!

    Saturday is "Aunt Kelly Day" with my neice & 2 nephews. We are going to Starved Rock State Park hiking all day! YAY! That will be my 2nd 90 min workout for the week! Of course I'm sure it will be much longer than 90 minutes! I'm packing lots of healthy snacks & a picnic lunch in the cooler to take with us! The kids are SO looking forward to it! SO AM I! Its my brother & sis-inlaws anniversary weekend & I'm swapping houses with them. I got them tickets to a concert that is just a few miles from my house so they can stay here & just grab a cab after the concert. That way they can both have a good time & not worry about who is driving. They live about 45 min from me, so I'm staying there with the kids!

    Amanda - congrats on your dive classes! I love diving. Haven't done it for about 7 years though. I miss it :cry: My dive buddy got married & we no longer go on dive trips together anymore. :brokenheart: I'm scared to trust someone else with me. :brokenheart: :cry:

    Happy Wednesday to you all tomorrow!

  • worththeweight
    I'm in!! I need the boost!!
  • giraffe
    giraffe Posts: 12
    Count me in!
  • forgiven4life
    Checking in.

    July 6- 196
    July 13- 194.8

    On schedule for 5 lbs this month!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    heading off to work...but got 50 jumping jacks in so far....will do the stairs at work...and doing my 90 min. workout after work....talk to you all later
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Hi everyone! I forgot to do my jumping jacks yesterday, but I will catch up later in the week. For fruits, I had strawberries, cherries and an apple. For veggies, I had peppers and cucumber slices.

    I got up early this morning to do my couch to 5k (week 2, day 2). Here I come, week 3! Mystery pants, how did your first day on c25k go?

    Friends invited us over for dinner tomorrow night. That is my BodyFLOW night, so I'm not sure what to do - whether I can still make it to class without rushing from their house, or whether I can fit in a different workout at a different time...
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning to all!

    What a great challenge idea! I will try to work on those jumping jacks. They are an exercise I really dislike. Jumping and being busty are not a good combination. Plus the weakened pelvic floor from having kids make jumping jacks one of my least favorite exercises. I can do about 5 before I have to stop. I will try though!

    Fruits and veggies are easy especially now that the garden is starting to produce food.

    My body is still trying to get back on track from vacation. I was up 2 the first day back and then yesterday it was up another 2 (after 1 day of eating healthy) and this morning back down 1.6 pounds. I seem to keep losing and regaining the same 5 pounds over and over again at this time. The good news no more vacations this year! So I can stay on track!

    The weather is supposed to be hot and humid here today. It is not even 8 am and it is 78 degrees and 75% humidity. Not a good day for any outside activities.

    Stay healthy!

  • Racing_hotty
    Hey everyone,

    well it has been very hectic for me and I kind of fell off the wagon for a little bit, but I am back.. Last weekend was no good, my fiance and I went to visit my parents (6hrs away) for the weekend, and my mom is horrible about cooking healthy... But she is good about have fruits and veggies in the house. And this coming weekend we are going to visit my finace's family for my bridal shower and that is going to be a lot of eating out, becuase his family does not cook at all... so I am working out hard this week and really trying to watch what I am eating, but so far it is not going well. I hope I can loose the 2 lbs i put on in the last couple of weeks, and lost the 5 lbs for the month, wish me luck
  • Cathy_5011
    Cathy_5011 Posts: 78
    I am in too

    July 14th-177
    August 14th -172

    December-152 :happy:

    Here we go!!!!