Lose 5 Pounds a Month- July 2010 Challenge



  • princesspurple
    down 1.5 so far to 138...still need to lose 3.5 this month! 2 more weeks..I can do it!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am so on track for a good official weigh in tomorrow. I have had a great number on the scale everyday this week. if it isn't the same tomorrow I will scream. wish me luck.
  • SilverRoxy
    SilverRoxy Posts: 64
    I haven't been very good about checking in here. Since every time I weigh in too much I end up getting off track, I decided not to weigh in until tomorrow. It's been such a tempting month with the 4th and several family/friend get togethers. In general I think I'm doing ok but we'll see tomorrow. I HAVE to step it up on the exercise though...majorly.
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Time to report in:

    July 1 - 203.5
    July 6 - 202
    July 15 - 201

    Half way there....whoohooo
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Did a 2 hr walk last night to take care of the 2nd 90 min exercise and then today my co-worker asked me if I wanted to join her Zumba class, which I did. It was really fun, I am not the best dancer so I was a little lost on some of the fast steps but I just keep moving and had a blast. I also did some rope jumping while I was waiting for my summer campers this morning and I am taking them summing this afternoon and plan on playing hard in the pool to burn a few extra calories then as well. Hope the extra exercise will reflect on the scale in the morning!
    Have a healthy day!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Wt 7/1 -- 191#
    7/15 - 186.5#
    --going to weigh in again before I leave for vacation on Saturday but expecting to gain weight while gone so.....anyhow....did myh 2nd 90 min+ workout today burning about 1200 calories today....did my 150 jumping jacks again ....had strawberries x 2, going to have peaches in a little bit for snack and had beets and lettuce for veggies....right on track....will begin again tomorrow...talk to you all then!!.....:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm starting to feel a little better. My stomach has not been good all week! I only worked out 4 days instead of my usual 5 but when i did I got in pretty good workouts. I have been peeking at the scale this week and hoping my number stays the same for weigh-in tomorrow. I'm ready for my ticker to move...its been a couple weeks! Recurring topic: My period has been off since I started losing weight. Should be TOM but it isn't. It's been more like every 5 weeks instead of 4 and every month DF thinks I'm preggo. lol

    Amanda- I've been thinking of making some hummus too. :smile:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Wow congrats to all those with the favor of the scale! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Terri - glad you went ahead & did your workout even though you weren't feeling 100% - way to work it! :bigsmile:

    Robin - fingers crossed for you on the scale tomorrow! :flowerforyou:

    Tina - have fun on your vacation! Way to get your workouts in! :bigsmile:

    I finished all my jumping jacks this morning for the week, but I'm going to still keep it up! Today I had blueberries, strawberries, & craisins & lettuce,tomatoes, & mushrooms for my fruit/veggie challenge. Saturday is my 2nd 90 min workout - I'm going to take my neice & nephews hiking at Starved Rock State Park near Chicago all day! CAN'T WAIT! :bigsmile:

    Happy Friday to all tomorrow & I know several of you have weigh ins, so I hope the scale fairy shows in your favor in the a.m.! :bigsmile: Cheers to you all! :drinker: H2O of course!

  • nurseenf
    nurseenf Posts: 26 Member
    7/1/10: 156.5
    7/15/10: 154
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, I got most of the BMK challenge finished, all jumping jacks are done and I have tomorrow left for the fruit and veggies (which will be breakfast and lunch), as for another 90min straight, unless I get it in super early, it ain't happenin'. I'm headed to the Lake of the Ozarks as soon as hubby leaves work (anytime between noon and 330p) and his friends are headed our way( to ride down there with us) around 11am in case he gets off of work earlier. So I know I'll be eating out for dinner, no clue where. Saturday will be spent on the boat all day (except for lunch on the water at a restaurant for our friends bday) and then we're headed home Sunday later afternoon/early evening, so there's another fast food meal. Not happy with it, but I'm gonn amake due. I plan on bringing granola bars, pre-bagged baby carrots and broccoli, and TONS of water. I weigh in tomorrow morning which I'm not looking forward to due to TOM (I think it's ending but still) and I measure tomorrow, ugh...bloated and measuring, fun fun. I won't skip it though, I may not log the measurments though since it they may have gone up, but I'm logging the weight no matter what.

    Good luck to all those weighing in tomorrow, not that we need luck, just a scale that wants to work with us ;)

    Night all, see ya in the a.m. :D

  • bosh220
    bosh220 Posts: 11 Member
    can i still join?
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    can i still join?

    of course
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    heading off to work....then finish packing...probably going to take a day of rest from exercise today (except continuing to do jumping jacks) and will get my fruits and veggies in again today...talk to you all later!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all!

    Well I think yesterdays headache is allergies. My eyes are on fire and my head is very stuffed up today. It could be cold but whatever my eyes hurt need to find the allergy drops.

    Time for my first weigh-in this month

    July 1 is 177.8 pounds!
    July 16 178.8:angry::happy:

    I am angry that it went up but happy for that weight because one morning this week the scale was at 182 so this weigh-in after vacation could have been a lot worse.

    I have not gotten anywhere near attempting this challenge this week. Not getting enough sleep (seems to be my mantra lately) so I am dragging everyday. Right now I am not so worried about weight loss but doing every other day runs with cross training on the non-running days. I told my 10 year old I would run a 5k with him in September and I do not want to look like a fool! At this point I run for 2 minutes and walk for 1 minute until I have done 3.1 miles and takes around 42-43 minutes to complete. I am slowly turning into a runner. Now if I can stay injury free.

    It is Friday. The dreaded diet wrecker the weekend is only hours away! How are you going to stay on track this weekend?

    This is about being healthy so my goal for the weekend is healthy eating. I plan to buy more fruits and veggies on my weekly shopping trip. To keep snacks easy to reach. And get in my morning run tomorrow before the weekend activities get in the way!

    Make it a healthy day!

  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi All, Well I have survived the two Fortieth Birthday Parties and i've lost 1.5 pounds :laugh: so i'm really really happy, just going for a Girls Lunch Out :bigsmile: and tomorrow I've got a Pimms Party to attend (that stuff is just soooo easy to drink lol:love: ) so not holding out too much hope for next Friday!!!

    starting Weight with MFP on 1/12/10.........164.5
    Weight on 5/1/10............................................138
    Weight on 5/7/10............................................136
    Weight on 5/14/10..........................................134
    Weight on 5/21/10..........................................132
    Weight on 5/28/10..........................................131
    Weight on 6/4/10............................................129
    Weight on 6/11/10..........................................128
    Weight on 6/18/10..........................................127.5
    Weight on 6/25/10..........................................126 i'VE DONE IT ..... REACHED MY FINAL GOAL WEIGHT :laugh: :laugh:
    Final Goal Weight..........................................126
    New Goal Weight end of July......................121 GOING TO TRY AND LOSE A FEW MORE POUNDS TO BE ON THE SAFE SIDE
    Weight on 7/2/10............................................125
    weight on 7/9/10.............................................124.5 LOST 40 POUNDS IN SIX MONTHS WITH MFP !!!!!! :drinker: :laugh:
    weight on 7/16/10...........................................123

    Good Luck to you all
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    July 2: 198.4
    July 9: 195.4
    July 16: 195.2

    Aug 2 goal: 193.4 (and hoping to reach 192)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    4.8lbs gone so far!!!

    July 1: 222.6
    July 5: 221.4
    July 12: 218.8
    July 19: 217.8 --TOM--gonna weigh again Monday after it’s long gone, don't think I'll log it, I'm just curious :) Have a great weekend all!!!

    *edited* Don't forget, if there's an exercise (or food challenge) you may want to try one of these weeks, please message me. I pick this coming weeks and I thought of a few things, but would love to hear what you all think!! I want to try and keep one of the two exercises something that everyone can do (within reason of certain injuries). So brainstorm and let me know what you think..
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Well, I gained a pound this week. Weighing in at 162! :grumble:

    I thought I was doing really well this week. I think my problem is I have really fallen away from counting calories, and the estimates in my head must be too high!! I am going to track my food religiously from now on to see if that helps. I am not too upset about this gain because I FEEL great, and I look slimmer.

    This weekend, I am overhauling my pantry and refrigerator. I eat a mostly non-processed diet already but am going all the way now. My parents will be away for the weekend so this is the perfect time to do it!

    Congratulations to everyone who lost! Glad you are feeling better, Terri and Shelly!
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    June 1: 162
    July 1: 156
    July 9: 155 smile
    July 16: 152 :bigsmile: YAY!!!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Amanda sorry things didn't go well this week but we all have them and you can get past them. I finally did.

    7/1 150.6
    7/16 147.8

    I am finally officially under 150. I have been 149 unofficially so this was a great Friday!!! I also passed the 30 pound lost mark. I feel great.

    Congrats to those who lost and just keep going for those that didn't eventually it comes off. I had a 4 week stall.