Lose 5 Pounds a Month- July 2010 Challenge



  • owno9700
    owno9700 Posts: 24
    I will take that challenge!! I've recently lost my mojo.....my usual routine has been interrupted (happens about once or twice a year) and I always find that I need something to get me kickstarted again.
    Current weight is 143lb, target is 138 by the end of the month...see you at the finish line.
    p.s. I hope we come out in a tie!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good morning all ! Hope your 4th was happy, safe, and healthy. If it wasn't so healthy, why not take a little weekly challenge? For anyone who wants a little extra push, this is part of my BMK Challenge for another group, but why not extend the offer here?

    BMK Challenge Week 7/5-7/11 :We are going to work out for at least 1.5 hrs straight 2x this week. We are also going to sprint/jog as fast as we can for 30 seconds each day. We are going to try a new healthy recipe we've never had before as well. Sound like something you could do? Well then give it a go!

    I'm hoping to do some major swimming today not just playing around, hopefully it will last 1 1/2hrs. I did purchase a new dvd and hopinf it shows up this week and maybe I can use that for that same challenge. As for sprints, I'll be doing them in the mornings I don't do c25k or just in my evening walks. And I'm still looking for a new recipe to try :) Hope to see a few people join in, but no one has to if they don't want to...I understand some people have busy weeks ahead and may not be able to make it. Enjoy your week all and I'll see ya soon!! XoxoxoX Bru
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Still have no idea how and if the weekend affected me but i got in a good walk last night and started my morning out great as well. woke up not having to worry about the kids and went straight out for a walk .. I stopped to see my soon to be neighbor so all in all my walk lasted half an hour total. I will be going for another walk tonight. I cant wait to get on a scale im still hoping for the best.

    as for the challenge i cant do a new recipie as i have spent my grocery buget for this half of the month but i will try to make my night time walks at least an hour and a half with a 30 second sprint worked in : ) hope everyone had a good holliday weekend.
    I spoiled myself so im challenging myself to not have chips, candy, or soda the entire week... .. Iv been doing great with having no chips or candy its the soda haha... well off to work good luck
  • saraht76
    saraht76 Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in!!!!
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Good morning everyone! It's weigh in day for me. I feel like I'm getting back in control. It's amazing how eating out at great places with the people you love can make it so hard to get back on track. I actually did pretty good but I've struggled with cravings ever since. But the scale is headed in the right direction so I'm feeling pretty confident again. Hope everyone had a great 4th. It was pretty noneventful for me. I worked and then went home and cooked a turkey breast for lunches all week. Smelled like Thanksgiving! I work today and then I'm on vacation again. Yippee.

    July 1 SW 210
    July 5 208

    July 30 GW 205
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    i have not been on a computer this month so far but I am doing my best to eat healthy. I have not gained but I have not lost either since I got to the states. Kepp up the good work everyone. :laugh: phyljen
  • Smileygirlz
    I'm in & need all the support I can get & I'll do the same for you.
  • 3dogsand1
    3dogsand1 Posts: 13
    I am in.

    SW 177
    GW 172
  • Shannonk507
    Shannonk507 Posts: 252 Member
    Im in. Currently am 238 and by end of July want to be 233, although less (but still healthy) would be fantastic.:happy:
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    Okay, check in time!

    July 1: 145.8
    July 5: 146.2 :grumble:

    Not surprising though, and actually, not too bad given the copious amounts of drinking I did this weekend! But the 4th is over and I'm back on track to hit 140 by August 1!!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Count me in! Back at it, again. This time it is all about me!
    July 4- 232.6
    August 1- 227
    September 1- 222
    October 1- 217
    November 1- 212
    December 1- 207
  • TaraArriola
    I am in.

    I am actually doing weight watchers on top of this website. Hopefully, I think that this will be a wonderful challenge for me. I am a competive person, so if I know that I have promised to do something, I will follow through with it.

    Starting Weight: July 5th = 278.6

    Goal Weight: August 1st = 269

    I know that this is more than 5 pounds; however, I would like to be under 270. I also plan on doing a 30 day workout challenge. I am challenging myself to work out everyday for the month of July, even if it is just walking the dog.
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I didn't do well with my eating at the cookout yesterday, but I was very busy and probably sweated off more calories than I think. It could have been worse! :wink: :laugh:

    Bru- I will try to do the challenge this week. Does this challenge run from Mon-Sun? I have no idea how I am gonna work out for 1.5 hrs 2x this week but I'm gonna try. Usually I can only designate an hour a day while I let my daughter watch Sesame Street. She LOVES it and will actually sit there and be good while its on! I was already gonna try out a low calorie recipe this week, so thats no big deal. I'm not sure how healthy it is but its low calorie...does that still count? I HATE running so this is gonna be the hardest part! I can do 30 sec. a day, I'm sure. Time to start kickin' some butt!

    Phylgen- good to see you are maintaining while in the States! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome everyone new to challenge!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    July 1st 229.8
    July 5th 229.4
    July 12th
    July 19th
    July 26th
    July 31st >>>>>goal>>>>>> under 220!

    Sorry I'm a bit MIA - I'm on vacation from work & trying to get stuff down around the house & lots of yardwork. I haven't done much other exercise other than yard work. But that takes so much out of me I can hardly move every night & have to take Tylenol before heading up to bed! I've stayed under my calories & surprisingly still lost 0.4 lbs since being on vacation. I still have 2 more days & better get back to it! Take care all!

  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    I enjoy the tips and helps from Terri, so this time I have a few I picked up at my Mom's dr. last week. Some are similiat to Terri's but I thought I'd share anyway.

    It's not food if it arrived through the window of your car.

    Eat only foods that will eventually rot.

    Avoid food products that contain more than 5 indredients.

    Don't eat breakfast cereals that change the color of the milk.

    Stop eating before you're full.

    Eat slowly.

    "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper".

    Don't get your fuel from the same place your car does.

    Do all yur eating at a table.

    Try not to eat alone.


    Eat your colors.

    :smile: Jacque
  • JustGizzy
    JustGizzy Posts: 38
    I'm in 4 sure..
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I did 30 minutes of C25K today. The plan was to continue walking for an additional 30 minutes then hit some weights but I was just too tired. Running takes a lot out of me. I was able to walk for about 10 more minutes, and then I did some stretches for 5 minutes or so. The hour and a half definitely wasn't going to happen! I realize that if I am going to do anything for an hour and a half straight, it will need to be low intensity. Tomorrow, I will take my pups to the dog park and walk the trail with them for an hour and a half.

    I also didn't sprint today, yet. My heart rate gets really high during exercise, particularly when I run. It averages about 185 during the running parts of C25K and has gotten as high as 200. It really freaks me out so I am learning to ease off and slow down when I see it getting around 190 or so. Sprinting during C25K is out of the question for me but I will probably be OK doing it at a separate time. Now I just need to find somewhere to do it! (My neighbors may think I'm nuts if they see me running up the street at full speed!)

    As for the recipe, I already know what I am going to try. It's nothing special but something I have been wanting to make--- my own hummus! It will go great with all of those raw veggies I am going to try out.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Jacque—Love all of those tips!!

    Phyljen—Great job maintaining! I hope to see more posts from you soon!

    Lori—I don’t know why we crave bad things way more after eating out. The important thing is you are fighting them and still losing. Good job! Have a good vacation!

    Shelley—Ice cream has been taunting me, too! I live in Houston, and it is so dang hot here. I bought some frozen yogurt to have instead, and it was actually really good. It’s not the healthiest thing but it is far better than ice cream. The only problem is now I want it all the time. :laugh:
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    I'm in!

    SW July 5:178
    GW Aug 1: 173

    Weigh in: Saturday July 11 July 18, July 25, August 1

    Good luck to all of us:glasses:
  • forgiven4life
    Today's my normal weigh in day. I'm up a bit which I expected. I always gain when I start exercising (and it TOM too!). So hoping to drop what I gained this week plus a little more this next week.

    July 1: 194.7
    July 6: 196

    These weights are according to my Wii Fit Plus scale. My good scale broke and I had to send it off to be fixed. Can't wait to get it back.