September (2016) Running Challenge



  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    9/1 - 4 miles. Weather was beautiful! Had to cut it short because I hit snooze too many times.
    9/2 - Unplanned rest day. Apparently yesterday's snoozing was due to impending illness. First virus of the new school year.
    9/3 - 8.09 mile group run. Again, beautiful weather! Plus, virus seems gone.
    9/4 - Normal rest day. Way overate at family picnic.
    9/5 - 5.06 miles.
    9/6 - Bodypump class, followed by Abs/Core class.
    9/7 - 4.03 hot, humid, sticky miles...summer is not over yet!
    9/8 - 5.2 miles at Trek/treadmill class.
    9/9 - Managed to turn off my alarm and oversleep by 2 hours = no run or spin class :-1:
    9/10 - 9.4 mile group run. Another gorgeous morning for a run!
    9/11 - Insanely busy church/family activity day.
    9/12 - 4.7 miles. Getting spoiled by this weather.
    9/13 - Life got in the way.
    9/14 - 5.08 miles...seriously, this weather is fantastic for running!
    9/15 - 4.06 miles. Legs felt like bags of wet sand.
    9/16 - Spin Class. Missed it the last two weeks, so it felt difficult in a good way.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Gah...I have blisters on both feet again. I even wore my super wide Altras and my Balega Blister Resist socks. They're on the inside of both feet, right next to the base of my big toes. I'm not sure why I always seem to blister there, regardless of what shoes I wear. I may just start putting liquid bandage on that spot before I run to help protect it and hope that prevents future problems.

    Had problems with my nikes causing blisters at one point. Switched to the Altras and had no problems. Now the Nikes are fine and the Altras are causing problems. So frustrating!

    @ceciliaslater I have a few hot spots that tend to blister no matter what. I use Vaseline or Aquaphor to keep them from getting too bad. It's not a sock or shoe issue for me but a biomechanics one.
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    Woke up this morning to "perfect" running weather as stated by my wife, 60 degrees, slight breeze, basically no humidity, so we went for a short run (we hardly ever get to run together so it was nice) but to me it was cold out there. I have gotten way to used to running in the sunshine and heat, 60 degrees and I wanted my gloves.

    Also I'm ordering the shirt from #9, I am always on the look out for food.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    It's really hard to keep up with all of your posts but will try to read them all later. Everyone who has races this weekend.........good luck and those of you qualifying for Boston............big congrats, I think that's pretty amazing. If you're injured I'm wishing you a very speedy recovery! I've been injured lots of times so you all have my empathy. Hang in there..........this too shall pass!

    09/01 – Unplanned Rest Day but swam 45 minutes this afternoon (too hot here to run)
    09/02 – 3 miles – Pretty slow pace but faster than last run and AVG HR only 139
    09/03 – 1.3 miles around basketball court at gym + 90 min strength training
    09/04 – 4 miles, middle two faster, AVG HR 148
    09/05 – Party Day
    09/06 – 3.26 miles – AVG HR 149……….one hill
    09/07 – 90 minutes of strength training
    09/08 – Rest day
    09/09 – 3.3 miles – AVG HR 146, HIGH HR 160 during hill run
    09/10 – 1.3 miles after strength training
    09/11 – 4.16 mile run – Ran middle 2 miles at tempo – AVG HR 147
    09/12 – 95 min strength training
    09/13 – 3.52 mile recovery run – AVG HR 142 – two hills
    09/14 – 90 min strength training
    09/15 – Rest Day
    09/16 – 3.53 mile run – Fastest pace on horse trail yet – AVG HR 145


  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Just gonna leave this one here (warning, some bad language, but then again, we're runners and we LIVE on TMI and 4-letter words!): No, you're wearing too much neon

    "17. At the first sign that your favorite running shoe might be discontinued you buy as many pairs as you can find."
    I know a few people around here that do that... not to name names, but they know who they are!!

    I'm guilty, I just got 3 new pair of my favorite running shoe's in the mail this week. I was down to the 3 pair currently in the rotation and only had 2 new pair in the closet. When I tell people i go through 5-6 pairs of running shoes a year they look at me strange.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Just gonna leave this one here (warning, some bad language, but then again, we're runners and we LIVE on TMI and 4-letter words!): No, you're wearing too much neon

    18 things, more true than not. A few quibbles:

    3. Puts too much emphasis on nice colors, looks good, and will look good in them.

    11. No, I really hate the dreadmill. I'd rather run 22 miles on an indoor 200m track than step on the dreadmill. (I know, because I've done that and could only muster a blank stare when someone suggested I could have used a treadmill that day.)

    12. not so much
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    @lporter229 Congrats! And BTW, I had the issue with going into the forum with my Mac last night but it is fine today.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @lporter229 - Congratulations! There wasn't ever any real doubt, given how much margin you had over target; but I know from experience that it's a great relief to see it become official.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    @lporter229 - Congratulations! There wasn't ever any real doubt, given how much margin you had over target; but I know from experience that it's a great relief to see it become official.

    I'm dying to find out what the margin ends up being this year. I hope a 5 minute buffer is still valid next year.

  • mrs_madison_keane
    9/2 - 3 miles
    9/3 - 11 miles (14 total)
    9/4 - 2.6 miles (16.6 total)
    9/5 - 4.1 miles (20.7 total)
    9/6 - 3 miles (23.7 total)
    9/8 - 4.5 miles (28.2 total)
    9/9 - 4.7 miles (32.9 total)
    9/10 - 9.4 miles (42.3 total)
    9/12 - 3.7 miles (46 total)
    9/13 - 3.4 miles (49.4 total)
    9/14 - 3.4 miles (52.8 total)
    9/15 - 5.0 miles (57.8 total)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Just gonna leave this one here (warning, some bad language, but then again, we're runners and we LIVE on TMI and 4-letter words!): No, you're wearing too much neon

    18 things, more true than not. A few quibbles:

    3. Puts too much emphasis on nice colors, looks good, and will look good in them.

    11. No, I really hate the dreadmill. I'd rather run 22 miles on an indoor 200m track than step on the dreadmill. (I know, because I've done that and could only muster a blank stare when someone suggested I could have used a treadmill that day.)

    12. not so much

    Agreed. And number 14, not so much. But 13 for sure!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    9/1 - 4
    9/3 - 4.2
    9/6 - 2.5
    9/7 - 4
    9/8 - 4.2
    9/10 - 5.1
    9/11 - 6
    9/13 - 0.5
    9/14 - 3.5
    9/16 - 3

    Still sick, though it looks like the worst may be over. Things are just draining like crazy today. Took some Dayquil and tried a run this morning. Was able to squeak out three miles then had to walk. Not bad for being sick, I guess.

    Things I learned today: Do not blow snot rockets into a headwind. Gross.

  • johnnylloyd0618
    johnnylloyd0618 Posts: 303 Member
    @RespectTheKitty always blow to the side! lol
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    @RespectTheKitty always blow to the side! lol

    NOW you tell me..... LOL
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    edited September 2016
    Ugh, I've had a ridiculous week at work and am so far behind on this thread, and my running! Finally starting to catch up.

    Have my official chip time from Sunday's South Nyack 10 Miler - 1:43:24. 11th out of 24 females in my age group.

    Due to work insanity I missed my scheduled runs on Tuesday and Wednesday. Made one up yesterday, and hoping to make another one up on the weekend possibly, but either way I'm still going to be below my target mileage for this week. Which I'm kind of ok with since a week from Sunday is my HM, so it's just like I'm starting my taper a little early. However, not sure I'll make my goal of 100 miles for September. It will entirely be up to how much mileage I get in the week after my HM. I figure I shouldn't be too burnt out but technically it will be the very first time I've run 13 miles (only done 12 up til now) so we'll see.

    Anyway, yesterday and today were markedly cooler and less humid and it has been glorious! And it's showing in my pace. Two days in a row of runs with an avg page under 9:30. And seeing some bits and pieces of my runs flirt with being at or just below the 9:00 pace. It feels great, and makes me happy I spent all summer running in the heat, lol. I've also pulled out some good splits in these 2 most recent runs. I'm seriously hoping that for my HM I can pull out a 2:10:00 finishing time, it should be another 10 degrees cooler up in the Adirondacks. We shall see!


    South Nyack 10 Miler – 9/11 - 1:43:24
    Adirondacks Distance Festival ½ Marathon – 9/25
    Sleepy Hollow 10k – 10/22
    Bay of Fundy ½ Marathon – 6/25/17
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited September 2016
    Taper brain got the best of me, so I did some figuring. If I run 3-4-4 next M-W, take Thursday completely off, and do an easy 3 Shake out on Friday, I'll reach my monthly goal just before I finish my HM on Sat. That would let me take as much time off after, as I want, and be happy. Or I might scrap the Friday shake out, 2 full days off seems to be about what my body wants to handle.
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    As today was my final day up north before returning home to Florida for the winter, I opted to get in my final pre-Chicago 20 miler in the cooler AM weather. Ended up picking a hilly (3000' vertical) route for the run so took it easy at a 9:30/mile pace. With my half ironman in a week, and Chicago in 3 weeks, I'll cut back next week, and officially start my taper.

    Looking forward to registering for Boston on Monday as registration numbers are down, so my 95 second cutoff is looking a bit more realistic.

    9/1 - 6 miles (treadmill)
    9/2 - 10 miles
    9/3 - 12 miles
    9/4 - 16 miles
    9/6 - 10.5 miles (w. HM pace running at end)
    9/7 - 6 miles
    9/9 - 6 miles
    9/11 - 3 miles
    9/12 - 8.5 miles
    9/13 - 10 miles
    9/14 - 12 miles
    9/15 - 6.5 miles
    9/16 - 20 miles

    Total: 126.5 miles, 2 MP+ faster session
    Goal: 190 miles, 8 MP+ faster sessions
    Remaining: 63.5 miles, 6 MP+ faster sessions

    2016 Race Schedule:
    Disney Marathon - Jan 6 - 3:29:09
    Gasparilla 15K - Feb 20 - 1:01:59
    Ironman 70.3 Florida - Apr 10 - 5:07:51
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 1 - 3:08:25
    Ironman 70.3 Augusta - Sep 25
    Chicago Marathon - Oct 9
    Ironman Florida - Nov 5
    Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas 10K - Nov 13
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    @9voice9 Years ago I would have laughed at people wearing 1 inch shorts. Now I am that people. And damn these thighs look sweet.


    September 1 - 12.8km - Tempo&Reps/4:20, 3:30
    September 2 - 7.7 km - Easy/6:00
    September 3 - 6.1 km - Easy/6:30
    September 4 - 17.2km - MP/4:35
    September 5 - rest
    September 6 - 8.0 km - Easy+ST/6:05
    September 7 - 8.9 km - Easy/5:40
    September 8 - 17.2km - Tempo/4:25
    September 9 - 9.1 km - Easy+ST/5:40
    September 10- 5.9 km - Easy/6:23
    September 11- 18.5km - Progressive Long Run (6:00-4:20)
    September 12- rest
    September 13- 8.8 km - Easy+ST/6:00
    September 14- 12.0km - Tempo&Reps/4:15, 3:30
    September 15- 9.1 km - Easy+ST/5:45
    September 16- 7.0 km - Easy/6:03


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run 48:28
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest
    17/04: Forest Run 5k 22:05
    04/06: Happy Run 5k 21:57
    22/07: Bucharest After9Cross 9.5k 49:03
    28/08: Fox Trail Half Marathon (10k) 48:28
    18/09: Baneasa Trail Run (10k)
    09/10: Bucharest International Marathon (Half Debut)