Why didn't Keto work for me?



  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    How much weight did you have to lose? What are your stats? What answers are you looking for then if you don't want to hear a thing about calorie deficit?

    I have about 80 to lose atleast. I'm 5'2" 266 lbs. The reason I don't want to hear about a calorie deficit is bc I know that part and did eat at a calorie deficit, lost four pounds the first week and didn't lose anything else over two months.

    If you didn't lose anything in two months, you weren't eating at a deficit. Sorry.

    So 1370 isn't a deficit!?!?!? If not then I give up and will remain at my weight. I will not starve myself.

    Sweetbug, I encourage you to take a step back and really analyze this. That you did were not losing weight is clear evidence that you were not eating at a calorie deficit. Had you been doing so you would have lost weight.

    1. Did you weigh all solids and measure all liquids and log every single thing you ate every single day?
    2. Did you have any cheat days, or days where you went over, that you did not log your food?
    3. Did you ensure you were using accurate food entries?
    4. Where did you get those exercise burns from? I can assure you you are not burning 300-500 calories for weight lifting. In fact, weight lifting is part of your activity level and should be counted as zero. Only steady state cardio calories are counted for exercise.

    Those are just some things to think about.

    I was told by my trainer to have two carb refeed days a month. Did that really mess me up that badly?

    Now.....we're getting somewhere. Yes, those can mess a person up, especially if you are not counting the calories. They can unknowingly kill a calorie deficit if you don't keep track.

    Why did your trainer say you had to do two refeeds a month?

    I was powerlifting.

    Keto isn't a particularly good fit with powerlifting. Low carb can work but keto is almost unheard of due to the low protein and carbs make it suboptimal for building muscle.

  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    OP, if the keto experience was months ago, and you've been trying a bunch of other things since then (as it seems from your diary), why are you focusing on keto not working? I'm just curious. What have you been doing since then, and how has it been working?

    Also I agree that refeeds while trying to do keto, especially if unlogged and you can easily become frustrated with big bounces up on the scale, may well have been the problem.

    Just counting calories. Low carb is the most sustainable for me and counting calories without taking out carbs makes me ravenous.

    I would recommend the low carb group that was referenced above, then. Have you been cutting carbs while counting lately? I think starchy carbs (especially more processed versions), added sugar, and "junk foods" that consist of fat/carbs are often the easiest things to cut down on, no matter what your preferred macros (for me it was also extra fat, since I tend to abuse olive oil and cheese when not thinking sensibly, and fat just isn't satiating for me at all, I am jealous of those who claim it is for them!). Often just keeping protein up is good for satiety too.

    Anyway, are you still aiming for around 1370? I started at over 200 and 5'3, and did 1250, but I'm older than you and could have eaten more anyway, and that was net -- I ate back exercise calories (or some of them). Have you been losing lately? No need to go all the way to keto, as just reducing carbs can often have a helpful effect if you are one of those for whom it helps with appetite, but would miss your fruit, etc.

    No keto is so satisfying to me.

    If eating that way satisfies you, why did you stop? I am confused on that point.

    I wasn't losing weight.
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Hi OP! I'm late to the game, but here are my suggestions. Please note, I know NOTHING about Keto and eating low carbs makes me hangry, so keep that in mind :)
    1. I second the suggestion to join the low carb group mentioned earlier in the thread. There are lots of folks there who have been successful doing low carb or keto.
    2. I just have to say this, and it's not me thinking you're a liar. There are lots of "cups" and spoons" in your diary. If you did weigh those foods and just logged them using the volume measurement, that awesome! (i do that too) Just make sure you're converting correctly (sometimes it's hard to math right when you want to eat). If not, put it on the scale :)
    3. I also see some "generic" entries or "homemade" type entries, like 1 oatmeal cookie, or 1 cup of prepared beans. If you didn't create these entries yourself, be careful. There are lots of different ways to make those kinds of foods, and you have no idea what ingredients the person who created those entries used. Try not to use any generic or homemade entries. If you eat something at someone else's home or at a restaurant that isn't in the database, I try to find name-brand entries to use as I figure they are at least average, and over-log to be safe.
    4. Make sure you log all condiments. A spray of oil here and there can add up. Especially if you eat at a restaurant, I always add a tablespoon of oil or butter at least to the meal to be safe.
    5. I haven't seen this mentioned yet, but do you log exercise and eat back those calories? If you do, it's possible you weren't burning as many calories as you thought and need to eat back a little less.

    I know it can feel like criticism when people poke at your food log, but we do that because we learned from making those same mistakes ourselves, and approx 99% of the time, it's a logging issue. I hope you figure it out and get to where you want to be :drinker:

    I do put all the homemade recipes in myself. And I see what you are saying, thanks.
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    LazSommer wrote: »
    How long are your powerlifting sessions as 500 calories would take a long time to burn lifting

    Several hours

    What powerlifting routine is several hours?

    I did it with a trainer so it lasted longer but I was weight lifting a good hour and a half. It was pretty intense. That's why I thought I wasn't losing to begin with but it didn't seem to change when I stopped training.
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    I know you may feel like everyone is jumping on you for your logging, but you have to understand, at your weight and height it would be physically impossible to not lose any weight at 1300 calories per day IF you logging them accurately. Baring any undiagnosed medical issues, your body is not special. I am 5'3" and starting weight was 258, so my stats are close to yours. My starting calorie goal for 2 lbs per week loss was 1620. I have slowly lowered it over the past few months as I have lost weight, but I average 1500 calories per day and the weight had been flying off of me so far (31 lbs in the past 10 weeks). I don't do Keto, but I keep my carbs down because I have PCOS. I weigh and measure literally everything I consume, preferably by grams. You have to be accurate.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited September 2016
    I looked at about a week of the diary and the calorie totals are all over the place. I saw 1100, 700, 2000, 1400, 1500. These are broad ranges to consistently stay in a calorie deficit.. At one point the calorie goal was only 800 calories a day?

    Did you regain the 4 pounds back? and Are you taking diet break now and wanting to go back to the 13XX?

    What is your plan now? And are you power lifting now?
  • BennettVicious
    BennettVicious Posts: 6 Member
    Honestly, I'd visit your doctor. I did Crossfit four times a week for three months, counted calories, did paleo and in those months, I only lost 7 pounds, even though I have over 100 to lose. Discouraging, to say the least!

    After a visit to my doctor, I was diagnosed with PCOS and everything became clear. Honestly, for some people, it isn't just calories in, calories out. Why not schedule a visit with your GP to make sure that there's nothing there that's messing up all your hard work?
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    How much weight did you have to lose? What are your stats? What answers are you looking for then if you don't want to hear a thing about calorie deficit?

    I have about 80 to lose atleast. I'm 5'2" 266 lbs. The reason I don't want to hear about a calorie deficit is bc I know that part and did eat at a calorie deficit, lost four pounds the first week and didn't lose anything else over two months.

    If you didn't lose anything in two months, you weren't eating at a deficit. Sorry.

    So 1370 isn't a deficit!?!?!? If not then I give up and will remain at my weight. I will not starve myself.

    Sweetbug, I encourage you to take a step back and really analyze this. That you did were not losing weight is clear evidence that you were not eating at a calorie deficit. Had you been doing so you would have lost weight.

    1. Did you weigh all solids and measure all liquids and log every single thing you ate every single day?
    2. Did you have any cheat days, or days where you went over, that you did not log your food?
    3. Did you ensure you were using accurate food entries?
    4. Where did you get those exercise burns from? I can assure you you are not burning 300-500 calories for weight lifting. In fact, weight lifting is part of your activity level and should be counted as zero. Only steady state cardio calories are counted for exercise.

    Those are just some things to think about.

    I was told by my trainer to have two carb refeed days a month. Did that really mess me up that badly?

    Did you log them?

    No I didn't log them, my trainer told me I didn't need to...it was high carb day...no brainer
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    How much weight did you have to lose? What are your stats? What answers are you looking for then if you don't want to hear a thing about calorie deficit?

    I have about 80 to lose atleast. I'm 5'2" 266 lbs. The reason I don't want to hear about a calorie deficit is bc I know that part and did eat at a calorie deficit, lost four pounds the first week and didn't lose anything else over two months.

    If you didn't lose anything in two months, you weren't eating at a deficit. Sorry.

    So 1370 isn't a deficit!?!?!? If not then I give up and will remain at my weight. I will not starve myself.

    Sweetbug, I encourage you to take a step back and really analyze this. That you did were not losing weight is clear evidence that you were not eating at a calorie deficit. Had you been doing so you would have lost weight.

    1. Did you weigh all solids and measure all liquids and log every single thing you ate every single day?
    2. Did you have any cheat days, or days where you went over, that you did not log your food?
    3. Did you ensure you were using accurate food entries?
    4. Where did you get those exercise burns from? I can assure you you are not burning 300-500 calories for weight lifting. In fact, weight lifting is part of your activity level and should be counted as zero. Only steady state cardio calories are counted for exercise.

    Those are just some things to think about.

    I was told by my trainer to have two carb refeed days a month. Did that really mess me up that badly?

    Not likely. I don't believe that carb refeeds are necessary for strictly losing weight on a low carb or ketogenic diet but they do show up in places like lifting for specific performance purposes. You will gain back water weight but not fat on a carb backload. Have you been tracking other measurements other than just weight?

    I didn't track measurements. What I'm thinking is maybe I had wrong information from my trainer.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Because - like any diet - keto only works if you're also in a calorie deficit while you're doing it.

    Sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but...

  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I looked at about a week of the diary and the calorie totals are all over the place. I saw 1100, 700, 2000, 1400, 1500. These are broad ranges to consistently stay in a calorie deficit.. At one point the calorie goal was only 800 calories a day?

    Did you regain the 4 pounds back? and Are you taking diet break now and wanting to go back to the 13XX?

    What is your plan now? And are you power lifting now?

    No I didn't regain the 4 lbs back. My trainer had me on intermittent fasting and calorie cycling which is why I'm reaching out to you guys for help. Keto is the only diet I can do effortlessly. I am lifting but not near as much as I was doing with the trainer.
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I looked at about a week of the diary and the calorie totals are all over the place. I saw 1100, 700, 2000, 1400, 1500. These are broad ranges to consistently stay in a calorie deficit.. At one point the calorie goal was only 800 calories a day?

    Did you regain the 4 pounds back? and Are you taking diet break now and wanting to go back to the 13XX?

    What is your plan now? And are you power lifting now?

    No I didn't regain the 4 lbs back. My trainer had me on intermittent fasting and calorie cycling which is why I'm reaching out to you guys for help. Keto is the only diet I can do effortlessly. I am lifting but not near as much as I was doing with the trainer.

    If keto is the way of eating you prefer, why not just give it another try? Set MFP to lose 1 lb per week and only eat back half your exercise calories. Log food and give it a few weeks, then see where you are. Even if you are still stuck, you'll at least have some data to reference to determine where you may need to make some tweaks, and people would be able to help you pinpoint the issue.

    I'll try anything. Eat back half the exercise calories every day? I feel like I get more informative answers on here than when I was paying my trainer!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited September 2016
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I looked at about a week of the diary and the calorie totals are all over the place. I saw 1100, 700, 2000, 1400, 1500. These are broad ranges to consistently stay in a calorie deficit.. At one point the calorie goal was only 800 calories a day?

    Did you regain the 4 pounds back? and Are you taking diet break now and wanting to go back to the 13XX?

    What is your plan now? And are you power lifting now?

    No I didn't regain the 4 lbs back. My trainer had me on intermittent fasting and calorie cycling which is why I'm reaching out to you guys for help. Keto is the only diet I can do effortlessly. I am lifting but not near as much as I was doing with the trainer.

    The 4 pounds loss is still a loss and that is fantastic.

    Have you setup your calorie plan to lose x pounds now in MFP? Are you making a "start fresh" goal? All I can advise that makes some sense to me, is to drop the refeeds, there is no benefit from carb loading when doing keto.

    Stay with in your daily calories (no going over and especially no going under).. Do this for 3 - 4 weeks min. Take measurements of your body and maybe even photos.. since you are lifting heavy, you might notice some changes in body competition that may not show on the scale. You can do a weight trending app if you weigh daily.

    Give this entire plan 3 - 4 weeks of 100% commitment and come back and tell us if this is work for you or not. If you do 100% by the book per se, and keto does not allow you to lose real fat loss, then you may want to reconsider a different method of losing weight (back to moderate carb,etc..)

    edited add: you can do IF (which is really an eating schedule) and drop the cycling. If IF helps you with eating your calories in a scheduled timing manner keep doing that..
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I looked at about a week of the diary and the calorie totals are all over the place. I saw 1100, 700, 2000, 1400, 1500. These are broad ranges to consistently stay in a calorie deficit.. At one point the calorie goal was only 800 calories a day?

    Did you regain the 4 pounds back? and Are you taking diet break now and wanting to go back to the 13XX?

    What is your plan now? And are you power lifting now?

    No I didn't regain the 4 lbs back. My trainer had me on intermittent fasting and calorie cycling which is why I'm reaching out to you guys for help. Keto is the only diet I can do effortlessly. I am lifting but not near as much as I was doing with the trainer.

    The 4 pounds loss is still a loss and that is fantastic.

    Have you setup your calorie plan to lose x pounds now in MFP? Are you making a "start fresh" goal? All I can advise that makes some sense to me, is to drop the refeeds, there is not benefit from carb loading when doing keto.

    Stay with in your daily calories (no going over and especially no going under).. Do this for 3 - 4 weeks min. Take measurements of your body and maybe even photos.. since you are lifting heavy, you might notice some changes in body competition that may not show on the scale. You can do a weight trending app if you weigh daily.

    Give this entire plan 3 - 4 weeks of 100% commitment and come back and tell us if this is work for you or not. If you do 100% by the book per se, and keto does not allow you to lose real fat loss, then you may want to reconsider a different method of losing weight (back to moderate carb,etc..)

    I just did set it up. I'm going shopping tonight. I will start taking photos and measurements as well. I normally lose inches first anyways because I do lift. I am starting to think the refeeds are what messed me up. If I was lifting a lot, he would have me refeed every Saturday. Thanks for the info!

    I have a feeling you'll do great. Just focus on logging accurately and keep us all updated on your progress :)
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I looked at about a week of the diary and the calorie totals are all over the place. I saw 1100, 700, 2000, 1400, 1500. These are broad ranges to consistently stay in a calorie deficit.. At one point the calorie goal was only 800 calories a day?

    Did you regain the 4 pounds back? and Are you taking diet break now and wanting to go back to the 13XX?

    What is your plan now? And are you power lifting now?

    No I didn't regain the 4 lbs back. My trainer had me on intermittent fasting and calorie cycling which is why I'm reaching out to you guys for help. Keto is the only diet I can do effortlessly. I am lifting but not near as much as I was doing with the trainer.

    The 4 pounds loss is still a loss and that is fantastic.

    Have you setup your calorie plan to lose x pounds now in MFP? Are you making a "start fresh" goal? All I can advise that makes some sense to me, is to drop the refeeds, there is not benefit from carb loading when doing keto.

    Stay with in your daily calories (no going over and especially no going under).. Do this for 3 - 4 weeks min. Take measurements of your body and maybe even photos.. since you are lifting heavy, you might notice some changes in body competition that may not show on the scale. You can do a weight trending app if you weigh daily.

    Give this entire plan 3 - 4 weeks of 100% commitment and come back and tell us if this is work for you or not. If you do 100% by the book per se, and keto does not allow you to lose real fat loss, then you may want to reconsider a different method of losing weight (back to moderate carb,etc..)

    I just did set it up. I'm going shopping tonight. I will start taking photos and measurements as well. I normally lose inches first anyways because I do lift. I am starting to think the refeeds are what messed me up. If I was lifting a lot, he would have me refeed every Saturday. Thanks for the info!

    I have a feeling you'll do great. Just focus on logging accurately and keep us all updated on your progress :)

    Thank you sweet girl!
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    edited September 2016
    Bodies are complex; definitely not as simple as the CI/CO people want to believe. An example - I have two big dogs. They get the same food and the same amount of exercise. They both have normal lab test results. One of them tends toward chubby. I feed her the minimum amount of food recommended for a dog of her size, and she's at the top of her acceptable weight range. The other dog is more lean. He gets more food than the other dog does, and he stays in the middle of his acceptable weight range. Why? My vet can't tell me.