Why didn't Keto work for me?



  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    How much weight did you have to lose? What are your stats? What answers are you looking for then if you don't want to hear a thing about calorie deficit?

    I have about 80 to lose atleast. I'm 5'2" 266 lbs. The reason I don't want to hear about a calorie deficit is bc I know that part and did eat at a calorie deficit, lost four pounds the first week and didn't lose anything else over two months.

    If you didn't lose anything in two months, you weren't eating at a deficit. Sorry.

    So 1370 isn't a deficit!?!?!? If not then I give up and will remain at my weight. I will not starve myself.

    Sweetbug, I encourage you to take a step back and really analyze this. That you did were not losing weight is clear evidence that you were not eating at a calorie deficit. Had you been doing so you would have lost weight.

    1. Did you weigh all solids and measure all liquids and log every single thing you ate every single day?
    2. Did you have any cheat days, or days where you went over, that you did not log your food?
    3. Did you ensure you were using accurate food entries?
    4. Where did you get those exercise burns from? I can assure you you are not burning 300-500 calories for weight lifting. In fact, weight lifting is part of your activity level and should be counted as zero. Only steady state cardio calories are counted for exercise.

    Those are just some things to think about.

    I was told by my trainer to have two carb refeed days a month. Did that really mess me up that badly?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Out of curiosity, were you following a plan? Or did you just lower your carbs to some allotment you devised?
    Looking back a few weeks, it looks like your lower carb days were about 150grams? I didn't see many keto days, maybe TWO at about keto levels. And those included meals with 40 grams of carbs. How low were your carbs then and what were you eating when you were keto? For how long were you keto? Did you test?

    IFF you decide to try keto again, consider joining one of the low carb groups here and, if you haven't, please do your research.

    I did keto in the past. I did it for 10 weeks and did test weekly. I was in ketosis.

    And in 10 weeks of straight, confirmed keto, eating 1300some odd calories you lost 4Lbs? Do you have a medical condition? PCOS?
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    How much weight did you have to lose? What are your stats? What answers are you looking for then if you don't want to hear a thing about calorie deficit?

    I have about 80 to lose atleast. I'm 5'2" 266 lbs. The reason I don't want to hear about a calorie deficit is bc I know that part and did eat at a calorie deficit, lost four pounds the first week and didn't lose anything else over two months.

    If you didn't lose anything in two months, you weren't eating at a deficit. Sorry.

    So 1370 isn't a deficit!?!?!? If not then I give up and will remain at my weight. I will not starve myself.

    Sweetbug, I encourage you to take a step back and really analyze this. That you did were not losing weight is clear evidence that you were not eating at a calorie deficit. Had you been doing so you would have lost weight.

    1. Did you weigh all solids and measure all liquids and log every single thing you ate every single day?
    2. Did you have any cheat days, or days where you went over, that you did not log your food?
    3. Did you ensure you were using accurate food entries?
    4. Where did you get those exercise burns from? I can assure you you are not burning 300-500 calories for weight lifting. In fact, weight lifting is part of your activity level and should be counted as zero. Only steady state cardio calories are counted for exercise.

    Those are just some things to think about.

    I was told by my trainer to have two carb refeed days a month. Did that really mess me up that badly?

    Did you log them?
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    How much weight did you have to lose? What are your stats? What answers are you looking for then if you don't want to hear a thing about calorie deficit?

    I have about 80 to lose atleast. I'm 5'2" 266 lbs. The reason I don't want to hear about a calorie deficit is bc I know that part and did eat at a calorie deficit, lost four pounds the first week and didn't lose anything else over two months.

    If you didn't lose anything in two months, you weren't eating at a deficit. Sorry.

    So 1370 isn't a deficit!?!?!? If not then I give up and will remain at my weight. I will not starve myself.

    Sweetbug, I encourage you to take a step back and really analyze this. That you did were not losing weight is clear evidence that you were not eating at a calorie deficit. Had you been doing so you would have lost weight.

    1. Did you weigh all solids and measure all liquids and log every single thing you ate every single day?
    2. Did you have any cheat days, or days where you went over, that you did not log your food?
    3. Did you ensure you were using accurate food entries?
    4. Where did you get those exercise burns from? I can assure you you are not burning 300-500 calories for weight lifting. In fact, weight lifting is part of your activity level and should be counted as zero. Only steady state cardio calories are counted for exercise.

    Those are just some things to think about.

    I was told by my trainer to have two carb refeed days a month. Did that really mess me up that badly?

    Not likely. I don't believe that carb refeeds are necessary for strictly losing weight on a low carb or ketogenic diet but they do show up in places like lifting for specific performance purposes. You will gain back water weight but not fat on a carb backload. Have you been tracking other measurements other than just weight?

  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    LazSommer wrote: »
    Your calorie goal was enough to put you at a deficit - you were eating more than 1300 calories. At your height and weight the lbs would melt off at 1300 calories. You need to weigh your food and be honest with yourself.

    Why does everyone insist I'm lying about things I say? I repeat once again...I WEIGHED AND MEASURED EVERYTHING! Thanks.

    You need to see your doctor then, because he/she would be the only one that has the answers for you, if you were truely doing everything correctly.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    How much weight did you have to lose? What are your stats? What answers are you looking for then if you don't want to hear a thing about calorie deficit?

    I have about 80 to lose atleast. I'm 5'2" 266 lbs. The reason I don't want to hear about a calorie deficit is bc I know that part and did eat at a calorie deficit, lost four pounds the first week and didn't lose anything else over two months.

    If you didn't lose anything in two months, you weren't eating at a deficit. Sorry.

    So 1370 isn't a deficit!?!?!? If not then I give up and will remain at my weight. I will not starve myself.

    Sweetbug, I encourage you to take a step back and really analyze this. That you did were not losing weight is clear evidence that you were not eating at a calorie deficit. Had you been doing so you would have lost weight.

    1. Did you weigh all solids and measure all liquids and log every single thing you ate every single day?
    2. Did you have any cheat days, or days where you went over, that you did not log your food?
    3. Did you ensure you were using accurate food entries?
    4. Where did you get those exercise burns from? I can assure you you are not burning 300-500 calories for weight lifting. In fact, weight lifting is part of your activity level and should be counted as zero. Only steady state cardio calories are counted for exercise.

    Those are just some things to think about.

    I was told by my trainer to have two carb refeed days a month. Did that really mess me up that badly?

    Now.....we're getting somewhere. Yes, those can mess a person up, especially if you are not counting the calories. They can unknowingly kill a calorie deficit if you don't keep track.

    Why did your trainer say you had to do two refeeds a month?
  • medic2038
    medic2038 Posts: 434 Member
    edited September 2016
    A lot of people do refeeds, and it can cause a huge fluctuation in your weight (mostly due to water retention). When I was carb cycling I could gain 5-8lbs on my refeed days.

    I had a pretty weird and frustrating start to keto, the very first time I started. While it was massively frustrating at the time, I really learned about how trusting in your diet and not worrying about the scale is the way to go.

    When I first started, i was following Lyle's SKD, and had a target loss of 1.5lb/week.
    My first 2 months had drastically underpar results, and it was driving me crazy. Seriously my first 8 weeks were a lot of -.5lbs, same weight,etc.

    Then it just happened (Lyle has an article in which he calls them "whooshes")... Subsequently in the next 2 weeks I lost 5lbs, then 6lbs (basically putting me where I ought to have been).

    Now with that being said I was 100% certain I was tracking my calories correctly. Lyle himself even told me (on his board) that not all people respond well to keto and it might not be for me. I was just about ready to give it up when I had my whoosh.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    How much weight did you have to lose? What are your stats? What answers are you looking for then if you don't want to hear a thing about calorie deficit?

    I have about 80 to lose atleast. I'm 5'2" 266 lbs. The reason I don't want to hear about a calorie deficit is bc I know that part and did eat at a calorie deficit, lost four pounds the first week and didn't lose anything else over two months.

    If you didn't lose anything in two months, you weren't eating at a deficit. Sorry.

    So 1370 isn't a deficit!?!?!? If not then I give up and will remain at my weight. I will not starve myself.

    Sweetbug, I encourage you to take a step back and really analyze this. That you did were not losing weight is clear evidence that you were not eating at a calorie deficit. Had you been doing so you would have lost weight.

    1. Did you weigh all solids and measure all liquids and log every single thing you ate every single day?
    2. Did you have any cheat days, or days where you went over, that you did not log your food?
    3. Did you ensure you were using accurate food entries?
    4. Where did you get those exercise burns from? I can assure you you are not burning 300-500 calories for weight lifting. In fact, weight lifting is part of your activity level and should be counted as zero. Only steady state cardio calories are counted for exercise.

    Those are just some things to think about.

    I was told by my trainer to have two carb refeed days a month. Did that really mess me up that badly?

    Now.....we're getting somewhere. Yes, those can mess a person up, especially if you are not counting the calories. They can unknowingly kill a calorie deficit if you don't keep track.

    Why did your trainer say you had to do two refeeds a month?

    Totally agree with this. And what were you eating on refeed days? Going higher carb on veg will be mitigated by fibre differently than refeeding with donuts retention wise. Very few reputable keto groups advocate carb cycling or refeeding, especially when you aren't even necessarily fat adapted. I would stop taking nutritional advice from your trainer (see your doctor or a registered dietician if you need feedback on these things) and determine if you want to go full keto or if a straight IIFYM approach might suit you better. Both are legitimate ways to live, you just need to choose what is sustainable for you and track rigidly.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    LazSommer wrote: »
    Your calorie goal was enough to put you at a deficit - you were eating more than 1300 calories. At your height and weight the lbs would melt off at 1300 calories. You need to weigh your food and be honest with yourself.

    Why does everyone insist I'm lying about things I say? I repeat once again...I WEIGHED AND MEASURED EVERYTHING! Thanks.

    The recommendation to up your calorie expenditure by a couple hundred calories a day is good advice. Every little bit helps. Also if you kept the 4 pounds off then at least that wasn't a total waste.

    You mentioned the website recommended 1370. Did MFP say to set your daily calories at that for 1 pound a week loss? You could set it for 0.5 pounds a week if you don't want to feel so hungry and stressed.

    I do believe stress impacts weight loss. (At least it does in my case.) Exercise can be a good stress reliever also. Hang in there!

    No it's not good advice. You never raise your calories when you're not losing weight. Otherwise, there would not be fat people in the world. You only raise your calories to lose at a slower weight if you are already losing weight.

    There is one situation at least in which raising calories when not losing can be a good strategy. If you are cutting too low, frustrated, and then have more cheats (not logged) or unlogged binge days or the like. I think this is the main reason why some find that they do much better on higher calories after not losing on lower. Having a more sustainable and reasonable calorie goal allows them to be more compliant and not eat extra on the other days (killing the deficit, often without them noticing or realizing how much this adds up to).

    But if OP absolutely is certain she wasn't doing this, then, no, it wouldn't work.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited September 2016
    OP, if the keto experience was months ago, and you've been trying a bunch of other things since then (as it seems from your diary), why are you focusing on keto not working? I'm just curious. What have you been doing since then, and how has it been working?

    Also I agree that refeeds while trying to do keto, especially if unlogged and you can easily become frustrated with big bounces up on the scale, may well have been the problem.
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    How much weight did you have to lose? What are your stats? What answers are you looking for then if you don't want to hear a thing about calorie deficit?

    I have about 80 to lose atleast. I'm 5'2" 266 lbs. The reason I don't want to hear about a calorie deficit is bc I know that part and did eat at a calorie deficit, lost four pounds the first week and didn't lose anything else over two months.

    If you didn't lose anything in two months, you weren't eating at a deficit. Sorry.

    So 1370 isn't a deficit!?!?!? If not then I give up and will remain at my weight. I will not starve myself.

    Sweetbug, I encourage you to take a step back and really analyze this. That you did were not losing weight is clear evidence that you were not eating at a calorie deficit. Had you been doing so you would have lost weight.

    1. Did you weigh all solids and measure all liquids and log every single thing you ate every single day?
    2. Did you have any cheat days, or days where you went over, that you did not log your food?
    3. Did you ensure you were using accurate food entries?
    4. Where did you get those exercise burns from? I can assure you you are not burning 300-500 calories for weight lifting. In fact, weight lifting is part of your activity level and should be counted as zero. Only steady state cardio calories are counted for exercise.

    Those are just some things to think about.

    I was told by my trainer to have two carb refeed days a month. Did that really mess me up that badly?

    Now.....we're getting somewhere. Yes, those can mess a person up, especially if you are not counting the calories. They can unknowingly kill a calorie deficit if you don't keep track.

    Why did your trainer say you had to do two refeeds a month?

    I was powerlifting.
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    OP, if the keto experience was months ago, and you've been trying a bunch of other things since then (as it seems from your diary), why are you focusing on keto not working? I'm just curious. What have you been doing since then, and how has it been working?

    Also I agree that refeeds while trying to do keto, especially if unlogged and you can easily become frustrated with big bounces up on the scale, may well have been the problem.

    Just counting calories. Low carb is the most sustainable for me and counting calories without taking out carbs makes me ravenous.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    edited September 2016
    How long are your powerlifting sessions as 500 calories would take a long time to burn lifting
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    OP, if the keto experience was months ago, and you've been trying a bunch of other things since then (as it seems from your diary), why are you focusing on keto not working? I'm just curious. What have you been doing since then, and how has it been working?

    Also I agree that refeeds while trying to do keto, especially if unlogged and you can easily become frustrated with big bounces up on the scale, may well have been the problem.

    Just counting calories. Low carb is the most sustainable for me and counting calories without taking out carbs makes me ravenous.

    I would recommend the low carb group that was referenced above, then. Have you been cutting carbs while counting lately? I think starchy carbs (especially more processed versions), added sugar, and "junk foods" that consist of fat/carbs are often the easiest things to cut down on, no matter what your preferred macros (for me it was also extra fat, since I tend to abuse olive oil and cheese when not thinking sensibly, and fat just isn't satiating for me at all, I am jealous of those who claim it is for them!). Often just keeping protein up is good for satiety too.

    Anyway, are you still aiming for around 1370? I started at over 200 and 5'3, and did 1250, but I'm older than you and could have eaten more anyway, and that was net -- I ate back exercise calories (or some of them). Have you been losing lately? No need to go all the way to keto, as just reducing carbs can often have a helpful effect if you are one of those for whom it helps with appetite, but would miss your fruit, etc.
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    OP, if the keto experience was months ago, and you've been trying a bunch of other things since then (as it seems from your diary), why are you focusing on keto not working? I'm just curious. What have you been doing since then, and how has it been working?

    Also I agree that refeeds while trying to do keto, especially if unlogged and you can easily become frustrated with big bounces up on the scale, may well have been the problem.

    Just counting calories. Low carb is the most sustainable for me and counting calories without taking out carbs makes me ravenous.

    I would recommend the low carb group that was referenced above, then. Have you been cutting carbs while counting lately? I think starchy carbs (especially more processed versions), added sugar, and "junk foods" that consist of fat/carbs are often the easiest things to cut down on, no matter what your preferred macros (for me it was also extra fat, since I tend to abuse olive oil and cheese when not thinking sensibly, and fat just isn't satiating for me at all, I am jealous of those who claim it is for them!). Often just keeping protein up is good for satiety too.

    Anyway, are you still aiming for around 1370? I started at over 200 and 5'3, and did 1250, but I'm older than you and could have eaten more anyway, and that was net -- I ate back exercise calories (or some of them). Have you been losing lately? No need to go all the way to keto, as just reducing carbs can often have a helpful effect if you are one of those for whom it helps with appetite, but would miss your fruit, etc.

    No keto is so satisfying to me.
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    How long are your powerlifting sessions as 500 calories would take a long time to burn lifting

    Several hours
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    OP, if the keto experience was months ago, and you've been trying a bunch of other things since then (as it seems from your diary), why are you focusing on keto not working? I'm just curious. What have you been doing since then, and how has it been working?

    Also I agree that refeeds while trying to do keto, especially if unlogged and you can easily become frustrated with big bounces up on the scale, may well have been the problem.

    Just counting calories. Low carb is the most sustainable for me and counting calories without taking out carbs makes me ravenous.

    I would recommend the low carb group that was referenced above, then. Have you been cutting carbs while counting lately? I think starchy carbs (especially more processed versions), added sugar, and "junk foods" that consist of fat/carbs are often the easiest things to cut down on, no matter what your preferred macros (for me it was also extra fat, since I tend to abuse olive oil and cheese when not thinking sensibly, and fat just isn't satiating for me at all, I am jealous of those who claim it is for them!). Often just keeping protein up is good for satiety too.

    Anyway, are you still aiming for around 1370? I started at over 200 and 5'3, and did 1250, but I'm older than you and could have eaten more anyway, and that was net -- I ate back exercise calories (or some of them). Have you been losing lately? No need to go all the way to keto, as just reducing carbs can often have a helpful effect if you are one of those for whom it helps with appetite, but would miss your fruit, etc.

    No keto is so satisfying to me.

    If eating that way satisfies you, why did you stop? I am confused on that point.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    OP, if the keto experience was months ago, and you've been trying a bunch of other things since then (as it seems from your diary), why are you focusing on keto not working? I'm just curious. What have you been doing since then, and how has it been working?

    Also I agree that refeeds while trying to do keto, especially if unlogged and you can easily become frustrated with big bounces up on the scale, may well have been the problem.

    Just counting calories. Low carb is the most sustainable for me and counting calories without taking out carbs makes me ravenous.

    I would recommend the low carb group that was referenced above, then. Have you been cutting carbs while counting lately? I think starchy carbs (especially more processed versions), added sugar, and "junk foods" that consist of fat/carbs are often the easiest things to cut down on, no matter what your preferred macros (for me it was also extra fat, since I tend to abuse olive oil and cheese when not thinking sensibly, and fat just isn't satiating for me at all, I am jealous of those who claim it is for them!). Often just keeping protein up is good for satiety too.

    Anyway, are you still aiming for around 1370? I started at over 200 and 5'3, and did 1250, but I'm older than you and could have eaten more anyway, and that was net -- I ate back exercise calories (or some of them). Have you been losing lately? No need to go all the way to keto, as just reducing carbs can often have a helpful effect if you are one of those for whom it helps with appetite, but would miss your fruit, etc.

    No keto is so satisfying to me.

    Okay -- it doesn't seem like you are losing better without doing keto if I'm understanding correctly, so if you like keto, why not go back, log as consistently as possible for a while, and skip the refeeds? If you aren't losing after a few weeks, take the information to the doctor. I'm sure people here would be happy to check the logging, or people in the low carb group, and I'm sure there's lots of helpful information about doing keto that they could share too.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I think of keto as more about health thing than a weight loss thing. I think weight loss becomes a bit easier living in that healthier state. Not everyone needs ketosis though. Ketosis is very good for those with insulin resistance (T2D, prediabetes, PCOS, NAFLD, Alzheimers) and metabolic syndrome (CAD and hypertension) but if someone does not need fixing, ketosis won't fix anything. Those with IR and metabolic syndrome do tend to lose slightly faster with LCHF but it is only a difference of about 6 lbs over a year. Not much.

    Ketosis is not a weight loss guarantee. It's a way of eating, or tool, that can help with weight loss.

    Anyways, you regained those 4lbs you lost? It was definitely water weight?

    Did you take measurements? I have seen many examples, some in the Low Carber Daily group, of people who are losing inches but the scale isn't chaging at all. It isn't uncommon.

    Others need to wait it out. There are a few low carbers who don't see any losses at first. Perhaps it is a healing time? Perhaps something else is up with their body. It may just need time. If you really liked LCHF, you may as well keep doing it.

    Join the Low Carber Daily group for more advice. That's where most low carbers hang out. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/394-low-carber-daily-forum-the-lcd-group