July Weight Loss Group



  • CarpeDiem10
    bump :)
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    JimJam, we are very accountable to each other so welcome!

    cnbethea, sounds like you got back on track. Can't wait to see those pics and that smile on your face!

    I got to the gym today for 30 min of elliptical. I love the elliptical. I told my husband to buy me one for home. :blushing: I drank a ton of water and ate very little sodium so I am ready to weigh in tomorrow. Now I just need a good night's sleep. See ya tomorrow.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm down another pound - which means I've lost nine instead of seven :smile:
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    I'm down another pound - which means I've lost nine instead of seven :smile:

    Brilliant, well done! x
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Great job Tiara!!! Way to DO IT!!

    I am a bit disappointed to say (translate that as GRRRR!) that I am up 1.5 this week. I had a fabulous week with eating. On target with my calories all week, no crazy splurges. Worked out every day. I DID eat some treats I guess... ice cream and zucchini bread once or twice. But I was within my cals.

    Ah well, enough negativity right? Let me celebrate my successes for the month. I definitely am toning up! As I was at Zumba the other night, I was right in front of the mirror wall, and I could see my muscles flexing in my legs, and they actually looked pretty good :). That's an accomplishment, because my legs are def one of the things I like the least on my body.

    Another success- mastery of my sense of fullness! I have stopped eating when I am full! (GASP!) Several times at restaurants over the last week, I just STOPPED when I was full. Sounds so simple, but I struggle with that so badly! Because it's so gooood, and I have this clean my plate/don't waste food mentality. I am so guilty of just eating to the point of total discomfort.

    I MIGHT reweigh tomorrow. I am undecided. I also did lift yesterday, and I am a little stiff, so I know that means I am retaining water in those muscles. We'll see. I want my August goal to be accurate. This month looks skewed due to the 4.4 I gained at the end of June. I really am only down 2.3 overall for the month. BUT, that's still closer than I was :)

    tattoodfreek - to lose 10 pounds - down 6.7 pounds = 3.3 lbs remaining
    cnbethea- to lose 12 pounds upt 2lbs 14 pounds down 0.8 = 13.2 remaining Get out the 160's forever!!!!!
    tiarapants - to lose 7 pounds - down 9 pounds = lost 2 pounds more than target
    wendytobin - to lose 5 pounds - lost 2lbs = 3lbs remaining
    ebonia - to lose 4 pounds - down 3 lbs = 1 lbs remaining
    ifychudy - to lose 10 pounds - lost 4.6lbs = 5.4lbs left
    JoJo_69 - to lose 4lbs - lost 3lbs = 1lb remaining :-)
    MFPfriend- to lose 8 pounds- down 1.6, 6.4 left. :(
    Breathe_Glamour - to lose 5 pounds
    yentess- to lose 10 pounds - down 5.5 pounds = 4.5 pounds remaining
    Stewie316- to lose 5 pounds
    sbarham-to lose 4 pounds total (something each week)
    MelodieRN- to lose 10 pounds
    mamahutson- to lose 5 pounds
    GiGi76- to lose 6 pounds - down 4.5 pounds = 1.5 pounds remaining
    Sweetgal - to lose 6 pounds
    ThaiKaren - to lose 5 pounds
    Nabramson- to lose 5 pounds - down 1 pound = 4 pounds remaining
    TruSunshine- to lose 5 pounds (increased to 10) down 4.4 pounds - down 3.2 = 2.5 lbs remaining
    Darling_Jay- to lose 10 pounds down 5lbs= 5 pounds remaining
    Shua - to lose 6 pounds
    BeeBee32_ to lose 8
    mojo73-to lose 15 pounds
    sunnysmile - to lose 10 pounds
    roadchic18 - to lose 6 pounds - down 8 pounds.
    Saloule - to lose 6 pounds - down 3 pounds = 3 pounds remaining
    AnLucia - to lose 8 pounds
    ridelikeagirl616- to lose 5 pounds - down 3.5 pounds = 1.5 pounds remaining
    MRobbins82- to lose 10 pounds
    samdempsey38 - to lose 10 pounds
    Cfaye-to lose 8 pounds
    Shannonk507 - lose 10 pounds - down 5 pounds = 5 pounds remaining
    Lisa08- to lose 5 pounds
    Deborahcee- to lose 6 pounds
    Skysilver- to lose 5 pounds
    Chailey70- to lose 13 lbs - down 8 pounds = 5 pounds remaining
    amye353 - to lose 6 pounds
    blh_1010 - to lose 3 pounds = lost 4 pounds = 0 more to go for my goal this month.!! :)
    russ1220- to lose 5 lbs= down 1= 4 more to go
    mrsbojangles - to lose 10 pounds - down 4 pounds = 6 pounds remaining
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Well I only lost .6 for the whole mnth but the good news is I did see 159.6 0n the scale a few days ago but TOM is here and I went up a lil but atleast I know it's possible again because man it's been since March!! Also I lost 2 weeks in a row that's a first in a long while too so I am finally back in the groove of things!! Bring on August I am really ready I will be weighing on Sunday morning to start the month off but my new official weigh in day will be on Friday's!!

    tattoodfreek - to lose 10 pounds - down 6.7 pounds = 3.3 lbs remaining
    cnbethea- to lose 12 pounds lost .6 for the whole mnth sigggghhhh!!
    tiarapants - to lose 7 pounds - down 9 pounds = lost 2 pounds more than target
    wendytobin - to lose 5 pounds - lost 2lbs = 3lbs remaining
    ebonia - to lose 4 pounds - down 3 lbs = 1 lbs remaining
    ifychudy - to lose 10 pounds - lost 4.6lbs = 5.4lbs left
    JoJo_69 - to lose 4lbs - lost 3lbs = 1lb remaining :-)
    MFPfriend- to lose 8 pounds- down 1.6, 6.4 left. :(
    Breathe_Glamour - to lose 5 pounds
    yentess- to lose 10 pounds - down 5.5 pounds = 4.5 pounds remaining
    Stewie316- to lose 5 pounds
    sbarham-to lose 4 pounds total (something each week)
    MelodieRN- to lose 10 pounds
    mamahutson- to lose 5 pounds
    GiGi76- to lose 6 pounds - down 4.5 pounds = 1.5 pounds remaining
    Sweetgal - to lose 6 pounds
    ThaiKaren - to lose 5 pounds
    Nabramson- to lose 5 pounds - down 1 pound = 4 pounds remaining
    TruSunshine- to lose 5 pounds (increased to 10) down 4.4 pounds - down 3.2 = 2.5 lbs remaining
    Darling_Jay- to lose 10 pounds down 5lbs= 5 pounds remaining
    Shua - to lose 6 pounds
    BeeBee32_ to lose 8
    mojo73-to lose 15 pounds
    sunnysmile - to lose 10 pounds
    roadchic18 - to lose 6 pounds - down 8 pounds.
    Saloule - to lose 6 pounds - down 3 pounds = 3 pounds remaining
    AnLucia - to lose 8 pounds
    ridelikeagirl616- to lose 5 pounds - down 3.5 pounds = 1.5 pounds remaining
    MRobbins82- to lose 10 pounds
    samdempsey38 - to lose 10 pounds
    Cfaye-to lose 8 pounds
    Shannonk507 - lose 10 pounds - down 5 pounds = 5 pounds remaining
    Lisa08- to lose 5 pounds
    Deborahcee- to lose 6 pounds
    Skysilver- to lose 5 pounds
    Chailey70- to lose 13 lbs - down 8 pounds = 5 pounds remaining
    amye353 - to lose 6 pounds
    blh_1010 - to lose 3 pounds = lost 4 pounds = 0 more to go for my goal this month.!! :)
    russ1220- to lose 5 lbs= down 1= 4 more to go
    mrsbojangles - to lose 10 pounds - down 4 pounds = 6 pounds remaining
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Well, I can't believe I didn't post yesterday. I lost that pesky last pound for July. Yay!!
    I have been extrememly stressed at work. Reporting deadlines! I am finally done but today was also our month-end lunch. We had pasta, lots of pasta! Then Tiramisu after. It was in recognition for the awesome month we had and how hard we all worked. I ate way over 1 portion and it was all creamy. I ate bruschetta and a big honkin' piece of tiramisu. If ever there was a cheat day!!! I drank soooo much water and now I need to workout if I want to hold on the this loss.

    Jessica: That really sucks that you gained. It doesn't seem right and certainly not fair. I'm glad you're not getting down about it.

    cnbethea: You are always so positive, it's hard to believe that you aren't losing more. It's hard when TOM comes at the end of a goal. I'm sure it'll go away next week.

    tattoodfreek - to lose 10 pounds - down 6.7 pounds = 3.3 lbs remaining
    cnbethea- to lose 12 pounds lost .6 for the whole mnth sigggghhhh!!
    tiarapants - to lose 7 pounds - down 9 pounds = lost 2 pounds more than target
    wendytobin - to lose 5 pounds - lost 2lbs = 3lbs remaining
    ebonia - to lose 4 pounds - down 4 lbs = July goal!!
    ifychudy - to lose 10 pounds - lost 4.6lbs = 5.4lbs left
    JoJo_69 - to lose 4lbs - lost 3lbs = 1lb remaining :-)
    MFPfriend- to lose 8 pounds- down 1.6, 6.4 left. :(
    Breathe_Glamour - to lose 5 pounds
    yentess- to lose 10 pounds - down 5.5 pounds = 4.5 pounds remaining
    Stewie316- to lose 5 pounds
    sbarham-to lose 4 pounds total (something each week)
    MelodieRN- to lose 10 pounds
    mamahutson- to lose 5 pounds
    GiGi76- to lose 6 pounds - down 4.5 pounds = 1.5 pounds remaining
    Sweetgal - to lose 6 pounds
    ThaiKaren - to lose 5 pounds
    Nabramson- to lose 5 pounds - down 1 pound = 4 pounds remaining
    TruSunshine- to lose 5 pounds (increased to 10) down 4.4 pounds - down 3.2 = 2.5 lbs remaining
    Darling_Jay- to lose 10 pounds down 5lbs= 5 pounds remaining
    Shua - to lose 6 pounds
    BeeBee32_ to lose 8
    mojo73-to lose 15 pounds
    sunnysmile - to lose 10 pounds
    roadchic18 - to lose 6 pounds - down 8 pounds.
    Saloule - to lose 6 pounds - down 3 pounds = 3 pounds remaining
    AnLucia - to lose 8 pounds
    ridelikeagirl616- to lose 5 pounds - down 3.5 pounds = 1.5 pounds remaining
    MRobbins82- to lose 10 pounds
    samdempsey38 - to lose 10 pounds
    Cfaye-to lose 8 pounds
    Shannonk507 - lose 10 pounds - down 5 pounds = 5 pounds remaining
    Lisa08- to lose 5 pounds
    Deborahcee- to lose 6 pounds
    Skysilver- to lose 5 pounds
    Chailey70- to lose 13 lbs - down 8 pounds = 5 pounds remaining
    amye353 - to lose 6 pounds
    blh_1010 - to lose 3 pounds = lost 4 pounds = 0 more to go for my goal this month.!! :)
    russ1220- to lose 5 lbs= down 1= 4 more to go
    mrsbojangles - to lose 10 pounds - down 4 pounds = 6 pounds remaining
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Oooh Eboni I LOVE tiramisu!! Creamy pasta always makes me sick, but I would have been all over the bruschetta too! A big honkin piece, LMAO. That sounds like something I would say :)

    Cnbethea- I am so glad you saw that 150's number! It will be sticking here in a week or so I'd bet! Keep up your hard work!

    I was pleasantly surprised this morning to see my TOM arrived early this month. I guess that helps explain the 1.5 pounds yesterday! Now I just wish I had not eaten 600 calories in snacks last night for stress eating. LOL. The kids were driving me NUTS yesterday, and I had not made it to the gym since we got a new stove and dishwasher delivered yesterday (yay!) so I felt like a caged animal. I went to the mall with my neighbor who was looking for workout shorts, and I got 2 fabulous pairs in a MEDIUM!! YAY!!! And to top it off, they were tagged at $40, and someone had hung a 50% off sign that was not supposed to be there (that I had not seen and did not realize). So when they rung up at the regular price, the salesperson thought they had to honor a sale price that I didn't even know about and sold them to me for $20 each!! That was some luck!! They looked really great on me and made me feel stellar, which was the only reason I ever would have considered paying that in the first place. My friend told me I looked "hot" in them (blush) and that my hubby was going to bust something when he saw me in them :). What a boost!!! Yeeehaaa!!! Bring on August!!!!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    sorry i didnt check in yesterday... its a long story but im down to 138lbs so i was one pound shy of my goal but im happy with 5lbs!!!

    tattoodfreek - to lose 10 pounds - down 6.7 pounds = 3.3 lbs remaining
    cnbethea- to lose 12 pounds lost .6 for the whole mnth sigggghhhh!!
    tiarapants - to lose 7 pounds - down 9 pounds = lost 2 pounds more than target
    wendytobin - to lose 5 pounds - lost 2lbs = 3lbs remaining
    ebonia - to lose 4 pounds - down 4 lbs = July goal!!
    ifychudy - to lose 10 pounds - lost 4.6lbs = 5.4lbs left
    JoJo_69 - to lose 4lbs - lost 3lbs = 1lb remaining :-)
    MFPfriend- to lose 8 pounds- down 1.6, 6.4 left. :(
    Breathe_Glamour - to lose 5 pounds
    yentess- to lose 10 pounds - down 5.5 pounds = 4.5 pounds remaining
    Stewie316- to lose 5 pounds
    sbarham-to lose 4 pounds total (something each week)
    MelodieRN- to lose 10 pounds
    mamahutson- to lose 5 pounds
    GiGi76- to lose 6 pounds - down 5 pounds = 1 pounds remaining
    Sweetgal - to lose 6 pounds
    ThaiKaren - to lose 5 pounds
    Nabramson- to lose 5 pounds - down 1 pound = 4 pounds remaining
    TruSunshine- to lose 5 pounds (increased to 10) down 4.4 pounds - down 3.2 = 2.5 lbs remaining
    Darling_Jay- to lose 10 pounds down 5lbs= 5 pounds remaining
    Shua - to lose 6 pounds
    BeeBee32_ to lose 8
    mojo73-to lose 15 pounds
    sunnysmile - to lose 10 pounds
    roadchic18 - to lose 6 pounds - down 8 pounds.
    Saloule - to lose 6 pounds - down 3 pounds = 3 pounds remaining
    AnLucia - to lose 8 pounds
    ridelikeagirl616- to lose 5 pounds - down 3.5 pounds = 1.5 pounds remaining
    MRobbins82- to lose 10 pounds
    samdempsey38 - to lose 10 pounds
    Cfaye-to lose 8 pounds
    Shannonk507 - lose 10 pounds - down 5 pounds = 5 pounds remaining
    Lisa08- to lose 5 pounds
    Deborahcee- to lose 6 pounds
    Skysilver- to lose 5 pounds
    Chailey70- to lose 13 lbs - down 8 pounds = 5 pounds remaining
    amye353 - to lose 6 pounds
    blh_1010 - to lose 3 pounds = lost 4 pounds = 0 more to go for my goal this month.!! :)
    russ1220- to lose 5 lbs= down 1= 4 more to go
    mrsbojangles - to lose 10 pounds - down 4 pounds = 6 pounds remaining
  • TruSunshine
    Well everyone TOM decided to show up so I didn't make my 10lb loss. I gained 0.8 last week. I'm happy with my loss for July but I'm ready to lose this 5 for August!!! Let's Do This!
    LW: 190.8
    CW: 191.6
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Hey everyone, I started the August thread for us. Let's go do this!!

  • chailey70
    Hey everyone! Just wanted to check in. I was hoping to have better news but I didn't make my goal this month. I did lose 11.5 though so I'm not beating myself up too much. I know where my weak spots are and what I need to do to fix 'em. I just gotta do it! It's that simple..I just gotta do it! So I'm in for August with 8 lbs. Best wishes to everyone, Chris