Candida Infection



  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    CorneliusP - Tony Orlando's Candida lol
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Not so sure about the "if it works it's called medicine and everything else is pseudoscience". Unless this includes things like preventative medicine. I was in perfect health until I was medically injured. And they just kept wanting to throw more and more meds at me to treat the side effects from the meds I didn't need, and injured me worse and worse. Medicine is very important of course. But, should be used responsibly. We don't need to fix what isn't broken with overkill. And you certainly can't recover from medical injury with more and more meds. But, thankfully I have an intelligent doctor now.

    Ya, my SO's mother is over-medicated. She was on three different benzos a day at one point. smh.

    My Neurologist wanted me to take pain meds. I know it's because he cares. And I don't know what the right thing is. But, after everything I don't want to take meds unless it's actually helping me. I can handle pain.

    I did get some very helpful info in this thread about testing with a university medical microbiologist. I'm going to look further into that option.

    The problem isn't you or the neurologist, but the system. The problem with medicine is that demand has outpaced supply. Medical professionals have no choice but to employ a "treat 'em and street 'em" practice or they will never survive. Too many patients, too many regulations, too many parties trying to make a buck off of medical practice. Patients need to push back more often and ask informed questions. Sounds like you are doing this and establishing a relationship with your physicians.

    Yes, true. I thought I could trust doctors and that they did their best to heal and not harm. I thought that's what I was supposed to do. But, I understand now how they can prescribe things which can cause great harm. But, I would have been ok if the dermatologist hadn't wrongly prescribed the med when I was just dealing with the side effects from the antibiotics. The med she prescribed is only supposed to be prescribed to people that have moderate to severe non-transient facial redness. I had completely clear and pale skin. I had a slight numbness in my face. But the med she prescribed caused me long term debilitating nerve pain in my face. It was a topical. I had no idea. I thought it was just a face cream. It was when I was dealing with the pain that I was under extreme stress and I couldn't eat or sleep normally. And that's when I got very sick because I was already in recovery from the antibiotics. Any way. It's a very long and kind of complicated story. I was really angry. I'm trying to move past the anger.

    Thanks for understanding and for your help. I really appreciate it. Yeah, I have good doctors now and I am very cautious.

    Good to hear you are OK and doing better.

    The doctors are trying to do their best, but between two competing forces - potential suits and insurance/government regulation and oversight. Physicians are no longer the leaders they used to be and they are now second guessed by insurance professionals. They are pressured to push meds as this is considered to be the most cost effective approach. Just as in medical assessment - focus on the root cause and not the symptom.

    Some of the best physicians I know and going off grid so to speak. They are becoming employees of home associations and working in a cash only basis. No longer taking insurance or government payouts due to the countless and unnecessary regulations.

    Yes. "Concierge doctors" are popping up a lot around my area. The up front cost makes it prohibitive to many - you typically pay a bunch up front and get a year of care and routine tests. I came *thisclose* to signing up. But there was a waiting list and wound up going to another off-grid doctor who was pay per visit. The US healthcare system is so sad and frustrating.

    Agree - time to get government and insurance out of the process and let the experts determine treatment. Do this and medical costs will be in line with every other consumer index.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    OP, also try apple cider vinegar (organic) in water. Some people might call it "woo", but it is not harmful, so why not. Tons of at least anecdotal evidence that it helps introduce good bacteria and helps with digestion.

    "Anecdotal evidence" is an oxymoron, I'm afraid. ;)