Ghost Stories - I Want To Hear Your Best!



  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Wow @slimgirljo15 ! Was it creepy or comforting?

    Because we'd had the talk about trying to contact each other..I was scared of going outside at night to the toilet out in the laundry..I kept thinking he was going to show up and scare me..
    It was only after a few days of being terrified that my ex said know dicko would never hurt or scare you ..I figured he was right. So then I kind of got some peace from the fact I knew he at least got to see the baby..
    I still find it hard to believe he died the night before she was born ....he was like a big kid was so excited about meeting his goddaughter..

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    bump for


  • futureicon
    futureicon Posts: 348 Member
    So my husband I went out for the night on Friday. Locked the house up and set the alarm and set off for an overnight. On our way home the next day, pulling up to the house my husband noticed the front door was wide open. I check my phone, no alert from the security company, checked the app, the house is still armed. My husband checked every room, every closet, every nook, no one in the house, nothing missing our out of place. Please tell me how a door could unlock itself and open without tripping the alarm system?

    I would definitely be asking that same question to the alarm company!
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    My ex hub and I had a mutual bestie .."Dicko" who was a single bloke that hung out at our place a bit . My ex had gone to school with him.
    I was pregnant and he was excited we'd asked him to be godfather. So he kinda took a special interest in the pregnancy ..even dropping by with prawns and lime cordial..things I was craving.
    A few weeks before I was due to have baby he dropped by with a musical clown for her and we played cards for a few hours. We talked about the after life and we promised if possible we would come back and give the others a sign.
    Anyway the night before my daughter was born Dicko was killed in an accident. His motorbike hit a car on the street 3 houses up from our home. We heard his motorbike go past and the bang ..within a minute the musical clown which was placed in the nursey started playing..
    It kept playing on and off for over an hour even though nobody turned the key..
    For about 3 months after.. when the baby cried through the night that clown would often start playing ..
    I am absolutely certain it was *Dicko* letting us know he was still there.
    My daughter was heard babbling in her cot, she was about 10 months old and the musical clown started playing and she was clearly heard to say repeatedly *wink* which was a popular nickname of dickos also..I went in and could smell brut aftershave, his favourite.
    I think he paid a good bye visit . Because the clown hasn't played on its own since.

    Got the sads today ..anniversary of his death ..
    20 years ago today..the day is still vivid in my memory it was yesterday..
    RIP Dicko
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    So my husband I went out for the night on Friday. Locked the house up and set the alarm and set off for an overnight. On our way home the next day, pulling up to the house my husband noticed the front door was wide open. I check my phone, no alert from the security company, checked the app, the house is still armed. My husband checked every room, every closet, every nook, no one in the house, nothing missing our out of place. Please tell me how a door could unlock itself and open without tripping the alarm system?

    Did you go to Savannah?
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    I've been chased by a white ball of light in the woods
    old lady who died in my old bedroom at my parents would sit on my bed
    husband passed a couple of months ago and he's visited once during a packer game when i was missing him and our football chatter-he opened a closed door to his room and while i was doing a walk/run in his name, my phone independently started playing a one of our favorite songs

    Sorry for your loss :(
  • littlelivie771
    littlelivie771 Posts: 15 Member
    Story 1: About 2 years ago, I started using tarot cards and I had a dream that I would become overcome by a presence one day after using them. I take my dreams seriously as I have had many come true, but this time I was like ehh I'll be fine.. BUT two days later, after I had done some readings, I was laying in my bed, not sleepy/trying to sleep and suddenly I felt a presence come from under my door and I felt it creep up from my feet all the way to my head, I tried to scream and move but I couldn't do anything and I started like praying for it to go away and it said "that's not going to help" but then I kept fighting it mentally and finally it was gone. I ran out into the living room where my mom was and cried lol then I slept in my parents bed that night, yes I was an 18yr old sleeping in her parents bed out of fear ☺️☺️☺️.

    Story 2: my grandpa told me this one, he has many stories about these things lol my family is Puerto Rican so we have all these witchy woo/paranormal beliefs superstitions and stories, anyway so he told me about this kid he used to be friends with and very long story short, the kid stole money from a neighbor and blamed it on my grandpa. The kids mom just had a newborn baby and she swore on the baby's life that her son didn't steal the money, a few minutes later the son admitted to stealing the money and he gave it back to the neighbor, the mom went to go check on the baby and it died, they asked the doctor about it later and they said that the commotion in the house due to all of the arguing about who stole the money was so stressful for the newborn that it just couldn't handle it and died.

    Story 3: My friend and I did a spell on Halloween 2014 and after we did it, there was definitely an evil negative presence in the room and her dog was barking and growling and ugh it was awful!! We were so scared we took turns watching out while the other one slept!
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    I actually have (well my dad has) the weirdest picture that I can only say is a ghost. When my grandfather bought the house my dad grew up in he got it for a smoking deal because it was supposedly haunted. Like, people would buy it and move out within the year. My grandfather was not going to let that *kitten* stop him from a good deal! So he buys the house. My dad is born a few years later (he has three older brothers) and when he is like 5 or 6 he joins Cubs Scouts. My grandma decided to take a picture of him in his cute little outfit. She has him stand in front of the front door. The camera is on of those old Polaroid types. New pack of film. She takes the picture and there is CLEARLY a woman standing behind him, posing with her hands on his shoulders. She's a bit freaked out, but she wants her picture darn it, so she has him stand on the sidewalk and take the picture. Again that woman is behind him. Not doing anything creepy, just posing for a picture. She's wearing a floor length gown with frills, and seems to be quite pretty from what you can see.

    There is no way my grandma could have messed with the camera or film- she wouldn't know how to! Apparently several people died in the house. A few older maiden aunts included. I can only assume it was one of them.

    Another time, when my dad was a teenager, he came home and found his brother in the ALL WHITE living room passed out drunk. Beer spilled, food staining the carpet and my dad though "Omg, mom is going to actually kill him this time" So he went to the kitchen, which is the room next to the living room, and grabbed some stuff to at least clean up SOME of the mess. He steps back into the living room- J (yes, my grandma named him J, just J, not Jay) is gone and the room is clean. My dad is like WTF, and goes upstairs to go to bed. He hears music in J's room and opens the door and asks him how the hell he cleaned up so fast. J looked at him like he was crazy "dude what are you talking about, I've been in my room all night listening to music"

    As a kid I was never allowed to be alone in that house, I never spent the night, and I was not allowed in the basement. Apparently other less pleasant things happened but my dad never talks about it.
  • Naptownbabi
    Naptownbabi Posts: 256 Member
  • futureicon
    futureicon Posts: 348 Member
    Bump the night