Ghost Stories - I Want To Hear Your Best!



  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    1: lift (elevator) ghost guy.
    I was with my ex boyfriend walking on the ground floor of a block of flats heading towards the lifts. This building had two lifts and they were opposite each other. A we were walking towards them one of them opened and this really tall man with black hair and a white suit walked out of it then got in to the other lift.. at first I didn't think anything of it (apart from in my head thinking "man that guy looks snazzy.. how white is that suit!?".. it was glowing white.. I thought he was on his way to a party or an Elvis night or something..) anyway, as we were getting in to the lift he had just gotten out of we looked at the other one and realised it hadnt moved, it had a window on the door and no one was inside.. it dawned on us that as he was walking towards it he didn't press the button or anything, he just walked towards it and it opened then once inside he vanished.. We both saw him and it was sort of weird but I felt a really calm presence at the time so it was more exciting than anything.

    2: Door swinger.
    I shared a room with my little sister when I lived at home, when this happened I was about 14 and she would have been about 5. We lived in this really creepy house.. it was just a normal looking house but it had a horrible atmosphere and you always felt like you were being watched. Anyway, my little sister used to have to have the hallway light on and the bedroom door open as she couldn't sleep in the dark (she didn't have a night light) she would always be asleep by the time I went to bed so it was never an issue (I HAVE to sleep in the dark).. well this one night she wasn't asleep so when I went to shut the door she sat up and started crying saying to open the door as it was too dark.. we argued about this for a while, with me standing at the end of her bed (i was being a *kitten* tbh) then all of a sudden the door just swung open really fast then stopped before it hit the wall.. she still remembers it it was really creepy. I hated that house.

    3: Frank.
    This happened on Friday night.. I was at my friend fionas house and was sitting talking to my friend with a drink in my hand. Well this drink just fell out of my hand.. I definitely didn't let go of it and the glass wasn't wet or anything.. it just sort of fell out.. Anyway i said how strange it was to my other friend and she just laughed and said "oh it's probably frank!" When I asked her who the *kitten* frank was she said "oh didn't you know fionas house is haunted??" Then I said "pfft!! By FRANK!? phahaha" then all of a sudden my phone that had been sitting on a table just next to me went flying off the table and landed 2ft across the room.. I am now more respectful of Frank.

    Frank sounds like a real *kitten*.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am a writer by trade and I got interested in the bunches of ghost stories that abound in the area south of Washington DC, thru Maryland to Harper's Ferry, W. Va., and Northern Virginia.
    I talked to a couple who had bought their dream home in the Virginia countryside. Weird things began to happen almost as soon as they moved in, but mostly mischief, nothing malevolent.
    Keys would go missing only to appear later just where they thought they had left them. A carpet in a long hallway upstairs was found bunched up at the end of the hallway, as if someone had jumped on it and slid, and it had a curtain tie from one of the bedrooms in the middle of the bunch. During Christmas, they put electric candles in each of their front windows. And they would find that the one in that particular bedroom was turned off when the others were on, or was on when the others were off.
    These things seemed like the pranks of a child and, asking around, they discovered that a child who lived in the house in the 1930s had died, of carbon monoxide poisoning in the garage.
    Since none of the eerie antics were threatening, the couple just accepted their ghost.
    But, one time, the box where they kept all their tax documents went missing, just a couple of days before April 15th. They searched frantically, for about a day. But, to no avail. Finally, the woman got so frustrated that she banged on the dining room table and screamed: "Give us back our taxes! You're dead. You don't belong here. This is our house now!"
    Someone had told her that ghosts don't know they are dead and, sometimes, if you tell them, they go away.
    Half an hour later, they found the taxes box, right out in the open. And they never had any disturbances again.
    Later, while researching these stories, I spoke with an expert from the parapsychology lab at Duke University. Duke had a quite renowned and well-regarded lab that investigated the paranormal for many years. I asked this expert: "With all you know, do you believe there are ghosts?"
    He replied: "All I can tell you is this: These hauntings/events/occurrences seem to fulfill a need for the people they happen to. I don't know if they are real or imagined or what. But they fulfill a need."
    This got me thinking. So I called the couple. And I asked them if, perhaps, they wanted children and could not have them.
    The woman said, yes, they had tried for years.
    Then she added that they really did not mind having their ghost and that, after she yelled at him, she felt terrible about it right away. She regretted having done it and wished she never had.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

  • itsalifestylenotadiet
    So now that I have read every single 8 pages of this thread I have to go to bed. Thanks all!! Lol, why oh why do I always find this stuff at night time? I have a few stories but it will have to wait until I get back online.

    (1) I'm really tired and
    (2) If I tell those stories before bed there will be no sleep for me.
    I must say there has been some creepy things happening to alot of you.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    There was a much older ghost stories thread a few years ago.. there was some really creepy stuff on that one.. searching and i can't find it though.
  • futureicon
    futureicon Posts: 348 Member
    This story was on CNN not too long ago and was legit creepy..
  • futureicon
    futureicon Posts: 348 Member
    For those who are nervous about the link..
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    edited October 2016
    I live in a 100+ year old house. Ghost keeps turning my ceiling fan on - never a consistent speed.

    F**king b*stard.