Breakfast = most important meal of the day?????



  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member

    I apologize let me clarify as my original point has been completely lost in this mish mash. I was simply stating that this "broscience" term gets used way to often. If all one has to do is create a Hypothesis, which we are all in agreeance is just an educated guess, then the term "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is NOT Broscience by your definition. There are plenty of hypothesis and studies out there who have written and researched the idea. Lets not throw the term "broscience" around just to make ourselves somehow seem superior and of a higher intellect just because you have a different opinion. It is possible to have 2 different well thought out and researched ideas with opposing viewpoints.

    And for the record I never stated either of these as my opinion. I consider breakfast under the term "breaking the fast" whether it be 8am or 2 in the afternoon. I also think the most important meal is that preceeded by the most physical activity. For me its morning, maybe someone works out in the evening, or works the night shift. It's really based on the individual. I'm also pretty sure in the actual thesis we are discussing the authors final conclusion was

    "Post-breakfast hunger cannot be explained by differences in food choice, but by certain individual factors, and their interaction with a time-of-day effect of feeding on hormonal profile and metabolism."

    Or in other words its different for every individual. (even thought his actual article discusses something completely different than the notion that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, his article is about why we still get hungry shorty after eating breakfast)

    Damn she is good I like her :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Initially it might have been marketing campaigns by Kellogs/Post ... however it's
    true if you think about it. Many ppl are insulin resistant and/or diabetic. A lot of
    metabolic disorders and such require not going w/o food too many hours straight.

    I personally like getting a nice rounded breakfast to get my engine running. :)

    I was referring to people that do not have a medical condition...guess I should of clarified...
  • jahowell
    jahowell Posts: 67
    I don't think I have a medical condition, or at least not diagnosed by a professional, lol
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I eat dinner around 5-6pm, usually with no snacks before bed, I wake up at 5AM and work out so by the time 6;30 or 7am roll around -I need to eat BAD.....I think it might be the most important because you haven't eaten since dinner and for some of us, that is a long time not to eat......and your body needs to eat right, at least mine does.

    right, I get what you are saying...

    Just trying to get thoughts on where the "most important meal of the day thing comes from .."

    why wouldn't dinner be the most important meal because you get to spend time with your family...or does no one do that anymore? LOL
  • WhoIsAmber
    WhoIsAmber Posts: 161 Member
    I don't know where "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" thing originated from, I just know that I don't like eating first thing as soon as I wake up. I think it's conditioning from my teen years, where I would get extremely sick to my stomach just before school. My first meal is usually around 12-2 PM and I count that in my food log as "breakfast." It's usually breakfast foods though, not lunch.

    My body (for whatever reason) just likes eating closer to the end of the day. If I've eaten a lot of my calories earlier in the day, I end up going over my calories because I like having a satisfying dinner (not one of those tiny meals that you're hungry again in 3 hours) and a snack before I brush my teeth and get ready for bed.

    I just stay on track better when I don't eat first thing in the morning.
  • jahowell
    jahowell Posts: 67
    I agree, I love dinner time the most, and yes, we sit at the dinner table after I cook, every single night.
    So I would agree with you, it is THE most important meal of the day.....breakfast is so much more stressful, and I usually have to make 3 different meals....ugh
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    I think is is a personal choice. I use to not eat breakfast at all now I do everyday but usually about 2 hours after I get up I still call that breakfast. I find that if I don't eat until around lunch time than a lot of what is said in the link below to the mayo clinic is true. I don't have as much energy, I don't make the write food choices and I am hungrier throughout the day.

    At one time doctor's did believe it was the most important meal of the day based on certain studies. However newer studies have come ot that conflict the the previous findings.
  • tumblr_mopl20EaNb1st6d8lo1_500.gif

    I apologize let me clarify as my original point has been completely lost in this mish mash. I was simply stating that this "broscience" term gets used way to often. If all one has to do is create a Hypothesis, which we are all in agreeance is just an educated guess, then the term "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is NOT Broscience by your definition. There are plenty of hypothesis and studies out there who have written and researched the idea. Lets not throw the term "broscience" around just to make ourselves somehow seem superior and of a higher intellect just because you have a different opinion. It is possible to have 2 different well thought out and researched ideas with opposing viewpoints.

    And for the record I never stated either of these as my opinion. I consider breakfast under the term "breaking the fast" whether it be 8am or 2 in the afternoon. I also think the most important meal is that preceeded by the most physical activity. For me its morning, maybe someone works out in the evening, or works the night shift. It's really based on the individual. I'm also pretty sure in the actual thesis we are discussing the authors final conclusion was

    "Post-breakfast hunger cannot be explained by differences in food choice, but by certain individual factors, and their interaction with a time-of-day effect of feeding on hormonal profile and metabolism."

    Or in other words its different for every individual. (even thought his actual article discusses something completely different than the notion that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, his article is about why we still get hungry shorty after eating breakfast)

    Damn she is good I like her :)

  • kuuhristin
    kuuhristin Posts: 24
    It's probably different for everyone. For me I have low thyroid, anemia, vit. D deficient, and hypoglycemic along with gnarly acid reflux because I don't have a gall bladder.

    Eating for some in the morning may boost your metabolism or give you energy while others may not experience these benefits from breakfast.

    I NEVER used to eat breakfast before. But now that I know about all the above health challenges I have, it makes all the difference. If I don't eat something I get gnarly acid reflux when I work out, and because of my hypoglycemia it gives me the boost of energy to get my day started.

    No I don't have actual scientific proof or anything but maybe some of these health factors could make more sense of why it would benefit someone like myself SO GREATLY while someone without any of these issues or even some with can do fine without.

    Breakfast is MY most important meal of the day.
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