November 2016 Running Challenge



  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date:: :::: Miles :::: Nov total (goal = 75)
    11/01/16 :::: 5.7 :::: 5.7
    11/02/16 :::: 2.9 :::: 8.5
    11/03/16 :::: 2.2 :::: 10.7
    11/04/16 :::: 2.0 :::: 12.7
    11/05/16 :::: 6.4 :::: 19.1
    11/06/16 :::: 2.5 :::: 21.6
    11/07/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 21.6
    11/08/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 21.6
    11/09/16 :::: 2.4 :::: 24.0
    11/10/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 24.0
    11/11/16 :::: 2.4 :::: 26.5
    11/12/16 :::: 7.2 :::: 33.7
    11/13/16 :::: 3.1 :::: 36.8
    11/14/16 :::: 2.8 :::: 39.5
    11/15/16 :::: 5.6 :::: 45.1
    11/16/16 :::: 2.7 :::: 47.9
    11/17/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 47.9
    11/18/16 :::: 2.2 :::: 50.0
    11/19/16 :::: 7.3 :::: 57.3
    11/20/16 :::: 3.0 :::: 60.3
    11/21/16 :::: 2.6 :::: 62.9
    11/22/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 62.9
    11/23/16 :::: 5.7 :::: 68.6
    11/24/16 :::: 3.1 :::: 71.7
    11/25/16 :::: 3.4 :::: 75.1
    11/26/16 :::: 7.3 :::: 82.4

    Nice long run this morning. The weather was sunny and 36 degrees, a bit breezy but not bad. I missed doing the long run with my group, but I listened to an audio book and time went by pretty quickly.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited November 2016
    @Elise4270 Glad to see you beginning to get back, even if you're not officially cleared yet.

    @louubelle16 Thank you for the "a stupid story to go along with this run that may amuse" . So like others have asked what was your ultimate Pace/Finishing time?

    @trudyschmidt The obstacles (weather, injury) are just learning opportunities about what you - we are able to accomplish as Athletes. I get inspiration from the you and the other new(ish) runners because I literally and physically remember being in their shoes working hard to improve.

    @NikolaosKey - 142 km and more to come from your HM. Target plus well done.

    @MobyCarp Great Job resisting the urge to push it. Injury Recovery is probably the hardest thing to learn for Runners, we start feeling good and try to push it and relapse. LOL at " I slept in till the alarm cat went off ". Hope it was just a Meow - not paws and claws.


    Saturday is normally our Long run day. To encourage new people to join into the club we had a 5 km Pop up Turkey Trot. Play on words for the US Thanks Giving weekend. I was feeling my Quads this morning so I knew that I could not go out hard/fast so went easy until the turn and then upped my pace. Middle of the pack finish 29:16 = 5:51/km. My PB from this summer was 5:29/km. Most of the Speedsters said there was something funky about the day as they were all below their Avg pace and way off their PB's. Colder day and Hi-Humidity??
    -12C ( 10F ) Heavy Fog off the river especially from km 2-3 at the Far North end of the community.

    November Running 140km Goal 160km Stretch
    11/01 –00.0 km – 0.0 – 140.0 km – YTD 1071.0 km
    11/02–9.5 km – 9.5 – 130.5 km
    11/05–26.0 km –35.5 – 104.5
    11/12–12.0 km –47.5 – 92.5 km
    11/13–5.0 km –52.5 – 87.5 km
    11/14–10.0 km –62.5 – 77.5 km
    11/16–5.0 km –67.5 – 72.5 km
    11/19–8.0 km –75.5 – 64.5 km
    11/20–9.0 km –84.5 – 55.5 km
    11/21–14.0 km –98.5 – 41.5 km
    11/25–10.0 km –108.5 – 31.5 km
    11/26–5.0 km –113.5 – 26.5 km – YTD 1178.5 km

  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    edited November 2016
    @MobyCarp and @juliet3455 My first lap when I thought I was running 9:00 and finding it easy was actually 10:00 and by the end I was running 8:30! CLEARLY have no real idea what I'm doing as any idiot surely would have thought there was something wrong at that point when I was obviously pushing tempo pace :sweat_smile: I mean, I have a master's degree and yet didn't realise that my lungs burning means I was not running HM pace? The brain is a weird thing.

    Even stranger is that my finishing time gives an average only 10sec/mile off my goal pace anyway, it was just a hideously uneven run.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    11/1- 6.05
    11/2- 6.13
    11/3- 6.01
    11/4- 6.12
    11/5- 10.25
    11/6- Rest
    11/7: 6.05
    11/8- 6.01
    11/9- 6.02
    11/10- 6.14
    11/11- 6.01
    11/13- REST
    11/14- 6.02
    11/15- 6.06
    11/16- 6.15
    11/17- 6.41
    11/18- 6.14 plus an hour and a half of snow shoveling
    11/19- "rest" Does it really count as rest when you shovel snow for an hour?
    11/20- 11.01
    11/21- 4.03
    11/22- 4.01
    11/23- 4.02
    11/24- 3.1
    11/25- REST-unscheduled, needed it after trashing my legs at the 5k
    11/26- 9.02

    Total: 141.77/150

    Weekend running notes:

    Thursday: Fast Before the Feast 5k. Ran a 23:22 PR
    Friday- rest day
    Saturday: 9.02 miles. Ran the first 3.4 miles with my mom. She split off at an intersection to complete her 5.4 mile run. at about 5.5 miles My right hip started feeling twingey. It didn't hurt, just felt off, like it was too loose maybe? Had a little ache about mile 7 and ended up taking a couple walk breaks during the last couple miles.

    I'm looking up sports medicine docs in the area and going to schedule an appointment for my hip, just to be on the safe side.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    So probably will run tomorrow. My running shoes are finally dry after last Wednesday's run.
    Also will try to catch up with in the middle of my work week.

    Congratulations to all of the Turkey Trotters...I hope to join you next year (I should not have to work on the holiday.)

    Anyone know what causes that "wooden leg" feeling? Is lack of electrolytes? Conditioning?

    Thanks in advance for answers.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    I have all weekend to myself, since my son is out of town. I spent today sleeping in really late like a teenager, then lounging on the couch watching Ohio State beat Michigan. I went to Illinois, so I was rooting for Ohio State because as we say in Illini country, Muck Fichigan!

    I am now doing laundry and getting some cleaning done. I plan to go to the gym tonight and do something on the treadmill; not sure if I will walk or run. I missed my window to get out before dark because laziness. I plan to get up earlier tomorrow and go for a nice long run.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I had a great long run this morning. The kind when you just don't want to stop. It was cool and beautiful and still very windy but Hobbes the Vizsla and I had a great time chasing the wind, leaves and tumble weeds. Made it home before the rain hit and it has been raining ever since.

    @louubelle16 - loved your story! It is exactly something I would do and why I never change my watch display!
    @MobyCarp - I have absolutely no interest in running a business. I want to retire and just enjoy myself! Although at one time I thought it would be great to have a wine bar/coffee and bakery shop/book store... maybe there would be a way to tie it all together with a running store hmmm...
    @juliet3455 - your tiger animation is who my pup is named after :wink:

    11/01......0.00......0.00 - + Strength Training
    11/03......0.00......4.66 - + Strength Training and Rally Obedience (2 classes!)
    11/05......0.00......8.95 - Agility Trial
    11/06......0.00......8.95 - Agility Trial
    11/07......4.23....13.18 - + Agility class
    11/08......3.00....16.18 - + Strength Training
    11/10......0.00....20.59 - to Napa
    11/11......0.00....20.59 - Wine
    11/12......5.02....25.61 - Wine country run + Wine
    11/13......0.00....25.61 - Back to reality
    11/15......5.06....34.34 - Sunset run
    11/16......0.00....34.34 - + Strength Training
    11/17......4.60....38.94 - + Rally Obedience
    11/19......0.00....44.52 - Dog Beach
    11/20....10.32....54.84 - Long almost rain run
    11/21......4.52....59.36 - After the rain run + Agility class


    My completed and upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    02/07/16 - Surf City Half Marathon
    02/20/16 - Divas Half Marathon - Temecula
    07/04/16 - SHEPower Virtual Half Marathon
    07/31/16 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
    08/21/16 - Tiki Beach 10k, Huntington Beach
    09/18/16 - Beat the Blerch Half Marathon, Seattle
    11/19/16 - USA Invitational Half Marathon (Yay, I qualified again!) - CANCELED!!

    12/18/16 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
    02/05/17 - Surf City Half Marathon
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    November walking miles

    3---3.1 walk, 25 minute swim, 2.8 walk
    4--- travel
    6,7,8--- Nada, pt, Nada
    15---4.4, 0.1x2
    16---4, pt, 0.1x3
    17--- 5.16 walk
    18---3.71, 0.1x1
    19,20,21---nada, skiped PT, nada
    22---3.60, 0.1x1
    23---4.20 0.2x3
    24---1.11 walk
    25---5.05, 0.2x5

  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    2 running miles and 3 walking miles on the treadmill tonight while watching Penn State whoop Michigan State's patootie. Tomorrow I am going to attempt to top my longest run to date. Woot!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    104.23% of goal

    01-Nov: 7.90 miles - Double Day (w/ Alan)
    02-Nov: 3.94 miles
    03-Nov: 5.86 miles
    04-Nov: 5.76 miles
    05-Nov: 10.38 miles
    06-Nov: <Life Day>
    07-Nov: 10.58 miles
    08-Nov: 4.10 miles
    09-Nov: 8.07 miles - Double Day (w/ Alan)
    10-Nov: 4.08 miles
    11-Nov: 7.40 miles
    12-Nov: 9.54 miles - inc. FUMC 5K (3.12 miles, 30:07)
    13-Nov: <Life Day>
    14-Nov: 6.38 miles
    15-Nov: 7.53 miles
    16-Nov: 3.22 miles
    17-Nov: 8.17 miles - Double Day (w/ Alan)
    18-Nov: 3.36 miles
    19-Nov: 13.47 miles - planned HM day
    20-Nov: <Life Day>
    21-Nov: 10.20 miles
    22-Nov: 8.37 miles - Double Day (w/ Alan & Joe)
    24-Nov: 7.60 miles - Turkey Day!
    25-Nov: 5.22 miles
    26-Nov: 10.42 miles
    27-Nov: <Life Day>


    Didn't take the fast-approaching evening in thought when I headed out (couldn't run this morning b/c I had choir practice!), so it was overly-dark and almost-scary by the time I was wrapping up. Gotta think better next time.

    Ah well - passed the goal for the month with a couple days to spare. Not sure how to set my goal for next month - will be travelling in Japan for the last week, so I'm really not sure how much running I'm gonna be able to fit in, or find place to use. Anybody know anything about Kyoto? :smile:

    Upcoming Races:
    03-Dec: Reindeer Run (10K), Macon
    26-Dec - 01-Jan: Random running in JAPAN!
    14-Jan: Museum of Aviation HM, Warner Robins
    04-Mar: Albany/Snickers HM, Albany
    25-Mar: Cherry Blossom Road Race 10K, Macon
    08-Apr: Running for Ronald 10K/15K, Macon
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    2 running miles and 3 walking miles on the treadmill tonight while watching Penn State whoop Michigan State's patootie. Tomorrow I am going to attempt to top my longest run to date. Woot!

    Very nice! Good luck tomorrow! Have some pie!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Good luck, @NikolaosKey for your first official HM tomorrow! How exciting! We expect a full race recap when you've got your breath back. Have fun!

    01 November – 10.3 km
    03 November – 10 km
    05 November – 5.1 km parkrun
    08 November – 7.3 km
    09 November – 3.1 km
    10 November – 11 km
    12 November – 7.6 km including parkrun
    13 November – 21.3 km in the rain
    15 November – 10.2 km
    17 November – 9 km
    19 November – 5 km parkrun PB 26:39
    20 November – 14 km with 518 metres elevation
    22 November – 10.2 km
    24 November – 10.3 km
    25 November – 7.4 km Fibonacci fun
    26 November – 9.8 km including my 50th parkrun and a PB
    27 November – 12.7 km

    Goal: HM, then Zen Mode
    Total: 164.3 km

    4 December – Carman’s Women’s Half Marathon
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    November goal: 75 miles
    11/1: 3 miles (m)
    11/2: Rest Day
    11/3: 3 miles
    11/4: 3 miles (m)
    11/5: 3 miles
    11/6: 2.75 miles
    11/7: 3 miles (m)
    11/8: 3 miles
    11/9: Rest Day
    11/10: Rest Day
    11/11: No running per Doc
    11/12: No running per Doc
    11/13: No running per Doc
    11/14: No running per Doc
    11/15: No running per Doc
    11/16: 4 miles
    11/17: 4 miles
    11/18: 4 miles
    11/19: 4 miles
    11/20: 5 miles
    11/21: 5 miles
    11/22: 5 miles
    11/23: Rest Day
    11/24: 5 miles (m)
    11/25: 5 miles
    11/26: 3.15 Miles (m)

    My Total/November: 64.9 miles
    Mike's Total: 17.15 miles

    Good run with Mike and Fergus this morning. Brought it down to just a 5K today and my hips are thanking me. Of course, within a few steps of stopping I was already regretting not doing 5 miles again. But I was pushing my pace again and sticking closer to 12 minute miles instead of 13 so that is something. I have to keep reminding myself that I am still carrying quite a bit of extra weight and it is hard on my joints. Sometimes I have to reign it in so that I can keep on going the next day. Maybe I will take an extra long walk later. :)

    The last time I ran an actual 5K race was in 2010 and my time was around 43 minutes or so and I was about 110 pounds overweight at the time. Gearing up for the 5 K next week, I am only about 65 pounds overweight right now and running much more consistently than I was back then. I'm looking to come in under 40 minutes. Today's was right at 39, so I know I can do it.

    @Oberon21 300 pairs of shoes and a DSW just opening up near you...Wanna go shopping? :)
    @shanaber It sure is nice seeing the times improve. Especially when it feels so good...I mean, I might not really be moving all that fast, but I FEEL like I am flying sometimes.
    @katharmonic Nice job hitting your goal!
    @Orphia Congrats on the 50th Parkrun PB!
    @RunsonEspresso Shoe shopping is about the only shopping that I can tolerate in person. I buy almost everything else online.
    @louubelle16 Funny story with your watch! I have done that as well. I usually keep mine set so I can monitor my distance and I accidentally bumped it into the heart monitor mode once and kept trying to figure out why my first mile went so fast and the next one was just crawling. Glad I'm not the only one! :)
    @NikolaosKey Congrats on reaching your goal! Good luck in your HM!

    Upcoming Races:
    12/3 Snowball Run 5K, Kingwood TX
    1/22 Choco Loco 10K, Houston, TX


    I'm in! That DSW coupon is burning a hole in my purse!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited November 2016
    Date Miles today - Miles for November
    11/1 9 miles - 9 << 5 above VT 4 below VT
    11/1 5 miles - 14 << Daily Double 5 below VT
    11/2 5 miles - 19 << 5 below VT
    11/3 9.5 miles - 28.5 << 9.5 below VT
    11/3 5 miles - 33.5 << Daily Double 5 miles below VT
    11/4 5 miles - 38.5 << 1 mile above VT and 4 miles below VT
    11/5 13 miles - 51.5
    11/6 REST DAY
    11/7 5 miles - 56.5 << 5 below VT
    11/8 6.2 miles - 62.7 << 6.2 below VT
    11/9 4 miles - 66.7 << 3.5 below VT
    11/10 5 miles - 71.7 << 5 below VT
    11/11 2 miles - 73.7 << easy shake out run
    11/12 14.1 miles - 87.8 << HHM + 1 mi warmup
    11/13 REST DAY
    11/14 4 miles - 91.8 << easy recovery
    11/15 7.3 miles - 99.1
    11/16 4 miles - 103.1
    11/17 8 miles - 111.1 << ~3 miles above VT & 5 miles below VT
    11/18 4 miles - 115.1
    11/19 20 miles - 135.1
    11/20 REST DAY
    11/21 8 miles - 143.1
    11/22 9 miles - 152.1 << 4.5 at GMP
    11/23 5 miles - 157.1
    11/23 3 miles - 160.1 << Daily Double
    11/24 9 miles - 169.1 << 3 miles at GMP
    11/25 5 miles - 174.1
    11/26 16 miles - 190.1 < 4 miles at GMP


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Huntsville Half Marathon - 11/12 << 1:35:55 2 in AG & 25 OA
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10

    Another run in Ft. Wayne along the St. Mary's River Greenway. I did an 16 mile out and back. Just after the turnaround another older gentleman probably in his 50's was running in my direction and he started running with me for the next 4 miles. The guy's name is Joe and we had a nice conversation. He did most of the talking. He used to be very involved in the running community in FW as he was telling me, but he lives in Indianapolis now. He was up to visit family for the weekend like me. He's originally from South Chicago and is a 5th generation from that area. Made miles 8.5-12 a lot more interesting. Finished the last 4 on my own. Rested up and then got ready for the family annual flag football game between my cousins. My team lost by 1 point. I caught the last touch down, but we went for 2 for the win instead of for 1 for the tie. We didn't make it. My legs are telling me know that maybe that was not the greatest idea. This week is supposed to be week #1 of taper.

    Major cutback next week. I leave first thing in the morning to make it back to Alabama.


  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member

    My Garmin will no longer pair with my phone. I have tried everything I could find online, including power cycling both the watch and the phone, turning bluetooth off and on, removing the device from Garmin Connect, you name it. Nothing works. The app keeps telling me it can't find the watch.

    Has anyone else had this issue? Is there anything else I can try? If I can't figure it out soon, I guess I'll have to contact Garmin tech support.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member

    My Garmin will no longer pair with my phone. I have tried everything I could find online, including power cycling both the watch and the phone, turning bluetooth off and on, removing the device from Garmin Connect, you name it. Nothing works. The app keeps telling me it can't find the watch.

    Has anyone else had this issue? Is there anything else I can try? If I can't figure it out soon, I guess I'll have to contact Garmin tech support.

    reset all settings? you'll lose all your history on the watch, but that's the only thing I can think of.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    November Goal: have as much fun running as Lily the Whippet does!

    11/1 6.50
    11/2 got distracted by some silly ball game...
    11/3 3.20
    11/4 2.05
    ...and off for a couple days as I travel to Vegas to meet with the whole famdamily including son who was supposed to be dead by now!
    11/5, 6,7 travel
    11/8 2.50
    11/9 3.40
    11/10 travel
    11/11 family reunion/travel/playing cards/arguing politics/walking for miles in Vegas
    11/12 ditto
    11/13 6.38 Las Vegas Rock n Roll 10k....and more family reunion drama ( sometimes sucks....)
    11/14 travel/15 hour airport layover, redeye overocean flight
    11/15 nap...may try a treadmill run later....(didn't happen)
    11/16 3.20
    11/17 delayed jetlag
    11/18 3.60
    11/19 4.07
    11/20 rest
    11/21 4.25
    11/22 3.61
    11/23 cooking/cleaning
    11/24 cooking/cleaning/eating.....<stupor after all that
    11/25 6.13
    11/26 core/strength training and 2.30

    Total: 54.29

    Upcoming Races:
    Races For Awareness Virtual 10k for Outrun The Sun Skin Cancer Awareness: soon

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and total to date:
  • mrtrel
    mrtrel Posts: 8 Member
    Nov 1: 2 miles
    Nov 3: 2 miles
    Nov 5: 2 miles
    Nov 7: 2.2 miles
    Nov 19: 2.2 miles
    Nov 25: 3 miles
    Nov 26:

    Total: 13.4 miles
    Goal: 50 miles
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Ah well - passed the goal for the month with a couple days to spare. Not sure how to set my goal for next month - will be travelling in Japan for the last week, so I'm really not sure how much running I'm gonna be able to fit in, or find place to use. Anybody know anything about Kyoto? :smile:

    @9voice9 - I think @ACSL3 was living in Japan but I am not sure exactly where.
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member


    16th: 0.86 miles running - treadmill, strength training and Pilates - MTD 21.81
    17th: 2.51 miles, speed, with a bit of hill training with my running club - MTD 24.32
    18th: 0 miles - MTD 24.32
    19th: 2.56 miles Wk7:D3 C210k. Tightness on outside of both calfs meant last 6 minutes were brisk walking, sharp sleet for a chunk of the run - MTD 26.88
    20th: 0 miles - MTD
    21st: 0 miles walking, treadmill, strength training and Pilates - MTD 26.88
    22nd: 0 miles - MTD 26.88
    23rd: miles, strength training and Pilates - MTD
    24th: 3.44 miles speed training (1/4 mile loops) with my running group - MTD 30.32
    25th: 0 miles , but 8.68 miles on stationary bike - MTD 30.32
    26th: 3.03 miles, Wk8:D1 C210k - MTD 33.35 ..... plus at 7 miles walking!!

    Thanks for the shoutout @shanaber
    Loved the watch story @louubelle16