

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    I have these VHS tapes : The Firm Parts Tough Aerobic Mix, The Firm Sculpted Buns, Hips and Thighs, and Crunch Fat Blaster. I also have Jorge Cruise 8 Minutes In the Morning to Lean Hips and Thin Thighs Book.

    If anyone would like them, just PM me.

    Otherwise, Salvation Army here they come!

    Michele in NC
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Been watching Jack Hannah's Animal Adventures on TV. They are highlighting the Mountain Gorillas somewhere (didn't catch where exactly) in Africa. I love shows like this, soooo educational and I love animals of all kinds. I love educational TV too! Since I haven't been able to afford cable I really miss the Discovery line of channels (Discovery channel, the Learning channel, the History channel, etc.) And other channels like Animal Planet and National Geographic. Now I'm watching Outback Adventures with Tim Faulkner. I love Australia and would love to visit there one day and meet some Aborigines! I want to touch a Kangaroo!

    Barbie - thanks for being my cheerleader! You rock!

    Michele - I will let you know if I don't find any recipes as you have me enticed now and I really want to try it so I will hit up Google today.

    Karen - awesome pic! What a cool statue/fountain! So colorful!

    OK, back to the rest of my show and an early lunch. Then off for my daily walk. I can't wait to start the Yoga class I signed up for! They work with people from all levels of physical abilities, and I'm not sure I will be able to pull off anything resembling "poses", but I'm willing to try dammit! I really need some more gentle non-impact exercise to add to my daily walks. I figure something is better than nothing no matter what little I get out of it, and maybe I will get a little more flexible. And it's free! So now I have no excuses, lol!

    Sherry in "cloudy but not raining at the moment" Portland
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Sherry- I watch the Litton's Weekend Adventure group of shows on ABC, Saturday mornings. I record them while I am off running errands. I grew up watching Nat. Geo and Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. Love Jack Hannah, Ocean Adventure with Jeff Corwin (my DD's fave), and Rock the Park. I replay the best shows for my daycare kids. Jack Hannah and Jeff Corwin seem to be their favorites.
    Did anyone see the young lady from Connecticut that is finishing a journey around the world visiting every country? She only has 15 more countries to go. It cost her a pretty penny ($200,000). But can you imagine such a trip?! She said the best thing that she got from this journey was the kindness that she was met with in each and every country! So inspirational!
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Oh, and Barbie - I am so proud of you for being so persistent with your line dancing! And thanks for reading my long posts *she says sheepishly*!

    I just want to take this moment in time to tell all of you ladies that I am grateful for you all. I appreciate all the strength you show in dealing with your daily struggles and the compassion and support you all show for each other. Thank you for just being you, and thank you for welcoming me here and allowing me to be a part of your group. It means a lot to me! (OK, enough mushyness!!!)

    Sherry in "Yay you!" Portland
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    KarenNY love it. Thanks :)

    Janetr okc
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi Gals,

    Purl – great way to get re-focused

    Sherry – this move has agreed with you, all your posts have been so upbeat, I am trying to hook myself to your coattails, and find the up beat here too!

    Heather - you are motivating me to give a look at my garage, to declutter it as well. I was thinking, does a goal help with writing? Because if it did, could you try to get the memoir or a dusted off novel out there for sale and use the money for the kitchen re-do?

    Barbara – thanks I’ll be doing some research!

    NY Karen – that guy is a trip!

    Katy- welcome - I have friends in Belen, NM

    November Goals:

    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…
    Read and report on a book
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California
  • santeeshimmy
    santeeshimmy Posts: 29 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hmm.... I'm going to have to learn how to post. It cut the end of my message off. And I can't remember what I typed! LOL
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    KJ - can I call you that? Awesome that you watch those! I almost forgot about Mutual of Omaha when I was a kid! I loved that show! That is so cool that you share these shows with your daycare kids! You rock! "Yay for educational TV!" :p

    Sherry in "hey the sun is coming out!" Portland
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!

    It's a lovely fall afternoon here in central Virginia. DH and I spent a few hours in the yard cleaning up for the winter. I'm finally able to do whatever I need to do in the garden! It's been years...

    Thanks to all for your comments on my pictures of Ecuador and my DGS. I agree with you, he's adorable. And a happy baby! Plus, he eats almost everything, including spicy chile.

    Kim, I'm so glad you're feeling a little better. This past week was hard on so many people. I loved Margaret's comment about Jesse Ventura!

    And to others of you who had a tough week: I hope you're feeling better. I had a rough time for a couple of days, now I'm in wait and see mode.

    Margaret, You'd think that even people who were used to living in the country would have some common sense about using guns in an urban or suburban neighborhood. Sheeesh. I'm glad no one was hurt.

    Re, 'Gratz on the new strength training regime! As you may know, I love strength training!! I can now do military presses with a 20 pound kettle bell! I think my shoulders are stronger than they've ever been. And today I did one-handed swings with my 25 pounder. I like them because they work my core more.

    NYKaren, that's quite a fountain! I hope your continuing to have a wonderful time.

    Pearl, Hang in there. We all have tough patches.

    Pip, I think everyone else has said all the things I thought when I read your post. Finishing the race together was a major accomplishment, and your bond with Kirby is amazing. I'm sorry that things are hard with your mom. I empathize--when I visited my mom I found that she has not been walking as she should, so she's weak and tires easily. She has an adopted family there (a couple my age, plus their kids--my mother is like their grandmother), and the couple have been worried about her. I'm so grateful that she has people who love her there. It's so hard to know what's going on from such a distance.

    Mary and Lenora, love the photos of your dogs! We're going to wait a bit before getting another. We have one--Carmen--a wonderful pit bull mix that we got from the shelter. Very affectionate and amazingly good with other dogs--she teaches them to play if they don't know how, she doesn't let them get aggressive with her, and if a dog is afraid of her she can calm it down. Her dog manners are extraordinary.

    We usually have two so they can keep each other company. Next one we get is going to be a puppy. In the past 11 years we've lost 4 dogs: a 9 year old golden who got cancer (the best dog in the world); a 15 year old golden who had a long life; an 8 year old goldendoodle who got cancer (goldens get cancer); and Joe, the one that died a little over a week ago. He was 12. Adopting adult dogs (3 of the 4 we've lost) means you have them for less time, and it's so hard when you lose them.

    Mary, Take care of your pain and feel better soon!

    (((Hugs))) and love to all--Cheri, Karen in Virginia, Allie, Sherry, Michelle, Janet, Kelly, DJ, Glo, Marcelyn, Lisa, Heather, Katie, and all others!

  • santeeshimmy
    santeeshimmy Posts: 29 Member
    Kim, yes? I'm a few miles north in Corrales.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sherry ~ You express yourself very well in your writing. :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    stats for the day:
    other- bosu balancing- 30min, w/8# weights, 7 diff exercises, 136mhr, 3sets of ea of 15-20reps = 194c
    rope pull- 30.37min, 28ftpmin, lvl7, midset, 143mhr, 1003meters = 205c
    jacobs ladder- 15min, 55ftpmin, 145mhr, 865ft = 146c
    lateral machine- 15min, lvl6, 10wide, 1644str, 125ahr, 150mhr, 27fl, 1.67mi = 145c
    total cal 690
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    edited November 2016
    well it has been a long long day here...have over 13,000 steps , thats amazing.. lots and lots of leaf raking..my dad called at 8:00 this morning and asked me to bring him over to Rocky Hill.. he went to his al anon meeting last night and couldn't find his keys when he left thank goodness someone was there to bring him home.. so I brought him over , looked for keys , couldnt find them..but he had my sons set of keys... im guessing he got home ok.. Tom had a fit... because he had plans for me.. and for my car.. he went and fed his dad and went to the dump and I was home within 45 minutes...
    His attitude is getting worse and worse.. and do you know when someone just cant stand you,but has no choice but to deal with you anyway.. that is where he is.. he has nothing nice to say..except to the dogs of course.. and I told him flat out.. listen if we plan on spending the next 20 + yrs together you better get a freaking grip because there is no damn way I am gonna live like this and be treated like this.. so you either get your bleep together or your income is gonna shrink by a whole heck of alot!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather, I'm pleased you came to such a wonderful conclusion regarding your writing archives. You are a tremendously multi talented lady. I think this will be the perfect opportunity to organize your life's work at a reasonale cost and in such a timely manner. Good job.

    Janetr okc