

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Oh yeah, before I forget, I thought I would share this with you all....

    "All my life I have been a product of my environment, now I want my environment to be a product of ME!"

    I overheard a lady at the mental health clinic say this to another person there today and I thought it very appropriate to this stage in my life....I think I will adopt this mantra.

    Have a good night all!
    Sherry in "where is my pipe?" Portland
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited November 2016
    Good morning all from dark and rainy Hampshire, UK.
    I'm awake really early because of a stiff neck that has been coming on for a few weeks. It's worse in the night. I am a front sleeper, so I might have to find another way of sleeping, or it might just be tension, or it might just go away by itself eventually. Annoying though. :'(

    Pip - Amazing report on your marathon. I could barely walk 5 miles, so I can't imagine how you, let alone Kirby, did it. Great job!

    Today we are off to see DS's sister. It's about a two and a half hour drive. In the rain. She is lovely, but I know a lot of time will be taken up with talking about the family trauma. I hope DH will be ok. Sleeping might be a problem with my neck, so I will load up with pain pills. The bed is a LOT smaller than our one at home. Must remember not to drink too much out of stress. It doesn't help my night time waking. We are setting off after lunch, so no rush.

    That leaves Monday for getting the archive out of the loft and sorting it out. I am glad that this enforced decluttering has made me at last do something with the pile. Part of DH's problem with it is that he doesn't understand why I haven't done something with it before, if that's what I want. He is not a procrastinator - I am, on some things. My writing has always been a source of love, hate, fear and identity for me. Almost too big to deal with. At last I am getting to grips with it.
    For those who don't know, I am a published children's writer of twelve books and have had poetry, short stories and a radio play also published and performed. I had a couple of theatre plays performed. But my novels never quite made it into the light of day, despite some very near misses.
    Last year I self published, through Amazon, one of my very old novels, WINDOWS, which quite a few of the lovely ladies on this thread read. The others are still languishing in the loft and I have left instructions, quite unfairly, for them to be published after my death by my boys. It's time to get on with it. I am under no illusions these days that they are going to shake the world, but I would just like them out there in a public space and not thrown away with the recycling.
    I am currently writing a memoir of my first nine years and I am about half way through at 25,000 words. That will definitely be self published on Amazon, though I will make an effort to publish it conventionally. Who knows?
    I am getting better in my life at putting in the effort without being too attached to the result. Wanting the perfect result too much used to paralyse me. It's taken me a long time to be comfortable with my best efforts and not to be paralysed by the need for perfection.

    Time to take my DH up a cup of tea. <3

    Heather UK
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Thanks for all the good thoughts. The memorial on Vancouver Island is next Wednesday. They are trying to set up a memorial in Calgary for all the Saskatchewan/Alberta family and friends. Arden was very well liked. His Mom, Judy, is a very special lady. Wish I could do something for them.

    Carey- Thanks for sharing the poem

    Mary- The photos of Shep made me smile.

    Lenora - It is hard to believe but some people even give energy drinks to their children. The amount of caffeine is really ridiculous.
    You look absolutely amazing in the photo with "honey".

    Michele - thanks for the link to the bosu. Turns out I"ve actually used one, now I know what it's called.

    Margaret - I don't blame you for feeling scared. That is scarey business. I am thankful no one was hurt.

    Pip - Way to Go! You and Kirby are inspiring. I love the way you support each other. We should all be so lucky!

    Sherry - I like your new mantra.

    Remembrance Day and my thoughts were with my Dad, my uncles, etc. I couldn't believe this morning that a stupid toy could be more important than the sacrifices these men and women made so that we could live free.
    "You have to understand, it's for Christmas" First of all no kid actually "has to have" anything. No , it will not ruin their Christmas. No, I can't order, find, save, put your name on a list. This does not make the people that work here *kitten*. Have these people ever heard of RESPECT. So sorry I inconvenienced you by insisting that we observe our moments of silence. Rant over.

    Went to see Hacksaw Ridge in the late afternoon with hubby. It is an amazing story and I strongly suggest seeing it. It was probably even more impactful because we watched it on this day.

    Chico has not adjusted to the time change yet. He is quite disgusted that DH and I do not get up and go to bed when he wants us to. He is only 2 1/2 but getting to be such a bossy little dog. (Well, he tries) He got a new toy today and is in love with it. I love watching him.

    Still unseasonably warm for November. I am enjoying being able to bike and walk but I worry that this is going to make for a long, dry coming year.

    Thankful for the country I live in and the freedom I enjoy. Thanks to all the veterans.

    -Sharon in Sunny Southern Alberta
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited November 2016
    Morning, all,

    Pip: My own thought is that Kirby is a double winner. First that he finished a marathon AT ALL just one year after his horrible accident. Second, that he has you. Y'all are amazing, both together and separately.

    I broke down and bought a table saw this week, and we set it up last night. Hope to combine those two loves, quilting and woodwork, to make some beautiful things. Going to wait until the hubby's up to use it, as I took Z-Quil and actually got seven hours of sleep last night, but it's still in my system. Need to keep all my fingers intact as a writer! Speaking of which, good on you, Heather, for getting the books out there. It's not an easy decision, and I salute you. Hope the family gathering was less traumatic than you feared.

    Peaceful weekend (one hopes) in store, with no plans. Things are tense at work with a co-worker, so I just brought the work computer home Friday. Long story, not worth telling. Just have to limp through the next couple of weeks 'til I start part-time Dec. 1, and we'll be working on different days. Secured my bosses OK to move into the conference room and work there during the times she's in the building in the interim. Might help. We'll see.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in chilly West Texas
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    margaret. What a scare, thank goodness you are all safe. I suspect they learned their lesson!

    Pip wowza, you are both champions.

    Hi from Anna Maria island, where it is balmy and the funky little cottage we landed in last night is smack dab on the beach! Peace, ocean waves, ooohhhmmmm. Planning on long walks, a few good books and lovely company with my dear friend and her wacky husband and oh yeah my wacky husband. This kind of place is a little out of the box for him. He is a hotel chain kind of guy, and likes every thing just so, this will stretch him a little! :p
    <3 NYKAREN
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Good Morning Ladies~
    I am up and having an english muffin and cup of tea, load of laundry in the wash.. a balmy 29 degrees outside..
    I to am so impressed with Pip and Kirby.. you both are my hero's
    Tom is off for bloodwork.. amazingly... he bit*hes about insurance and money, and my bills.. here is hoping it comes back in good order, he is going to see a podiatrist next week as the tops of his feet by the time he gets home from work are on fire with pain.. we have tried inserts.. wider shoe.. etc.. will finally knuckle down and see a professional ..today is raking up the last of the leaves so I am saving my energy for that..
    My friend Doris is sort of out of sorts with me about Rays memorial, she doesn't think I should get involved .. so I might just back off and not do anything for right now.. will speak with Ruth and the rest of his family...
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Happy Saturday morning to you all!
    Pip- Much love to you and Kirby! Of course you both finished the race and of course you stayed with him and cheered him on. That is what we love about you both! <3 I giggled a bit at Kirby's statement that "this is his last" while he was still going; and then the flip flop when it was over. I do the same thing. Every race. I am the person that hates to run. I hate getting out the door to do it. Once it is over; I love it and am glad I run. Endorphins are wonderful! I have a neighbor with CP and he runs 10 miles. Every day. His run is slower than my walk. But he does it every day. He has told me that everything hurts every day. Even if he doesn't run. But running makes him feel like he is fighting the disease. He is my local hero. Maybe that is how Kirby feels.
    Margaret- Wow! So glad you are all okay! We had a neighbor when the kids were small that did the same thing. We were the new neighbors and I guess he was used to having that extra space to shoot. But the first time he did it, he hit a tree in my back yard and my kids were playing out there. They came running in, as I was running out to get them. Scary! I went over to talk/yell at him, but he wouldn't answer the door and I ended up calling the police. Ugh!
    The disappearance of the social security pool is and has been a worry for my DH and I for many years. Long ago, we figured that we wouldn't have that to depend on at all, and don't even consider it in our financial calculations. But for those older than we, who have already retired and are counting that in their "retirement" funds, I feel just disgusted for what is happening. LOng ago, DH and I realized that retirement will not be an option for us (unless we win the lottery). ONe of us will have to work at least until age 75 or 80. With DH's RA, it will most likely be me doing the work. I have no problem with that. I like people, and I like to be busy. I have no qualms about being a "greeter" at Walmart, if it gets the bills paid.
    Well, the sun is out! I desperately need to shower and get busy with the day. We have a game night scheduled for tonight. It is at my BIL's house just down the road!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Survived the carrot digging yesterday!! I was the person who sat and cut tops off. then I mowed the grass around my property and winterized. Came home and cleaned my carrots, bagged and put away.

    I seem to be stuck at a plateau so will have to assess my diary and see what is holding back the weight loss. Clothes are getting loose, but the scale isn't moving!!

    Today..... I just might wash windows!! It is still remarkably nice here for November 12th!! And thank goodness for that, the farmers are still trying to finish combining after our October foot of snow that has finally melted. Six combines in the neighbors field last night. I see on Facebook they will finish today.

    Did I mention I hate washing windows? I hate washing windows!!! I will find a million other things to do instead of washing windows. Oh ya!! I could move some crushed rock ;) Lol .... or walk my dog. Or dig the parsnips... I have tried to eat them all but not succeeding at that either. Perhaps I should stop frying the parsnips.... I might actually lose a pound :):)

    Have a great day everyone

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Making curtains for my front windows. It is 12 feet wide and a bay window. Big project. First time I try something like that. Made summer curtains for my bedroom this past summer. Upping the challange! Lol. Ran out of binding and matching thread so off to Joann's today. DH wants to go to BJ too. Love to you all.

    Rita from CT
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good morning, lovelies!
    Have I told you lately how much I hate the time change? Still? Looked at the wakeup light alarm lamps but can't tell if any are full spectrum, does anyone know?
    DH made home fries with jalapenos and ham so there went my breakfast plans. Will weed the font flower beds in penance. Reading "Get What's Yours for Medicare" and getting scared that selling our house this year will cause our Part B premiums to jump way up in 2018 when our income will be painfully lower. Those legislators and agency wonks must be VERY intellectual, it is all SOOO complicated ;}
    Going to see if I can get the Minions from library or rental, still haven't figured out the cut the cable way to hook our tv up to watch on Amazon Prime. We DID cut Cable TV tho', so no more Property Brothers ;)

    Minions, thanks Barbie!
    Lenora, thanks for sharing your story and your humor.
    Heather congrats on the scanning decision/progress and thanks for the diameter info, and for reminding us "...we might as well be happy" "Wanting the perfect result too much used to paralyse me." Sounds familiar ;{ Will try to adopt the rx: DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD.
    KJ congrats on your two pieces of good news and thanks for explaining about the pi-baby, cute! Your neighbor's "running makes him feel like he is fighting the disease" now THAT's motivation!
    Carol, IOU's? Unggh!
    Katla "focus on my own life and community... pray for a good outcome" Well said!
    Margaret, how stupid and how terrifying! Good choice for soul soothing... ;)
    Becca, Hugs right back atcha!
    Pip brava!
    Sherry new counselor/center sounds like just the ticket. Yay for already signing up for Yoga and new friends! Love the new "environmenta" mantra.
    Michelle, I've heard of mayonnaise cake but black bean brownies?
    N Calif Kim declaring a homestead could prevent creditors from selling your home in cases of bankruptcy or judgements (suits) against you. Each state's laws are different, california seems to have BOTH an automatic homestead protection and a non-automatic declaration of homestead you have to file. I'd go to my county clerk's office and ask in person. There are a lot of scammers out there who would charge you $$ to simply file a free or low fee form. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=ccp&group=00001-01000&file=704.710-704.850
    Rori when visiting dear friends in S Calif we had oatmeal cookies and fresh avocados for breakfast. Weird but yummy. Really enjoyed the avos as its hard to get good ones in Idaho. ;}
    Purl sounds like you have the right plan to cope with the short days!
    Sharon Really? An adult customer said that while you were trying to observe a moment of Remembrance Day silence? How unhappy that person's life must be ;(
    NYKaren So envious of your balmy and funky little cottage. DH is ever more reluctant to travel each year...
    Allie, you can't please all the people... ;)
    Lillian I envy your getting looser clothes. Would take that over a lower number ANY day.
    Rita you go gal, trying such a BIG new project!

    Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD who is happy to be here.
    Smile then listen
    Today: Log like Mary MSH, every bite lick or sip whether over, under or sidewise. . . EVERY day ;}
    November: Strength Training 3 days/week. Zumba, H20 Fit or Line Dance Class 4 times/week.
    Nov-Dec-Jan: Vitamin D 3 x day.

    Log: 100%
    Cardio: G/S, B/H20/LD, G/B/AZ, Z, 0, G, H20, S, LD, AZ, Z
    Strength: 0, non-legs, legs, 1/2 non-legs, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0
    Vit 'D': x x 100% 100% 100% 100% 66%* 66%* 66%* 66%* 66%*
    *2/day but 1 is doublestrength
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Have any of you cooked with coconut flour? I found out that it has zero carbs and would love to find some good recipes.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did about 40 minutes of Amy Dixon and Paul Katemi's Double Down DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some balance games on the Wii

    Made chocolate bran muffins for me, some raisin spice cookies, ginger cookies, I'll make the icing for the cupcakes and ice them, then I need to make the yogurt/OJ mixture. See, the lady whose house we have mahjongg at, her son and grandson (1-1/2yrs old) will be here for a week. So I made them the raisin spice cookies and then I'll make them the yogurt/OJ for the son. I remember my children really liking it.

    Rori - the fires aren't close to us, but we can smell the smoke. Thanks for asking.

    Sherry - if you don't find a recipe for black bean brownies, let me know and I'll send you one.

    I'm so bummed that the Y branch near me is closing. But then again, I'm really not surprised. The guy who was the CEO was on a major, major ego trip. Very few of the decisions he made did I agree with, he did some really stupid things. He even told one person "I'm CEO, I can do whatever I want" As you can guess, he's moved on (not surprising)

    Lillian - remember that muscle weighs more than fat. As long as your clothes are getting loose, that's great

    barbara - have you heard of snickerdoodles cookies where you use chickpeas? Really, not bad at all. Do you know what my breakfast was yesterday? Oatmeal, edamame, peas and cottage cheese all mixed together with some cinnamon on top. Can you beat that? lol

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
      morning peeps
    1. kjlamore - that is awesome to hear about your friend. i am going to tell kirby about that when he comes home! thanks for sharing and for your words.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited November 2016
    Margaret Ooh that is scary about your squirrel shooting neighbor. A number of years ago we had to call police on our neighbor who was shooting at Canadian Geese from an upper window in his house. Many neighborhood kids like to walk along the path near the pond he was shooting at. And he is a highly educated man, so discouraging.

    DJ c0106.gif

    Carol I have cooked with coconut flour and also flax meal (great focaccia bread). Here is my favorite blog: https://buttoni.wordpress.com Lots of low carb ideas from a woman who tries, tests, and perfects every recipe herself.

    Pip Kirby and you are great inspirations for this group. Persevering in the face of adversity. You ruled the day!

    Michele The longer I live, the more I realize what a rare gift I had to have a wise, wonderful, wacky mother.

    Purl/Karen It isn't easy to go against what your body is craving, so good for you that your head is prevailing. This week I have wanted carbs badly and have given in to some extent. Your resolve is a reminder to me that I can reset now and get right back on track.

    Lillian Your distaste of washing windows reminds me of something from my childhood. My mom detested washing windows. We lived in big house with...you guessed it, LOTS of windows. A teenager who lived 20 miles out in the country lived with us during the week so she could attend high school & take part in extracurricular activities, and in exchange she helped Mom out with chores. When Mom mentioned the windows being a big job, this wise teenager said, "Lets just do one or two windows every night after supper." And the two of them did that every night for as long as I can remember. We always had sparkling clean windows. Mom didn't dread it anymore, either. :)

    Cheri c0109.gif

    Newbies Welcome, welcome! Not so long ago I was a newbie, too! This group of women just takes you in to the fold. Come often. Post often. We are glad you came!

    Amazing Amazons! Have I told you lately how grateful I am for the wisdom, strength, and resilience I am inspired by every day on this thread! Thank you. You have made a difficult week easier.

    Karen in Virginia
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :)Sherry, I am cheering for you to find friends and useful information in your new counseling setting. It is a great challenge to try new things and infinitely rewarding to stay with them and learn something new. When I went to my first line dance class at age 58, I told myself that I'd come back again as long as I didn't fall down or knock anyone else down. I kept coming back and didn't let myself get discouraged and now I have a new skill that is a source of great joy and satisfaction.

    <3 Barbie in overcast but not raining, NW Washington
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Margaret- how scary for your DH and you! I'm glad everyone is okay!


    Mary from Minnesota