

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    kevrit wrote: »
    Up early this morning for me. Time change, depression and SAD I think are getting to me. Have to find my light therapy and increase my Celexa I think. Back bothering me doesn't help my mood any. I am glad I came back to this group of wonderful ladies. You help me focus on other things than "poor me"!
    Rita from CT

    So glad you are back too! I find myself in the same situation. Found my light box and have it set up. 15 minutes each morning. Have also considered upping my Celexa dose. All this and my daily (okay multi-daily) dose of y'all hopefully will lighten my mood!

    By the way Rita I have lived in Connecticut several times. Born in New London. Lived in Wethersfield as a young child and lived in Portland as a young mom! Love Connecticut!

    in TX with the windows open

    Thank you Cheri! I was born, raised and spent my first 40 years in Thompson, then moved to Cookeville TN for 16 years. Now back in Berlin CT for the last 3 years and planning to go back to Thompson in a couple years.

    Upping the Celexa helped so far this morning. Spent a lot of time in the sun yesterday too. Still haven't found my light box yet. Need to look for that more today.

    Rita from Berlin CT

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited November 2016
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Morning! Does anyone have a recommendation for a "light box",???
    SAD is hitting our house, even DH mentioned he thought it might be a good idea :# he also mentioned that he wants to cut back on calories double :#:# !

    Goals for the next few days, enjoy spending time with DH and friends on our weekend getaway. Anna Maria island, here we come :D The plan includes: eating well, walking the beach, finding a yoga class with my friend, and maybe just maybe treating ourselves to a spa treatment. This is a rare occurrence for me and I am embracing it with an open mind.

    NYKAREN - Cheri has one, maybe she can recommend...I used to have a light next to my bed with a timer and a rheostat that would come on very dim at a certain hour and gradually brighten over a preset amount of time (I chose 1 hour) to simulate the sun coming up. It was very gentle and it helped me get up and get moving in the morning. I could use one now, thanks for putting this in my brain.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited November 2016
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Morning! Does anyone have a recommendation for a "light box",???
    SAD is hitting our house, even DH mentioned he thought it might be a good idea :# he also mentioned that he wants to cut back on calories double :#:# !

    Goals for the next few days, enjoy spending time with DH and friends on our weekend getaway. Anna Maria island, here we come :D The plan includes: eating well, walking the beach, finding a yoga class with my friend, and maybe just maybe treating ourselves to a spa treatment. This is a rare occurrence for me and I am embracing it with an open mind. NYKAREN
    NYKAREN - Cheri has one, maybe she can recommend...I used to have a light next to my bed with a timer and a rheostat that would come on very dim at a certain hour and gradually brighten over a preset amount of time (I chose 1 hour) to simulate the sun coming up. It was very gentle and it helped me get up and get moving in the morning. I could use one now, thanks for putting this in my brain.
    Karen in Virginia

    For those interested this is the light box both my daughter and I use. Purchased on Amazon.

    NatureBright SunTouch Plus Light and Ion Therapy Lamp by Nature Bright
    4.3 out of 5 stars 2,409 customer reviews #1 Best Seller

    As we were unpacking our boxes from the move down here I almost didn't pull this out. Hubs suggested I should. Good thinking on his part because I am not sure I would have enjoyed much looking through the dozen or so boxes still packed and stacked in the spare bedroom!

    in chilly TX this morning
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    thanks Cheri I will look into that one. NYKAREN
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    My thoughts are filled today with the memory of family members who served in WWI and WWII, those who returned and those who didn't. It is also DS#1 birthday , in fact 3 different members of my extended family have birthday's today.

    Thank you to all of the men and women who have served our country, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
    Carey - Northern Alberta

    Goals for Nov:
    - Increase walking by at least 100 steps per day
    - Get to Tai Chi at least once a week
    - Increase daily water intake
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,737 Member
    morning peeps -
    got up late (almost 8am here in Tacoma WA) off work today, going to the gym late.

    welcome any new peeps that have joined
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)Barbara, we havewatched two of the Minions movies and have one more to watch today roflmao.gif

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Thanks to all our servicemen and ladies!

    My Dad was a mechanic in the Army/Air Force during WWII. They flew supplies over the Himalayas to drop to soldiers on the ground. I always thought the planes were called the Flying Tigers but may have misunderstood. He almost got sucked out of the plane one time when they were dropping supplies and refused to fly home after the war ended. He said that all the men were given whiskey to calm their nerves during the flight. After the war, he joined the national guards and when I was 8 he lived at Ft. Knox, KY in order to get his captain's ranking. When the Cuban crisis rose, he quit the national guards because with 5 children he couldn't risk being sent there.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2016
    Dammit – Lost my ‘post’. Now, to start over.

    Lois – I’m planning on the time when I can take more clothes to the ‘drop off’ place. Since I have not found good luck with the consignment shop; might try another. Or else, do the ‘donation’ route and take the ‘deduction’ off my taxes.

    Janetr okc – That is one huge tree; we have a lot of big live oak trees; one, in particular got drawn and painted by a lot of artists. Prints are still available. I’d love one; but, really do not have a spot on my walls that is not already taken up with a mount or a picture. In Thomasville, GA (City of Roses) they had several huge ones that got ‘poisoned’ and died by someone doing it as a ‘joke’. He is sitting ‘in jail’ where he belongs. Such a shame to destroy something that is an ‘icon’.

    If it was a ‘big’ squirrel and the fact that it is not the normal ‘gray’ of the ‘oversized rat squirrels – city squirrels’ it is a ‘fox squirrel’ something you don’t see that many of … we have several out here. We have a black one with white tips on its ears, and paws', and a 'white' one with a dark gray undercoat. City squirrels (small gray ones) are really nothing more than ‘fuzzy rats’.

    [green]Re – I one time went to Miami to visit with my sister and we went to an Art Festival down below South Beach and they had a man there making crab cakes. They were wonderful. Big chuck of crab; and they basically fell in bite-sized pieces. I don’t know what he did; but, I’d love to get a recipe that is even close to it.

    Exermom – Thanks! Both give me great pleasure. DH is a jokester and my ‘Rock’. Cracker is my entertainment for always (well almost) home.

    Joyce – I usually buy small gifts for children and grands throughout the year; and, then get ‘gift cards’ from places where they shop. Always give one of my DDnLs and DOGD a ‘gift card’ from Victoria Station. DDnL#2 has to travel across the state of Louisiana to use hers; but, she doesn’t mind; it is a good ‘day trip’ for her and DGD#4.

    Sherry – I don’t understand the ‘protesters and riots’; I do not remember any of this when Obama was elected. I pray for Trump as our next POTUS; and, hope that he appoints ‘smart’ (really wise) people to his Cabinet and will stay off “Twitter” … it is what it is so let’s try to make it a positive ‘it’. Most of those protesters and rioters are very young and immature. But, I agree, they should not be destroying other people’s property. They are not ‘accomplishing anything. Just showing their ‘ignorance’. These are mostly people who were looking forward to “free” stuff; and, there is nothing ‘free’ that someone else has to pay for. Example: “Free college tuition only will make it so that people who really want to go, might be knocked out of a class; due to a spot being taken by someone who is getting their education (or has gotten their education; and, are ‘paying’ for it. Portland is NOT the only place having ‘riots and protests’ … it is all across the country. They know that the “free” stuff, especially done with an “Executive Order” will be looked at very closely and overturned which will affect a lot of people. But, I do think there will be something to replace it. DOS and his family are now covered; which makes it nice - no more fines. Their's would have been $1900 each this next year with an $8000 deductible. Our DYS's has gone up to nearly $900; with a deductive of $5000 Our generation were taught many of the same morals and respect of others; so it is ‘very new to us’. Our parents wanted something better for us, so they taught us that the only way is to work hard. A lot of these protesters and rioters probably still live with their parents or have had to go back to live with them. I remember one riot where the Mama of one; went and pulled him out of it by his ear; and, slapped him and told him to stop being stupid (or something to that effect). More parents ought to control them; but, things have gone up so much that many of them have to both work in order to pay for the ‘things’ they have bought. So it is difficult for them, when they can’t or don’t get what they want. Sad that few of them don’t want to work to get those ‘things’.

    Kate – I agree that families need to ‘take care of themselves’. Our parents were referred to as the “Sandwich generation”; because they not only took care of their children; they also took care of their parents. Now, the young people don’t do either. Story I heard was that a friend of a family mention took care of his dying mother and even did things that most of us would not want to do; then had his SnL say ‘he’d NEVER do it ‘for HIS parents or in-laws’. He’d put them into a ‘nursing home instead’. To me, that is sad; unless it is because the person cannot be ‘controlled’ and for their own safety as well as for their children’s safety. Recently, we had a man who came home from work to see fire trucks in front of his house that was badly burnt. The ‘grandmother’ of the children set the house on fire after locking one of them in a refrigerator and mistreating the other. All 3 died.

    One was his own child, the other a nephew. The man had his son for ‘visitation’; their mothers lived in another state. I cannot imagine what they felt with this awful tragedy. I also don’t understand how people can lock their children in a ‘hot car’ and just walk away. More than 12 days were spent on the trial which had to be moved out of the jurisdiction because of not being able to find an ‘impartial’ jury. I'm not even sure that it has gone to the jury.

    I think there is a ‘faction’ of young people who ‘think’ education should be ‘free’; but, little regard as to where that money is coming from. Most of them now in school or graduated, will pay for college forever, it seems. I agree that ‘education’ would help ‘most’ young people from being involved in illegal activity; but, that – for them, is an ‘easy way to live’ with no regard to what it does for the customer. They have fancy cars sitting in the driveway of shacks. Maybe they have learned the lesson of “if you have money; but, not enough to pay both bills; then pay for the car. You can live in a car; but, you can’t drive a house.” Tom Selleck – “Blue Bloods” (or the writer of the show). I cannot even wrap my head around being $trillions$; plus what our debt is rising daily.

    KJLaMore – Thanks for the compliments on my ‘fur baby’. Cracker is a “Jack Rat” or a “Rat Jack” (some of that depends on what she is into). Long legs like a Rat Terrier; face of a Jack Russell Terrier. She is adopted; but, she doesn’t know it.

    Lisa – Code understood. We all have different things we find offensive; but, to usurp a parent’s wishes does offend me; and, a “private message” is just that – private - and it should have never been posted on this site for all to see. I know I offend people and I am sorry somethings for it; but, every one of us have done it at some point in time or probably will. It should have never happened, the posting, of the PM, that is. But, what other people’s opinion are; are not one’s business as it relates to them. IMHO! She is the one who made the decision to leave this site. If she comes back, I will grow a thicker skin and not respond. And, I do have my ‘big girl panties on as well’. Enough said.

    Cheri – When we moved; the house was not yet completed; so we put boxes that had been stored in a ‘building’; were moved to save on the rental. We even set up our bed, A/D unit, 2 burner stove, small fridge, and even had my portable potty from when I had a wreck in there. Not the potty, it was right outside the door. The only thing, at that point, I did to need to go over to my DOS’s house was to just ‘watch TV’; ended up ‘learning how to read for pleasure’ because I could never understood how to use the 3 remotes that went with it. Now, we also have 3 remote (each having a purpose). Some still must not have been unpacked – because I cannot find my Chinese Warrior and/or a ring given to me as a gift. I don’t know where to start. Some are in the attic, some are out in my studio (needing a ladder to get to.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-13 X7X 30

    I am going really light on the amount of weight of the strength training. I am still experiencing pain in my shoulder but, not while I am working out.

    Lenora- you look fantastic! What a cute couple! I love the pictures of cracker! He looks like he would be a rambunctious little fellow.


    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2016
    Mary - Thanks! Love 'em both. Both keep me laughing and happy! Thanks for the compliment as well. I can really see the difference between my avatar and the picture as it relates to the weight I have lost. I will soon post a 'before' picture and an 'after' picture. Just can't decide if I will wait until I get to my goal weight ... somewhere in the middle of the 'normal' BMI.

    Heather - I had to 'retire' due to a 'disability' (also mental - I have bipolar disorder); but, my mantra is: "If don't suffer from mental illness; I enjoy every minute of it!" It took me 3 years to get over losing a job/career that I loved. I was a Paralegal. My income dropped significantly as well; but, we adjusted - I had not realized how hard my husband had worked to get us over that huge bump in the road. Medication keeps me 'just one step to the manic side of normal' (normal for me; and, not as I call it 'sitting on the fence ... waiting to fall off it to either side'; if they try to get me 'textbook therapeutic'. My first PsycheMD as well as the one I go to now will/did adjust my medication so that I feel 'good' ... even if I am a bit 'manic'. Then my GYN or GP would test my 'thyroid' which affected my 'bipolar meds'. First PsychMD finally contacted them and told them that it was affecting my 'bipolar meds', which at the time I was taking Lithium. After he had to give up his practice due to health reasons - I ended up having "Lithium Toxicity" and almost died. Then I changed doctors when one decided to send me to a state-run facility because she got tired of my mouth and wanting to 'go home' because I knew my family would not mistreat me. I ended up taking her before the Composite State Board of Medical Examiners; and got past the 'filing' stage, to the 'investigative' stage. She 'might' have thought I was 'crazy, (therefore 'stupid'}; but, I showed her. Now that it is on her record, when her contact with the hospital ran out, they did not rehire her. She's changed practices several times. Now she is in the practice with one who also no longer has 'hospital privileges'. I don't know what good one would be, if they cannot treat you if you have to be hospitalized. Definitely do not want to go to the 'depressed' side again. I don't want to have to be 'hospitalized' for him to need to adjust all my meds again. I can no longer take any OTC medications, or supplements unless I run it by him. But, I needed it; for the sake of my family and me! While it is difficult for me to understand someone who 'suffers from depression - only' I do have empathy for them. Been there, done that ... have the T-Shirts [that I only wear at home]. "Lost my mind, back in 5 minutes"; "Who are these children and why are they calling me Mom?"; and "I'm not being mean, I just don't like you."

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Congratulations on ordering your new laptop. That has to be a relief. Thank you for the clear cake size information so that I can envision the birthday cake. :embarassed: I feel so goofy sometimes. My son is also 40 this year. Holy moley! I am happy that you've got an appointment set up for picking up typescripts. You are getting things done and I am in awe. :smiley:

    I have a worry that I will share. I am anxious because of the elections. We are both retired and living on SSI and pensions. We also have savings, but they need to be protected as long as possible because I expect to live to a very old age. I plan to be here when this group is Women 90+. I am afraid that the Social Security fund will be looted and decimated by the new administration. It has been going on already and I fear it will get worse. We paid into that fund for years and it is being undermined and "stolen" by Congress. This isn't new, but I fear it will be worse. Please tell your Republican and Democratic representatives and senators to protect the Social Security system for all current and future retirees.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I bought the 'coolest' thing the other day; it is a motion sensitive commode light. It turns on when you go into the bathroom; then turns off when you leave. Now I will no longer 'miss' sitting on the darn thing; and, I won't have to turn on light and disturb DH. He thought it was stupid, until I attached it to the commode; and, then he laughed about it 'changing colors'.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Katla- I can identify with you and your insomnia difficulties. I have had insomnia for 10 years now and I finally told my husband that I can't take it anymore. I have tried everything! We have medical marijuana here in Minnesota but it does not cover insomnia issues. When we were on our trip our train stopped in Portland. My DH agreed with me that it would be worth trying medical marijuana. We both talked to the person at the dispensary and they suggested a high CBL count and lower THC count. I have to tell you I had the best two nights of sleep in my whole life! I smoked it an hour before bed. I did try the candy bar I would not recommend it. It did not work the same as the type that I smoked. I told my husband I want to move to Oregon!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    So Katla, I now have two Christmas cakes, one nine inch for the family, which will be larger when it's marzipanned and royal iced. That will have the full panoply of old and new decorations on it. The other is the six inch, just for DH, who can't wait until after Christmas. (The family are coming on Boxing Day) He loves marzipan and icing, so I will have to do that one as well. Both cakes will be wrapped up and kept for a while to "mature", so DH won't get his hands on his for a while. >:) I will post a pic of the big one when it's done. I think I did that a couple of years ago. :)
    I'm sorry you have worries about the future. I have resolved to spend my money as I don't intend to need care and if I end up doing so I will be so far gone I won't be aware how bad the care is. The state will pick up the pieces over here, but, without private funds, the care is not optimum. Like you, I am trying to stay fit and healthy for as long as possible and it is my hope to have the courage to bow out gracefully if things change for the much worse. But we never know what the future has in store for us. Our day of leaving could be tomorrow. All the worrying in the world isn't going to change things, so we might as well be happy. (Not easy in the middle of the night, but I find an improving book helps me)
    Lots of love to you. <3
    Heather UK xxxxxxx