

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Becca, so good that you will have all your boys for Christmas. What a gift to you! My husband has always felt that our girls gifts need to be equal. I assume it has something to his boyhood in many of those moments he keeps locked up and won't let anyone see. I hate it that he prefers to just give a good size amount of money. Christina is married so she gets more than Michelle. Last year both of them wanted gifts which I totally enjoyed shopping for them and really enjoyed watching them open them and be all excited. They both need that check but it is spent on household needs or if the need something during the year and then there is no gift at Christmas. Well what he doesn't know is that some nice things fit in stockings and he knows nothing about it.

    Happy birthday to Shep. Loved seeing him as a puppy again.

    My SIL posted my DGD radio spots that were just 15 and 30 seconds. I was so proud of her, so articulate. I am sure it helped that they let her Dad record it in his recording studio. I don't know if there is a way I can put a audio here or not. They are both on Facebook. Any ideas?

    Joyce, Indiana
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2016
    SherryBROWNIES! Hear it has a lot of good fiber! Just kidding … Did you have your tiny house customized for you? I’ve enjoyed watching the show and how ingenious some people can get to use every square inch of space. I might be able to live in one, if I were single; but, I like my ‘space’; but, being able to go wherever does have a nice ring to it.

    Hey, y’all with the soggy golf courses; we could ‘really, really’ use some of that rain this way. I don’t recall a time that it has been so dry that there have been ‘forest fires’ … smokey so bad that Atlanta looks like it is shrouded in ‘smog’. DOGD says the smoke is about to ‘kill’ her. She has asthma, so that is kicking in, too! Now that they have insurance, she can go get a check-up and get the asthma medication and puffer thing.

    Re – I agree; whenever my GYN who I’ve gone to for over 40 years says anything about my ‘age’; I tell him that ‘he is ALSO getting older’ and he is ‘older’ than I am. But, he means no harm; he has always been there for me. He discovered what the problem was the first time I got pregnant and was able to avoid having to do a complete hysterectomy. So I have 2 great looking sons. I will take him to task when I need to.

    Katla – Thank you! We think she is ‘cute’, too! Such facial expressions! We are constantly ‘laughing’ at her; I think she ‘eats it up’. I also think she is ‘playing the hurt paw’ a bit far. She can walk on all fours and does so inside, except right after she gets out of the bed or 'if' she 'knows' we are laughing at her about something. As if to say, 'I've so cute and I need to be held." But all her toenails on that paw grow every which way but loose. So, now the vet says it will be much better if he is the only one that deals with the cutting and/or filing of her nails. Said the way they grow that a groomer could file them down into the quick too easily; because they are upside down (sort of), it is like walking on the tops of the nails, and makes the nails more like the quick. But, she rides very well in the car; so it is not a problem taking her in.

    Sue in WA – Has he ever had to go to the ER because of sugar levels being whacked out? Sounds like that is what he is aiming for. My BF’s husband who was diabetic (and an alcoholic) was taken to the ER by her one morning when his sugar level was off the charts. She had to go to work because she was using up her ‘leave’ time when she knew she’d have to have some later on. She specifically told the intake nurse what was happening; that they needed to get his sugar level down. When she came back at lunchtime; they had put him in the Psyche Ward and had done NOTHING to get his sugar level down. They thought he was ‘only drunk’ and he had not had a drop of liquor. She was livid. I don’t blame her. Surely your DH husband is not willing to take this risk, is he? Does he drive himself anywhere? Does he wear a Medic Alert bracelet? If not, he really needs to get one. Could save his life and also not have him misdiagnosed.

    Sherry – Lovely poem. We’d all be better people if we woke up daily and read it; and then, lived it. Long version of ‘The Serenity Prayer’. Sometimes it takes being at the bottom of the pit; to come out of it and change our ways. I know I am guilty of falling into the pit and having a really bad one-woman pity party. I do have a lot to be thankful for, so that is what I try to concentrate on. I’m going to copy it and print it out. Don’t worry about the ‘bold’ lettering … we needed to have this ‘screamed’ at us. The only other way to ‘scream’ at us is to make the lettering uppercase.

    Becca – Can I put Cracker on the Advent Calendar? Do I need to print out a picture of her and send it to you or what?

    Lois – I remember when I dropped out of a size 16; I emptied my closet and drawers of anything that size or higher. Actually, I tried on every single piece of clothing I had to my name and then went in and did my drawers and closet the Marie Kondo folding/hanging way. I still have a drawer that doesn’t have anything in it. But, I don’t plan on buying anything else ‘new’ until I have reached my ‘goal’ which is, at this point, getting my BMI to a ‘normal’ range. These last 10 to 15 pounds has really been difficult! I’ve got to ‘check’ over my routine to see what I am doing that is working versus what is not working.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hola Amigas,

    I definitely relate to all of you feeling a certain emotional exhaustion and despair. ‘Nuf said. Taking life a day at a time and with an attitude of gratitude. Not going to worry because as a much wiser person has said, ‘worry is just interest spent on a debt that may never be owed.’

    Michele: Mars the cat and four-legged alarm clock, is finally getting the gist of the time change. But earlier this week he was waking me at 4 AM instead of 5. He really takes his job seriously.

    Loving all the doggie pictures. Handsome birthday boy, Shep! Cracker’s Grinch feet! So glad to hear that Homer is feeling better.

    Part of my recent funk was also attributed to pain from arthritis in my knee and Morton’s neuroma in my foot. If I worked out, the pain would flare up and I’d be limping the rest of the day. But, not working out also leaves me feeling out of sorts. Finally broke down and started popping two Aleves every AM before workout. Much as I hate taking any meds, this is working really well. A trip to acupuncturist is going to be set soon.

    About 15 pages back, a few of you inquired about Tabata training. I've put a link below to an article I quickly found. It's basically interval training, with a very specific timing standard. I use a Tabata app on my kindle to keep the time.

    Time to sleep. Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    November Goals:
    Tabata training a minimum of 2 times per weekhttp://shape.com/fitness/cardio/4-minute-fat-burning-miracle-tabata-workout
    Try a new ‘Skinny Taste’ recipe
    Eat mindfully
    Reduce household budget by $400.
    Be lighter (thanks Lisa for coining this goal)
    Word for 2016: Optimism

  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Lenora - yay brownies!!! I wish it counted towards my fiber everyday, lol! I'm glad you like the poem, so please yes copy it, print it, hang it where you will read it everyday and feel free to pass copies on to others as you see fit. I am happy to share it with you all, and I encourage you all to do the same thing. As for tiny homes, every place has a thing and every thing has a place. I try to put everything away in it's place because when it gets messy it becomes very apparent just how small a space it is!

    Becca - wish I could send you a pic of Missy for the Advent calendar, but alas I no longer have a printer. Oh well, maybe by next year's calendar (if you do one next year) I will have gotten off my a** and gotten a printer I can Bluetooth my tablet to.

    Sherry in "protesters have blocked some highways in the city!" Portland
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Jeez! Look at me! I've turned into quite the Miss Chatterbox today! But hey! You know what?? I feel good!!!

    Now on the count of three everybody go look in a mirror and tell yourself you're beautiful!! Everybody ready?? One....Two....Three!!!! Did you do it???? If you didn't, smack yourself then go do it! Show yourselves some love!!

    Sherry in "where did I put my pipe down?" Portland
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Last try.......400 year old tree on Johns Island SC, it's 25' in circumference, 65' tall and it's area of shade is 17,000 square feet. BIG tree. That's Jack in front of it, a mere 6'3" :)
    Janetr okc (leaving Charleston tomorrow, heading to NC to meet old Air Force buddy of Jack's)

  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Janetr - there it is!!! Wow! Big tree! Do you know what species it is?

    OK ladies, I am done. Poke me with a fork!! Lol! It is time to "medicate", take my shot and my supplements and watch a movie, then off to my wonderful stiff bed! I hope you all get lots of deep, refreshing sleep tonight!

    (Just a side note....breaking news just popped up on channel 8, protests in downtown Portland have turned into riots! Approx 4,000 protesterrs involved. Oh brother, just another excuse to act like an idiot and destroy other people's property! I wish people would put their energies into more productive actions that would actually make a difference. What do these people think they are accomplishing???)

    Sherry in " shaking my head" Portland
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sherry: You seem to be doing a great job of learning your new neighborhood and figuring out how to make your life more comfortable. WTG! :smiley: DH has had a medical card for quite awhile because he needs it. I am not opposed to either medical or recreational mj. I love the "Just for today" post. Thank you for sharing. :flowerforyou:

    JanetR: Your DH standing in front of that enormous old tree is doing a great job showing its size. WOW! :bigsmile:

    It is almost 10:30 & DH went to bed a while ago. I'm ready to join him. Have a good evening and a great tomorrow.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Good evening, lovelies!

    Happy Birthday Kackie, 2 minutes early.
    Joyce my heart goes out to you, know you wish you could give Charlie a self-esteem infusion. Please forgive me, but when you mentioned Charlie measures his high forehead I was thinking disappearing hairline instead of small brain... ;) Yay for getting your bathroom back!
    KJ rejoicing that DH jumped into support position.
    JanetR your "How far..." question made me laugh out loud ;}
    Heather Supporting him through his sad time does not mean you have to let him rubbish your archives. Even if you have to pay for a storage unit or build storage onto your new home, or scan the archives onto electronic media, or??? You need not feel guilty for wanting to keep such a big part of who you are. Glad you patched it up. Now will you tell us if the inches refer to diameter or height? :)
    Lenora thanks for the Jeanne Robertson recommendation. I am SO with you about feeling cold. Bad thing is I end up spending way to much time on the mattress warmer and not enough outside raking leaves which would REALLY warm me up ;) ditto about how you felt about both candidates and well said on balance of powers. Praying our new president will have excellent advisors and listen to them.
    Re in TX Gratz on the noodle arms, soon to be strong and sinewy! bubbling lentils/veggies/chicken sausage, can almost smell them from here. Yum ;)
    Barbie would love to hear your funny movie recommendation(s) to relieve household stress.
    Becca a dear friend of mine prescribes holding the hug an extra 3 seconds after you think it should end. Gives everyone an extra burst of joy.
    Kim It IS early days ... Have you homesteaded your house to protect it just in case? Ditto what Glo and everyone else said. <3
    Lisa Loved your article and hope you'll find another appropriate moment to publish it.
    Sharon So sorry for your and friend's heartbreaking loss. Bosu is a fun-instrument-of-torture that looks like half of a big blue plastic ball on a black disc. Balancing on either round or flat side strengthens core and stability muscles. It's scary but becomes fun, until the trainer adds biceps curls or suggests closing your eyes to complicate things ;P
    Joyce and Penny loved hearing about your choirs! There is miraculous medicine in group singing especially for those of us who don't like how our voices sound alone ;)
    Katla, my Papa was a SeaBee in the Solomons too. Neither he nor his brothers would ever talk about their WWII experiences. Thanks for the Tibetan proverb!
    Allie, so glad Homer is eating and perking up!
    Mary happy birthday beautiful Shep!
    Sherry OUCH! Going to the laundromat was NOT part of my motor home fantasy... ;{ Thanks for "Just for today"

    Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD who is happy to be here.
    Smile then listen
    Today: Log like Mary MSH, every bite lick or sip whether over, under or sidewise. . . EVERY day ;}
    November: Strength Training 3 days/week. Zumba, H20 Fit or Line Dance Class 4 times/week.
    Nov-Dec-Jan: Vitamin D 3 x day.

    Log: 100%
    Cardio: G/S, B/H20/LD, G/B/AZ, Z, 0, G, H20, S, LD, AZ
    Strength: 0, non-legs, legs, 1/2 non-legs, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1
    Vit 'D': x x 100% 100% 100% 100% 66%* 66%* 66%* 66%*
    *2/day but 1 is doublestrength
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Oh dear.....why do people, especially young people, resort to violence when :'( they don't get their way???? All the protesters they are showing on TV are anywhere from "under age" to their mid 20's! :( They have done soooo much damage already and are even physically fighting amongst themselves even! They say that Portland police won't get involved because they just don't have the "manpower" to put a stop to this! They say there are some groups of protesters that are not involved in the violence and are putting themselves in danger trying to stop the others. At least there are some who haven't lost their minds completely! The jail is going to be very full tonight with young people who have now created a criminal record for themselves. That ought to look real good on their college applications. :s

    *Sigh* This is very disheartening!

    Sherry in "now scarred" Portland
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    I have to wonder....is this the only city where this kind of thing is happening?? The news isn't saying anything about any protests anywhere else in the country. If it is just here it will be a sad day for me as I will be ashamed to be a "Portlander". This is day 2 of protests here and it turned to violence tonight. As of a moment ago when I turned off the TV the Riot Police had just gotten involved and were trying to disperse everybody with rubber bullets and " flash bangs". I hope they get it under control and calmed down. I'm going to bed and bury myself in an e-book I downloaded from the library and disappear into another world for a while B) . Good night all.

    Sherry in "damaged" Portland
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Sherry - so sorry for what's happening in Portland. There have been more than 50 protests across the U.S., but most have not been violent.

    I don't mean to speak in code, and my apologies to those who won't understand because you weren't here with us at the time. I really don't want to get the conversation re-started around the terms, but for those who do remember Miriam, who is dearly missed, it was not my intent to offend anyone with a term I used in a recent post, anymore than anyone meant to offend at the time she was here. Won't clarify for fear of starting another set of posts taking sides, but please accept my apology if you felt the words were hurtful. It won't happen again. I woke up thinking about it, figured out what the reason could possibly be, and I felt I must address it.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in chilly West Texas
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning! Does anyone have a recommendation for a "light box",???
    SAD is hitting our house, even DH mentioned he thought it might be a good idea :# he also mentioned that he wants to cut back on calories double :#:# !

    Goals for the next few days, enjoy spending time with DH and friends on our weekend getaway. Anna Maria island, here we come :D The plan includes: eating well, walking the beach, finding a yoga class with my friend, and maybe just maybe treating ourselves to a spa treatment. This is a rare occurrence for me and I am embracing it with an open mind.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    I got over 10 hrs sleep last night and gee did I need it.. I put the markers up for when the plows come through and Tom comes home and starts barking at me, that the lawn mowing isnt finished and its to early -yapity yapity yapity..Tracy cancelled this weekend as Kyle has the weekend off and they want to spend time together...but we will be going up to Yankee Candle next weekend on Sunday..
    tomorrow will be getting rest of the leaves picked up...
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Morning Ladies

    Today's the day, off to Spain, won't be logging food or DRINK. Depending on WiFi connection will probably check in and see what you are all up to.

    Sherry sorry to hear about the problems in Portland, why can't people accept that this is democracy. We have problem here with those unable to accept the BREXIT vote. Us "older" and "wiser" folks know that in the long run not a lot changes for the "little folks"
    We just need to look after ourselves and our family first and then help out anyone else we can. Sorry rant over

    Have a good day, will try to send some pics from sunny (I hope) Spain if not will do so when I'm home

    Kate UK
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning ladies! Happy Friday! Heartfelt thanks to all of our veterans and their families. Protecting us and our rights and freedoms. Times of peace and war. Home soil and foreign soil. Distant seas and along our shorelines. Protecting our right to be WE the people of diverse backgrounds, faiths, beliefs, colors, genders. Many, many thanks.
    Pip- Love and hugs to you as you deal with "busy brain" syndrome. Been there. <3
    Janet- Loving all of the pictures! Safe travels as you continue your vacation!
    Lenora, Mary- Sweet pictures of Cracker and Shep! Such sweet faces!
    Lisa- kudos to you for picking up on something that may have offended and taking action on it. I, personally, found nothing wrong with your words. I am a very sarcastic person and my writing tends to be tongue in cheek and it has taken me a while to realize some people don't get me. BUT...very early in my posts on this site I used a phrase that I used to use often, with out thinking, and a wonderful lady from this site, pointed out the problem she (and others) may have felt with the wording that I chose to use. She was very sweet and informed me in a private message of something that had never occurred to me before. I will always be grateful to her for giving me the heads up on my terminology and making me "think" before I spit out something that I find funny.
    Heather-I think you will like having those things on some sort of electronic file (thumb drive, hard drive/disc) I am in the process of doing this with family photos. Time consuming; but once I have a copy of these in my safe, I will be happy! B)
    Carey- So sorry about your continued eye problems. Thank you for the poem! Wonderful words!
    Sherry- Thank you for sharing the words you wake up to in the morning! Good words for focus. Sounds like you are adjusting to the "tiny house" life just fine!
    Love and hugs to all! Time to fly and get ready for my kiddos. Have to make some "birthday brownies" to celebrate a 2nd birthday. I have found if I put the brownie mix in a 8x8 pan. I can cut them just right, so that I have enough portions for each kid and one for my DH and son. (Leaving zero leftover for me...which is always a good plan) <3>:)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    SSC1958 wrote: »
    Sharon: I'm hoping the new drops will work too! I'm so sorry for the loss of your friends son. My condolences.

    Lillian: Are you still rocking those rocks

    Carey - Northern Alberta

    Goals for Nov:
    - Increase walking by at least 100 steps per day
    - Get to Tai Chi at least once a week
    - Increase daily water intake

    Yup...still moving rocks.....one wheelbarrow load at a time. I have about 15 feet along one side of my house left to cover.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited November 2016
    Penny Dad used to stay up every Christmas Eve & listen to Handel's Messiah in its entirety. I am not much of singer but as a teen was fortunate enough to be in an Allstate choir that sang parts of it...it made my heart soar.

    Mary Happy birthday, Sweet Shep! Lenora Cute pup!

    Lois "It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness <3" Just what I needed to hear this morning, thank you so very much.

    Heather The professional scanning place is a good investment for a tedious, time-consuming task! Aren't you so clever to already have figured out what to do! Your time is so much more valuable than the amount you will pay them.

    Re <3

    Becca What could be better than having your boys home for Christmas! Enjoy making precious memories!

    Sherry OMG! between you and Re I might just have to cheer up! (((Hugs))) for you & Portland.

    You are so right about educating our young people. I believe education is the key to the deep divide we now find ourselves grappling with. While most Americans have completed high school, only a fraction of Americans have completed 4 years of college or successfully completed trade school. So many people start working out right out of high school and survive from paycheck to paycheck. I am sure some of the women here can relate. It is very difficult to go to college or trade school when you are trying to pay the rent and raise the kids and put groceries on the table. It can be done, but it takes an enormous amount of resolve and a certain amount of sheer luck to accomplish it. We should have 90% or more citizens with 4 or more years of education or certified in a trade to be competitive with other nations, especially Asian nations. I remember my mom used to get exasperated when money for education was voted down...she said the one thing we should always say "yes" to is money for education, because educated individuals make our country stronger and more globally competitive. Prophetic words from 40 years ago.

    (Stepping off soapbox)

    Janetr Oh the tales that old tree could tell...

    Lisa Oh gosh if you said something that might offend, I can only imagine how many people I have inadvertently offended. (If I have, please set me straight, everyone, as I am a big girl and can handle it)

    Here is a quote from my dear departed Mom: "Aren't we lucky? Every day the sun comes up and we get to start over again!"

    Karen in Virginia trying to be positive