

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Mornin! Overall a very manageable t-day for us. My DMILs was surprisingly quiet, far fewer drop in guests which is the norm, no traditional American food, but tasty, curry and spicy foods- I always bring pumpkin pie, 23 year tradition. DD played dominoes with grand mommy which made us all happy.

    Now onto my hosting a smallish family gathering today. I've got butternut squash soup, red lentil soup and various tidbits and nibbles for my DOB AND DYS and their family. A most enjoyable way to celebrate Black Friday (I never shop on this day anyway). We will fit in a nice walk somehow, if the rain holds up.

    Planned Food and exercise? Oops that will have to wait till Saturday where I will snap back into my happy normal. Looking forward to that as well but sometimes it is a little fun for me to go a little crazy--I may even have a little wine today!!

    Safe travels and shopping to all :)

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Morning ladies~
    slept like a rock and have DGD today all day..
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Naughty Me ~ Ate leftover bruschetta and gingerbread cake for breakfast. After today, I will get back on track.

    Off to clean the pans that the turkey and ham cooked in!

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    NYKAREN wrote: I've got butternut squash soup, red lentil soup and various tidbits and nibbles ...

    :lol: I'm going to make a butternut squash and red lentil soup!

    Today's good news is that at long last, we have snow on the ground. Finally! It's about time!

    /Penny, chuckling and smiling at the North Pole
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan: ", , , Curling has started for the winter. I have quite a To Do list on the go. This being retired can be pretty hectic. I have had to schedule things so they get done otherwise I would procrastinate and nothing would get done!" Retirement is a busy time in my life, too. I love it. Do you participate in curling as a player or a fan

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    I am a participant. Love it. It is good exercise and it gets me out to socialize.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    All the pans are washed, table clothes in laundry, and puppy fed. All that is left is to clean the kitchen floor.

    Lillian ~ What is curling?

    Joyce ~ Sounds like you had a great gathering. We are going to son's house for Christmas day to watch the two grands open presents. We may take steaks to cook out. That will take a lot of work off of me!

    Sherry ~ Hoping you find a better place to rest your RV.

    Penny ~ No snow before now? That's amazing.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Walking home from the grocery store just now, I had to stop and take a few deep breaths, stunned by the velvety darkness all around me.

    I realized I'm thankful I live in a place with polar night, where it's dark in the middle of the day, when I'm awake enough to appreciate it.

    /Penny, dumbfounded at the North Pole

    :) The light and dark changes aren't as dramatic here but in the winter, I love walking the dogs in the dark in the morning....it feels as though the world is ours alone :)

    <3 Barbie from dark NW Washington

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning again ladies~
    Taliah got here around 20 after 7.. and Tom and I had a shouting match he was calling me all sorts of names and using foul language.. told him to stop as Taliah would be here soon..
    I will have alot of thinking to do .. this is just getting to much for me..
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday! Slept in until 6:30 this morning and it felt wonderful to know that I can take it a little easier today! No Black Friday shopping for me. I don't care for shopping on a normal day, but to be out in the CRAZY of Black Friday?! No.Friggen.Way.
    Thanksgiving day was it's usual amount of business in the kitchen. The guys slept until noon, so they were out of my way for the better part of the day. Dinner was great and having the in-laws was really nice. Clean up went fast, as I just cleared the dishes and set them to soak in the sink right away. Cooking clean up was done before we sat down to eat. And I had all of my plastic ware out to package up leftovers. I sent half home with mother and father in law. I was able to have about a quarter cup of the very carb-y sides and I had a larger helping of salad, veg, and soup. So, I only went over my calorie allowance by about 100. That includes the pie! I was worried, bc I saw a news segment on tv stating that the typical American consumes over 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving day! Yikes!
    BETH - Yes, I shouted your name! Happy Thanksgiving! So happy to see a post! Hope all is well with your family!
    Mary-Love the cartoons! <3
    Margaret- Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
    Signing off. I have my hambone and navy beans in the crock pot for bean soup. Still have to chop and add carrots. Today I get to watch my first two Christmas movies while I begin decorating. I usually start with Holiday Inn and The Bells of St. Mary's. All of my inside deco goes up, except the greenery and tree. But it makes for a nice leisurely day with lots of relaxing me time!
    Love to all of you!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Allie- We (women 50+) focused so much good thoughts and prayers on Homer and he seems to have made a turn around; perhaps we should now focus on Tom? Strength to you dear friend! <3
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Happy Day after Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to running errands and enjoying time with the family. I'm going to call DDIL soon. I may call DD, too. I do not plan to do any Christmas shopping today. We'll see how things go.

    Katla temporarily in Beautiful Eastern Oregon
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Thank you for all the Birthday greetings. Enjoyed going out to eat. We got an end booth that was nice. Played Scrable with DS#2 in afternoon. Loved having a stress free day. No Black Friday shopping for me.

    :heart: Margaret
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    Had a nice day at my mom's but was feeling out of sorts still, so really quiet most of the day. Once we got home, DH insisted on going to
    Kohls to get an iWatch. For the life of me, I can't figure out why he wanted to spend $400 on what is basically a toy for him when I just finished telling him I used the last of our savings to pay the December mortgage. So I'm even more depressed now. Glad I've finished Christmas shopping already.

    Rita from CT
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    <3 Good Morning! <3
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2016
    We had a nice Thanksgiving at Mamma S's, with Jack's brother ( he lives with his Mom) Jack and I and Jack's oldest son, Jack Jr and his wife. They made the 10 hour drive from OKC. They all have called Jack's son "little Jack" all of his life to distinguish him from his Dad. Little Jack Is 6'4" and weighs roughly 280-320#. The name "little Jack" amuses me to no end. The best part of all is Mama said it was the best Thanksgiving ever.

    Janetr okc
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical today. I'll probably do some HIIT tomorrow since I'll need to burn off the calories I'll take in today. I'm not even going to bother logging, I know that I'll be eating some (ok, a lot) of not-good food. But I also know that I'll be back on plan tomorrow. One day probably won't kill me

    We had a Thaksgiving dinner yesterday with some of Jessica's friends. I just had a little white meat, some of the potatoes Colby made, some of the stuffing but I found out later that it was from a box, a small piece of the cherry pie (wasn't good at all -- store bought), a small piece of pumpin pie (again, store bought), a piece of the chocolate cake I brought, and some ice cream. Just had water to drink. One guy made these cheese Red Lobster biscuits. Didn't have any. He also made a green bean casserole. Didn't have any of that, either. Guess I'm just used to lots of room, it was so crowded. They live in a small townhouse, there were 6 of us.

    Lenora - I think a toilet as a planter is a kewl idea. Give me a sweet (and I do mean sweet) wine, and I'm drinking. But if it isn't sweet -- forget it. Jess said last night that she and Colby bought some that she knows I'll drink. I do know that I won't drink until I've had something to eat first. One time I didn't do that and boy did I feel it afterwards.

    Margaret - happy birthday

    Enjoyed all the cartoons

    Vince isn't feeling well. At first he wasn't going to come up here, but he was feeling better so he did. Now today he said he can't talk. So I had to ask at the hotel desk for more pads of paper since each pad has only about 3 pages on it. Also had to ask for salt. Trying to explain to someone who doesn't speak English that I want salt -- not the salt in the packets but salt in the salt shaker. Didn't get thru until I showed her the salt shaker. I'd already emptied it.

    OK, ladies, I need your input. Here's the situation: back in September Bryan told me that he doesn't want to Skype with us any more as it makes him feel worse (I didn't even know that he felt bad). So I haven't talked to him since August. The only reason he called me about my tumor was because Jessica told him to call me, making it sound urgent. Anyway, on to Denise. She only comes down to see us once/year, at Christmas time. And only then because we make her feel guilty about not coming (or so she says). Pete keeps saying "I want to spend Christmas with my grandmother since it may be her last Christmas" That's true. But then again, we never know what the future will bring. Who knows if this won't be my or Vince's last Christmas? The year my mother died no one dreamed that was her last Christmas and my grandfather would have 30 more. Anyway, at her wedding I'm thinking that perhaps I should ask his mother and grandmother to strongly encourage them to spend Christmas with us. She spends every holiday with his family. I'm willing to give up every holiday, I only ask for Christmas (Even specifically). Pete has NEVER spent any holiday with us. In the 9 years we've lived in NC, he's only been to see us once. And that was for 2 days, and only because Vince was going in for major heart surgery. What are your thoughts? I'm just afraid that if i don't say something, Pete will say that he wants to spend Christmas with his family and Denise will go along with it. Jessica has invited Denise to her Thanksgiving every year for the last 7 years (or thereabouts). Denise has come twice, Pete only once.

    Do you think it woud be appropriate for me to say something?

    Michele in NC
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Michelle ~ I don't know what I would do in that situation. I would probably try not to say anything but I know it would be hard not to let them know how hurt you feel and how much you want them to come.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical today. I'll probably do some HIIT tomorrow since I'll need to burn off the calories I'll take in today. I'm not even going to bother logging, I know that I'll be eating some (ok, a lot) of not-good food. But I also know that I'll be back on plan tomorrow. One day probably won't kill me

    We had a Thaksgiving dinner yesterday with some of Jessica's friends. I just had a little white meat, some of the potatoes Colby made, some of the stuffing but I found out later that it was from a box, a small piece of the cherry pie (wasn't good at all -- store bought), a small piece of pumpin pie (again, store bought), a piece of the chocolate cake I brought, and some ice cream. Just had water to drink. One guy made these cheese Red Lobster biscuits. Didn't have any. He also made a green bean casserole. Didn't have any of that, either. Guess I'm just used to lots of room, it was so crowded. They live in a small townhouse, there were 6 of us.

    Lenora - I think a toilet as a planter is a kewl idea. Give me a sweet (and I do mean sweet) wine, and I'm drinking. But if it isn't sweet -- forget it. Jess said last night that she and Colby bought some that she knows I'll drink. I do know that I won't drink until I've had something to eat first. One time I didn't do that and boy did I feel it afterwards.

    Margaret - happy birthday

    Enjoyed all the cartoons

    Vince isn't feeling well. At first he wasn't going to come up here, but he was feeling better so he did. Now today he said he can't talk. So I had to ask at the hotel desk for more pads of paper since each pad has only about 3 pages on it. Also had to ask for salt. Trying to explain to someone who doesn't speak English that I want salt -- not the salt in the packets but salt in the salt shaker. Didn't get thru until I showed her the salt shaker. I'd already emptied it.

    OK, ladies, I need your input. Here's the situation: back in September Bryan told me that he doesn't want to Skype with us any more as it makes him feel worse (I didn't even know that he felt bad). So I haven't talked to him since August. The only reason he called me about my tumor was because Jessica told him to call me, making it sound urgent. Anyway, on to Denise. She only comes down to see us once/year, at Christmas time. And only then because we make her feel guilty about not coming (or so she says). Pete keeps saying "I want to spend Christmas with my grandmother since it may be her last Christmas" That's true. But then again, we never know what the future will bring. Who knows if this won't be my or Vince's last Christmas? The year my mother died no one dreamed that was her last Christmas and my grandfather would have 30 more. Anyway, at her wedding I'm thinking that perhaps I should ask his mother and grandmother to strongly encourage them to spend Christmas with us. She spends every holiday with his family. I'm willing to give up every holiday, I only ask for Christmas (Even specifically). Pete has NEVER spent any holiday with us. In the 9 years we've lived in NC, he's only been to see us once. And that was for 2 days, and only because Vince was going in for major heart surgery. What are your thoughts? I'm just afraid that if i don't say something, Pete will say that he wants to spend Christmas with his family and Denise will go along with it. Jessica has invited Denise to her Thanksgiving every year for the last 7 years (or thereabouts). Denise has come twice, Pete only once.

    Do you think it woud be appropriate for me to say something?

    Michele in NC

    If it was me? Yes, speak up girlfriend. If it's that important yes. I know all too well, u never know when it's your time to go