

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Did some of my memoir this afternoon. :drinker: I was writing about what I knew as a small child of my father's war experience.

    Still haven't attempted to open my new laptop after last time. :embarassed:

    Did an on line order to arrive Sunday between 2 and 3. We basically just wanted our pastis, which we can't get anywhere else, but I did put quite a few more things on there.

    Then my DDIL rang and said that their friends had cancelled for the Sunday, so would we like to stay over Saturday night instead of driving home late. Yeah! :drinker: I was under the impression that she wasn't keen on us staying over as the kids get super excited in the morning , but she has obviously forgotten about that. :)
    We will have to be home by 2 pm for the supermarket delivery, but that suits us. It means we can enjoy a leisurely dinner and a glass of wine with them in the evening. :DB) My son is actually working (!) tomorrow, but we will see him for dinner and the next morning.
    Oh happy day! <3

    Early rising tomorrow to get our exercises done before we set off.
    Can't wait to see the grandkids. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    Seattle last year
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Pip ~ Luv the pics!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Michelle what a quandry. I wouldn't know what to advise, I probably wouldn't say anything as I don't like confrontation but I would seethe inwardly. It's upsetting that they don't realise how hurtful it is. Only you can make the decision but would speaking out destroy all relationship. My thoughts are with you and I hope everything works out

    Kate UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Michele do they visit at other times of the year? I live 600 miles from my family in St. Louis. We never went at Thanksgiving or Christmas because of the weather and I wanted to visit at a less stressful time of year.My mom would wither be sick at Christmas or stressed out because of the holiday. I did always call. We did sometimes go to Milwaukee because DH family was there and it was closer. The year it was 40 below and blizzard conditions with a small child in the car was my last until one of DH uncles died around Christmas and the funeral was held the day after. I found going at less stressful times better for all of us.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Tal and I made cookies today that was fun..But I am just in a very depressed state.. have to be ok while Tal is here.. Tom is making my life miserable, he has taken off for the rest of the day.. get a hair cut and will get something to eat. and leaving me here with Tal, would take hr to see Trolls but have no cash ,but yup he does.. I don't know how the rest of this year is gonna work out..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Pip - Seattle is on my bucket list, THANKS!

    Michele - My way would be to say, in an up beat light hearted manner, "Oh, I would really love to host all of you for Christmas. Really, it would be no trouble, I would love it! It would be such fun! " Then it is up to them whether they take you up on it or not. Basically it is their decision where they spend Christmas. Every year my heart is in my mouth waiting for DDIL to decide. This year she is coming to us for Boxing Day. I have no power over her decisions. :* One year we went to Morocco rather than have all the angst. Good luck! The secret is not to put a guilt trip on them.

    Lots of love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Thanksgiving is over – Thank Goodness! I have cooked, cleaned, counseled, fussed and fumed myself out for the rest of the year. I advised everyone that Thanksgiving will not be at my house again. There was so much to do and so much going on that I think I ate one slice of ham yesterday. That was it! I did manage a tall glass of some kind of punch my brother made and brought. Who knows what was in it. I also told them I would come wherever they have Thanksgiving next year and bring a dish. It was all crazy! I have also advised the children that I am not doing the Christmas Day Dinner this year as the grandchildren will not be here. I think DH and I will find somewhere to be alone.

    Heather: Your salmon recipe sounds wonderful. I do intend to try it.

    Sharon: I’ll be praying for your family. My son is grieving the passing of his father and is severely depressed. My daughter came home from Denver and is helping him. It is hard on all of us worrying about what we might be able to do to help him. She is it for him. The two of them have always been close and that bond is standing strong. In the meantime he found a new girlfriend that does not help anything (Bless her heart). But that is story for another day…..

    Kate: Newborns are so very precious! Thanks for sharing her picture with us.

    Pip: Floyd is beautiful!

    Gloria: Congratulations!

    Sherry: Sending hugs and best wishes for the new trailer park.

    Tere in RVA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Michele, I understand your concerns, but my personal opinion is the only one responsible for deciding where to spend her holidays is your daughter and perhaps her husband-to-be. I think talking to his Mom would cause friction. The mother is not responsible for making their decisions.

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    edited November 2016
    Stats for the day:
    Jog- 46.21min 9.16ap 6.4-7.5sp, 185mhr, 147ahr, 5mi = 480c
    Skip/ sidestep etc - 30min, 184mhr, 124ahr = 241c
    Total cal 721
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Janet ~ Good advice to Michelle
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Hey Becca, love ya!

    Just sayin'

    /Penny at the Pole

    aw Penny, love ya too friend!!
    mushy at the coast in
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    81824br5uyrfrsr.gif I probably could have taught and danced all the dances at my class today, but I wisely sat out several of them and let my student lead....I didn't want to take a chance on over doing and setting my recovery back a long way. I had a great time and made sure I danced my favorites.

    <3 Barbie NW Washington

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Michele in NC ~ If I were in your shoes, about trying to have a certain family come for Christmas (one that doesn't) I would put the invite out there, and then not stress about it. Tell the family that you wish to have come visit, that your door is open for the holidays. I am a firm believer that visiting isn't just for the holidays, heck people should visit when they can, not reserve a specific time to be social. This once a year visit is plain nuts, so many awkward situations, and it just becomes obligatory. I tell my sons come if they can, and if they can't have fun where ever that might be... ((((hugs)))) to you in whatever works out!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce – Crystal as a glass bell. DH has not seen nor talked to his daughter in nine (9) years. She is the one that wants to continue the 'estrangement'; not him, other than he doesn't think he has done anything to cause it.

    Charleen in Colorado – We’ll be eating turkey, dressing, and veggies for a week, too; and I did not even have to cook. But, the turkey and Cornish hens were too dry. Most everything else was tasty. I only got 1/4th of a cup or less of everything. Probably no more than 2 heaping TBSP of everything. Then I can home and tracked it on MFP and did not go over for the day, walked 20 minutes on the treadmill. I cooked a big ham this AM; which we will eat tomorrow. DDnL#1 will make some of her red potato salad. Man, can you ever cook some great potato salad. I have to laugh that our DDnL#2 calls ‘chunky mashed potatoes’ potato salad. Each time she has tried making soup, my DYS had told her ‘it’s awful’. She tried making ‘chicken and dumplings’ … he did not like it; then she made some vegetable soup, and she said he did not ‘like’ that either … so she did not cook anything for him for 3 days. LOL! I asked her ‘how she made her dumplings’ … thinking that maybe she, like DDnL#1, uses/d noodles; but, she said she rolled them out like biscuits. That is how I have always made them.

    My cream cheese pecan pie was almost eaten up; just a little over one piece left; and, DH brought it home. Got to make another one either tonight or in the morning. A friend had made us a pound cake to pay us back for a pie I made for the “Fall Festival” at the grand's school and she said she would put $15 in the pot. But, when we cut into the cake (which looked like it have fallen) it was not cooked totally in the middle. But, we won’t say anything about it. DH brought home a big portion of the pound cake that DDnL#1’s sister made. I did not particular like it myself. I need to get my Mimi’s recipe out and make one for him. It is a sour cream pound cake that you put into a ‘cold oven’,

    NYKAREN – You meal of butternut squash soup, red lentil soup, and various nibbles sound good. I don’t ‘think’ I could even be ‘paid’ to shop on ‘Black Friday’ or even on whatever they call ‘Monday’ after Thanksgiving, don’t even want to drive in town.

    Katla and Lillian – I know I have been busier since I have retired. People ‘think’ you have all the time in the world, to do things for them. “Sorry, Hon; but I am doing what I want to do, no more having to do.” LOL!

    Michele – Gee, sweetie, that’s a hard one. This is the first Thanksgiving that our DYS has not come to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. DDnL#2 said that her ‘ex’ was giving her a lot of problems, just to mess with her, now that she has remarried, too. Last Thanksgiving they came; but, ended up going back on Saturday so he could have his visitation. They share custody; and they had a 3/2 and 2/3 rotation which really makes a long weekend impossible. He’s being a pill about it, not wanting to get DGD#4 until it is ‘his’ time to have her; or to bring her back ‘when’ his time is over. DYS said that he had been working 12+ hours a day to try to catch up prior to ‘hunting season’ so he did not want to have to drive. I still wonder if it is because DDnL#1 was so ‘ugly’ to DDnL#2 (for no reason; and, she turned her ‘anger’ on me). DYS says that DOS is always complaining about ‘not having enough money’. He thinks calling one another should be a 2-way street; and, it isn’t like he is being charged to call him under our present plan with Verizon. At least he did not come out and say that they were not coming because of them. That would have ‘hurt’ and made it hard to deal with.

    How far away do they live? Even making a weekend trip to Louisiana would be almost exhausting for us; but, I still ‘think’ they ought to switch out holidays. If it were me, I’d probably say something, even ‘if’ I did not like the answer. It’s like DH’s daughter – we did not like what she did (more than anything); and, DH has decided that he no longer cares that she continues the ‘estrangement’ any longer. It’s been 9 years. What can I say? If you say something they might think you are trying to make them ‘feel guilty’ and I know that isn’t the case, you just want your family to be together.

    We always went to either or parents or in-laws about every 6 weeks; my parents were a little closer; but, packing up for babies can be a pain. We'd swap off holidays. Of course, when the boys were little we always had "Santa" at our house. We'd get together (all sisters and husbands) the weekend before or the weekend afterwards.

    Allie – I could not work with such a ‘tight’ allowance; if I was still working … I would NOT tolerate it. I’ve always paid ‘my’ bills, DH has always paid mortgage, utilities, phone, garbage pick-up, and all ‘his’ credit cards. I don’t spend money out of our ‘joint’ account at his bank; and he doesn’t do the same out of my bank accounts.

    My savings account is in my name only; but, it has less than $400 in it. Something for a rainy day.

    Pip – You ought to be ‘thankful’ that Kirby survived his injuries. We’re very ‘thankful’ that DBnL is alive and doing very well. They are talking about transitioning him back to GA to do his ‘out-patient PT, OT, and whatever else he needs to do.

    Love the lights. We have the ‘tacky’ ones that hang on every other light pole. When I was little they would string lights (in the town I grew up in) to the top of the courthouse on the square from the wires that went around the sidewalks (power lines). We’d stop outside of town on a hill, about 10 or more miles from town from grandmamma house to see them, It looked like a huge Christmas tree.

    Have any of you had issues with MFP the last couple of days? It does show that it ‘isn’t responding’ but it cuts off the top and bottom so that it only shows up ‘white’ and the only way to do anything with it is to just shut it down and try to reopen it. I keep getting some sort of pop-up that wants me to ‘install’ new drivers. I don’t ‘think so’ … probably someone trying to sell me something. Fixing to contact my technicians and see what they do. After I try to ‘uninstall’ it. I see an icon on my desktop. Got that program uninstalled; but, still having issues about posting on MFP. It is also NOT taking me back to my last posting. It just stops wherever, not even at the last page.

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Michelle - so sorry about your holiday situation. We've had some in the past, too. Luckily my DS's in-laws include us in thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Of course we never see my Hubby's DS and family though they live closest to us. I know it is hard but try to let go of what you can't control. I am feeling your sorrow.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Well our family gathering was fun. Soups were both really good but I am glad I had also prepared a turkey breast, stuffing, gravy and roast vegetables as well. What a surprise my DOSister came along, she's never visited NY, it was a big deal that she came and was a total surprise that my brother arranged. She is the sister that I helped with remodeling her bathroom. I was so very happy she came and she enjoyed the food so much. I packed up a great deal of leftovers for her take home, as we all gathered to talk in the living room she fell asleep on the couch which embarrassed her, but we felt that it was not a big deal.

    Went on a nice walk after dessert (soggy pie, oh well) and spoke about being sure we remain a support for each other as we all age, it was very reassuring.

    Tomorrow is a new day, back on track.
    Thanks ladies for being here for each other. Through thick and thin (pun intended) :p

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Kate UK