

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    edited November 2016
    yo peeps -

    dreamwriter - sorry to hear about your sisters "lunch date". wowzers,
    i keep forgetting to mention my steps for the day only because i don't care about them but this fitbit tracks them.

    mon - 9237
    tues- 12649
    wed- 8957
    thurs- 5111
    fri- 15195

    it's obvious to me which days i ran, hahaha...
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good morning!!!! Today is a stay at home day. If Charlie doesn't want to eat at home tonight, well that is his problem. He can get a carry out somewhere. Have to get up early the next 3 mornings and I am taking it easy today.

    Lenora, last year about this time, the Grandkids lost the remote control to the VCR player, yep, we still have one of those. I did pull out all cushions and felt as far down as I could but the sofa and love seat is pretty tightly made. We even managed to move each item. Both of them are part of a sectional and very heavy. Each part of the sectional is a seperate piece and then hooked together on site so it's really hard to move it because it isn't one single piece. So they move kind of wonky. I haven't actually gone downstairs since the kids left because my legs just didn't want to go up and down the stairs another time. He was mad at me last night when he went downstairs so I'm not sure how thorough he looked.

    Who ever gave the idea of only talking about politics in some other era. We might have to try that.

    Michele, long ago when I guess it was the first son who lived out of state we realized that Christmas or even all holidays would never be the same. Since Thanksgiving is always on the same day and Christmas never the same day of the week, we decided on this. Every one had Thanksgiving with the Peterson family in Evansville. Christmas eve and day you go to your in laws house. The Peterson family would pick a day that everyone, including the inlaw all 4 of them, could agree on. That would be our Christmas day. It was planned well enough in advance so if you worked in retail you could make sure you were off. At that time we had two in health care and two in the ministry. We all had to make sure we ALL have to make sure you were off. It was usually the Saturday after Christmas but it has been anywhere from mid January, even one time in February. You can get a lot of gifts, decorations and after Christmas candy!!!! So this has always worked out. Good luck, Mom's are hurt when their kids can't come for a holiday. Unfortunately our brothers who live out of town have enough health problems or their kids do that they haven't neeb able to come in several years. But all of us who live here can't do two meals anymore. It jsut wears us out to much. So it is working out.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Joyce ~ A year ago when we were going out of town, my DH "hid" his father's rolex watch that he received when he retired and a nice diamond men's ring. Now, he can't remember where he "hid" them and we have no idea where they are. :'(
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    gotc86 wrote: »
    Is it too late to join?

    aw its never too late to join, this thread is ever changing, always influx and like a coupon that never expires! Welcome from an old gal in the farthest corner of Oregon before it falls into the Columbia River :-)
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Enjoying my last few hours of aloneness - picking the boys up at 4 then swinging by to pick up DGS#1's friend who showed up on our doorstep that one morning. I'm spending the rest of today mapping out next week's meals etc so I won't be stressing while starting work next week.

    I forgot to mention we also had a no political discussions rule on Thanksgiving. My daughters and I had discussed it before others came as there are two very vocally opinionated family members who would have ruined our family gathering had they gotten started. However anytime either of them started to mention something political DDs would say "No politics!" and stop them in their tracks. I loved it!

    Off to enjoy my last few hours of solitude but thinking of you all <3<3<3

    Gloria in WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    stats for the day:
    rowing machine- 60min, 50aw, 9392meters, 5.84mi 161mhr, = 433c
    ski machine- 30min, 152mhr, 15-50resist, 1.43mi = 236c
    total cal 669
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    Mellow day today. Read up to here.

    Rita from CT
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hello all: Got some errands run this morning and then did a trial run to Swedish hospital in downtown Seattle because my DH has a procedure there on Dec 8. I am really nervous about having to drive in the city but I think this will not be too bad. The worst part will be that we will be returning about rush hour in the dark. I hope it is not raining then. That will make it worse. We had lunch out, not the best choices but shared with DH. I will probably be over on calories and not much exercise with riding in the car and it is raining so not a good day to be outside.

    Barbie - Glad you are dancing again.

    Marcelyn - Congratulations on that fabric buy.

    Heather - Glad you are enjoying the DGC.

    Lisa - You have two cuties there. Glad you got to see them. Did you find any possible places?

    Gloria - It always takes me to my last post or last page read.

    Carol - Hope you feel better soon. I am just getting over a cold and for the first time in a long while it did not turn into a sarcoidosis flare.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    edited November 2016
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Hello all: Got some errands run this morning and then did a trial run to Swedish hospital in downtown Seattle because my DH has a procedure there on Dec 8. I am really nervous about having to drive in the city but I think this will not be too bad. The worst part will be that we will be returning about rush hour in the dark. I hope it is not raining then. That will make it worse. We had lunch out, not the best choices but shared with DH. I will probably be over on calories and not much exercise with riding in the car and it is raining so not a good day to be outside.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

    <3 My husband had surgery in Seattle in June and I was more scared about driving him home than I was about how the surgery would go. I got lots of encouragement from women on this thread and tried to stay in the moment and breathe. You are right that it will be a challenge, but just drive it one mile at a time and know that we are all with you cheering you on.

    <3 Barbie from the rainy Olympic Peninsula

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Kim – My DH was exactly 5 weeks old when Pearl Harbor was bombed. His Dad was on a ‘clean-up carrier’ just out of Guam and they got ‘ordered’ back to port, no explanation, did not find out about it until they got back in. All communication was cut out, period! DFnL said that the Captain would have probably gone on, in order to help; but, there wasn’t anything they could do. As bad as it was it could have been so much worse on any other day of the week. Most were on ‘shore leave’. I can’t imagine how that would be, I’ve been sent films of it from several of my friends when they come around (usually about every 2 or 3 years). Men and women running around all over the place.

    Gloria – Up until the past day or two, it would ALWAYS take me back to my last post; which might have been 3 or 4 pages ahead of the posts that are shown when you open up the link and it tells you how many ‘new’ postings you have had since the last time you posted. NOW, it seems to take me to the last page of posting; and, it is a real P.I.T.A. to try to scroll through them if you go back to the page you last posted on. I get screens that are cut off, when I try to maximize the 2nd screen it is still minimized; but all over to the left; and to the right it is white. I don’t know what MFP is doing; but, I sure wish they’d stop. IF it ‘ain’t broke’ don’t ‘fix’ it! Nothing is at all familiar; I want to read those postings that have come in since I last posted. If it only take me to the top of the current screen, I am missing out a lot. I don’t like this at all.

    If I click on the next page, it acts like it is ‘locking up’; but, it is not showing that ‘it is not responding’ … just acting like it. I hate whatever they are attempting to do to change it. I liked it taking me back to my last post; and, then ‘if’ I wanted to skip 85 posts, then I could go directly to the ‘newest’ page. GGGrrrr, anybody know what is going on?

    Whatever happened to that little boy and his family after he showed up on your doorstep one morning?

    Michele – I am confused when you say … 'contemplating saying something to his mother and her mother about how I only get to see my daughter once/year … are you a ‘step-mother’? If so, I can tell you from being one … it would ‘not’ be your daughter … you’re just the ‘step-mom’ and I can almost guarantee that the "real" one would quickly tell you that. My DH's 'ex' did NOT like anyone that took any time away from her when it came to visitation and all that; all she wanted was the $$$ coming in on a regular basis. The first year we were married; we were to get a ticket and send it to her; and, she called and said, 'that visitation would NOT occur that year; he owed her a 'little' back C/S; so he went to the Judge early one morning (about 8:00am) and the Judge called her (7:00am her time) and told her that 'if' she was not on the plane that day, he would send orders to have her arrested and brought back to Jacksonville for a hearing. She was on that plane when we went to pick her up. Child support and child visitation are 2 totally unrelated times in a divorce case. Unfortunately, a lot of people try to hold one over the other if they aren't getting what they think they should, when they think they should. Got her caught up and never had any other issues with her. But, thankfully we were 4 states away. While my DDnL#1 has been a very good ‘mother-figure’ to our DOGD; even DOGD has told her ‘you aren’t MY mother, I know I have one, I just don’t want anything to do with her; you have been more like a mother to me, than she ever has been’, just don' talk bad about her to me or in front of me'. That got said right after I told her she needed to ‘stop downgrading her Mother’, one day it would come back and bite her in the @$$. In a blended family, step-family, divorced with visitation issues … family life is a whole totally different dynamic than it was when ‘most’ of us grew up with a Daddy and a Mother and maybe a couple of ‘siblings’. The older they get, the more children that are involved, the harder it gets to trying to be 4 places at one holiday. Sad, but, it is life as we are finding ourselves living.

    Lisa – And when you say, “Bless her little sweet pea-picking heart” … you really ARE being sarcastic.

    Grandbaby is a ‘doll’. Oh, I did not see the other one, cutie, too!

    Allie – I don’t know how long you and Tom have been married; but, $20 a week is so far past being ‘abusive’ … that alone would make me pack up his $#*T and throw him out. A court would give you more than $20 a week to live on. That isn’t even $4 a weekday. What the HELLO KITTY does he expect to get from someone he gives that little bit to do with? Whether or not you are willing or able to do so, people pay $50 a half-day for someone to come ‘clean their houses’. And you are cleaning HIS for $20 a week? Honey, I believe in the sanctity of marriage; but, that is more like ‘slave labor’. It makes me want to come “Kick his @$$ to the curb” for you. Have y’all ever gone to a ‘marriage counselor’? Sounds like ‘it is ok for him to do things’, just not you and he is making sure you can’t by taking you paycheck (or whatever check you are getting). SSI and SSD is always ‘directly’ deposited now-a-days to prevent checks from being stolen … and fraud. If my check was being deposited into my DH’s account, I would immediately go about having it changed (to another bank) and he’d just have to ‘get over it’. Does he even involve you in what household budget there is? What happens 'if something were to happen to him'? I think women, especially, ought to be proactive when it comes to what is going on with the money coming into the household, what bills are being paid, what may or may not be paid for, how a house or car or any other type of real property is titled? Are you his first wife? Do either of you have Wills? Do either of you have an Advanced Directive (what happens if you are only being kept alive because of machines)? I'm not so sure I would ever recommend giving him a POA - he could wipe you totally out and have you name removed from bank accounts, and a lot of other stuff that you 'should' inherit if he were to die. One thing you don't want to end up having to do, because it is expensive, is having to run ads in the paper for 4 weeks before you can get the Probate Court's authority to sell something, namely a car -- something like that.

    Last year, about this time, I got a cold, went to my chest (usually does) and I went to my GP at least 3x and given 3 or 4 different medications to take, even one that normally would knock me out at night wasn’t working. I finally gave in and called the ‘lung MD’ that takes care of all of my C-pap and sleep studies, I went in to see him. Put me on Prednisone and wa-la – no coughing 3 days later - ZIP! NAHDA! Cough-free! I wasn’t ‘thrilled’ to be put on a steroid; but, getting the cough to go away was paramount. I’d get it once or twice a year and sounded just like a smoking-truck-driver-hacking. My boss used to say that ‘it hurt him to hear me hacking’. I’d hate to know what it would be like if I had been a ‘smoker’. But, watching my Daddy turning beet red whenever he started his hacking, I decided that it was not ‘at all’ cool to smoke. Shortly after that he went to see his MD; who told him that he needed to quit smoking. He bought a pack, opened it up, lit one up and took a few puffs and threw it and the rest of the pack out of the window and never picked up one for the rest of his life. Thirty-five to 40 more …!

    Janetr okc – Love the pin. That says it all, for a lot of us. I need a pin like that (especially since a couple of my family members 'think' that of me. LOL!

    Joyce – I have found so many interesting things down in the sides of the cushion and sides. Money has been the best. My cellphone was the last thing to disappear. We have my Mimi’s old sofa and chairs; they really need to be replaced; but, that ‘thought’ flew out the window when my DH’s paint truck broke down and cost $2000 to fix. But, fixing it is a lot better than taking on a payment at the age of 75. I already have a car payment to make. So much, for hoping I could talk him into some ‘new’ den furniture for our ‘yearly’ present to one another. We buy something right after the start of the year that encompasses both birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Anniversary, Christmas and any other day you might give someone a present. Then we find some really ‘cute and appropriate cards to give one another. If I find a card that suits one or more of my children or granddaughters, I go ahead and buy it. Because they would not be any ‘cute’ one when they birthdays come up. This year (11/30), I am sending DGD#4 a card that has a ‘whoopie cushion’ in it. I know she will have a lot of fun, until her Mama takes it away from her. Our sons can always find cards for us that are really ‘spot on’ at those times in our lives.

    This was the first Thanksgiving that we did not have DYS home. But, his work and her ‘ex’ made them just stay home. He had worked so hard getting everything lined up for hunting season for his bosses, he just wanted to ‘chill’. DDnL#2’’s ‘ex’ had his ‘panties in a wad’ … which according to her isn’t the least bit unusual. Now that she has ‘finally’ remarried after 7+ years, he is testing his ‘oats’. He does NOT like my son, at all. He is quite intimidated by him. Then it doesn’t really help when DGD#4 talks about DYS all the time. It’s all about DYS and what all he does for her. Ex even joined a hunting club so that he could take her hunting. But, her first deer was shot when she was with her Mama. He’s been remarried for years. DDnL#2 does NOT like his wife, she is the reason for the divorce, among other things. And what really torques my DDnL#2 is that the step-mom has tried making her call her some derivative of “Mom”. So DDnL#2 told her that ‘she was NOT her Mama’, never would be and that she was’ and to never let her hear of trying to make her call her anything other than by her first name (or “my Daddy’s wife”).

    At the end of one of DGD#4’s dance recitals all of them (including her parents) were standing around and DGD#4 was ‘excited’ that they (DYS and DDnL#2) were looking for a place to move to or build. Ex’s wife said, ‘well … that suxs; when you will only be able to spend every other weekend and Wednesdays with your Mother’ … a pin could have dropped! WHOOPS!!!!! Don’t go messing with that tiny young lady and her baby! *T$&^)_(**%^%$())*((){*()(*Y*^%(!!!!! Her Daddy about had a 'conniption fit'!

    Carol – We’ve lived out here 15 years; and, I know that I was not involved in the packing and moving of anything in our home, I was ‘in the hospital’ when we actually moved and things had to be stored; but, I cannot find my Chinese Warrior (that I got when my BF and I went to Birmingham, AL to see the show), and a ‘ring’ given to me years ago. DH says that we do have a few boxes that have never been unpacked. I’ll be glad when he shows me, so I can open them up! What a surprises it will be to actually find them. If the Chinese Warrior display comes anywhere within driving distant or any of you, it is well worth the trip to go see!!!! You get to take the tour with a set of earphones on and you can go to each station as you please, not necessarily ‘in order’. It is AMAZING! No 2 of them are alike and there are 100s that have been ‘unearthed’ and probably nearly as many that have not yet been. Some still have remnants of the colors they were painted. But, I am an ‘art major; so this type of thing is really interesting to me.

    Pip – See the babies are all ready for Christmas. I’ll probably drag out our stuff tomorrow and put it out.

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Rita - hope you feel better - depression is awful and not something you can always just shake off without medication and very common in our age group. Thinking of you. (((hugs)))
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    edited November 2016
    FYI . The pics of the kids are all old pics.