What's on your mind?



  • RhiAnLewis17
    RhiAnLewis17 Posts: 2,299 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    What's worse; disinterest or anger?

    Matters for the answer

    A friend, who previously I would speak to everyday. Now it's occasional and... Sterile, I suppose.
  • RhiAnLewis17
    RhiAnLewis17 Posts: 2,299 Member
    I like the nuance of the words acedia and ennui. They’re also fun to pronounce.

    Voice thread time?

    I would but what’s the point? *sigh*

    Because we want to hear you say them 😊😊
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    I like the nuance of the words acedia and ennui. They’re also fun to pronounce.

    Voice thread time?

    I would but what’s the point? *sigh*

    Because... you’re a lolcat.
  • RhiAnLewis17
    RhiAnLewis17 Posts: 2,299 Member
    1sphere wrote: »
    I would rather someone be angry at me, at least it means they care. Apathy means they don't care, at which point I've wasted energy investing in a friendship.
    Maybe they do care but are going through something. Sometimes I feel that people want their space. There was a time where my friend would not reply to any of my messages and in the end, I thought that I just need to keep my distance for a while. Maybe the friendship is over, but maybe it's paused. They way I think about it is "people don't always have time for me" it's sad to accept, but I think that's the way we are. Maybe just ignore her for a while and see.

    Maybe it is just paused, maybe I did something they found unforgivable. Closure is always appreciated, but this could be selfish of me if they are going through stuff that I am unaware of. I have offered myself as someone for them to speak to if they need. Mostly it's just concern for them, or that I have upset them.
  • RhiAnLewis17
    RhiAnLewis17 Posts: 2,299 Member
    I like the nuance of the words acedia and ennui. They’re also fun to pronounce.

    Voice thread time?

    I would but what’s the point? *sigh*

    Because we want to hear you say them 😊😊

    I’m demonstrating them

    But.... In the voice thread?
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited February 2019
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    What's worse; disinterest or anger?

    Matters for the answer

    A friend, who previously I would speak to everyday. Now it's occasional and... Sterile, I suppose.

    People move on sometimes. That sounds cold but it’s the brutal reality. It could just be nostalgia obscuring everything. I have friends that will always be friends even if we only see each other like once a year even. You have so many paths you can take moving forward in this life, so don’t keep looking back because you might miss something that could have been... something.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I don’t think I’ve ever seen the voice thread maintain this much staying power before. Do i need to see what’s going on in there?

    Do it Cakey.....do it, do it....and while you're at it post for us, pretty please!!

    btw, I know you don't watch TV but the "do it, do it" is from the 12 Monkeys TV show...its the "crazy girl" who sees the future (and maybe the the past, don't remember)...her saying it in the show is so intense, I hear it in my head when I try to passive aggressively "peer pressure people to do what I want them to"!
    :smile: :heart:

    And now Hank is getting Vikkasplained 😆

    Vikkasplained is a whole nother can of worms...I'll try to not take it there, too much, 'cause I love you all!
    I have my own language, 'cause why not!?

    And for the record, I missed all the Hank stuff...over my head, don't get it at all, was MIA perhaps!

    She's "Cakey" or, "cake-hole" to me (my loving nicknames for her awesomeness)
  • RhiAnLewis17
    RhiAnLewis17 Posts: 2,299 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    What's worse; disinterest or anger?

    Matters for the answer

    A friend, who previously I would speak to everyday. Now it's occasional and... Sterile, I suppose.

    People move on sometimes. That sounds cold but it’s the brutal reality. It could just be nostalgia obscuring everything. I have friends that will always be friends even if we only see each other like once a year even. You have so many paths you can take moving forward in this life, so don’t keep looking back because you might miss something that could have been... something.

    I always liked the phrase about glass hurting you more when you grip too tightly. Sometimes the only choice we have is to accept and move on, but it's still a choice.
  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    I need a fiction recommendation.

    I read a lot of non-fiction, but I’m in the mood for a story.

    I like fantasy/sci-fi if it’s not too campy.

    The last thing I really enjoyed was American Gods.

    I liked the GOT series but I’m not sure I can handle that much detail or violence right now. Also, I need something shorter.

    I couldn’t get into Outlander.

    I tried rereading the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series but it felt too dated and like I’d grown past it.

    What should I read? Anyone?

    maybe try Norse Mythology by Gaiman?
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I don’t think I’ve ever seen the voice thread maintain this much staying power before. Do i need to see what’s going on in there?

    Do it Cakey.....do it, do it....and while you're at it post for us, pretty please!!

    btw, I know you don't watch TV but the "do it, do it" is from the 12 Monkeys TV show...its the "crazy girl" who sees the future (and maybe the the past, don't remember)...her saying it in the show is so intense, I hear it in my head when I try to passive aggressively "peer pressure people to do what I want them to"!
    :smile: :heart:

    And now Hank is getting Vikkasplained 😆

    Vikkasplained is a whole nother can of worms...I'll try to not take it there, too much, 'cause I love you all!
    I have my own language, 'cause why not!?

    And for the record, I missed all the Hank stuff...over my head, don't get it at all, was MIA perhaps!

    She's "Cakey" or, "cake-hole" to me (my loving nicknames for her awesomeness)

    I love cake-hole 😌
  • MrSunshinez
    MrSunshinez Posts: 573 Member
    edited February 2019
    I need a fiction recommendation.

    I read a lot of non-fiction, but I’m in the mood for a story.

    I like fantasy/sci-fi if it’s not too campy.

    The last thing I really enjoyed was American Gods.

    I liked the GOT series but I’m not sure I can handle that much detail or violence right now. Also, I need something shorter.

    I couldn’t get into Outlander.

    I tried rereading the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series but it felt too dated and like I’d grown past it.

    What should I read? Anyone?

    Sidney Sheldon's Master of the Game.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I need a fiction recommendation.

    I read a lot of non-fiction, but I’m in the mood for a story.

    I like fantasy/sci-fi if it’s not too campy.

    The last thing I really enjoyed was American Gods.

    I liked the GOT series but I’m not sure I can handle that much detail or violence right now. Also, I need something shorter.

    I couldn’t get into Outlander.

    I tried rereading the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series but it felt too dated and like I’d grown past it.

    What should I read? Anyone?

    Curse of the Gods by Jaymin Eve and Jane Washington.
    I think Book 1 is called Trickery.
  • honeybee__12
    honeybee__12 Posts: 15,688 Member
  • RhiAnLewis17
    RhiAnLewis17 Posts: 2,299 Member
    What's worse; disinterest or anger?

    Anger not handled properly can cause trauma, but disinterest kills communication. Communication is one of the key ingredients to a successful relationship. I don’t always have to agree with others but knowing how I’m affecting one’s emotions is important to me. Especially when something I said or did sparks a particular emotional response in the other person. If that person was being apathetic towards me it would eventually make the relationship die. Growth can’t happen if the other person is indifferent.

    I think you summed it up perfectly. I would always prefer someone to tell me how they feel rather than becoming distant, because I think silence can be misinterpreted and lead to the disintegration of relationships. But so many people are afraid of being accepting of their emotions and speaking their mind in case they are rebuffed or called weak.
  • CoffeeAndContour
    CoffeeAndContour Posts: 1,466 Member
    ninap118 wrote: »
    I don’t know what’s wrong but the skin on my leg is hurting really badly and nothing is there. It’s not a muscle pain but the actual skin. Now the pain is spreading and I have no clue what’s going on. I really hope it goes away, nothing on the internet makes sense and I don’t want to show up at the er with an invisible issue.

    Sorry you're in pain Meg, does there appear to be maybe a bite, have you maybe brushed up against a plant?

    No, nothing is there at all, and bot touched anything out of the ordinary. One of the kids I was working with today though, seemed fine at the beginning of our session, by the end he was bright red in the cheeks and had a very high fever. I’m not sure if it’s related. It almost feels like the beginning of shingles, I’ve had them twice but I can’t see shingles being on my calf. And it hurts on both sides of my calf too.

    please get the vaccine Meg - esp if you've had before! i hope this alleviates soon - if not - get help - good luck
    I don’t know what’s wrong but the skin on my leg is hurting really badly and nothing is there. It’s not a muscle pain but the actual skin. Now the pain is spreading and I have no clue what’s going on. I really hope it goes away, nothing on the internet makes sense and I don’t want to show up at the er with an invisible issue.

    Sorry you're in pain Meg, does there appear to be maybe a bite, have you maybe brushed up against a plant?

    No, nothing is there at all, and bot touched anything out of the ordinary. One of the kids I was working with today though, seemed fine at the beginning of our session, by the end he was bright red in the cheeks and had a very high fever. I’m not sure if it’s related. It almost feels like the beginning of shingles, I’ve had them twice but I can’t see shingles being on my calf. And it hurts on both sides of my calf too.

    I hope that it’s simply a coincidence, but please get yourself vaccinated. Get well soon, Meg.

    Hi Ladies! And welcome back @ninap118 it’s nice to see your pretty face again! I didn’t know that there was a shingles vaccine until today. I went to the clinic this morning and the doctor is treating me for shingles, given my history. I asked about the vaccine but he said it’s really uncommon for people to get shingles at my age and said I should talk to my family doctor about that. He’s also scheduled me for a bunch of tests to see if there is an underlying issue that has it coming back.
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    ninap118 wrote: »
    I don’t know what’s wrong but the skin on my leg is hurting really badly and nothing is there. It’s not a muscle pain but the actual skin. Now the pain is spreading and I have no clue what’s going on. I really hope it goes away, nothing on the internet makes sense and I don’t want to show up at the er with an invisible issue.

    Sorry you're in pain Meg, does there appear to be maybe a bite, have you maybe brushed up against a plant?

    No, nothing is there at all, and bot touched anything out of the ordinary. One of the kids I was working with today though, seemed fine at the beginning of our session, by the end he was bright red in the cheeks and had a very high fever. I’m not sure if it’s related. It almost feels like the beginning of shingles, I’ve had them twice but I can’t see shingles being on my calf. And it hurts on both sides of my calf too.

    please get the vaccine Meg - esp if you've had before! i hope this alleviates soon - if not - get help - good luck
    I don’t know what’s wrong but the skin on my leg is hurting really badly and nothing is there. It’s not a muscle pain but the actual skin. Now the pain is spreading and I have no clue what’s going on. I really hope it goes away, nothing on the internet makes sense and I don’t want to show up at the er with an invisible issue.

    Sorry you're in pain Meg, does there appear to be maybe a bite, have you maybe brushed up against a plant?

    No, nothing is there at all, and bot touched anything out of the ordinary. One of the kids I was working with today though, seemed fine at the beginning of our session, by the end he was bright red in the cheeks and had a very high fever. I’m not sure if it’s related. It almost feels like the beginning of shingles, I’ve had them twice but I can’t see shingles being on my calf. And it hurts on both sides of my calf too.

    I hope that it’s simply a coincidence, but please get yourself vaccinated. Get well soon, Meg.

    Hi Ladies! And welcome back @ninap118 it’s nice to see your pretty face again! I didn’t know that there was a shingles vaccine until today. I went to the clinic this morning and the doctor is treating me for shingles, given my history. I asked about the vaccine but he said it’s really uncommon for people to get shingles at my age and said I should talk to my family doctor about that. He’s also scheduled me for a bunch of tests to see if there is an underlying issue that has it coming back.

    Oh dang! It didn't go away 😕 I knew there was a vaccine for it but I think they give it to those in their 50s/60s because thats the age at which shingles is the greatest risk of getting it but being you've had such a history of it at a young age hopefully they'll consider it!
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    I need a fiction recommendation.

    I read a lot of non-fiction, but I’m in the mood for a story.

    I like fantasy/sci-fi if it’s not too campy.

    The last thing I really enjoyed was American Gods.

    I liked the GOT series but I’m not sure I can handle that much detail or violence right now. Also, I need something shorter.

    I couldn’t get into Outlander.

    I tried rereading the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series but it felt too dated and like I’d grown past it.

    What should I read? Anyone?

    Sandman - Neil Gaiman.

    It’s graphic novel but it’s really well written, dark and mature.
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    Iced caramel latte with almond milk

    Are you at Starbucks? Lol
  • CoffeeAndContour
    CoffeeAndContour Posts: 1,466 Member
    What is wrong with society?! For all those people who complained about getting woken up from the amber alert on your phones, shame on you. While you’re worried about getting woken up, this little girl wasn’t lucky enough to have had the opportunity to wake up at all. She was taken from this life too early because of an evil act done by her very own father.

    What if that was your child, or someone you knew. What would you do then? I am sure if you recieved an alert in your favour you would not be complaining so selfishly.

    Keeping her family in my thoughts and prayers. May her beautiful soul rest in peace.

    The whole thing is heart breaking. I went to sleep and the amber alert had been cancelled. I felt happy that she was found. Never ever would I have imagine she was killed.

    And then right after I read she was gone, I read about people calling into 911 to complain about having their sleep disturbed. I was appalled. You’re right, what if it was their kids? And while they lay their head down on their pillow tonight and every night after, a mother will lay her head on hers and think about how she’ll never see her daughter again. You can wake me up anytime, any day, because every child deserves a chance to live. I say we take all those a-holes and put them in the middle of the ocean and them get all the rest they can.
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    Iced caramel latte with almond milk

    Are you at Starbucks? Lol

    I was 😂😂😂 I was standing in line

    Just so you are aware, Taylor Swift keeps a list of Starbucks lovers, and you're on it!