What's on your mind?



  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    How to get from point A to point B without hitting traffic.
  • xFunctionalStrengthx
    xFunctionalStrengthx Posts: 4,928 Member
    Wondering how I'm gona go do a 12 hour shift tonight with only a few hours of sleep :|

    That's my usual day. 12-16hrs on about 4 hrs of broken sleep. :\
  • more_skal
    more_skal Posts: 400 Member
    A nice caprese salad
  • LittleHearseDriver
    LittleHearseDriver Posts: 2,677 Member
    I should have taken 10 mg of melatonin instead of 20. Beunos noches amigos.
  • Caporegiem
    Caporegiem Posts: 4,297 Member
    How to get from point A to point B without hitting traffic.

    Using your breaks will help avoid hitting traffic.
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    Dogs in space
  • xFunctionalStrengthx
    xFunctionalStrengthx Posts: 4,928 Member
    Caporegiem wrote: »
    How to get from point A to point B without hitting traffic.

    Using your breaks will help avoid hitting traffic.

    Those would be some pretty long breaks...
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    _MistahJ_ wrote: »
    Gina Carano... oh just because.


    I'll get you a life-size cardboard cutout for Christmas

    I'll bring her over what's your address again?
  • allenmfp21
    allenmfp21 Posts: 244 Member
    _MistahJ_ wrote: »
    Gina Carano... oh just because.


    I'll get you a life-size cardboard cutout for Christmas

    I'll bring her over what's your address again?

    742 Evergreen Terrace

    No you didn’t! I can’t believe it!
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    _MistahJ_ wrote: »
    Gina Carano... oh just because.


    I'll get you a life-size cardboard cutout for Christmas

    I'll bring her over what's your address again?

    742 Evergreen Terrace

    Not yours ya goober
  • allenmfp21
    allenmfp21 Posts: 244 Member
    allenmfp21 wrote: »
    _MistahJ_ wrote: »
    Gina Carano... oh just because.


    I'll get you a life-size cardboard cutout for Christmas

    I'll bring her over what's your address again?

    742 Evergreen Terrace

    No you didn’t! I can’t believe it!
    _MistahJ_ wrote: »
    Gina Carano... oh just because.


    I'll get you a life-size cardboard cutout for Christmas

    I'll bring her over what's your address again?

    742 Evergreen Terrace

    Not yours ya goober


    I never would have guessed you and the Simpsons
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    MrSith wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    MrSith wrote: »
    Man, don't you all like your homes?

    No. Nor do I like the stuff inside.

    That's sounds pretty sad and depressing.

    Honestly I’m more depressed at the idea of being married to my belongings. That just sounds like bondage to me. Other than the living things in my house, there is not a single thing that I would be sad to lose.

    Having said that, I do have all of my kids baby pics backed up online. But everything else could burn.

    Agree 100%

    Having belongings is an additional responsibility. I am grateful that I am fortunate enough to have them, don't mean to sound spoiled and ungrateful for my relative "good" fortune compared to others...but belongings are additional responsibility...to care for.

    I moved recently and am going through every single thing I own and trying to get rid of as much as I can...I have things I like and am keeping for sentimental value still tho, and I don't like that. It's been paired down to a couple of pieces of furniture that were my grandmother and nana's and one picture. Everything else I could ditch in an instant.

    I like the idea that I could just walk away from everything and not look back or miss it.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    chit chat has some new faces and new usernames. its gonna take a while to figure out whos who

    I'm still trying with a couple...and I didn't take a break

    Glad you are back btw!
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    On my mind is the idea that if I didn't have memories I wouldn't feel sadness...when I think back even to happy things I feel sad
  • xFunctionalStrengthx
    xFunctionalStrengthx Posts: 4,928 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    On my mind is the idea that if I didn't have memories I wouldn't feel sadness...when I think back even to happy things I feel sad

    But, feeling sadness is part of the human experience. To not feel sadness means that you also wouldn't know joy, happiness, or love. It would just, exist. Day in and day out of blah.
  • Journey2happiness18
    Journey2happiness18 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Staying positive and not letting disappointment set in.