Is It Over Yet? The Perimenopause Thread



  • jen_fitnhappy
    jen_fitnhappy Posts: 102 Member
    Glad to have found this thread! I am 47 years old. Like clockwork I always had 30ish day cycles, but in the past year and a half I went as low as 20 and 26 days a few times and as long as 35 about five times.

    I am very worried because I am now on day 38 and still no period. Only had sex once, with condom, and husband did not even “ejac” (TMI, I know). I am so paranoid that even though it’s impossible I’m considering getting a pregnancy test. It’s hard to believe that I’m at this stage in my life because I feel so young, haha!

    I have always run on the hotter side so I don’t know if what I have are hot flashes, been anxious for years, have the unwanted facial hairs. Sleep is ok but starting to wake up in the middle of the night. My mother had a hysterectomy so I can’t use her as a guide. Could this be peri-menopause? I’m soooooooooo worried about this missed period/day 38! Thanks for any input...
  • Anna022119
    Anna022119 Posts: 547 Member
    This can easily be peri.

    I'm 48 and all done. (Blood tests have confirmed this.)
    My period went from 21 days to every other week and very heavy to nothing at all. Now 1.5 years later and absolutely loving it!
    My quality of life has improved so much.
    I'll take the occasional hot flush (like your head is in the oven).

    Just enjoy, I'd say.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Is It Over Yet? The Perimenopause Thread

    A question ... are any of you still going past 52 ... 53 ... 54 ... 55 ... ?

    I'll be 53 in a few months. Not a single hot flash. The only real sign is bigger fibroids and increased bleeding.
  • jen_fitnhappy
    jen_fitnhappy Posts: 102 Member
    edited September 2019
    Anna28518 wrote: »
    This can easily be peri.

    I'm 48 and all done. (Blood tests have confirmed this.)
    My period went from 21 days to every other week and very heavy to nothing at all. Now 1.5 years later and absolutely loving it!
    My quality of life has improved so much.
    I'll take the occasional hot flush (like your head is in the oven).

    Just enjoy, I'd say.

    Thanks Anna! Your post put my mind at ease and really gave me the courage to go get a preg test today (yay negative!).
    It’s good to hear your positive story as I start this journey!
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    Anna28518 wrote: »
    This can easily be peri.

    I'm 48 and all done. (Blood tests have confirmed this.)
    My period went from 21 days to every other week and very heavy to nothing at all. Now 1.5 years later and absolutely loving it!
    My quality of life has improved so much.
    I'll take the occasional hot flush (like your head is in the oven).

    Just enjoy, I'd say.

    This made me very happy to read,I'm 46 and for the past two years feel like I'm going through puberty again! Horrible pain, irregular periods, crabbiness, insomnia,heating up at night, dizziness,etc just can't wait to get to the other side I've been dealing with periods since I was 10 so yeah I'm ready to be done with this chapter of my life 🌺
  • DarkNightBrightDays
    DarkNightBrightDays Posts: 32 Member
    edited September 2019
    Hello ladies :smile:

    I'm so happy I found this thread! I'm 47 and about five months ago my period was five days late (freaked and did pregnancy test), then all back to normal. Then last month nothing, 59 day cycle and this month my period is on time (couple of days early) but much heavier than normal with cramping I don't usually get, I suppose that's because I missed last month?

    I have been suffering from really bad brain fog so much so that I had to actively avoid doing anything important at work on those days because I would be 99% likely to make a mistake. I had started messing with my diet thinking it was maybe a blood sugar thing which didn't really make any difference. But the missed period started making me put two and two together.

    I had a look around and as a first attempt at trying something out I bought some Estroven (the energy one), I have been taking it for about 14 days and only experienced slight brain fog twice in that time. I haven't got any other symptoms at the moment - no hot flashes thank goodness, I always run hot anyway so I am dreading those! It does make me wonder whether I should just find something that will give me the energy boost and skip the rest because I worry about the potential side effects of black cohosh etc.

    Anyway, thanks for all the information you have all shared, I don't really have anyone to talk to about this stuff so it's been a help :smiley:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    I feel so sorry for all the ladies having peri symptoms. I barely remember losing my period. When I was 50 it just kind of petered out and stopped. I had one or two hot flashes, which weren’t that bad as I’m often hot. That was it. Goodbye period. 🙂 one reason it ended so easily may be that I was living in Japan at the time and eating only a Japanese diet. Soya is in everything there. From what I understand Japanese women don’t usually suffer much in menopause.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    @DarkNightBrightDays thanks for mentioning the brain fog that's been a major one for me too! @Melwillbehealthy I have read that about the Asian women barely having any symptoms too very interesting
  • ro175
    ro175 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 46. My periods were regular about 18 months ago, then I went on the pill for 6 months. Since coming off (over a year ago) they have ranged from 43 days apart, to 19. My GP says its nothing to do with the pill and that I'm perimenopausal. Still, whenever I am over a week late, I can't help.but take a pregnancy test. Anyone get pregnant naturally after the age of 45 here?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Is It Over Yet? The Perimenopause Thread

    52 ... and still ... nope.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Is It Over Yet? The Perimenopause Thread

    52 ... and still ... nope.


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    ro175 wrote: »
    I'm 46. My periods were regular about 18 months ago, then I went on the pill for 6 months. Since coming off (over a year ago) they have ranged from 43 days apart, to 19. My GP says its nothing to do with the pill and that I'm perimenopausal. Still, whenever I am over a week late, I can't help.but take a pregnancy test. Anyone get pregnant naturally after the age of 45 here?

    My OH got a vasectomy 7 years ago. Best. Birth. Control. Ever!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    My last period was almost 3 weeks long. This time it's been almost 5 weeks with no end in sight. I've emailed and spoken to my GYN several times during this, and am annoyed that *I* had to be the one to suggest I take progesterone to make it stop. Yanno, one of us has a medical degree and the other has Google...

    I'm anemic anyway and despite taking @ 400% RDA of iron between food and supplements am now feeling lightheaded after walking up stairs, etc. Emailed both my primary and GYN about this, and asked for iron levels to be tested. Interestingly, when my primary put in the order, she included an STD panel, which I thought was funny since I've been monogamous for 7 years, but I imagine other women might find extremely offensive.

    I went to the VA to get my blood drawn (and give a urine sample, which was a surprise.) The campus had closed the secondary entrances and were stopping people after they came in the main entrance and asking about Covid symptoms. It was nice to see 100% correct mask usage within the facility.

    When I last saw my GYN in March she was all doom and gloom, but she must see these unending periods as a sign that menopause is close, because today she expressed optimism at her ability to get me to menopause without having a hysterectomy.

    I'm hoping this lightheadedness and bleeding tapers off soon as activity is crucial for my mental health anyway and right now it is swimming season, and I really want to get in the pond.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    My last period was almost 3 weeks long. This time it's been almost 5 weeks with no end in sight. I've emailed and spoken to my GYN several times during this, and am annoyed that *I* had to be the one to suggest I take progesterone to make it stop. Yanno, one of us has a medical degree and the other has Google...

    I'm anemic anyway and despite taking @ 400% RDA of iron between food and supplements am now feeling lightheaded after walking up stairs, etc. Emailed both my primary and GYN about this, and asked for iron levels to be tested. Interestingly, when my primary put in the order, she included an STD panel, which I thought was funny since I've been monogamous for 7 years, but I imagine other women might find extremely offensive.

    I went to the VA to get my blood drawn (and give a urine sample, which was a surprise.) The campus had closed the secondary entrances and were stopping people after they came in the main entrance and asking about Covid symptoms. It was nice to see 100% correct mask usage within the facility.

    When I last saw my GYN in March she was all doom and gloom, but she must see these unending periods as a sign that menopause is close, because today she expressed optimism at her ability to get me to menopause without having a hysterectomy.

    I'm hoping this lightheadedness and bleeding tapers off soon as activity is crucial for my mental health anyway and right now it is swimming season, and I really want to get in the pond.

    Ferritin results in - 1.7. Dr. suggested I go to an emergency room for an iron infusion, which they do not do at the VA campus near me.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Is It Over Yet? The Perimenopause Thread

    52 ... and still ... nope.



    Haha. I'm 55 and still having periods irregularly. The longest I've gone is 166 days -- twice!! and the periods themselves are lighter. Every time I get past 100 days I'm hoping that is the end of it. I only get hot flashes in the summer, and right before the AC kicks on, so I'm always wondering, "Is it a hot FLASH, or is it just hot?"
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    @L1zardQueen continuing our NovaSure Endometrial Ablation from the other thread here. I messaged my GYN about it and she replied,

    "I think Novasure Endometrial Ablation is an excellent technique that can be used for women with abnormal bleeding. However, it can only be done in women who have a "normal endometrial cavity" - unfortunately, your fibroids are distorting your endometrial cavity as seen in your last MRI. Therefore, I do not think you are an appropriate candidate for Ablation.

    Let me know if you would like to speak to the Interventional Radiology folks about a Uterine Artery Embolization."

    My previous GYN suggested had UAE but I was turned off by reading the Adverse Effects:
    The rate of serious complications is comparable to that of myomectomy or hysterectomy. The advantage of somewhat faster recovery time is offset by a higher rate of minor complications and an increased likelihood of requiring surgical intervention within two to five years of the initial procedure.[7]

    Complications include the following:
    • Death from embolism, or sepsis (the presence of pus-forming or other pathogenic organisms, or their toxins, in the blood or tissues) resulting in multiple organ failure[10]
    • Infection from tissue death of fibroids, leading to endometritis (infection of the uterus) resulting in lengthy hospitalization for administration of intravenous antibiotics[11]
    • Misembolization from microspheres or polyvinyl alcohol particles flowing or drifting into organs or tissues where they were not intended to be, causing damage to other organs or other parts of the body[12]
    • Ovarian damage resulting from embolic material migrating to the ovaries[citation needed]
    • Loss of ovarian function, infertility,[13] and loss of orgasm[citation needed]
    • Failure – continued fibroid growth, regrowth within four months[citation needed]
    • Menopause – iatrogenic, abnormal, cessation of menstruation and follicle stimulating hormones elevated to menopausal levels[14]
    • Post-embolization syndrome – characterized by acute and/or chronic pain, fevers, malaise, nausea, vomiting and severe night sweats; foul vaginal odor coming from infected, necrotic tissue which remains inside the uterus; hysterectomy due to infection, pain or failure of embolization[15]
    • Severe, persistent pain, resulting in the need for morphine or synthetic narcotics[16]
    • Hematoma, blood clot at the incision site; vaginal discharge containing pus and blood, bleeding from incision site, bleeding from vagina, fibroid expulsion (fibroids pushing out through the vagina), unsuccessful fibroid expulsion (fibroids trapped in the cervix causing infection and requiring surgical removal), life-threatening allergic reaction to the contrast material, and uterine adhesions[citation needed]

    I was really excited about the NovaSure procedure :(
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Ah bummer, that stinks. @kshama2001

    I had fibroids too. Twenty years ago, in order to get pregnant, my ob/gyn removed most of the fibroids I had but he could not get them all. After this, I did conceive through artificial insemination. Yay! Kiddo is almost 21 now.

    But my cycles we becoming nightmares. Not being able to leave the house or getting caught out when I did leave for anything length of time. I have many horror stories regarding my periods.

    So when I was about 40, my doctor ordered a colonoscopy. She was looking for cause of my severe anemia. I guess she never thought to ask me about my periods. Even if she did I thought my periods were just heavy, but looking back, there was nothing heavy about them. Lol

    When I finally had NoveSure done, the surgeon said he got 90% of the lining but could not get the last 10% because of the lingering fibroids. And because of that I still had cycles but they were unbelievably better. I guess having fibroids will make a difference in outcome.

    Hugs, sweetie, I hope you get some relief soon.
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    edited July 2020
    So much of what I am reading in this trhead this resonates. The last two or three years I had periods it seems to be two weeks on (and really heavy bleeding, like being a teenager again), one week off. My iron/feratin levels were in the basement. I had fibroids, and cysts (which burst)... I finally stopped having periods in the summer of 2018, when I was 54 (and 1/2). I need to book a checkup with my gynae once that is allowed again, but overall menopause has treated me well (few hot flushes or sleep issues, though my brain feels a bit foggy). I would say that I feel feel miles better now than I did two years ago, apart from a decided spare tyre... but that is starting to shift now I am back on mfp and logging food again.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Well, I learned something new in the menopause symptoms department: frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis.

    Orthopedic surgeon said it is triggered by hormone imbalance: insulin (diabetes), thyroid (hypo- or hyper) or menopause (!). He said most of his patients are postmenopausal women. I'm not, but I'm hoping to reach the 1-year mark within a year. 166 days is my longest stretch, and I'm presently approaching that for the 3rd time. Bright spot is nothing is torn or requires surgery, but it is very painful and takes 1-2 years to be back to normal. So depressing. Ceased all strength training 2 months ago. Have dozens of tedious exercises for it, and they HURT. Inflamed ligaments deep in the joint won't stretch, and that is what restricts range of motion. The only thing that speeds recovery, he says, is a steroid shot deep in the joint. That sounds pretty unpleasant, too. It's my next step if insufficient progress after 2 month of exercises. I asked if there were other joints that experience ligament "freezing" due to hormone imbalance, and he said no. He is a shoulder specialist, though.

    Anyone else experience this?