
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    Stats for the day
    ride hm 2 gym- 14.43min, 12.1amph, 151mhr, 2.9mi= 140c
    fitbit- 138mhr, 111c
    LATERAL MACHINE 25min, lvl6-11, lat10, 144mhr, 2984str, 3mi = 317c
    fitbit- 146mhr, 304c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.52min, 12.5amph, 134amhr, 1.4mi = 69c
    fitbit- 130mhr, 55c
    walk station 2 wk 8.12min, 3.5,ap, 124mhr, .4mi = 44c
    fitbit- 129mhr, 68c
    jog wk 2 sta- 8.16min, 3.9ap, 118mhr, .4mi, = 61c
    Fitbit- 131mhr, 90c
    Ride dome 2 hm- 18.54min, 8.3amph, 126mhr, 2.6mi= 163c
    Fitbit- 143mhr 121c
    Total cal 781
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Ann262 – It ‘hurt’ me a lot more than it hurt her. When my boys were little and still in Huggies and would do something they should not have done; I’d cup my hand and pop them on the butt. With all that plastic, it sounded a whole lot worse than it was. It scared them more than anything. But, I never used my hand to punish or discipline them. They got switched, just like I did. But, rarely, very rarely. They ‘knew’ if they did something that was ‘against the rules’ they were going to ‘lose’ the privilege of doing something they loved doing. We did not have much problem with either of them. My fur babies are my ‘babies’ now that my sons are adults with families of their own. Cracker is my life (during the day) and brings me a whole lot of entertainment. She’s an ‘inside’ dog; but, gets to go out as much as she wants to. Being a “Jack Rat” I realize that she is very active and needs to get a lot of exercise. Of course, living out in the country I’d never let her out without checking on her; and, when she starts ‘barking’ at something I go and open the door. Our cat, Tux, is an outside cat; and, he is doing his job; I just wish he did not ‘think’ it necessary to ‘show me’. One day, I swear, he must have thought it needed some ‘presentation’. A rat on a bed of grass was at my door when I got ready to go out. I don’t know how he got all the grass up there; but, it was like it was laying on a bed of lettuce.
    She sucks up everything … has always done so. We got her from the Lee County (GA) shelter when she was about 4 months old. When we got her home and loved on her and set up her place, she went right in the crate, could spend all night in it, if need be. She’d walk right at my left heel, and did a lot of things that made me ‘think’ that someone (at some point) had taken up a lot of time with her. She’s good in the car. She’ll sit or lay in the passenger floorboard; or ride in her crate. We took her to Louisiana with us this past summer. She strayed into a BBQ at a local park and was starving. Now, she is picky about what she eats. She’s just been taken off Puppy Chow; and, we tried something that she just has not liked; but, she has eaten it. Today I bought some Dog Chow for Small breads.

    I think she is ‘out of hearing range’ that far away to be honest with you because when I drove up and called her, she came sneaking through some bushes and when she was in full sight she hauled @$$ back towards the house; so I turned around and she finally got in the car (once I opened the passenger side door! Hard to believe she could run that fast for that long. She’ll chase those little birds than land on the ground as a group. We rarely have to call her to us. She will come to the door and patiently wait outside just looking at the door as if she could ‘will it open’. She does scratch a few of the times.
    I’m home all day since I am retired; so putting in the time to train her about the fence will be something that I will have time to do, for sure. For a small breed dog, I was just surprised that she’d go all the way down there. We have never let her ‘out of the yard’ around the house. If DH is going to work, she comes inside so he won’t run the risk of hitting her.

    We’ve tried several types of ‘treats’; but, the ‘only’ ones she likes are the yogurt drops, soft and easy to chew. We use them mostly to give her when she needs to be crated. She does seem to know the difference between being told to ‘get in her bed’ vs ‘get in your crate’.
    I just don’t want something to happen to her that I could prevent. Like being ‘picked up’ (by animal control or by somebody just taking her for whatever purposes. There isn’t much traffic on the road; but, we have a neighbor whose son lives with them ‘some of the time’ and I watched him purposefully swerve to hit a ‘fox squirrel’ in front of my house. I’d have no doubt that if he were to see her ‘in the road’ … she’d be dead.
    I’m trying to be a ‘good human mama’ to an ‘inside dog’ something we’ve never had before. When we moved out here we had a very young dog, who had been an inside dog; but, then you could not get her inside and she started minding DH more than me.

    Cracker will crawl up in my lap and lay back like a baby. As for DH, he will laugh at her because she just sits there and ‘stares’ at him and lightly growls. Her facial expressions are classic. Then all of a sudden she leaps into his lap and settles down until he says ‘you’re too big to be a lap dog, go over there and see Mama’. She will jump down and come right over to me. She really ‘is’ the smartest dog we’ve ever had.

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Lenora - I discovered after 39 years I still hold my high school record for 1st year typing. 75 words per minute for 5 minutes with only 1 error. On a manual typewriter. Of course I hold the record because after my class they went to electric typewriters and now have computers to type on. I don't think there's a manual typewriter in the place! lol My name will be forever enshrined in the Typers Hall of Fame for my hometown (small school so they actually have a record of these things... there were 200 in the entire school....)

    Still fast fingered in Houston
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Will be getting into bed soon. Feel partially decent when sitting doing nothing, then you have to do something like potty, put supper tray over on counter or go righ out in hall and look at my heart monitor. Then it all hits me how tired. I am, jittery, short of breath, wondering how in the world I will wash my hair, etc.. I want to go home. I want to go to Charlies appt with neurologist tomorrow, I want to at least sit in the congregation Sunday and hear the choir sing the Cantata. I just don't know how. I guess this baffles me because I have never felt like his.

    Joyce, good night in Indiana
  • MrsGLT
    MrsGLT Posts: 44 Member
    Hey y'all. Sorry I haven't been around in a few days. Lots of stressful things have been occurring which has really thrown me off track and I'm struggling to find my groove again.
    Yesterday was awful. I spent most of the day in my nightgown crying and spent a good part of the day hiding out in my bed. Haven't done anything like that in years.
    In the evening I got out and did a little shopping. It was what I needed and I realized my problem was a lack of quality time for myself to recharge and find my balance. Of course today I've had no ''me time" until right now.
    I have been busy crocheting for my two grandsons class Christmas parties at school. I made 19 snowflake ornaments for one and 25 mini stockings for the other. They're both in 3rd grade but different schools.
    I hope everyone is well, warm and healthy. I'm about to lay down. The alarm goes off at 5:45 for me to get my grandson up for school. In case I haven't told y'all this my youngest daughter and her two kids live with us. She should be getting up to get him off to school but we started a bad habit when he started kindergarten and just haven't broken it. She had a baby girl two weeks before he started kindergarten so I got him up for school, drove him there in the morning and picked him up because she was up at all hours of the night with the baby. But the baby is 3 now and we really need to change this situation.
    Well, good night girls.

    Grace in Texas
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi Gals,
    Sherry – hugs! PM me your address and I’ll send you a card! Love the tractor parade and that you are taking the steps to cheer yourself up! LOVE the idea about helping with the blog, you’d meet everyone and have a ton of events to go to.. two-underland! Doesn’t have the ring, but still great news!

    Lisa – great idea! Seems like it could be a win win!

    Janetr – congrats on the weight loss and on sending the slob on his way!

    Joyce and Beth – sending good thoughts and hugs

    Pictures and Comics !!!! Love love love them!!

    Heather – sending thoughts of peace and caring to DH and family

    Pip – love all the pics and the harry potter tree!

    Allie – First I am so sorry to hear that Tom is being his normal self! And Congrats on not caring anymore, DO NOT go back to work, take your vacation and plan how to take care of you!

    Becca – love the advent calendar pics, your welcome

    Barbie – hip hip hooray ! all of your dancing this quick is great!

    Ann262 – love the doggie advice, do you know much about reactive dogs? I have a reactive English Springer Spaniel, 5 years old, a rescue, I’m his fifth family and his forever home, I’ve had good success with training in the past but 4 classes and $1600 in doggie training and not much success with this one. All positive reinforcement, great treats, he’s food motivated, but he had a hard childhood, animal control took him out of one home and he was given up the other times. I’ve had him since he was 18 months… Would love to take this to email if you have some suggestions and are willing to let me “pick your brain”

    So feel like I have been out of the loop for days! My mom was here and I thought of you all and how grateful I was I still had my mom and in good health even when she was pushing every button I have and occasionally pushing them over and over again!!! But we got 12 lbs of Christmas candy and 126.5 dozen cookies in 9 varieties made. We each take home ½ and then plate them and give them to friends and family..

    December Goals:

    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…this was for nov. but still working on it.
    Read and report on a book
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption –
    Lunch with Kyle - Done


    Kim from N. California
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Went to my primary care doctor today at the suggestion of the doctor I saw while in Missouri for my "rash". I had copies of all the blood work and chest x-ray etc. for her review. My PC says no way was all that from stress, she suspects Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever resulting in Lyme Disease. So off to have more blood work today to test for Lyme's. After hearing Mary's harrowing experience with it, I'm hoping that's not the case. Should have results in a few day, the doctor will call me.

    Janetr OKC
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Oh Grace what tangled webs we weave when we think we are helping out our kids! I feel for you. Does your daughter work? Have you thought about just having a heart to heart talk with her and let her know that as much as you love her and your grandchildren you are just tired and need to stop getting up so early? I hope at least that she is appreciative of what you have done the past 3 years! Sometimes I just say to my grandsons when they are being ornery and want me to get in the middle - "Pretend I'm dead and you have to figure it out yourself!"

    I'm really worried about Liz. I don't remember her ever telling us what her results were. I think I'll go back to November and find her username and see if I can get in touch with her.

    Mary thanks for posting - you can see I tend to worry about people. Glad you are doing better and hope your next checkup about the Lymes is positive.

    Janetr - your step-son sounds like my son which is why when he finally moved out we were not on good terms.

    Got on the scale this morning and have lost another pound. I did have 3 pieces of chocolate today that a friend gave me in a goody bag but I have also been staying away from all the goodies all over the office. The reason I get in 7000 steps at work is because the restroom is 150 steps from my desk. I may wither away to nothing by June . . . lol.

    Well my friends and all the new ones as well - I need to get to bed. Talk again tomorrow

    Gloria in WA where it's going to be in the 20's tomorrow morning. Brrrrrrrrrr!
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now.....

    I'm gonna rant right now......I had a beautiful thoughtful post all typed out thanking everybody for being so wonderful and had a bunch of personal responses to a bunch of people and MFP wigged out and I lost the whole damn thing!!!! How utterly frustrating!!!! :s I'm not even gonna try re-doing it.....it took me too long to type it up the first time, jeez!!!! Makes me wanna throw my tablet across the room!

    OK, rant over.....

    See if this works right....for those of you who like or follow football check this out:


    I found it while surfing the web.....I do that a lot, lol.....I don't follow football, but I think by what I read here the Dufur high school team is doing really good (I think).....

    Lenora - to answer your earlier question, my motorhome is 8 feet wide by 32 feet long.....I'm not sure if it would actually qualify as a "Tiny Home" but if not it should, lol!....it has plenty of room for a single person like me, but I'm not sure I could handle it living with another person.....there just wouldn't be anywhere to get away from them without going outside, lol.....

    Joyce - you poor dear!! I really hope you get better soon and I hope you got a good dinner.....hospital food seems to be getting better over the years.....go to bed and get some rest sweetie......

    Pip - your stats always amaze me.....I wish I could burn 781 calories like that!! I'd be skinny in no time!!.....

    Re - such a busy busy busy lil bee!! At least you found a moment or two to post something.....I'm sure I am not the only one who misses you.....you know they gave you the "hot potato" cuz they knew if anybody could do it you could.....don't you realize you are indispensable??.....

    Katla - I love your little tree with the choo choo under it!! Where do you guys find all these awesome emoticons, emojis, or whatever you call them???? Is there a specific website for stuff like that or ?????.....

    Re & Barbie - MFP updated on my tablet a while back and I think it kicked off all my friends among other screw ups......can I re - add you both back onto my friends list???? It also made everything private for me and I've slowly been re - doing it all, still trying to get it to make my diary public again......has anybody else had this problem???.....I hope it doesn't do this every time it updates.....

    Anybody else that wants to be friends feel free to add me......

    And last but not least, before this thing loses THIS post too....Allie - I am so glad you didn't go through with flying home early.....even though he deserved to be left there with the dogs, I'm not sure I would want to subject the dogs to that kind of punishment, lol.....spend as much time with your friends down there as you can and have fun!! Don't let the a r s e rain on your vacation parade sweetie!!.....

    OK, I think I am done for now....I better post this before I lose this one too, grrrr.....will post again when I go to bed...............

    Sherry in "love and sunshine" Dufur
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Gloria: Liz was a member of our group a couple of years ago. She was here for a while and then we didn't see her post again until recently. I hope that she's doing okay. :flowerforyou:

    Janetr: I hope and pray that you get good news from your blood test. (((HUGS)))

    Sherry: Can you open a word document to type responses into while you're reading? That is what I do, especially when I want to comment to several people. When I try to type directly into MFP to reply to more than one person I often lose my post. I know some people take notes on paper and then write up their post.

    I was hoping to take Christmas Wreaths to my parent's graves tomorrow but it looks like snow will hinder that plan. Snow is on its way now and my trip to Salem may need to be postponed. I'm prepared to be flexible.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon


    Go to the site to get the rest of the code.
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey again!....lol.....

    I managed to get MFP to make my diary public again....don't know what I did but it worked....lol.....but now it doesn't want to show my steps from my fitbit and it did yesterday.....WTH????

    Kim - that is an amazing amount of cookies!!.....Holy cow!!.....you must have a huge kitchen for all of that!!....I messaged you my addy.....

    Janetr - oh gosh, not you too!!!!....I hope your blood test is good news!....

    Katla - I wish I could type everything out on a word program or app while I read every bodies posts....but my tablet won't let me do two things at once.....it's kind of limited that way.....I don't lose posts very often but when it happens it's usually a long post and is very frustrating.....lol....don't worry, I would never throw my tablet across the room....lol....I need it too much....could you picture me back in Best Buy with a broken tablet, "Ummm, I don't know what happened, it just broke when it wigged out....it's under warranty right??"...... lol, NOT!....oh yeah, thanks for the link to the fun stuff....I gotta go check it out now......

    OK, will post again from bed.....

    Sherry in "darn MFP" Dufur
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member

    Did it work????
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Right freakin' on!!!! It worked!! Thanks Katla!!!! You rock!
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    edited December 2016

    Hehehe!!!! This is so freakin' cool!!.....they say simple things please simple minds....lol....I think they're right!....
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2016
    Sherry, you're cracking me up at 2:00 in the morning. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member

    Janetr - here's another one for ya....I think it's hilarious!!!! Ahahaha!!!..... :D
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member

    OK, I'm done, last one for tonight.....I gotta go to sleep and charge my tablet.....this is just too much fun....lol.....
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Oh no that didn't work