
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now.....

    Good morning lovelies......been up since the butt-crack of dawn.......I had too much fun posting those gifs last night!!.....lol......uh oh, just looked out the window and it's starting to snow, pretty good now too.....look out below Katla and Becca.....the storm is here and the snow is comin' your way!!.....

    Joyce - eeewwwwww.....I'll give you a hug but from behind you, OK?....I don't want that thing comin' out your nose to get me!!.....lol....IT'S ALIVE!!!!!........

    Heather - YAY!!!!!.....I am sooooo happy for you and your DH!!! I'm glad you got some good sleep too, you needed it.....now get your cards done dangit!....lol....

    Mary, Margaret and Janetr - I echo your sentiments on antibiotics and won't take them unless ABSOLUTELY necessary, they give me bad yeast infections no matter which ones I take and it's just aweful!.....and most of the time they don't seem to have any effect on whatever it is I am taking them for......fortunately I have a pretty strong immune system, I don't catch colds or get infections and such, I consider myself pretty lucky there....I do however get a flu shot every year on my doc's orders as I am Diabetic and haven't had the flu for many years now, I've been real lucky there too....the only time the doc would make me take them was when something went wonky with my lungs....after smoking heavily for 40 years I am DAMN lucky I don't have lung cancer.....Mary, I hope you can finally kick it in the butt once and for all....Margaret, it sounds like you managed to dodge it....and Janetr, I really hope you don't have it....

    Uh oh.....again......there just went the Ambulance pulling out of the firehouse here lights and sirens going.....it's been snowing steadily since I looked out earlier.....it's beginning to really accumulate out there.....I hope it's a house call and it's not a wreck out on the highway....not that a house call is any better but you know what I mean.....

    Katla - good decision on not going to Salem today!!.....I'm only at 1,322 ft elevation but if it's snowing like this this low, I'm sure it won't be long till it hits the valley floor.....jeez, if Portland gets any kind of accumulation it will almost shut the city down....this is not looking good for getting my TV service tomorrow....I sure hope the DirecTV tech actually has some cahones (did I spell that right?) and can drive in this stuff....otherwise my entertainment might become building some creative snowmen, wink, wink......if it's already snowing there please be extra careful going to and from Yoga......

    Penny - beautiful pic!....it's starting to look like that here too.....

    Kate UK - keep tryin'......I tried highlighting the text in the box marked "BBCode" that pops up when you select one of the gifs and copying and pasting it into the reply box on MFP.....that seemed to work great!.....try it, it might work that way for you too.....

    Why does it snow whenever I am due to have someone out to set up my satellite TV??....Do you think someone is trying to tell me something??.....think I'll medicate now and reflect on that....lol....

    Sherry in "white sunshine" Dufur
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sherry - thanks! I feel that I am on the road to recovery. I hope you get your satellite set up really quickly!


    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Marcelyn – I don’t remember how many words I typed on a manual; but, I was pretty fast; only the seniors or ones who had taken (or were in the 3rd year) got to type on the few electric ones we had in school. I sat next to the last row with 2 guys behind me. The teacher would get really upset if you ‘zipped’ out the paper; which happened a lot as soon as she turned her back on us. I’d hand over the one I was typing on to my friend behind me. He hated taking typing; but, I also think he thought it was going to be an ‘easy’ class to take. The other one, was the school bully; and, whenever he could, when he got up (especially if we had a substitute) who stomp on the keys and mess them up royally. He’d usually do it to someone else’s typewriter so they’d get into trouble and not him. I’ve almost worn off my little nibs on my computers that you feel for to make sure you are on the correct keys. I’ve definitely rubbed off the lettering on a few. My typing was about as fast in my first year, on a manual.

    I don’t think most schools even have an electric one, all things now-a-days seem to be geared to the computer; but, they still have to learn to type; but, they are more skilled at typing with 8 fingers instead of 10. We did not have but a little over that (from 8th grade through 12th) … in a small town in middle Georgia. I do remember that we went to regional, district, and state competitions. But, short-hand was also taught. I never took it; but, when I worked I had my own system and it worked for me (had to do it when the Investigator hogged the shared Dictaphone. My boss started putting the receiver in his drawer so that the Investigator could not get on it. Typing up his work was so repetitive I wanted to scream! Every report he ever dictated went back to bring one up to speed. Basically I would type it for every report he made. I was the ‘new girl’ on the block and I did not dare go say anything to him; but, my boss finally did. His work came first. One reason I did my ‘own’ short-hand’. I guess you might call it ‘speed writing’.

    Pip – Our neighbors, two doors down, have a Golden Retrieve who has her ‘own’ sofa and you had better not ever sit down on it. She’d come over and give you the ‘death stare’ if you did. My rug in my house is exactly like yours, except that where yours is wine, mine is dark navy blue.

    Janetr OKC – I will be praying for you that it is NOT Lyme’s Disease. I’ve heard it is a really taxing disorder if you have it.

    Gloria – That’s what we said to our sons, when one decided that he did NOT want to own anything with his brother. One is ‘in over his head’ and the other ‘makes enough to not worry’. I told them both, that the ONLY way they will inherit anything is when we are BOTH DEAD and they could figure it out. Only thing that needs to be done, would be for each of them to sign over their ½-undivided interest in the 2 tracts of land (less the 3 acres that the oldest one owns) and after that all I wanted to make sure of is that my DOGD gets my diamond and sapphire wedding ring; the rest they could divide; and, I did NOT want ‘any’ DDnL present. If they wanted something specific, then they could tell them what it is. I’d ‘like’ to think that the family pieces I inherited would be ‘kept in the family’; but, if I am DEAD, I won’t know and it won’t matter.

    Sherry – Probably all RV’s fall into the class of being ‘tiny homes’ … especially if there is more than one person living there. A friend of my DYS who was a professional basketball player had a ‘huge’ Airstream that was costumed made just for him. I have no idea how big it is; but my son says it is “HUGE”.
    Don’t feel too bad about losing your typing; I think many of us have done that. Sometimes after I have typed a ‘long’ one and cannot get it to ‘paste’ from my WPP, I figure, maybe it was not meant to be said. LOL! What I usually do is paste it back to my WPP and try it later, then it might work. I sort of think that if you are going to be the last one to post on a page and it is too large to fit on it, it won’t let you type it, or you will lose it; if someone else beats you to the ‘post’ key. That is just MY theory.

    I don’t think that anybody ought to think they are ‘indispensable’ … cause if you get sick or die (or quit) somebody will come in and take you place. Might take them a while to learn what you do in your job; but, my DDnL#1, who thought she was ‘indispensable’ Threatened to walk out (again) and was told ‘if she walked out the door to NOT come back’. She did and ‘they’ meant it. Went for 6 weeks looking feverishly for a job, now she has one that she gets ‘great’ benefits, but a lower hourly salary. But, when she talked to her DH about ‘quitting’ and looking for another one … he told her, ‘do it and I will file for a divorce the next day’. The health insurance pays to cover their 20-year-old daughter until the age of 26; provided she is ‘still in college, hasn’t gotten a job with benefits of her own, or gets married; whichever comes first.

    In some states, like Georgia, it is an ‘at will’ employment state, you can get fired or walk out without giving notice. But, if you do, you will lose any vacation or built up ‘sick leave’. Most employers do NOT want a worker who has ‘given notice’ to work because of what they can do to ‘try to cripple’ the company, such as setting or changing passwords, or talking bad about them to customers.

    Because of how my computer’s security is set up, it won’t allow me to put on any program of emoticons; because they always detect problems with them, so they get kicked out. I cannot change it. But, I have a reading pane, so I can ‘see’ what is in an email without having to actual ‘open’ it up. A lot get deleted and some get sent to my ‘junk’ folder with the ‘do not send me emails from this website’.
    I’ve really had problems with MFP ‘freezing up’ on me and it will ‘stop responding’ and the only way I can make it go back to working is to “X” out of it; then open it back up and it will take me directly to the point I was typing. I don’t ‘log out’ under these circumstances. I’ve found that I cannot do anything other than to “X” out of it or do a “Ctrl, Alt, Delete”.

    Maybe if you want to post something specific to all or many of us; then type it and post it separately, maybe that will work.

    Ann262 – Cracker is a ‘spitfire’; but she also knows that she is ‘spoiled to the highest doggie spoiled degree as well’. She is ‘suck a love’. Our Tux, who is an ‘outside’ cat gets all the attention at the vet as possible. He will go directly to whoever comes to get him, put his arms around their necks, starts purring, and gets overly relaxed so that his body will hang down to their knees. They are amazed that he does that since he is an ‘outside’ cat. They say that most ‘outside’ cats do not want anybody to touch them, especially a stranger. All the ‘dog owner’ on the other side of the reception’s office, just think he is adorable. He is beginning to put on his winter weight and he usually weighs about 20lbs when he does, about the same amount as Cracker is. IF I had known ahead of time that the breed is called “Tuxedo” (because of the black and white coloring) … I would have named him something more ‘catchy’. But Tux fits him. His markings really look like he has a tuxedo on with a ‘top hat’ and ‘tails’. He is also a ‘shelter’ cat; but, he had the run of the back yard of the “Cat Lady’s yard.” I figured since she told me that ‘some’ of the cats around the house were not adopted, he would not have been. Brought him home in one of those cardboard boxes meant to carry cats; and he busted his head through it. I don’t know how, because I had to actually ‘stuff him in’ so that he’d fit in it. He is a long cat from tip to tail.

    NYKAREN – Was that the extremely thin woman that was on FB video? If so, I got it; but, just could not sit through it. Seeing her brought back too many ‘bad memories’ of losing my first child. I had lost so much weight that I looked like a Holocaust survivor … all hands, feet, elbows, knees, pelvic bones and shoulder blades. My DH took a picture of me and I weighed only 90lbs. I’m about 5’4”. Looked pitiful. I know she was talking about having a disease that prevents her from gaining weight and how others had treated her. But, she had a positive outlook on thing because she had learned to say, ‘YES, to those things that were important to her in every facet of her life’.

    Heather – I am happy that you were able to fall asleep and stay asleep. I did not go to bed until early this AM; but, got up to let Cracker out at her usual time and then went back to sleep. When I did finally get up she was standing at the door with her nose I the crack. That is what she does when she is ‘ready’ to come it. Only scratches if she ‘thinks’ you don’t get the message telegraphically. She’s also good about ‘not’ barking … unless she want something. Normally, she ‘huffs’ at us to get our attention. Then if we say, ‘do you want to go outside’ or ‘do you need food in your dish’ … she turns round and round, she gets ‘so excited’. I bought some Kibbles & Bits for small breeds, and mixed it in with some of the food we had bought that she did not like, she woofed it down, even when I was in the kitchen with my DOGD. Normally, she hasn’t liked for us to watch her eat, I don’t know why. She gets a cup in the AM and she picks at it (most of the time); then by supper she had eaten it all; but, at night … she eats what we give her. Crazy Cracker!

    Margaret – We have ticks here, and when my DH comes in from hunting and takes a shower, I have to check where he cannot see for ticks. UGH! They look too much like spiders to me. I then put Vaseline on them; and they will let go and I don’t have to worry about pulling them off and leaving the head in them. OOooo!!!

    Penny – The professional contortionists just ‘hope’ they are not in some strange position when it suddenly ‘’hits’.

    Katla – My cat has staff; I want HIM to worship me.

  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now.....

    Heather - he's so darn cute!! Why don't they let you take pics during??? Those are the best, the "live action" shots!!......

    Just got a call from DirecTV..........they just want to double check my identity and that my info and phone number really belong to me as a final security measure before they send the tech out.....kinda smart I guess.....I don't think the lady on the other end took me seriously when I laughingly asked her if they really were still going to send a tech out......lol.....at this point it is still on the schedule for tomorrow afternoon.....maybe he can drive in this stuff, maybe he has chains and 4-wheel drive, maybe, maybe, maybe.....lol....heh, I'm not holding my breath....expect the worst that way if it turns out better, then happy happy joy joy for everybody!!.....and if it don't, then you're prepared.....make sense?????......

    Don't mind me.....I'm just lurking and waiting for my fitbit to finish charging before I brave the elements and go for a walk to go check my mail.....

    Sherry in "it's gonna be a white Christmas" Dufur
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    good evening ladies~
    it has been a long day... went to the Christmas Coffee Hr, that was fun, then came home for a bit, left with Esther and Helene and went for indian food, tried a few things... then came home and went to the pool for an hour, then Tom wanted to go to Sonny's BBQ and I ended up getting a burger :s didn't get in as many steps as I wanted to today.. now I am just pooped as I didn't sleep well last night..
    tomorrow night is bingo, the night after is Voices of LaCasa and the night after that is the dance.. so I am keeping busy.. think Tom feels a little left out.. but hey it is an active adult community and if he doesn't really want to spend time with me, lets see how busy I can be..
    was going to go to Sanibel on my own, but he wants to go now, and we will take the dogs... so that will curtail some of my activities...
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Waiting for DH to come home from golf so we can go out to our last party dinner before we leave tomorrow.
    I am almost ready just some last minute things to pack.
    Tried to charge my Nike fuel band this morning and it shows it is fully charged but when I put it on and check it, it shows it needs charging. Oh me, must be broken.
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Lol....Missy fell asleep earlier on one of the Captain's chairs up front before it started snowing.....then she just woke up from her 'lil nappy and looked out the window and turned and looked at me with the cutest expression of "WTH?????"..... I would swear she is a person reincarnated as a cat........

    Wow....it is still really comin' down out there..... all the bare ground that was left from last week's storm is now covered quite thickly.....when I go for my walk I will have to take my clear plastic ruler and see how much has fallen.....

    Here's some food for thought.....I noticed there seems to be an aweful lot of newbies posting here once or twice and then disappear never to be heard from again.....do you think they go to the same place as that one lone sock that somehow disappeared from the dryer?????......lol.....

    Sherry in "pondering Newbie disappearances" Dufur
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Here's more food for thought.....do you think lost posts go to the same place as the "disappearing newbies" and that one lone sock from the dryer???....lol.....just wonderin'......

    Sherry in "please help me I need my TV!" Dufur

    P.S. - can you tell I am bored and have had too much caffeine today????.....this is what too much Diet Mt. Dew will do to ya!!.....fitbit is charged and I am ready to burn off some of this energy, so off I go.....wonder if the guy clearing off my street with the Bobcat would give me a ride up and down the street in the bucket??....lol.....
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited December 2016
    :| Sipping hot tea. Long press day - 2:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., ate lunch after I came home, fell asleep, and lunch apparently got stuck. Now it's rounds of hot tea and upchucking until the blockage works loose. Not my favorite way to spend the evening. Minor in the scheme of things, one supposes. Just :|

    Tomorrow will be a better day.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Sherry if the guy gives you rides in the snow clearing bucket we want pictures!!!!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lisa, sorry, I know that's miserable. Hope you feel better soon.

    Janetr okc
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Heather <3 At least things aren't as bad as you thought. I hope your DH can take comfort in that.

    Penny Thank you for the wonderful pics. I have been off the chat for so long that I lost track of where everyone is. I am glad that the fire alarm was not for a serious situation.
    KarenNY I need to follow your example. Somehow I don't think that walking extra an skipping food and then having some chocolate cake is the way to go. I am under calories but still, I know that chocolate adds up the way veggies do not.
    Lisa The book arrived and I began reading it last night and even fell asleep with it in my hand. It was the first thing I picked up when I got home tonight. This is why I did not post yesterday. Really a page turner. I never write page turners, only technical stuff. I am about to start on another engineering book. Not exactly NY Times best seller material...

    Joyce It is so good that you are on the mend. Please continue to get better. You have had to deal with more than enough this year.

    Cheryl What happened to the house in Ohio? Did the buyers come to their senses? I am probably way behind on the news.

    Sue Were you ever able to lease a horse? I gather you have been facing some health issues. I hope it did not prevent you from riding.

    Pip great pics as always.

    Time to check the emails and to get back to writing the conference report.

  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now....

    WHEW!! That was a workout and a half.....wonder if MFP lists "intensive snow slogging" as an exercise....lol....it's like 9" deep out there.....couldn't get the guy to give me a ride in the Bobcat bucket (bummer!) but did make him belly laugh!....I couldn't find anybodies' TV on through their living room window but I got a pic taken of me by Ron (the manager) who I found outside my rig sweeping the snow away around it so I can get around the outside of it easier if I have to.....how sweet and thoughtful!! I also took a couple of pics of the really neat belt-driven ceiling fans they have in the little store....I thought they were kinda cool and unique.....

    If this snow keeps up like this this season, I think I will have to get a pair of snow shoes.....lol....had to use my canes like ski poles!....I'm glad I use them instead of a walker.....could you see me trying to push a dang walker through 9" of snow??

    OK, let me go to the MFP website as the App won't let me post pics from there....be back in a few minutes....
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi friends,
    Got behind again! Eating my words from a while back. I am up to date through page 26 but wanted to stop and post a bit

    Sherry - way to go on your weight loss. Love the way you tickle my funny bone!
    Gloria - ditto on the loss
    Lisa - so loved seeing the pictures

    Joyce - I feel so sorry for you. I know how you enjoy the Christmas cantata and keeping all the altos on key! A word about mystery anemia. A few years ago I had severe anemia. After all the GI scopes and other tests it was still a mystery. My endocrinologist said -"I'm doing a blood test" It turned out I have an autoimmune disorder called atropic anemia. It is found in only 1% of population and those are people descended from the British Isles. Simple iron pill taken with a vitamin C keeps it in check. Might be something to look into.

    About typing, gals - my students used to love to watch me type without looking at the key board.They thought it was magical! Ha! Guess it doesn't take a lot to impress first graders!

    Catch you later!

    Toni in Tennessee
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Allie – It’s about time that Tom sees you having fun. Keep it up, girl! Leave his grouchy @$$ at home and go wherever you want to go. Maybe you need to be the one going to FL all the time, not Tom. HeHeHeHe!!!!!

    Sherry – I think the same thing about “Cracker” … she is a mess! I guess it can be very overwhelming for a ‘newbie’ … I know, at first, it was for me. I think several people are just ‘looking’ for a thread they are comfortable being in or getting the information they want to get. I know I just went on a thread of people 5’ – 5’2” (lurking mostly) … to check on some things that DOGD says and find out ‘if’ they are correct. Got some good info; and was told that ‘if’ DOGD was on MFP, to tell her to come to that thread for more information and encouragement. Seems like they might be a ‘new’ group themselves. But, she brought up the conversation of ‘weight’ then got ‘upset’ when I offered to run off the meal plans that I had been given. She wants to go through a ‘detox program’; but, it is too expensive for her. Something my DDnL#1 (and tonight that doesn’t necessarily mean ‘dear’) posted on FB was a little insulting to me. Something about some people don’t have to worry about money, they do what they want to do any time they want to’ … something to that effect. After a little bit, I wrote that ‘’we call go through our hard times and tribulations’; but, just have to hand it over to God and try not to ‘snatch it back’. … Then her favorite SnL ‘liked’ it. I’m trying NOT to allow what she posts get under my skin, I have not made ‘friends’ with her; but, she also has not asked me to be ‘her friend’. I think she knows that I would probably ‘ignore’ it. Anyway, she can see what I post because my DOS is a ‘friend’.
    What color was that sock? Either one of my socks got ‘sucked up’ or yours turned up in my dryer.
    I’ve only gone to 1 ‘pig pulls’ in my life; first time celebrating a ‘huge’ fee that my boss had won in a medical malpractice suit; the other at my DYS’s wedding reception. But, neither was while standing in the snow. Thanks: but, I think I will wait until Spring.

    Walking in that much snow, sounds like 'moving furniture' around.

    Lisa – My DH says that I am going to ‘choke’ on taking my medications all at once with a gulp of water. I’m beginning to think he is ‘right’. Now I take it in two sessions … don’t want to ‘choke to death’ … that was NOT a good feeling the last time it happened.

    About to start a ‘new’ book, maybe this one won’t drag along like the last one. At least I am familiar with the author. The last one, I just picked up because of the cover. Now I know where the old saying came from … “you can’t judge a book by its cover’. No, you can’t! It was dragging along, so bad that I had to just put it down.

    Hi to all the ‘newbies’ - Stick around and get to know us and let us get to know you, too! Give us a little information about yourself, so it will be easier to get you involved in our ‘large family’. Even though we are ‘huge’ … we still are very supportive and encouraging, just jump in and take the plunge. The only 2 things that we ‘try’ not to discuss here is ‘politics’ and ‘religion’; because it is a very diverse group of women. Since there is not a man, that we know of, on here, we get very comfortable with one another and we’ll discuss just about anything.
    Make sure you ‘bookmark’ this thread by clicking on the outline of a star, it will then turn yellow. After that, whenever you want to come back, all you will have to do is click on the gray star between the bell and gear, and a drop down screen will show up, then click on it and you’re here.
    Barbie will post a link on the last day of the month that will take you to the ‘next’ month.
    Any other questions about ‘how we do things here’ can be answered by just about any of us.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :)NYKaren, I heard the Shonda Rhimes TED talk and was so inspired by it that I checked her book out of the library and read it just in time to make use of what I'd learned to say "yes" to a challenge in my life. I highly recommend the book.

    :)Heather, I got a Polar HRT monitor after reading "Younger Next Year". I used it regularly for about a year.

    :) We took Bernie for his annual wellness check at the vet today and she found a bump on his hip...she took a sample for blood test and will let us know about it in a few days. I'll try hard to not worry about him. Otherwise he was in great shape---weight good, teeth good, all systems OK.

    <3 Barbie from very chilly NW Washington