
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    OK....jeez the website takes forever to load on this thing!!....here we go....

    Countrified City Girl living in the Snow Zone!! Check out the cheesy grin! Lol!

    My poor little car....this is after already sweeping it off once before....at least you can still see what color it is!

    And here's the ceiling fans....pretty and kinda cool I thought.....

    OK, back to the App....I don't like the website so much....too slow Joe....

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    (((((hugs you all!!)))))
    So I went to my TOPS meeting this morning... So all this week I have been down 2 lbs, woohoo, but then I weigh in this morning at home and I am up 2 lbs. Karma is cruel, so cruel.....but at least I had a head's up about it, and it wasn't such a shock, but dang it!! So the next little contest we are doing is just an incentive kind of thing. If we lose weight on Dec. 28th, and on January 4th, we get a months free dues. I was whining and saying, "I just can't do that, with my sons being here, and I, fixing all their favorite meals and treats!" Of course the one lady weight recorder says in a soft whisper, "Those are just excuses". I yelled, in jest mind you, "I heard that, tell you what, just for SPITE, I WILL lose weight after Christmas and New Years so THERE!" Everyone clapped and said there ya go Becca..... It will NOT be easy though....Dang those ladies, I love them to pieces..... The secretary listed all the members that still had to pay for Decembers dues ($3 bucks), and my dear friend Fran hands me $21.00 whispering "Merry Christmas Becca".......I just love her, and so I don't have to worry about dues for 7 months now. Of course my yearly dues are $30 something, but I budget that. There are so many nice people in this world...... One from this group sent me a care package, did I tell you that? In it were relishes, jams, pastas, and so much more. Who does this in this day and age. The people from this group, that's who <3 It amazes me and makes me feel so grateful to have you all... (((((((((((((group hugs now!!)))))))))))))

    Today husband and I went to pick up teenager from school to drive him to Longview WA about 3 hrs total driving. The fact that its so cold, and snow might be happening, made us wary of even doing any driving. But good news, the DEP (Delayed Entry Program) new recruits meeting was cancelled until next week, so that is a relief! We don't have any problem driving, just not in snow. Not in our little car that doesn't handle hazardous weather well..

    Tomorrow I will be volunteering for the senior luncheon again. I have a Christmasy apron that I am wearing. Actually its just a lot of Christmas felt decorations from the Advent Calendar put on my regular apron, but it works!

    Be well you fierce ladies of 50+.....we rock!!! (yep I have appointed myself a cheerleader of this group!!)

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Correction from above post -
    Penny - enjoyed your wonderful pictures!
    Lisa - sorry for the confusion. Girl - for a part time worker you sure put in a lot of hours!
    Heather - so glad your family situation has settled down. I am sorry for the anxiety with the loud music. Your grandson made a cute sheep. I bet the play was adorable.

    Shopping is all but done (we do very few presents in our family so I shouldn't complain). I am going to get the packages and cards in the mail tomorrow. Why does Christmas seem more and more like a chore the older I get? I feel a bit scroogish! I tried two years ago to talk to may sister about not doing gifts except for her grandson and mine. Didn't get very far with that idea. I have what I need or want. She has what she needs or wants. It all seems like a chore except for those few occasions when I've found the perfect gift for her. Oh, well....... thanks for letting me get that out there.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Done all my cards! :drinker: Now just got to get on with the cooking. A lot of my Iranian supplies arrived today and I have ordered more. :D Dried limes, anyone? Golpar? :laugh:
    I am going to have a go at the Pistachio Soup tomorrow, but I need a leek and an orange. Then I will make the Walnut and Pomegranate Sauce. ;):* Goes with chicken, or eggplant, or butternut squash. All will be frozen for my guests' delectation.

    It is 2.45 in the morning here. :| I am in the spare room, sleepless. An estate agent in Hove sent us details of a nice house late last night. Not as nice as the one we are buying, but modernised already. Just got us thinking and worrying. It's a train of thought we don't want to go down as we can do nothing but sit out the lack of buyers. :#

    All will be well. I am so grateful for everything I have and the people I love.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    CSSJ09 wrote: »
    Cheryl What happened to the house in Ohio? Did the buyers come to their senses? I am probably way behind on the news.

    We signed the Title papers and such yesterday and sent them FedEx back to Ohio. Hubs called the utilities up there this morning to have them changed out of our name on Friday. Closing scheduled for Friday morning! We believe it will go through at this point without a hitch on our part. By Friday afternoon we will be down a house and up in the $$ dept. We really lost a bunch of money on this one. Seriously considering not buying again and renting going forward. Our current lease runs through next August.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ and Michele, where are you ladies??? Don't make me have to worry about you. :( Just a quick note please, to let us know.

    Janetr okc
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    That's better.....sorry, I got kinda sidetracked by filling Missy's food bowl.....you know when she meows momma comes runnin'....

    Lisa - I'm so sorry you feel crummy.....can you keep some tea down? Maybe try it at close to body temp, that way the "hot" won't shock your inards....try not to drink anything "cold" either....that can shock your inards too.....room temp or body temp is good....it always helped me with blockages when I was young.....just a thought....

    Toni - I love that I tickle your funny bone! Thanks hun, it is a huge victory for me.....12 lbs since I joined you all here and 6 of those lbs once I got the fitbit.....life is good, life is grand!...

    Becca - yay for cheerleaders!!....sorry you kinda took a step forward then took a step back.....yay for being 2 lbs down, bummer for the 2 lbs back up.....Karma is a bi***, ain't she?? You can do it though, I have faith in you....just keep pluggin' away at it girlie.....

    Been thinkin' it might be time to get a different car....something newer but still used, preferably something about 10 years old or so.....I would really like to get a Subaru Outback....they are good cars, are popular here in the Pacific Northwest ( I see tons of them driving around) and they are all-wheel drive, which would be good for out here....plus everyone that I've talked to that owns one just loves theirs'.....and aren't real heavy so would still be decent on gas mileage.....will have to seriously start pinchin' pennies and save every penny I can for it.....I would rather buy one cash outright....I don't really want to do a contract and make payments....too many things can go wrong, then not be able to make the payment, then it gets repo'd.....nah, that's not for me.....I want to buy it outright, that way it's MINE and nobody can take it away from me.....anybody got any input????.....what do you guys think???? Kelly Blue Book tops out at the high end for one at about $3,500....I figure if I save $5,000 I should be able to get a really nice one with low miles on it....just something I've been mulling around in the back of my mind....would owning a Subaru make me that much more of an ol' hippie??....hehehe.....

    Yikes!! It's still snowin' pretty good out there.....just poked my head out a window cuz it's gettin' dark here and it's kinda hard to see coming down....I will be shocked and probably pass out if the tech actually makes it out here....I miss my educational TV dangit.....I feel like I'm getting stupider (is that really a word??) by the minute....lol.....

    Well, I have to pee so I better post this before it disappears wherever Lenora's sock went.....lol....I know, I know.....thanks for sharing....lol.....

    Sherry in "thank god it's only 8 steps to the bathroom!" Dufur
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sherry in "Its gonna be a white Christmas" Dufur": Who knows, we might have a white Christmas here northwest of the Portland zone. I'm not betting on it. We went to doctor appointments, ran errands and did not encounter any traffic problems outside of the crowded aisles in Safeway, despite the snow. I'm happy we don't actually live in Portland, Salem, or surrounding suburbs. :bigsmile: Disappearing newbies who don't come back may have decided we're not the right group for them but I suspect some of them can't figure out how to get back. :ohwell: BTW, possessions don't make you a hippie or keep hippiedom away either. Tie-dye clothing is another matter altogether. :wink:

    Lisa: I hope tomorrow is a better day and that you're feeling better already. (((HUGS)))

    Barbie: I hope Bernie's test results don't raise any worries. :heart:

    Becca: You have good friends, and that is a lovely gift. :flowerforyou:

    Mary from Ohio: Welcome to a great group! :smiley:

    Toni: Would your sister be pleased with taking each other out for lunch at a fun restaurant? :huh:

    Shopping is done except for each other. We need a new printer so that will be my choice for a Christmas present. Ours sudenly quit printing. It had an expiration date! :grumble: Does anyone have a printer they love or hate? Suggestions and warnings are welcome.

    Katla in Beautiful & snowy NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Heather - yay for getting your cards done!!!! Can I ask.....what the heck is Golpar???? Dried limes....yum!.....is Iranian food spicy, not spicy, somewhere in between or do you know?? Did that cookbook give you any idea one way or the other???? Sorry, I'm just really curious.....try not to sweat the no-buyers situation too much, the right buyer WILL come along and fall in love with it.....and hopefully with just the right timing for it all.....

    Mary from Ohio - we all hope you stay and post as often as you can so we can get to know you a little.....Welcome to this wonderful group of ladies!.....even if you just read and follow along at first, press the Post Reply button to mark your place and let us know you are there....jump in any 'ol time you like....

    OK, I confess, I am pigging out on Rocky Road ice cream.....WHAT?? Don't look at me like that!!....it's only 1 cup's worth and I deserve it for shlogging through all that snow earlier....hehehe!.....I must have burned a gazillion calories, I sure sweated enough.....

    Ok, time to medicate and put a movie in.....think it will be "Chicken Little" tonight, it's one I've seen before but "Fish" is my favorite character in it and I gotta have me some "Fish" tonight.....he cracks me up!....later peeps!....

    Sherry in "Head Cheese Peachy Pine strain of med tonight, lol!" Dufur

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Katla - lmao.....I actually have a few tie-dyed shirts....I can wear one while I drive my new Subaru....and wear my sandals with socks!!......hehehe!......I'm glad you guys didn't have very many traffic problems today with the snow.....hopefully in a few days it will all melt and you can go place your wreaths down in Salem....I know that is important to you.....and I'm sure that expiration date on your printer was like what? 3 days after the warranty went out, right?? I wish I had some suggestions for you....all I can say is I have had really good luck with HP printers, both wired and wireless.....Cannon not so much, Lexmark not so much.....hope that helps you somehow.....

    OK, back to lurking and getting my "Fish" fix...lol....

    Sherry in "where did I put my sandals and white tube socks?? Lol!" Dufur
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all...

    Feeling much better, thank you all... Sherry, thank you for your advice. There's no way you'd know, but I had a gastric bypass more than 11 years ago, and still occasionally get items stuck in the exit from the stomach to the intestine. The hot tea does help, along with papaya enzyme chewables--which have the same thing in them that meat tenderizer does. But while in progress, getting rid of the blockage is pretty darned miserable. I've gotten some foods stuck for more than 24 hours, and can't even keep water down. A few of us have had gastric surgeries.

    CJ - exactly what every writer loves to hear! You're inspiring me to dig back in to Flak's next adventure (set in West Texas of course) and get it written.

    TNToni - no sweat - I usually sign my stuff "Lisa in West Texas." Too tired and feeling beat up to care last night.

    Joyce - you are so loved, and I'm glad they're taking their time and getting you back up where you're supposed to be.

    Heather - thinking about you, my dear. No other words suffice.

    Working on that t-shirt quilt this morning--have to get all the pieces stabilized with iron-on backing, and can start putting it together. But before I start that, I think I'll go drag out (electronically) the manuscript to "Flak Be Nimble" and see if I can't get another chapter going!

    For those following the warehouse saga, the potential lease fell through. They couldn't support the payment amount that would have to be made in order for a lease to work for us. Such is life. Cheri, fingers crossed your closing goes off without a single hiccup!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Lisa - Sorry your plans aren't working out. You have a very good attitude. It will all turn out right in the end. And so it will. :flowerforyou: <3

    I wore my heart rate monitor for the first time today. As the reviews said, it syncs with our exercise machines, so I only checked the watch to see if it was saying the same. It was, within a point occasionally.
    Interesting results. My heart rate goes up when I'm nervous, i. e. at the beginning. Then it settled down and I found it ambled along in the Light Exercise zone most of the time on the rower. I temporarily got it up to Moderate.
    The elliptical got to Moderate fairly quickly and I kept it at around the middle for most of the time. I had some bursts of Moderate/Hard.
    The bike stayed mainly around the middle of Moderate, but I could push it up to Moderate/Hard.
    I had to switch it off during my mat work as it beeped I wasn't going hard enough.
    My 9kg dumbbells brought it up quite fast, almost into Intervals level. But the fastest heart rate was produced at the end when I do my knee strengthening. I stand on one bent leg and wave the other about while doing side arm raises with two 2 kg dumbbells. I had always felt that was quite hard work and left me a bit breathless. It took me almost up to 90% of maximum, the intervals zone.

    So now I have a better idea of what I'm doing and it did make me work harder. I am having a hard job shifting my few "creep" pounds and when I weighed myself yesterday I had put on half an inch on waist and hips. :noway: I am eating the same as always and logging, so I will have to cut my calories a bit to shave off the creep. :s:o
    It does feel good to work harder though. :D

    Pip - Your burns are terrific!

    Lots of love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    heather. I like how you call it "the creep". That's just how it feels to me!

    Feeling stronger these days despite work keeping from the gym, my weekend focus is always gym first, but with 3 concerts this week I couldn't get there during the week. I will turn that around next week as work demands are tapering off

    Happy Thursday to all

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Kate UK