
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good day, gals!

    Enjoying the sunshine today. Hope everyone is having a sunny day in one way or another.....

    Betty - Congrats!
    Sherry - enjoy that ice cream as long as it is only one serving.

    Heather - we don't have kippers in Tennessee. What are they? It sounds like you are well organized with your holiday yummies. I hope the house thing can fall into place for you soon.

    Katla - My sister lives in Kansas. I have been seeing her once or twice a year but not at the holidays. She wants to continue to give gifts to my DS, DDIL, DG, DH, and me. So I do the same for my niece and her hubby, their son, my nephew, and brother in law. We are having to be really tight with our finances and with 7 grandchildren Christmas is a challenge. It's really not so much the money but more HAVING to get a gift for sis that bothers me. It used to be a joy to find something for her but now it is a drag and I know she feels the same about gifts for us. It's really odd that I feel this way about her. I have such a generous spirit. Oh, well. Letting it go.

    Joyce - I know it will be good to be home. I understand your concerns. Is there anyway someone could help you move the chair upstairs near the bathroom til you are better? Another idea is to invest in the overnight incontinence pads so that if you have to make it upstairs to the bathroom at least you wouldn't have to worry about an accident. I'll be praying for you.

    I work 4-9 tonight and need to get busy making bean soup in the crock pot.

    Toni in cold and sunny Tennessee

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Toni - I'm with you on the present giving situation. I still give to my brother and DSIL and to my younger nephew and niece. This will be my niece's last Christmas. She is 18 in March and I stopped all the others then. DH no longer gives to his twin sister, nor her to him. We still do presents with his adoptive sister because we are close. I am relieved I only have three grandchildren!

    Kippers are a cured and smoked herring. Traditionally eaten for breakfast. These days people have them in hotels, or sometimes for a "high tea". (As we used to call it when I was young) They make an excellent paté. :D My DDIL loves smoked fish paté. I'm planning a "pick and mix" lunch (Inc paté ) and having the main meal after the kids have gone to bed. Hopefully to sleep. ;):*:o We will all be exhausted, so I'm planning on doing it all with my eyes shut and a glass of fino sherry inside me. Need it all prepared. We will also have to clear the table of all the "crafty" presents they will be making and lay a festive arrangement. :sad:
    DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD. No one is expecting perfection. Just to get a three course meal on the table on Boxing Day will be an achievement.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Kate UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Barbie – sending good thoughts!

    Sherry – the ceiling fans are really neat!

    Katla – I love tye dye! My reusable bags for the grocery are tye dye.

    Heather – so glad things are settling out a bit for DH and now that your cards are done, you want to help with mine? LOL

    Lisa – glad things are back doing what they are supposed to do, and the warehouse lease falling through is a mixed blessing…

    Joyce – pillows Lots of pillows to adjust - there is a pillow chair out there it’s for sitting up in bed just the back and arms of a chair but made out of pillows…

    Betty – HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!

    Becca – You can do this, losing weight over the holiday is hard, but start now, and like Heather does when going into a holiday and get down a bit so there is a bit to go up and yet still be under…And although you’ll cook for the boys, make sure they take you out dancing or walking or…. To wear off the calories…

    December Goals:

    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…this was for nov. but still working on it.
    Read and report on a book
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption –
    Lunch with Kyle - Done


    Kim from N. California
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well went for my walk, but bought candy and had some, bad bad Allie... our Renter and I went to goodwill to look for something for me to wear for the dance tomorrow , unfortunately nothing .because of my size 3x size all the cute stuff was what Helene could wear and she found some lovely stuff...Bravo for her, and not so bravo for me.. dropped her off and came home and put my suit on and hit the pool for an hour or so.. just finished my shower with a load of laundry in the wash.. will be making frankfurters on the grill tonight, and then Ol Allie is off to Bingo and Tom can stay home..
    I am leaving him in the dust, he can hang out with the dogs
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Total non-scale, non-weight victory, healthy only for my peace of mind... I finally wrote the 7th chapter in the sequel to my mystery novel. I feel as if it's the first of many. Looking at the dates, I realized I hadn't touched it since last February! Long past time...

    Love y'all... you make me stronger.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    LISA ~ Love that you are working on your novel. I read the first one and can't remember the title - only that it had pig in it. LOL Will look forward to reading the sequel.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Heather – Was the real estate agent who sent you the picture of another house that was not as nice as the one you are building, but already modernized … to let you know what could be done to the one you are buying? She should have contacted your real estate agent before doing that. In this area there is a real estate booking book that all agents can see what is one the market and can take anybody through them. If you buy a house listed by another agent, they have to split the fee. It comes out weekly. Our house in Albany never even made it to the book as our agent knew another agent who was looking for a house in our area. She called and she came over and looked at it, “SOLD!” About all she has done, is make it with ‘her touches’ to make it home; and, she re-did the landscape, which sets it apart from our neighbor’s yard. Our yards were the only two in the neighborhood without a fence or trees in an area and the boys would play baseball, basketball, or ‘box’ to settle little arguments amongst themselves. I was glad that my home was one they all felt comfortable coming to. When you close on the house you are buying, hopefully you will be able to go in, and at least paint, before you moved in. It’s a lot easier if you can. We had paneling and trim (very dark) to paint and we also had new carpet to lay. It had been ‘bank owned’. We also added a fireplace, the fireman who built it could not exactly match the brick; but, came very close, and where he pulled out the brick wall, he mixed those bricks with the ‘new’ one. About a year after moving in, insurance paid to have our roof replaced. That was the greatest change, besides the painting and wallpapering we did. We got to change the color which made a huge difference. It also had blue and olive green bathroom fixtures and tiles in the showers. I looked and looked until I found some that only had a little bit of those colors, and that made it ‘look’ like it was ‘meant to be’. The wallpaper throughout the house when we bought it was hideous! Another nice thing in Albany is that most of the houses, other than the ‘newer’ ones have an alley in the back and all driveways were required to come through the back of the house. Easier to get groceries inside to the kitchen.

    CJ – Glad that everything is set for a Friday closing. I know that will take a lot off y’all’s shoulders. I love my house; but, if we ever moved, we’d also rent. I love the house because it is out in the country and we have 90 acres. DOS has 3 acres. It was 2 tracts of land; and, it is supposed to be our plan (in our Wills) to leave each boy one tract of land. After they pay off our house, provided it has not already been paid for once one of us dies. Upon our death and after all expenses have been paid, all they’d need to do is get an attorney to draw up the deed to do this. They can decide what they want to do with everything else.

    Sherry – Do you know if the dealership will ‘trade in’ your car if you are looking for a ‘cash deal’? Or would you have to sell it yourself? My present car is ‘new’; my previous car was a one-owner car. I called him when I found his name on some old paperwork, he said if his wife had not gotten pregnant right after they bought the car, they would have kept it. They had to trade it in on an SUV to cart around all the necessary things you have to take to “Grandmamma House.” So I was glad of that. I love my ‘new’ one; but, still – at a few times – wish I had kept the old one. It had 2 more years to go to ‘pay if off’. I backed into a pole the day before we were going to Louisiana; and, fearful if they got it open, it would not close and stay closed. I tried out a ‘new’ one, just to do so … could not resist and the payments are not much more than I was paying already. If I had not bought a ‘new’ one, than DH would have been able to get a truck. He wants to buy DYS’s truck when he gets ready to sell/trade it. I told him that DYS would also consider (if he trades) what he will get for the truck AFTER any money he might still owe on the thing. No, it won’t make you more of a ‘hippie’, it will just make you more of a ‘yuppie’. To be a hippie, you’d have to own a late ‘60’s model that looked like you had thrown several colors on it. I know this, from attending ‘art school’. Thankfully, I had a brand new VW, which came from my uncle’s dealership, so I got ‘free service’ on it as well. One Sunday AM, I came down to the garage, got it, and thought, ‘dammit, somebody’s come in here and turned my windshield wipers backwards’. Got out of the car, and the windshield was actually missing. That happens when you part underground with only a ‘few’ lightbulbs hanging down from wires are the lights. I hated going down there to wash clothes, so generally I would just wait and take them home to my Mother’s and Daddy’s house to wash them (or go to a well-lit laundromat). Needless to say, I did not make it to church that day and they came and got it to fix the windshield. People would steal them because, at the time, you had to get your car checked for emissions control, and some people just did not want to fail because their windshield was cracked.

    Stupider? Can be correct; but, words that end in ‘er’, such as stupid, stupider, have a ‘more’ stupid in front of it, instead – just sounds more correct. Or ‘most’ stupid … which does not take into effect that you can always do something ‘more’ stupid than the last time when you claim to have done the most stupid thing (ever). I used to argue with my mother about ‘good, better, best’. “Why can you not try harder and do 'better' than 'best'?” She finally gave up and said, ‘because it is NOT like numbers that are infinite! I was old enough to understand that. We grew up learning ‘little sayings’ that let us know ‘why one word or phrase works better than another’ … EXAMPLE that is incorrectly used a lot (especially on FB) is “Done” when it should, in most cases, be “Finished”. I’ve done eating supper. “No, you have ‘finished’ eating supper; you are only ‘done’ if you’re a steak.” When you have grown up with a HS English/Lit/Grammar teacher ‘drilling’ things into your head; you seem to know what sounds ‘more correct’. Or sounds correctly. Words that sound alike have totally different meanings. My Dad told my mother after she had been trying to teach with a neck brace she had to wear 24/7 which held her head up at a 45° angle; that she ‘had’ to stop teaching and come work for him. She did not really want to do so; but, he had told a girl who had come for an interview as a secretary to use the words, ‘cite’, ‘site’, and ‘sight’ in a letter. She got all 3 wrong. He told Mother that he could not have her sending out letters like that and knew that she would make him, at least, sound like he was intelligent. My DDnL#1 pronounced the word “Salmon” as it looked, “SAL MON” … DMGD turned her head and said, ‘it is ‘sa mom’, and the ‘l’ is silent. DDnL#1 really reacted badly; more because she was embarrassed than anything. I wanted to drop into a hole when DMGD said, “Well, I’m just doing what Nana does to me when I say something wrong!” I am ‘guilty’ of that. But, I don’t try to embarrass them in doing so. My Mother used to ‘make us repeat the correct phrase’. It would embarrass us; but, she was of the mind-set that you make ‘corrections’ right then. Besides, how would it reflect on her as a English Grammar teacher, if her own children did not speak proper English. Which is - the hardest language to learn and be fluent in doing so. Punishment was swift, appropriate for the action, and she NEVER said, “Wait until you Daddy gets home.” But, one thing I am guilty of is a ‘run-on sentence’. I can write and read a long paragraph without any punctuation marks. Usually, I do this to a HS classmate who send me ‘political’ materials that only affect him, locally. Not where I live.

    Katla – DH and I sit down at the beginning of the year and discuss things we would ‘like’ to have that we’d not normally just go out and buy. When we come to an agreement we buy something that is for birthdays, Valentine’s Day, anniversary, Christmas and any other day that one might expect to receive or give a ‘gift’. I want a ‘door’ for my glassed-in porch and for him to build shelving around in it. I’d love a new sofa and 2 chairs (but, that is probably out of the question). We might not get anything this next year … he had to put $2000 into his work truck which has over 350,000 miles on it. But, he does not want a ‘new’ truck with a payment to make monthly. I’d like to see him ‘slow down’ or ‘retire’ and let DOS take over the business. He’s letting him do more and more; but, he still hasn’t let go of that reign.

    TNToni – Most people who have names that might be relatively common will put a location by their name. So far, I have not had any trouble finding my name “Lenora” – just several misspellings. But, I usually know who they are talking to, I don’t think there is even a derivative of my name here.

    Talking about foods that are 'different' from what you are used to. I was 'encouraged' to try 'beef tartar'. I found it good, until my boss told me what it was. 'finely ground raw steak'. I like my steaks medium rare; but, I do NOT like them 'mooing' at me. I will only eat National Hebrew hotdogs; after a HS coach told us what hotdogs and Vienna sausages were made of. I used to eat an entire can of Vienna sausages as a child. AWGGHHHH!!!!!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2016
    Friend just sent me this 'link' ... is is about "Big Ben" in London. Found it amazing!


    I hope it will open up for you and that it will actually saw what I saw; about its accuracy and the building of it, etc.
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now.....

    Ginger - Welcome to the group!...and YAY for Subaru's!!! See what I mean?? Everybody I talk to that owns one loves them!!! You and Barbie clinched it for me.....I'm gettin' one!....now I just have to save the money up which shouldn't be too hard, I've cut my household bills down to about one third of what they were so I think I got it pretty well handled....Yay!

    Barbie - you have one too!!! YAY for Subaru's!!!! They gotta be good cars if that many people are drivin' them around here in the Pacific Northwest! BTW......how is Bernie doing??....

    Kate UK - YAY!!!...you did it!!! I knew you'd get it!

    Joyce - sorry they woke you up at 6....at least you get to go home today, yay!! I think you should have the recliner moved upstairs too that way your close to the bathroom.....I'm glad your blood count is back up, I was really worried about you.....take it easy and continue getting better....

    Betty - YAY for lower cholesterol!!!! Darn good job girl!!

    Katla - I absolutely abhor Portland traffic....when I was living there I would never go anywhere after 2 pm ( since rush - hour now starts at 2) until at least 8 pm.....now when I go down there for MD appts I try to make them for late morning around 10 or 11 and try to get out of the city by 2....and when it snows, FORGET IT!!!

    Toni - only one cup so I don't feel deprived.....Rocky Road is my favorite as long as it has the almonds and little marshmallows in it.....I don't like the kind with the marshmallow "ribbon" in it, yuck!....

    Kim - aren't those ceiling fans cute??....wish I could put a couple in my motorhome but somehow I just don't think they would fit, lol.....

    Just got a call from DirecTV.....and a text.....my tech is gonna be here between 2 and 2:30......yay! He didn't bail on me!!!!! Hot damn.....I get TV service today!!!!! I want to jump up and down for joy but I don't want to hurt myself!!!! I'm literally giddy with excitement!!!!! That clinches it! I am now a DirecTV customer for life!! I love them!! This is gonna be soooo awesome!!!! Now I don't have to watch TV through someone's living room window, lol....hehehe.........YAY!! FREAKIN' RIGHT ON!!!!......OK, big deep breath.....calm down..........

    Dang....I'm so excited, I have to pee now!!! Be back shortly.....

    Sherry in "lovin' my DirecTV tech!" Dufur

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    At airport. Flight delayed not a surprise. Waiting for rest of the family so we can eat before we board.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    DJ and Michele, where are you ladies??? Don't make me have to worry about you. :( Just a quick note please, to let us know.

    Janetr okc

    I can't say where DJ is - but, Michele is just in Heavy Decorating Mode, again... like at Halloween. She is still on every day - she just isn't posting, here.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Just made three small pots of kipper paté and put them in the freezer for guest lunches. It's very salty because I used Philly Light instead of cream cheese, but will be fine served chilled. I did lick the processor bowl. >:) Do you have kippers in the US?

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    We do have kippers here - but as you can see from our friends responses - not everyone is aware of it.

    Girls - you can find kippers in the canned meat section of any of the larger grocery stores - at least everywhere I have ever lived. They come in flat cans. If you want to try them - look where you would find Tuna and Sardines.

    Love them! Thanks for reminding me. Kippers and Cream Cheese on a bagel are Da Bomb!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :)Betty, yippee

    :)Joyce, take it one item at a time and I'm sure you'll find a way to be comfortable at home.

    :):) The vet just called and the test results on the lump on Bernie said there was nothing to worry about...maybe just a skin tag or something simple....we are very relieved

    :)Heather, my mother loved herring in sour cream or wine sauce and I think that's the same thing as kippers. I ate them when I was younger and lived with her.

    :)Lisa, congrats on your writing.

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW Washington
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    OK, now I am really pissed off!!!!!!!!!!! The tech left here without hooking me up because apparently DirecTV doesn't allow the techs to hook up service to motorhomes or trailers and I told the stupid woman when I set up this account that I live in a freakin' motorhome in a freakin' RV park!!!!!! Grrrrrrr!!!!! Makes me wanna reach through the phone and wrap my fingers around someone's neck and choke the livin' s*** out of them!!!!! It's a damn good thing it's not a cartoon world or I would have done exactly that!!!!!! I am so freakin' angry I feel like I am gonna EXPLODE!!!!! I sat here with nothing for a freakin' week waiting patiently when they could have told me over the phone to start with when I set the account up that they don't do motorhomes!!!!! I could have had something else set up and going by now!!!!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Toni: Financial stress is difficult, and not easy for someone to talk about frankly with family members or friends. Maybe it is time to think about opening a discussion with your sister. You will know whether that is a practical idea or not. (((hugs))) This year we had to have a discussion with our kids. :ohwell:

    Kim: I love the idea of tie die grocery bags but I've never seen any. Did you make your own? :huh:

    Lisa: Congratulations on writing the 7th chapter of your new book! WTG!!! :bigsmile:

    Sherry: I agree with you about Portland traffic. During the past year or two things have gotten dramatically worse. We do our best to stay off of I-5. Local streets are less congested. :grumble: I hope your Direct TV installer gets there on time. :flowerforyou:

    Re: Thanks for the information on where to find kippers. :smiley:

    Pip: Your dog photos always make me feel good. I'm glad you share them. :heart:

    My Christmas shopping for the kids & grandkids is done. Whew! :bigsmile: We just ordered a new printer from Amazon for ourselves and they claim it will be here in two days. We haven't had the best luck with Amazon shipping promises lately & I called and complained about it a couple of weeks ago when something was two days late. They'd notified me it was delivered but we didn't have it so and I called and asked them where they delivered it. It was a problem with their vendor for shipping, UPS. UPS delivered our item to the US Post Office on the Saturday they were supposed to bring it to our home. I hope UPS follows through this time and brings it to our door.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member