

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    stat for the day;
    jog- 60min, 6.1sp 3 songs 0 incl, then 2 songs. .5incl, up to 66.4sp, 9.42ap, 137ahr, 169mhr 6.19mi = 572c
    apple watch - 636c, 134ahr
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    marni happy birthday-pajama days are the best. Love your pics--amazing
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Marni- Happy Birthday! Have a great day tomorrow Celebrating!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Barbiecat - Bess will be so lucky to have you and DH and Sasha as her new family! cute-dog-smiley-emoticon.gif
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Marni happy birthday - love your photos

    Barbie bet you can't wait for new doggie to arrive

    Kate UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Marni smiley-says-happy-birthday.gif

    Penny Very interesting, complex music. I like some of it. Neat video! Sorry your travel experience was less than ideal.

    Barbie I feel as if I am sitting in the waiting room for the doctor to come out and announce, "it's a doggie!"

    Busy, but good day at work. It helps to have my retirement countdown running on my phone!

    Karen in Virginia
  • SGCFAb5320162016
    SGCFAb5320162016 Posts: 13 Member
    Sounds like you are on the right track.we have a lot in common.i would just love to see 170 lbs right now.i weigh 190 lbs.have gained about 10 lbs a year for the past 8 years.ive been wearing a fit bit since Christmas but have a knee problem now.seeing Dr Wednesday. Hope can exercise soon.my goal for now is 160 .might take a while at rate I'm going.lol.have been eating healthier though
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    cutting up my old running-amazon t-shirts getting them together so I can have someone make my quilt.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Where to begin..

    Re in Texas, I love reading your newsy updates. Happy belated birthday!

    Pip, the painting of you and Kirby with the puppies…fantastic. Neat what artists can do with a photo and added paint! Bet it tugs at our heart a teeny bit to see Floyd there….we have photos of our passed animals and I have to remember the joy they gave us instead of missing them. We have plenty of lively replacements to focus on.

    Joyce in Indiana, I had my Gallbladder out laparoscopically about 6 months after a laparoscopic appendectomy. Bellybutton took quite a beating that year….and I did have more pain after the 2nd one – I think the gallbladder is in a more tender area perhaps? And the maybe the gas they put in to “inflate” is harder to resorb? Glad to have those pesky things out but do NOT want any more surgeries if at all possible.

    Heather, am enjoying the updates on your trip and sorry to hear you were under the weather. If I were to go on any big trips, I’d prefer to go with a girlfriend & leave DH home to babysit the pets. I think he’d have a better time too ;-).

    Rita, your DH sounds like mine sometimes. When both of us are hurting a bit from arthritis or whatever, we get cranky with each other real fast and have learned to say STOP when it starts escalating (most of the time. )

    Sherri, I have a little Amazon “Fire” – I like it a lot. Mainly use it to play games/check FB and messaging and Yahoo email. Can’t get all apps to load but there are enough on there to keep me satisfied and the price is right – no roaming! Plenty of places have free WiFi. I was able to log into MFP on it – kind of teensy to log in food but the 50+ community is on the main screen. Fun!

    Mavis, welcome back – I have lots of friends who are vegan and they are the best cooks! Their food is always yummy. Good luck on your journey and hope your mom is doing OK!

    To those of you with dry eyes, I had to see my optometrist about it last year. He told me to use eyedrops with Ketotifen Fumarate in it twice a day which is an antihistamine, I get it at Walgreens or Walmart brand, and something like Systane or Blink during the day to keep eyes lubricated as often as needed. Helps a lot.

    Fitbit users – I have the “one” which I clip to my bra between the “girls” and it seems to be fairly accurate—sometimes when I walk I count steps then compare to what Fitbit registered, and it’s not that far off. I have friends who clip them on the waistband of their pants or in a pocket.

    Lenora and all, I don’t have clematis or wisteria – but do have a quite adventurous honeysuckle vine. I try to take starts from it each year to give away. Love the smell and the hummingbird action.

    Marni, love the Alaska and moose pictures, keep them coming! So neat to see that part of the world – thanks for sharing your neighborhood with us.

    I know I’ve left a lot out, you are all my favorites! ;-) Thanks again for welcoming me into your group!

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

    SW Washington State

  • SGCFAb5320162016
    SGCFAb5320162016 Posts: 13 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Hello all!

    Got up early this morning and went to the gym with hubs. 40 mins on the elliptical. Came home and had a protein packed breakfast. Then hit the road to Houston to see our son. We took him to Ikea so he could buy a new desk chair. I got him to splurge on a $12 shelf unit for his bathroom which will hold his laundry stuff as the washer/dryer is stacked in a closet in the bathroom area and he had his laundry detergent etc strewn all over the floor. I picked up a thing or 2 at Ikea myself. I had know idea how reasonably priced things were there. I was in organizational heaven! We then ate at a local pizza joint. Good pizza (2 slices without the crusts) and house salad (split 3 ways). Went back to his apt. and put together the chair and shelves. On the way back home we stopped at the Outlet Mall. Hubs got some new shorts. Reached my step goal by walking around the mall. Back home now. Just had a bowl of jacked up oatmeal for dinner.

    Will read back through today's posts in a bit.

    Oh and a wonderful NSV! My size 18 jeans were getting a bit baggy. Hadn't wanted to pull out the 16s yet as I didn't want to be disappointed. They fit! A bit tight for my liking but could get them zipped and could sit in them. Came out of my room this morning dressed in them and a less baggy shirt and the hubs noticed the change! Go me!!!

    back home in College Station, TX from a day visit to Houston

    Go you.thats awesome if hubby notices.lol
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Birthday, Marni. Enjoy your special day. We visited Denali and spent one night there. Loved seeing all the animals.
    Cheri- yea for you and smaller jeans. It is great when hubbies notice.
    Penny- thanks for the video of the orchestra. You do ha e an exciting life. Most flights are deleyedthese days But gladyou made it in time for your event.
    Had to attend the funereal of the hu
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    There it goes again. Was saying the husband of one of my golf friends. Always a sad day.
    Better quit before something happens again
    SueBDew inTX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    lhscapil Floyd is still with us, rocky is the one that Is gone... yes, I do miss him dearly.. actually, the older that Floyd get, the more his calmness and demeanor is more like rocky
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Pip, sorry I got your pups confused! The second I hit the "send" button it occurred to me I should have verified that, lol. Way to go winning the fun run! What a nice photo of you two :-)
