
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    evening ladies~
    just got home and got my jammies on and am in bed.. with laptop and dogs, and making a grocery list...
    NYKaren~ Happy Double nickels
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
    Hello ladies: Nice sunshiny day today. Went to water exercise this morning and then went grocery shopping since we usually do it on Thursday but the plumber was here yesterday. Hoping to get lots of yard work done tomorrow. I have a rotting barrel that has hyacinths coming up in it already. Guess I took too long taking it apart,LOL. Pomegranates were on sale today, yum.

    Re - Happy birthday and hope things went well with the ortho.

    Marcelyn - You go girl!

    Beth - Good luck finding the gym this weekend.

    Marni - The first horse I bought was nicknamed "baby moose". Never found out why as he was gray at 6 yo when I got him but those pictures are intriguing. I really have to wonder what he looked like when he was born.

    KarenNY - Happy birthday to another January baby. Enjoy your special day.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    i'll look for the pic and show it... and behind kirby was yogi's tail
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Just beat DH at scrabble-victory is sweet, cause he usually wins! I had a lovely day, shared cookies with my students and they played and sang happy birthday to me. All in all a nice day. We may go out to lunch tomorrow after visiting MIL. Thanks for the well wishes :) gonna hit the gym first thing in the morning, hoping for a good night's rest. NYKAREN
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Hi all and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to NY Karen!

    Started off the day with a DH meltdown, but he's feeling better now. Poor lamb didn't sleep much last night. :|<3

    We had a morning tour of Merida today with our guide. We saw the Governor's Palace and its murals and the Cathedral. Then we went by car to where all the rich business men built Paris style mansions in the days of prosperity from the sisal industry. Magnificent places, but a sad history of exploitation of the native population. We went round a house that is still privately owned, but kept as a museum. The very old owner is visiting next week! Her very old servant was in the kitchen cooking for the staff. She has been working for the family for 56 years. The lady guide provided a chair for me as I had a recurrence of diarrhoea and was a bit dizzy. I'm ok now, thank goodness.
    Then we were driven round old, historical areas of the town. Very attractive. They are all protected now.

    Home to find they had put the music back on, so I got them to turn it off again.
    Off to the same restaurant for a soup lunch and a rare (for me) dessert - flan. it's just creme caramel, but home made and delicious. We saw some people having a sizzling hot chicken wrapped in banana leaves, so we might be having that tonight. :D

    This afternoon we went out to the craft shop and bought some tiny gifts for the grandchildren. Then had a delicious lemon sorbet in an old famous shop.

    Back to write to you.

    I find at the moment that I get hungry, but then cannot eat very much. Certainly not a Mexican portion! We will share a dish tonight. DH is not eating enough IMHO.

    My brain also has turned to mush. I hope it's only temporary. Toxins can pass through the blood/brain barrier when you are older.

    Tomorrow off to Chichen Itza. All day tour so I am making sure I have my new umbrella with me! Then we stay the night there.

    Love you all, Heather in Merida.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    choklityum wrote: »
    Thanks for the welcomes! Is anybody dealing with high cholesterol - what numbers do you consider the most important to track? Has anyone set custom amounts in Premium?

    Hi Paula!

    I had high cholesterol numbers a year ago... I was able to show a "dramatic" improvement in a six month period by doing two things:

    1) Take fish oil! I take two 1200 mg fish oil caps a day - when my numbers were out of whack, I was taking three.
    2) EXERCISE - even basic walking will help. Regular exercise assists in generating whatever controls cholesterol in your body.

    Since your body produces the stuff - you can't really reduce it much just by changing your diet - but, increasing the "good" cholesterol (fish oil) helps and exercise really helps.

    I imagine losing a little weight was a contributing factor - but the exercise and fish oil were the biggies.

    Good luck!

    Re in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Dink5550: Welcome!

    Sue in WA: Pomegranates are in stock? Yay! I love them and go for years without. Last year I was in the right place & scored. Maybe I'll be lucky again this year. I haven't seen any yet. :smiley:

    Heather: I hope you're feeling better each day and have some fun, too. :flowerforyou:

    Lots of good things to report. Yoga today was wonderful with a favorite instructor in charge. It was such a treat after being teacherless on Wednesday. Our dog seems to be getting over his tummy troubles and I haven't had to clean up a nasty mess in a couple of days, so that is REALLY something to appreciate. Tomorrow is my riding lesson. Yay! I wonder what I'll learn. Learning new skills is one of the nicest parts of these lessons. Sitting the horse at various gates is lovely, but I enjoy learning all the pieces beyond simply staying upright in the saddle. I'm talking about everything from grooming to lunging, to tacking up, to putting everything away and leading the horse to his stall at the end of the lesson. Its all good. Mucking out his stall hasn't been on the list so far. I'm okay with that. :devil:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    January 2017 Resolutions:

    1: Log every bite and swallow;
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on strength and stamina.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least 3 glasses of water a day.
    5. Monitor sleep. Average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    I'm planning on a special and positive day. I am 55 years old today!!

    Happy Birthday, Karen! We are practically twins!

    Here's to ALL the January Babies!


    Re in TX
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited January 2017
    Just checking in. Spent the day getting my next quilt project organized. It will be a doosy, So far just the organizing part has taken me a month of effort and I still haven't cut the first piece of fabric yet. However the new quilt project has a name - "Drama Queen!" and it has lived up to its name so far. I'm hoping to cut as least some fabric tomorrow, I need it organized and cut out by 2/2.

    Charleen in Colorado (Working like crazy on many quilt projects)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    stats for the day:

    ride hm 2 gym- 13.40min, 12.9amph, 150mhr, 2.9mi= 129c
    applie iwatch- 99c
    TREADMILL jog- 19.25min, 6.2-6.5sp, 136ahr, 155mhr, 9.43ap, 2mi = 190c
    apple iwatch- 121c
    ELIPTICAL- 1-1 interval program- 15min, 1368str, 129ahr, 139mhr, 90stpmin, 1.57mi = 147c
    apple iwatch- 269c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.49min, 144mhr, 12.3amph, 1.3mi = 82c
    apple iwatch- 51c
    jog/walk station 2 wk- 5.02min, 10.11ap, 147mhr, .5mi = 51c
    apple iwatch- 53c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.29min, 154mhr, 9.39ap, .4mi = 69c
    apple iwatch- 55c
    ride dome 2 hm- 19.19min, 8.2amph, 157mhr, 2.6mi = 202c
    apple iwatch- 154c

    total cal 870
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Hello Charleen in Colorado. Nice to see another quilter here. I purchased 26 yards of materials at the end of December and haven't even opened the bag since. I have a home office/sewing room, so worked at clearing all my paperwork off the desk today, so I can hopefully do some quilting tomorrow. Have a great weekend.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks so much Pip for putting that pic on and then you added the story to it. I love the way you and Kirby are looking at each other. Is that part of your yard?

    Heather, you sound like you are feeling a lot better. Be careful with the heat.

    I mentioned another day my nephew who is blind had his gall bladder out the laporoscopic way. I don't know if he is really milking it for all the sympathy he can get or he just has a low pain tolerance. I know being blind can be difficult and makes the fear of the unknown even worse. But he is really complaining of pain. Today he sounds better but everyone is telling him to not do anything for 10 days and I am telling him do a little more each day. My sister is home from the hospital now, still can't do any flexion of the knee and starts her therapy Monday. She and her husband will do the exercises at home every day but the formal therapy starts Monday.

    I am getting a new stove tomorrow!!!!! Well we are shopping tomorrow and I have Michelle going with us to make sure we actually get this. Last night when Charlie fixed supper, I was able to eat right then. So I went in later and tried to open the oven door. Well the outside door came apart from the frame and insulation. We HAVE to get a new one. This one is almost 40 years old. Charlie says that surely we can find some one to fix this one. The handle came off, I have to tape the door to a drawer to keep the oven light from being on all day long and now the door is actually coming apart. I am looking forward to a nice new black stove. Now the vent hood is another story. He isn't ready for that yet and I'm not sure I can win that battle.

    Headache! Bad!

    Joyce, Indiana
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Yvonne and Beth – I have a friend who lost her husband to cancer 3 years ago and she talks about him as if he is still alive. Freaky, to say the least. I asked her ‘if she was seeing anyone’ once and she looked at me as if I had slapped her across the face. I just let it go; she isn’t interested in going out with anyone; but, when she talks, she wants someone like he ‘is’. Since my husband is still alive, it is difficult for me to understand this obsession (or what appears like one).

    Beth – I figured it had to have been one of those aluminum trees … they did not start having the ones that look ‘real’ until maybe 5 years ago; even then … big difference to today’s. I still don’t want to have to put one up. I’ll just settle for my macramé tree with the lights poked through it.

    Re – My DH says he will ‘retire’ 3 days after the find him ‘in the bushes’ with a paint brush still going ‘up and down’. Seems like that is ‘true’; wish it weren’t. DYS thinks he needs to start letting DOS take over … if that is what he is going to do. DH just doesn’t seem to want to ‘let go’ (yet).

    Pip – Nice pictures. They can take a photo at Michaels and make it look like it has been hand-painted right down to being 3-dimenstional. They used to do it with cross-hatching strokes. I really tried to get my neighbors to do this for their “Buffy”; but, no, they wanted it hand-painted. I’d take it over to them every couple of weeks to see ‘if’ I was capturing the likeness. She was the whitest white lab I had ever seen. Now they have a Golden Retriever; and if she is anything like Buffy … is spoiled rotten!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    20,000 steps
    174 minutes walking Sasha
    103 minutes riding the exercise bike while watching figure skating and knitting
    taught the beginner line dance class

    :) tomorrow I'm going to an event that will include sitting for a long time and listening...fortunately, I'm meeting a friend for a walk afterward and will walk Sasha in the morning before I go.

    :) Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    that was our front yard and she added more of those flowers, whatever they are. we were sitting on a blanket and she brushed that out and added more flowers