

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    edited January 2017
    Paula so sorry about Caleb.

    Heather glad you are feeling better.

    I had a nice Kindergarten class today. Tomorrow I volunteer at the Nature Center again.

    :heart: Margaret

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    KatieBug lovin it. :)

    Janetr okc
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Saw the Doctor this morning to discuss BP Meds. She said she was impressed with my weight loss and lifestyle changes. She suggested I discontinue one of the meds for a month and if that goes ok then stop the other one. Have to get cholesterol tested in April so have doubled my dose of fish oil as per RE's advice

    No gym this morning due to Dr app so did 40 min Jessica Smith vid and went out this afternoon for a brisk 45 min walk DH thinks I'm mad. Did a 15 min kettlebell routine yesterday and my arms and legs are so sore today but that's good isn't it!!!

    HEATHER you both look great and temple is fabulous as is your view

    PAULA you are so brave being a scoutmaster sorry my idea of hell, I don't really do other people's kids awful I know. I'm ok with babies though so I'm not all bad

    Kate UK
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello Luxurious Lasses!

    It’s another glorious week of the Summer Challenge... This week, I was actually able to post a loss... Whoot!

    GOAL WEIGHT: 188

    The loss is, as always, entirely due to the fact that I was able to exercise again. *whew*

    Not only have I been able to work on the elliptical – but, I have discovered the local “Natatorium” in my little town. I swear, we have an AWESOME parks and recs department, here. DH and I became members of the Natatorium (DH looked it up – it means “Indoor Pool.” Apparently the Greeks invented them.) and with that membership we also get access to every other rec center in the city. So, DH can go have lunch at the Senior Center while I am at work – if he feels like getting on his bad motor-scooter and riding... (He has a three-wheel bike – so his balance isn’t an issue.) or we can use any of the gym facilities in any of the 3 rec centers – and of course, I can swim for free. I swam laps on both Saturday and Sunday. I don’t imagine I will be breaking any speed records – but, I chugged back and forth in the lap lanes for 30 minutes and I could really feel the burn Saturday night in my butt and waist. That has to be a good thing, right?

    I had forgotten how much I enjoy swimming... unlike the Dreadmill or even my beloved elliptical, the swimming doesn’t bore me half to death. Probably because I have to think about things like breathing and coordinating my legs and my arms. Plus, if I do start to feel “meh” about the stroke I am doing, I can just do a different one... which requires different focus on the breathing and coordination. I found that it was not terribly difficult to do 30-35 minutes of laps. Alas, the time factor for drying off and changing does prohibit me swimming much during the week – however – I may be able to do some of that after my Physical Therapy is done. Tuesdays and Thursdays are the days I have the most time available – so, I will give it a try after the PT is past. I really do feel fantastic once I am done... even if I am strongly reminded that gravity is not a nice lady.


    DJ – No worries, Sugar. I will gladly take my Birthday wishes after the fact... :p :]

    Lenora – Based on my finances – I expect I will probably drop at my desk, someday – but, such is life.

    Barbie – So happy you have found Bess! I hope she is a wonderful companion for Sasha. Love the new Profile pic!

    Heather – Arrrrrgggggghhhhh! Sorry, Love. I hope you feel better, soon. Sorry about the “upgrade.” Do earplugs help, at all? And here’s the Silver Lining... you don’t have to worry about gaining weight on this trip, do you? ((Hugs!!)) Loving the pictures!

    Michele – If the sizing is small – then it’s a double NSV! LOL. And I am a fan of Pizza – I will never give it up. As I said, it has some nutritional value... the Cinnabon? Not so much.

    Grace – Hope your Daughter is ok.

    Sherry – I only use my tablet for reading at the gym... I suppose it would do a lot more stuff – but, I just use my PC for most things... Hope you are doing ok. Any news on the creep getting his just desserts? OMG – the Minions “getting lucky” cartoon is spot on... LOL.

    Karen/VA – Thanks! <3

    Rita - **HUGS**

    Katla – Thanks! I don’t know why I suddenly decided that I could get my *kitten* together and keep on plan – but, I have – and I am never going back. Besides – I have a lot of people telling me how well I am doing – so that is always a plus. DH keeps mentioning my new curves – my friends keep telling me how proud they are... and for the first time in all our years of marriage, I don’t feel like DH is trying to sabotage me by offering me food at every turn. I think he must be more secure, now – that I am not trying to lose weight so I can run off with the mailman or something. :D

    TNToni – You know I will... Hope you survived picture day, intact.

    Marni – Happy Belated Birthday! 52 is going to be a very good year for us Januarians, I think... Great pictures!

    Cheri – Whoot! Smaller jeans rock – and having the hubs appreciate it is double-bonus points!

    Lanette – Thanks – always glad to provide some entertainment.

    Sharon – They call it Intermittent Fasting – there are all kinds of threads about it. I do the “IF” eating plan – especially since I reduced my CICO calculation to “Sedentary.” It helps me stay on task – as I am not consuming calories 24/7 but only during certain hours of the day – I can eat more of them at each meal (I do 2 meals at the most.) It works for me – I have never been in love with Breakfast, anyway. I eat between 2 and 10p – give or take. On the weekends, I generally fast until dinner – since I end up eating out – or eating things like Mexican Food or Pizza – which are calorie dense. It works for me – but, you will have to see if it works for you... And yes – one major change at a time is a good thing. During the “fast” hours – you drink water, and other sugar-free beverages.

    Chris – Size 4!!! Vanity Sizing or not - you are an inspiration... I might wear the darned pants with the tag on and hanging out! LOL. Rock those size fours!

    Lisa – 2 lbs! Hurray! Work that Placebo effect! LOL. Hope the Synthroid is really working. Gosh, it’s been a while since I read Little Women... must be time to crack that one open, again. My older Sister gave me the whole set of books when I was something like 13 or 14... I ripped through them, then... but – that’s been a minute or two...LOL.

    – Oh Honey... I love the sugar free ones... sorry you got the wrong stuff! Who did you order from? I know World Market in TX carries them – maybe you could do an exchange with a local store? Or a not so local store? Worth an ask. *hugs!*

    Gloria – you will have to let me know how the whole Knee experience goes...

    Joyce – Hurray for the new stove! So glad you are feeling a little stronger.

    Marcelyn – YOU ROCK!! I would have to walk the half... no two ways about it. These knees do not run. But, I would consider walking one.

    Allie – Stay Strong... you are only asking for what is yours, by right. Mediation is the first step... doesn’t sound like Himself is going to be agreeable – but hey, you never know. Perhaps after he get’s some legal advice and discovers that he can’t change anything – he will just concede.

    Leigh – Fortunately, the pain is largely reduced by the Cortisone shot that I received – and I am able to resume my exercise! Whoot! Glad you survived the cheese-laden food... Gratz on the scale movement!

    KJ – Don’t be too upset when some of those pounds come back... your empty innards will refill... and that will mean a pound or two of those will come back.

    Paula – you can do it! You don’t have to be a saint, you just have to keep the calories between the lines... you can be a saint, later – after you have the calories under control. (Hugs!) **If you can have your treadmill face the TV – and choose some regular show that you watch as “walk time” it might work... Good luck! But – just the walking at the office will help. It’s the regular exercise plus the fish oil that does the trick.

    Lillian – Enjoy the trip...

    Sarah – GRATZ on the plank times... I have let my plank efforts go by the way-side... I am going to have to get back to it!

    Kate - The fish-oil worked for me... Hope you get good results, too!


    OMG! I made it through 180+ posts... Sorry I couldn’t respond to everyone – but there are only so many hours in the day. Love you all!

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 397 Member
    Gee whiz, so many posts! About all I retain in my brain is that Barbie is in doggie bliss, Allie is standing strong and Heather is still trying to make a go of it in Mexico. Also most people are doing much better than me at exercising and losing weight. Welcome newbies!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :)Joyce, Bess flew to Seattle on a commercial airline flight. She rode in a crate in the baggage compartment that was heated and pressurized. Another dog came from the same rescue on the same flight. The woman who coordinated met that dog and drove him two hours north to the Canadian border to meet his new owner who came over from Vancouver, BC to pick him up. Bess and Sasha are finding their way with each other. This morning I walked them together for over an hour. After lunch Bess got in bed with Sasha, Bernie, Jake, and me and we took a nap. Bess chose the spot between our pillows with her head on my pillow.

    :)Paula, every one of us has had ups and downs. I believe that as long as I keep coming back here I am a winner because every day I am encouraged and inspired by all of you to keep going on the path to health. If I counted on my local friends to keep me on track, they'd say "Oh don't worry about it, you deserve a_________ today (fill in the blank with any sort of million calorie treat who can think of.")

    :)Re I'm glad you found swimming as a way to exercise and not hurt your knee. Changing clothes has always been the big reason I don't swim or do water aerobics but If I needed to be gentle on my knees, I'd change my tune in a big hurry.

    :) Time to get back on the exercise bike and watch some more figure skating.

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW Washington

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – We’ve missed you, hope you are, at least, lurking!

    Re – Louis would probably go ‘nuts’ if he retired; but, he would like to slow down significantly. But, he has ‘nip-ups’ on those times he has to drive me to Macon, GA to see my MD. That particular MD is one that I ‘refuse’ to go to anywhere around this area (or that is ‘Phoebe’ owned).

    Not particularly thrilled with the Neurologist I go to. I liked the one whose place he took. He only works a couple of days a week. This last time was the first time that he seems to spend some time with me; he ordered a MRI and some bloodwork (to make sure I have enough seizure medication in my system). I had told the nurse to make sure my GP got a copy of the results. This was the end of December. Went to see GP on Thursday, and, guess what, he did not have it. So I signed an ‘authorization’ so he could get it and then call and tell me the results. I told my PsycheMD, today what the Neurologist’s nurse had told me. He was ‘shocked’ to hear it because I have not said anything about it and he did not see it. He truly thinks that she had to have me mixed up with another patient. I sure as hell hope so. I’ll hear from him this next week. Even ‘if’ it is his nurse; she will be far more ‘tactful’. That is the ‘only’ time I have called my Neurologist’s office and actually gotten to talk to the nurse at the time I call. Usually, I have to live name, number, DOB, why I am calling; and, I ‘might’ get a call 5 days later. Maybe she only works the days that he does. I know they tell you NOT to call a 2nd time. Apparently, it has something to do with how they pull the files out for the MD. Gee, just pull the ones off the top, take the one with the call and put it back, then put the top back on it. Gee, I can remember putting files in the ‘inbox’ to my boss; have someone call and restack them after pulling the file out. Oh well. Not a lot to choose from. Only 2 Neurologists in Albany (and one of them is only 2 or 3 days a week).

    Paula – Thanks! I try to help with ideas, how to bookmark the new month, welcome the ‘newbies’ (even though lately I have not been too great at that). I know the ladies that have been on this site have made me feel welcome.

    I’ve eaten this past weekend, like it was my ‘last meal’. I don’t know what is going on; one thing, today meet 4 HS classmates and their hubbies. We do this every time I have to go to Macon. Great group of ladies and the hubbies all get along. Jackie told me that he really enjoyed the jokes I sent to Nancy. I laughed and told him that sometimes I really, really have to ‘think’ about what I send to certain people.

    So welcome to all the ‘newbies’! Heather, I am so glad to see that you have been able to get up and go see something on your vacation. Nice view off the balcony, even ‘if’ it is too noisy. The sea view would be nice.
    Not much happening. Ate Mexican Sunday night; but, I did cut it in ½ and I will eat the leftovers tomorrow. Today was a near bust … food and company too good not to sit there and eat it all. Can’t really cut it in ½ and bring it home, unless we took a cooler.
    Hoping to hit the plateau and break through it. This weekend, I did a real change-up. Just hope the scales I weigh on next Tuesday won’t be ‘in synch’ with the ones I weighed on today. LOL!!! I’ll burst into tears. I don’t get upset there because I have just eaten when I get there. Louis was ‘so proud’ of me, I did not ‘buy’ something when we went to Bass Pro Shop; but, I did started my Christmas shopping and bought a cute pillow for my DYS and his wife for their ‘lake house’.

    I am ready for some warm weather!!!! Warm, like in ‘pool weather’! This ‘indoor’ exercise routine sort of ‘suxs’! I’d rather be ‘in the pool’.

    Have a GREAT rest of the week!

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good evening Ladies.

    I bought an under the desk stationary bike so I could get some exercise at work but unfortunately my desk is too low and I kept hitting my knees. I bought it home and just spent the last 30 minutes cycling while catching up on the posts. Every little bit of exercise helps.

    Re, I was telling a friend last night that I was going to wear those size 4's with the tags hanging out! We think the same.

    Gotta bounce, love to all.

    Chris in MA
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Hey now....

    Just a quick note....yay, no more shelter! I found a couple close to my age with a spare room that they will let me have rent free until I can get my ssd and my section 8, then I will probably get an apartment close by. They are really nice people and say they would love to have me there, especially after I told them about this shelter and me falling on the ice on the property here and that they refused to take me to the hospital. They don't want me staying here another day so the male half is picking me and my stuff up in about an hour while she is still at work. I am so very grateful to these people for getting me out of here, this place is driving me crazy! In trade for the room I will be doing a little house cleaning for them, which I am more than happy to do. I may not be able to post for a few days while I get settled in and learn the routine, but will try to post as soon as I can. Wish me luck ya'll!

    Sherry in "Columbia River Gorge"
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    stats for the day:

    all apple watch, wahoo not connecting :0(
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.55min, 13.8amph, 2.9mi= 111c
    SPIN- 40MIN, 75ar, 85aw, 9-12g, 10.2mi = 299c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.01min, 144mhr, 12.3amph, 1.4mi = 58c
    jog station 2 wk- 5.13min, 9.56ap, .5mi = 53c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.25min, 9.30ap, .4mi = 51c
    ride dome 2 hm- 19.53min 8amph 2.5mi = 152c

    total cal 723
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Sherry, I'm so very happy for you. I wish you all the best and hope you are happy in your new living situation. Bless that kindhearted couple.
    Chris in MA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    ReRe - I am truly hurt, u didn't respond to me (even tho I didn't say anything)
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    LOL - Pip! You know I love you Best of All!

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Sherry, it’s it a pain to have to download everything on to a new computer again. I hope this one does the trick.

    Janet#2, the past two days have been tolerable on the itching eyes. I hope yours is better too.

    Margaret, I thought it seemed early for tree pollen also but we have had such weird weather that it could be. It’s cold for a day or two then back up in the 70s. Poor trees probably don’t know what to do.

    Penny, as often you had an interesting post. I enjoyed the video of the music. Thanks

    Chris, I’m surprised the Fitbit will be accurate when attached to your bra. I thought it needed the swing of the arm or foot, but then what do I know. I don’t have one.

    Sherry, I love the cartoon.

    Marni, my DH has tinnitus and hearing loss as well. Restaurants are where I notice it the most because he can’t hear the waitress and gives some pretty funny (sad actually) answers. I keep thinking that it is more embarrassing to not hear than to wear a hearing aid but he won’t consider it. I love the pictures. Hope you had a marvelous Birthday!!!

    Cheri, congrats on those smaller jeans fitting. And a huge congrats that your hubs noticed a slimmer you!!!

    Joyce, I love the story about the dog running the race.

    Gloria, I think it helps many of us to know “why” some things need to be done a certain way, other than just because someone wants it that way. When I was working and would train someone I always tried to give them the background information as I think many of us appreciate it, if not need it. Good for you on talking to your coworker.

    Charlene, that quilt is stunning!!!

    Grace, so sorry to read that your DD is having such health problems.

    Joyce, I agree that not all of us should be a size 10. I think I’d look too skinny at that size but I’d sure love to be a 12 again. (later) Hey, a new oven is a new oven. I think you should be excited no matter how fancy it is or isn’t. Enjoy.

    Janetr, what a bummer to get the wrong thing in your order and a dozen bottles to boot. I hope you can figure out a return?

    Pip, cool quilt!

    Heather, so sorry about your health issues. Sending healing vibes and lots of love.

    Barbie, great pictures!! So happy Bess is settling in.

    Marcelyn, congrats on the ½ marathon. That is way cool in my book.

    Allie, so glad you are hanging in there with that “Bully” you live with. You go girl!!

    Heather, I’m so sorry ya’ll aren’t enjoying the resort. I love the picture of the beach. That is my kind of place.

    Pip you and Re kiss and make up. lol

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Yesterday was our Basket Bingo that I am co-chairman of. It was a very successful fundraiser and went smoothly. I was on my feet for hours but worth it as we made over $3000 that will go to charities. My legs hurt when I woke up this morning but are better now. My back felt it too from all that walking on a concrete floor. I made a baggie of fresh veggies to have throughout the day but forgot them and left them in the fridge. Bought a grilled chicken sandwich and didn’t eat the bread. Today was a rest day and tomorrow I have an appointment with a trainer at the gym to do some arm work. Love reading about all of you and your lives even if it does make it hard to keep up.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.
    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    For that matter, for anyone who thinks they can't do a full (if u have runned a half) u can. Mind over matter

    For me it's a matter of do I want to do a full. I keep toying with it but so far I stick with the half. My son and I run the same races. He does the full and I do the half. I tell him I'm the rabbit he's the hound and his job is to catch me. lol My son just started running about five years ago and loves it. He does about six marathons a year but this year is branching out and going beyond. He has taken up trail runs and in three weeks is doing a 50 mile trail run. I will be support staff and NOT running that one. Running with headlamps in the dark morning over trails with tree roots (Natl. Forest) is not my cup of tea. I'd love the trail but only if I could easily see it. Anyway, all that to say I agree... it's all mind over matter but I've a mind to not matter when it comes to a full. I may change my mind in the future though....

    who ate ice cream today in Houston

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    For that matter, for anyone who thinks they can't do a full (if u have runned a half) u can. Mind over matter

    For me it's a matter of do I want to do a full. I keep toying with it but so far I stick with the half. My son and I run the same races. He does the full and I do the half. I tell him I'm the rabbit he's the hound and his job is to catch me. lol My son just started running about five years ago and loves it. He does about six marathons a year but this year is branching out and going beyond. He has taken up trail runs and in three weeks is doing a 50 mile trail run. I will be support staff and NOT running that one. Running with headlamps in the dark morning over trails with tree roots (Natl. Forest) is not my cup of tea. I'd love the trail but only if I could easily see it. Anyway, all that to say I agree... it's all mind over matter but I've a mind to not matter when it comes to a full. I may change my mind in the future though....

    who ate ice cream today in Houston

    my first one, I did JUST TO SEE if I could run without stopping, no walking. I didn't care about time or pace, I just wanted to see if I could and I did, I was happy. I didn't care if I ever did another but I did just to support my husband who had a year anniversary from doing his last one. he got hit while riding his bike home. so I was his support while he was running. he was disappointed with his time, he had to walk some of it.. now he wants to improve his time this year, so I guess I will be dong another one with him this year.

    I know a friend that did a 100 mile run. that is brutal
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sherry, do you know this couple? I hope this is a good thing for you. It sounds ideal. Do they have an animal you can love on while you are there?

    My daughter was able to foster the dog she wanted. The boxer is fine with cats but the card said he was iffy with other dogs although he lived in a cage at the shelter with other dogs. One of her passions is to socialize and make animals healthy. She loves boxers so I hope this guy gets along with her own boxer. And I am sure he will be a 'foster fail' as she will adopt him. She did that with her last foster. That was Trevor and he was a basket case as he had been abused by men and wolves. It took a long time for her to help him be a gently loving dog who trusted people other than her. So I hoppe Butch does well with her. From looking at his picture the first thing she will do is cut his nails.

    Lenora, I am so glad the medical system I am in readily shares lab work, I have easy and quick access to my doctors and have electronic charts for each doctor. When I get lab drawn, they ask if I want the lab shared with another doctor. It's as simple as that. Within one day the results are on my electronic chart at home for me to see and print out if I want.

    Joyce, Indiana