

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,334 Member
    Betty - I think you might be right. Some one to one coaching with maybe a children's coach would be great. <3

    Had a lovely half hour swim. But I am with Re - the getting out and getting ready to rejoin the world is hard work.! The shower, the hair conditioning, the make up. Phew.! My dyed hair is a lot of work and I need my face on to feel really confident. I don't bother with the full works here and can go naked face, but like to look nice in the evening. If I were to swim regularly I think I would have to have it short and grey, but that would not feel like me. :/

    Love to all, Heather xxxxxxxxx
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Betty- Call around to your local Y or pool and ask about swim teachers who teach adults to swim. Explain the issue. I would say a large percent of adults who don't swim, don't because of a fear of water (due usually to a traumatic/scary event that happened as a child). Many adult swim instructors are aware of phobias in adults and are really good at getting them into the water again. They have all sorts of flotation devices to help.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Paula- Love that you were/are a scout leader. I was a girl scout leader for 13 years. Took my daughter and her troop from Daisy through Senior scouts. My daughter earned her Gold Award (which is the equivalent of the Boy Scout Eagle). When our troop was young (elementary school aged) we had 24 girls; middle school took us down to 8 girls; then high school we kept four girls, but then 2 new girls joined us. The high school years were the most fun. Lots of trips. New York, Savannah, GA, London, Paris, and Switzerland, Mexico. Mission trips and community involvement. We were a busy group, but it was so much fun. I missed it terribly for a couple of years, but our council was going through some major upheaval and I just felt it was time for me to bow out until they could fix their problems. How long do you think you will remain with your boys?
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Yvonne- I love your leggings and Phineas is gorgeous!!
    Heather- I like your sun suit! It looks very good on you! My mom had sun sensitive skin and had to be covered completely when she went out. Otherwise horrible red, itchy and sometimes painful rash.
    Nancy/lacruiser- Did I get your name right? is it Nancy? I get you on the swim suit thing! Wine babies can put a damper on that! LOL!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,680 Member
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi, all -
    I got a day behind and had to skim through 139 posts. So much news from you busy gals!

    Heather - your pictures of you, hubby, and the local sites are lovely.

    Sherry - glad you found an alternative to the shelter.

    Grace - praying for your daughter and your family

    Barbie - Bess is a beauty!

    Water workouts are wonderful but dragging all the gear to the gym and back are a challenge. I have not been working out since July but it was always my first choice for exercise!

    Went to hear the man who is the creator of the movies "Firestorm" and "War Room" speak at my friends church in Murfreesboro last night. He was a powerful speaker and it was inspiring to hear how he and his brother approach movie making from a foundation of prayer and faith.

    Have a great day, everybody!

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Have a Dr. appointment tomorrow. Not looking forward to it. I have been having some stomach issues lately. Its either an ulcer or a problem with one of my meds. Keep me in prayer please.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good morning, ladies! Well, happy happy joy joy -- I am ending January with a total loss of 6 lbs, and I've lost a good inch from my waist and hips, and 1.5 inches from the girls! Thighs are smaller by .5 inch, and calf is the same. I've been lucky enough to keep a pretty strong workout routine going, and I feel tighter all over. There were a couple of bad days, but stayed on program for the most part. The 6 lbs is *exactly* how much I should lose based on the mfp goals. Now, here's the part that worries me a bit: I had a BIG loss the first week--4 lbs. Then a total stall, then small increments. I think that if I'm going to meet that 1.5 lb goal per week I'm going to have to make some adjustments to how many exercise calories I eat back, and get a little cleaner with alcohol. Sigh. I do love my wine! Just have to keep telling myself that it's not forever. The La Croix sparkling water is helping.

    I have the house to myself till Thursday afternoon; DH is travelling. I'm determined to get a start on 2 projects--making pillow covers for 2 lumbar pillows for my new living room chairs, and getting started on chalk painting a mirror and wine cabinet. I've been looking at different finishes on pinterest and think I've found the one I like. It's a dark coral with touches of deep turquoise underneath, with a dark wax or glaze over it. What do y'all think?

    LOVE IT!

    Betty I wish you lived close to me. I used to be a swim coach and taught all ages to swim. Find an instructor and/or class that you think would fit your situation. Talk to the instructor before you sign up. The instructor should make you feel at ease and make water fun for you again.

    I remember taking a lifesaving class where the instructor thought it was a good idea to take us down in the water and see how it felt to panic. Luckily for me it did not keep me from continuing to swim. I was a very experienced swimmer by then. I do not think it would be allowed today. Except maybe if you were training to be a Navy Seal.

    Heather wow. I played the part of a trader's sister today. I chose the name Beatrice. Thought of baby Beau.

    :heart: Margaret
  • choklityum
    choklityum Posts: 35 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Paula- Love that you were/are a scout leader. I was a girl scout leader for 13 years. Took my daughter and her troop from Daisy through Senior scouts. My daughter earned her Gold Award (which is the equivalent of the Boy Scout Eagle). When our troop was young (elementary school aged) we had 24 girls; middle school took us down to 8 girls; then high school we kept four girls, but then 2 new girls joined us. The high school years were the most fun. Lots of trips. New York, Savannah, GA, London, Paris, and Switzerland, Mexico. Mission trips and community involvement. We were a busy group, but it was so much fun. I missed it terribly for a couple of years, but our council was going through some major upheaval and I just felt it was time for me to bow out until they could fix their problems. How long do you think you will remain with your boys?
    Thanks KJ! I'm not sure how long I'll stick with the troop. At least until we can find a new Scoutmaster. And wow - you went on some awesome trips! My son went to Philmont (NM) and we did the Boundary Waters (Ely, MN). He's been to other areas around the Midwest, but nothing overseas.
  • choklityum
    choklityum Posts: 35 Member
    A question for all you wise ladies out there: do I want to allow exercise to add calories back into my total allotment for the day or just go with the straight amount I start with every day?
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Yvonne, love your leggings!

    Lacruiser, aha! I get it. A special event coming up changes the dynamics. I wish I could get motivated by a special event. My 45th high school reunion is coming up. It is what it is. I am working on it, but still at my turtle pace.

    My sister is coming this weekend and I can't get motivated to clean. Somebody give me a swift kick, please!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,791 Member
    Night night
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks, everybody. This is a guy who swam perfectly fine for years until this one incident spooked him. We need to find a one on one coach of some sort!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    choklityum wrote: »
    A question for all you wise ladies out there: do I want to allow exercise to add calories back into my total allotment for the day or just go with the straight amount I start with every day?

    :) I walk dogs for two to three hours a day and ride my exercise bike for an hour or two each day. Three days a week I go to two hour dance classes. If I tried to be that active on 1200 calories, I'd collapse. I lost weight adding in my exercise calories. I have to eat more on the days I'm more active.

    <3 Barbie
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Sarah in Ontario - Hello sister. I am originally from Regina. Small world.

    Grace - So glad everything went good for Megan.

    Sharon - don't be hard on yourself - sugar is as addictive as nicotine. You are back on track. Keep up the good work

    Congratulations to all on weight lost in January. Way to go!!

    Paula Y