

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2017

    We only got 3" of snow so not too bad. The worst part has been the cold. When I got up this morning it was -3F with a wind chill of -12F. Too cold for me, staying in the house and keeping warm. The picture shows the north side of Jacks wood working shop in the back yard looking to the west, behind the fence is the llama pasture and where the trees start there is a creek. We have different wildlife back there and I love sitting in the Florida Room taking it all in.

    Stay warm and safe all.

    Janetr OKC
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Got the tree and last of decorations packed away and all the pesky pine needles vacuumed up--how I love that smell :)

    Went to gym bright and early before the snow accumulated and now I'm tucked snuggly under a blanket with a cup of coffee after some heavy duty housework--who remembers the calorie burn for heavy cleaning??? :s

    Stay safe and peaceful everyone, warmly NYKAREN
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Rita - ((((HUGS)))) Glad that you are checking in here. ((((HUGS))))

    Karen E - welcome Taz

    Went and shoveled the driveway. Have a question for all you gals in the north who regularly shovel snow. Do you put something on the shovel so that the snow slides off? If so, what do you use? Guess we got 6". Note to Mother Nature: we sold our house "snowblower included" for a reason!

    Charleen - your quilt is still breathtaking

    Now Vince says that since the snow seems to be melting, I can go to church by myself. Isn't that nice. However, he said to be careful coming home since it's supposed to be getting colder and thus freezing. That I can understand. I'll look to see how many Eucharistic Ministers are needed, are supposed to be there, and how many are there. If everyone is there, I will probably just come home early.

    Michele in NC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,942 Member
    Thanks for all the hugs and well wishes. I am on depression mess, been on them for a long time. Have one I take for anxiety now and then too. Those help me sleep. I am taking 4000 IU of D3 daily.

    Have a full blown blizzard going on right now, but walk outside in the sun whenever it is there. I have the potential of losing my disability income with January being my last payment. That and the thought of work stress if I have to go back is contributing to my mood.

    Did get on the elliptical for 30 min today that helped for a little while.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Rita good for you taking care of business, including sneaking in what little sunshine you can. I understand how difficult it is not knowing about work, whether you Have to go back or not, my DH struggles with this all the time. Exercise is a key for him and his depression, kudos for working out on the elliptical today. NYKAREN
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,087 Member
    edited January 2017
    Charleen stunning!

    Kate love the pictures!

    Janetr the up side to the snow with those kind of temps it helps to protect your plants. We have had the 0 temps for a week. We have some snow. I hope it is enough to protect the plants. We will know in the spring. Out high is 8 today, so at least it is going up. For me it was a good week to be held up with my knee. I did not want to go out in the cold anymore than I had to.
  • bmidwinter
    bmidwinter Posts: 21 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good Afternoon from brrrr Alberta...not too motivated today but I have logged all my food so far and managed to get the laundry done! Its a good day to light a fire in the fireplace and watch movies.
    Have a great day everyone.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    NYKaren ... my son leaves tomorrow (Sunday) for the second semester ... assuming his flights aren't cancelled. Here, near Buffalo, we're in the midst of another lake effect snow storm. He needs to get from Buffalo to Baltimore tomorrow afternoon and then from Baltimore to Nashville. We will see. He had delayed flights coming home; wouldn't surprise me if he had a mess getting back too. We're all kind of down today ... not looking forward to him leaving tomorrow I suspect.

    Rita ... glad you're still touching base with all of us. January is such a hard month for so many people ... those with histories of depression and those without! Hang in there! I'm on D3 as well and take well over the recommended amount ... 10,000 units per day ... and even then my labs say I'm only at 70 percent of where I should be.

    So, I have made a budget ... highlighted areas that can be reduced with joint effort ... now to get husband to sit down with me and commit. Hasn't happened in two years ... but he has to do it soon if he wants to retire before he's 90!

    Stay warm ladies!

    Beth near Buffalo

  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    HEY NOW!!!....
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth I have one week to go with DD but she may leave earlier due to weather--I am sure the second semester will fly by, at least hoping it will feel like that. Hope the travel goes as smooth as it can for him.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Long day here. Watched old Law & Order reruns and now into Lifetime movies. Making a pot of chicken vegetable soup for dinner.

    Carol in GA
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Hey back to you ~ SHERRY
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Carol! How ya doin' hun??
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Hi everyone - I finished reading last night but nodded off so did not get my food and exercise logging done so off to do that in a minute. This week I made Italian sausage soup and Curried butternut squash soup (made with coconut milk) both which are delicious and very low in calories.

    No jumping jacks for me but I did do counter push ups at work yesterday while waiting for the toaster to pop up.

    Have a great day everyone - I'll be back later!

  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good morning MFP diva’s!! Tracking all of my food intake today and walking exercises planned for this afternoon. Got my yoga stretches in this morning - sure helps get me moving when arthritis makes me feel like I'm turning into a statue.

    Happy Weekend everyone!


    Alaska/Anchorage web cams http://www.borealisbroadband.net/webcamultiview.htm .. the sun is just starting to come up. These cams require you to refresh your screen - they take a pic every 10 seconds. (Ummm I started this post when the sun was coming up, managed a couple loads of laundry, had brunch, cleaned floors then the bathroom and am finally able to post now 12:40 pm!) whew!

    Going to try one of these long posts each weekend, and shorties throughout the week. Using GoogleDocs open in another tab is a big help and thanks for the suggestion - works great!

    I’ m appreciating your bio’s and thank you all for sharing. Our journeys shape us into the people we are - and truely SHAPE us - its in our hands to take on the responsibility of caring for our bodies and our minds. We control the food - the food doesn’t control us. This is what I have learned from you all since joining.

    That being said, this post is getting very long esp. Since I went back to page 15. Trying not to miss anyone, and my apologies if I have… or doubled up on others - derp!

    Getting ready now to try a 2-3 mile walk with Ms Sansone & YouTube.

    Every time I try to type a weenie wants to not only crawl into my lap but up on my chest! .. One of the ladies in my FB Doxie groups thought it would be a riot to put eyebrows on my red girl.



    Tracie/Wisconsin - hope those arthotics will help you out and provide you with more stable movement. I hate it when the temps get into the minus range - its hard to breathe.

    Toni/Tennessee - I promise to keep you all smiling, laughing and/or feeling encouraged.

    Shanda - best of luck to you with your renewed weight loss goals

    Charleen/Colorado - quilting always fascinated me - the wonderful and intricate designs you can achieve are pretty darned impressive.. And Wowwee your quilt pics are fantastic. You are obviously a very talented crafter.

    NYKaren - faking it works great sometimes! Purple’s my fav color - you go girl!

    Karen/Virginia - loving the dogs, what a wonderful group! Costco roasted chicken is a favorite around our home - I pick up one a week - I use the carcas and any left overs to make my own dog food. There are great crock pot dog food recipes on Pinterest. My dachshunds love it.

    EspressoLvr - congrats on the impressive weight loss through the holidays - thats determination!

    Nan/Chesterfield - best of luck with your weight loss goal - this group of wonderful ladies looks to be very supportive and motivational

    Lenora - I work for 11 specialists .. the women are great but the male physicians can do no wrong. Cooking up some butternut squash this weekend and prepping my take-to-work meals.. Going to try some marinara sauce with it - thanks! Thin hair - I hate it! I lost nearly half the volume of my hair when my galbladder crapped out on me in 2000, and left me with fatty liver disease. I have a few wigs, ponytails and braids. The wigs can get hot (and with hot flashes, itchy and uncomfortable), but the braids and pony’s are a lot of fun.

    Belle - Your workouts are making me want to get up and moooooooooove. Have a great trip!

    Kim/California - Sounds like we have something in common.. I like your attitude! My hubs is from Upper Lake California - would love to get down there one day. Springers are wonderful dogs! Congrats on building your businesses. Hug Levi from me and the weenies!

    Beth - I read where a school in Buffalo had to keep the children overnight due to busses getting stuck. Buffalo and upper NY state are my old stomping grounds, from going out dancing to antique collecting and estate sales. We frequented the Asa Ransom house
    http://asaransom.com/dining/ a truely unique B&B with homemade food and period costuming.

    Katla/Oregon - keep those hummingbirds warm! They sound wonderful - so beautiful!

    Joyce/Indiana - hello fellow type2 sister! What a pain in the butt diabetes is. I feel your struggle. Having your blood sugar out of whack makes it especially easy for us to regain weight and it plays havoc with your energy level, and your mindset. Many folks with diabetes suffer from depression or mood disorders. I also have lumbar (3 degenerative disk) issues + arthritis. We are tough however.. And we can take better care of ourselves, manage our chronic health issues and lead healthier happier lives. The vanilla liquid stevia is my go-to favorite too. I keep a chocolate one in my fridge at home for my weekend coffee. Yum! Btw - don’t try the watermelon one - its nasty.

    Lanette/Washington - your Schnoodle sounds like a delight! I love poodles and poodle mixes - they are soooo darned smart!

    Marcelyn/Houston - it may have been an ugly situation with the burrito LOL but you still got some great vitamins, fiber, protein, calcium, and antioxidants (and likely a little satisfaction) from it! .. there’s always a plus side :-)

    Re/Texas - that fence project sounds like a big job .. and definitely plenty of exercise. Your post reminded me to get out my pedometer and also reset the one on my iPhone. Reaching for Onederland this year is looking more and more achievable.

    Mia/MI - you reminded me to get logging my meals/tastes/bites into MFP again .. I had become a little complacent about it prior to the holidays and I now need to get back to it. Tracking carbs and fats really helps me to stay focused.

    Barb/Edmonton - great to have you with us in our journey to reach Onderland .. with all of the good suggestions from the ladies in this group it will hopefully make our trip to better health a happy one

    DJ/Myrtle Beach - crazy is contagious! But it makes us so happy.

    Barbie/Washington - Examining my relationship with food was part of my wakeup call also. I was an emotional eater - stuffing my emotions down with processed foods and carbs. I feel so much better eating lean proteins, and fresh fruit and veggies. Little did I know but all of those processed foods/carbs were just acting like a sedative and lulling me into a carb-coma. Congrats on your 57lb weight loss!

    Linanneasly - welcome and jump right in - I’m a newbie too. Sorry to hear of your daughters struggle - it must be very stressful all around.

    Michele/NC - thanks - I like the “visuals” of the photo’s .. they make me smile too! I’ve got a glass french press but had not thought of using it for my tea until you mentioned using the clear glass teapot. They are nice and light too.

    Marilyn/aubsgg - Shingles is awful - I hope you were not long suffering with it. I remember when my gran had it (including her eyelids and inside her mouth). Best of luck getting back on track with MFP - hopefully we can all provide you with a little inspiration along the way.

    Sharon/Alberta - thanks, the furkids keep me happy .. unconditional love (ok, food and dog cookies) just warms my heart! Our parrot talks all day long and will compete with anyone who calls us on the phone for attention. I had adopted him from a family who’s husband had become very allergic to him - for my husband for his 50th birthday 12 yrs ago - he is approx. 28 yrs old now, and MY bird. I never knew a bird could be so cuddly and affectionate until I met this fine fellow. I hope your son finds some solution for his anxiety - have you considered a pediatric gastroenterologist for his gut issues? Quebec is lovely - haven’t been since I was a kid.

    KJ/Kelly - I don’t think you can drink too much tea (I hope). The way hubby and I improve our water intake is that we keep one or two carafs of iced tea in the house at all times - decaf - so we can drink it late into the evening and overnight without the worry of it keeping us awake. I’ve been using Tiesta tea’s recently and the flavors are premium! I picked up some macha (powdered green tea) that I’m hoping to incorporate into my protein shakes a few times a week. The “Eat the Bear” protein shakes are good - I try to find ones sweetened with Stevia rather than poison (artificial sweeteners). I also buy “Bai” juices at Costco. They are great tasting, again sweetened with a little stevia. Fill your water bottle with ice and filtered water ¾ of the way full, then add some Bai juice (or alternatively Lemon juice or Key lime juice). Using a straw helps too for some reason - before I know it I’m filling up my water bottle 3-4 times a day.

    Lisa/WestTexas - best of luck with your synthroid. You should be feeling much better soon. Several friends of mine are on it, and although it took a few months to get the dosage just right, their emotional health, and weight issues are very much improved. Peace!

    Colsaylors - great goals! And welcome :-)

    Drkatiebug - veggies in apple cider vinegar, honey, thyme, and coconut oil before roasting. .. this sounds really good and I have all of the ingredients at hand - I think I will try it this weekend - thanks!

    Richmondlady - glad you had the sleep test done! Sounds like things have improved for you steadily since then. Antidepressants - I’m on Wellbutrin for the winter. Battling clinical depression since my mum passed away 2 years ago and its frustrating trying to shake it. I was reluctant but my doc and I agreed to 3 months only then taper off - minimal side effects on it too which is a bonus. Don’t feel too bad about the candy bar .. I had one slice of a orange chocolate ball last night - first sweetie since Christmas Eve. I let it melt in my mouth reaaaaaaly slowly because I know that’s the one naughty for the month.

    Rita/CT - so sorry to learn you are not quite feeling yourself lately. Unsolicited advice can be annoying, please forgive me. I found something that helps me occasionally. Alaska winters are long and dark, and dark moods abound. I keep a pretty good size library of my favorite DVD’s, primarily British comedies. Despite having watched them repeatedly over the years, I pop them in, in the winter time and they still make me laugh. Are there any radio shows or video’s, perhaps of your favorite film stars you can watch?

    YOGI - I dreamt of Black Labs last night - Yogi playing with our old Dingleberry. I do so miss that wonderful dog. I don’t suppose you could lend Yogi to us for the summer? All of your dogs are beeee-utiful!

    Tara x - welcome .. I hear you - that yoyo dieting can be very frustrating. I recall from UK television series that a stone=15 lbs (is that right?). So sorry to learn of your diagnosis - frightening and stressful! I find fasting one or two days a week beneficial too.

    Etboces - have a great year to you too !

    Christy/Melbourne - welcome! Sorry to learn of your diagnosis and I hope your upcoming treatment works well for you. It sounds like you have loving supportive family around you which will be a big help moving ahead.

    Katie/UK - Spain sounds wonderful! I would love to travel there someday myself, or the Greek Islands… Australia.. New Zealand .. ok I need to get out more. Love the pics!

    Betty/oceanmelody - Panhandlers; we are overloaded here in Anchorage Alaska. So very sad. Surprisingly a lot throughout the winter despite the cold. Many more in the summer when the tourists are in town. We have an overabundance of poor/addicted 1st Nations peoples here and its heartbreaking. My DH and I often donate $ goods and services to various agencies in the state that help feed and care for the down and out. It’s proven to be dangerous on occasion dealing with them directly because of their addictions/mental illness, they are often quite unstable and aggressive. Folks have been assaulted when trying to give directly, especially when offered food over $.

    Becca/Oregon - what a sweetie giving you that tablet! Crazy is always good - but no nudity! I can’t read the posts if I have to cover my eyes LOL!!

    Jana/VA - thanks, my fur’d and feather’d kids are my life - I get so much joy from them! Happy quilting!

    Heather/UK - loved the pics - the walk, the meals and the wine all look and sound wonderful! Canadians like their good strong tea too. When I ask for it in restaurants here in Alaska the servers just look at me like “are you serious?!” One time I was delivered a tea bag, and a cup. No water. I looked at my husband and said “I don’t think I can eat here.”

    KarenE - I hope that your job issues resolve for you soon. Its not a good feeling to be in limbo.

    Lillian/Sask - thanks! I have a pic of me and my team for you. (sadly our littlest weenie girl is too teeny for the team - and she would beat everyone else up) !
    Cheri/Texas - thanks - I plan on keeping you ladies smiling while all of you help me to stick-to-my-guns and work off the pounds.

    Janetr OKC - you officially have more snow on the ground now than we do here in Anchorage Alaska!


    My word for 2017 is “MIndfulness”
    .. age 51, -28 lbs, 50 to go.
    Canadian from Niagara (36 yrs) - living in Alaska with my DH (16 yrs)

    Goals for 2017
    Drop 50 lbs this year
    Declutter my life, my closets, my mind and my house
    Exercise in a variety of ways and enjoy it
    Get outdoors and see more of my State - Alaska
    Develop the best wiener dog mushing team in the state of Alaska
    Be a better friend to my friends, including my best friend - my DH Scott

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,685 Member
    canookie - yogi will definitely give you your exercise, he will run walk catch ball with you until YOU are tired!
  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Hope all your u ladies are staying warm...I feel guilty about enjoying our pretty weather!

    I'm feeling really buoyed up by my progress this week (which I know isn't over till monday
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member