

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Brendad00 wrote: »
    Trying so hard to get modivated today to get on my treadmill. Any suggestions.

    No better way than to "just do it". Don't think, don't wait. Turn on TV or music or whatever is your distraction and go for it. You'll be glad you did. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    edited January 2017
    kevrit wrote: »

    Ps. Canookie, I absolutely love British comedies. Have you seen Keeping Mum?

    Rita from CT

    Loved that show! I enjoyed the Aussie version too. Excellent .. there is also a Rowan Atkinson movie by the same name that is really good. :)<3:D

  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    edited January 2017
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    I need Stevia in my tea though, and don't want milk or lemon in it. This anti-inflammatory plan suggests no dairy. I was going to buy coconut milk creamer for my coffee, but it is all flavored (at my grocery store, anyway) and has sugar. I tried plain almond milk in my coffee - no! I haven't tried plain coconut milk, but can't imagine it being any better.

    There's a really good unsweetened coconut milk available from So Delicious - its boxed. (they also do a dandy icecream). It works well in tea and coffee, and although the color and consistency of dairy milk it doesn't much lighten the color of your tea or coffee. Its also good on cereals and I add a few drops of stevia as well.


    For those of you who have not yet tried Stevia this is an excellent choice. They also make tabs (look like aspirin) in a tin you can carry in your purse. Some of the better flavors are chocolate, pumpkin spice, vanilla, butterscotch and my personal fav. is coconut (its delish in tea).


    The Stevia sweetened juice "Bai" is a great option for flavoring your water. There is also a canned "sparkling" version.


  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member

    Marni - My DS and DIL are rescue foster failures, too. They have 5 cats and two big dogs. The dogs are named Doc (Holliday) and Wyatt (Earp). So funny we both have Wyatt Earps in our families!

    Toni in cold, cold, cold and snowy Tennessee

    Thats great Toni - I can hardly believe I have to tell you to keep warm in Tennessee! My hubby named Wyatt (DH was born in the wrong century .. he may in fact be a reincarnation of gen'l Custer .. when we met he had long blonde hair, ice blue eyes, and a strawberry blonde handlebar moustache and beard.

    Marni in Alaska
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    tjsterch wrote: »
    Good morning! Normally I log my food, exercise, & weight, etc and look at what has happened on my main page with my group of friends, but today I went a little further into group discussion and found this thread (and very glad I did :) ) I would like to join this group.

    This year, I decided not to make new year's resolutions. That is because I want to continue my mindset that I started in the middle of last year. Last year, I decided I would stop making excuses for not losing weight and take each day as an individual day and do my best. I have severe fibromyalgia, it does hinder my exercise but I won't allow it to stop my exercise :p and most importantly, I decided it was time to forgive myself for all the past mistakes I've made and live in the present (easier said than done - so I focus on the live for today, look forward for tomorrow).

    I'm 51, live in central California, married, have 4 children, am looking forward to my daughter ready to deliver my first grandchild any day now <3

    Have a great day everyone,


    Where in central California r u from, I was born there
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    I too use coconut oil of my face. I like how quickly it absorbs and keeps my skin from dry out. I just take a small amount and rub it between my hands until it melts. It does not melt until it is 76-78 degrees. I like it better than olive oil because it smells better.

    I put ito. My hair and on my body mixed with other body lotion
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Brendad00 wrote: »
    Trying so hard to get modivated today to get on my treadmill. Any suggestions.

    No better way than to "just do it". Don't think, don't wait. Turn on TV or music or whatever is your distraction and go for it. You'll be glad you did. :)

    Janetr OKC

    Gotta get an iPod and music and headphones girl! Tons of times when I don't wanna but I make playlists to walk to and another to run to. I walk and run to the beat of my music
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    Stats for the day:
    jog - 18.15min, 6.1-8.0sp, 9.38ap, 137ahr, 155mhr, 2mi= 201c
    Skip/scissors/sidestep- 44min, 161mhr, 140ahr = 437c
    S Matrix- 5min 143ahr 157mhr, 5wt 8 resist= 81c

    Total cal 728
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »

    Up here in Svalbard the temperature is now much more "normal" for this time of the year, about 10 F. Such a relief after the long, warm, rainy November, and the mudslides and rockslides we suffered through because the permafrost didn't re-freeze as it should have.

    Special greetings to my High North sisters: Carey and Lillian, and newbies Marni and Barband Lillian, that makes at least three of us on the thread who know what Iditarod means :wink: I'm not a doggy person (it's a long story from when I was 12, involving a possibly rabid dog and a four-day transit visa through what was then known as Southern Rhodesia), but my hometown Longyearbyen is a very doggy place. Several friends of friends have participated in Iditarod, and others aspire to do so some day.

    /Penny, back where I belong, 800 miles from the North Pole

    Hi /Penny .. that sounds like the most harrowing drive to the airport ever! Looking up Svalbard and Tromsø you look very similar to my part of the world - it's wonderful to share in the delight that are the Northern Lights/Aurora Borealis. They never fail to take my breathe away. Thanks for the warm Northern Women welcome .. very much appreciated!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Hey now....

    Good afternoon ladies! I think my body may be desperately trying to catch up on sleep! I didn't wake up until just after noon! I think a lot of my sleep problems in the past were due to being in an abusive relationship, but now that it's over I find I am sleeping like a baby, even with 3 kids in the house I'm in!

    Heather - thanks for the welcome back and the cute little smiley with the flowers!

    Pip - we should swap smoking horror stories we've had! Lol

    When I got on here when I got up there were 52 new posts!! Wow!! All that in just under 12 hours!! That's why I love this group, so much participation!! And I'm lovin' all the fur baby and feathered friends pics!

    Sorry if I missed responding to some of you. Most of you know it's sometimes hard for me to keep up. But I did read everybody's posts. Thanks for all the well wishes and welcome backs! I feel like I've been gone forever!

    Well, I'm not much on breakfast but I'm getting hungry so I think it's time for a late lunch and I gotta check my Facebook messages, so I'll be back in a while. Hope everybody is having a wonderful day, even if it is freezing and snowing!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    I'm reading quite a lot of books at the moment that deal with some weighty questions, like our attitude to death. The subject has interested me for a long while, but it is especially pertinent at the moment because I am doing my best to support my friend through her terminal cancer. I've been in touch with her this evening about my going up to London on Friday to sit with her during her chemotherapy session. I want to be able to be there for her if she wants to bring up any subject. I will take my cue from her.
    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    heather how difficult this must be. if your friend is open to your companionship, there is nothing more sacred than spending time with someone facing this. I only hope I could and would be that kind of friend/sister/partner <3 NYKAREN
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member