

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Kate UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Hi all!

    Sherry - Welcome back. :flowerforyou:

    Chris - Nice to see you again. I have gained 3 lbs over maintenance. I'm trying to lose one of those before my holiday to Mexico. ;)

    To the breast cancer lady, is it Christy? , I had breast cancer over 9 years ago, stage 2, with lymph node removal. So far, so good, though I am never complacent. I still have to wear an arm sleeve every day, which is a minor inconvenience, but I am used to it now. I find it has changed my attitude to life and death and in some ways I feel freer.
    The chemo was ok in the beginning, but the effects did get worse. However, as you say, there is an end point to it all, so you have to hang on. For me the hair loss was horrible as I am very attached to my hair :laugh: It has all grown back though. I put on a lot of weight through inaction and comfort eating. That could be minimised with care and knowing what I know now.
    There is every chance of a complete cure, so keep thinking of that. Your ordeal with your son must have been awful. So glad to hear all is well now. <3
    Best of luck! :flowerforyou:

    Having a supermarket delivery this morning. Should be some chicken livers in there so I can make a ragu (Bolognese sauce). I have the mince. I will have mine with zucchini noodles. I follow a very authentic, old recipe from Elizabeth David's ITALIAN FOOD, which adds the chicken livers. Yummy. I used to have her recipe books beside my bed at university and read them like novels. Well, they are novels. :D In those days Mediterranean food seemed so exotic. Her books transported me to sunnier climes and a different way of life. B) Food still is a way of world travelling for me. <3

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    slept well even on the futon on the floor...got up at 5:45 and having some tea.. then it is out to shovel and help Tom snowblow.... this is why I want to move to Florida UGH..... probably wont be doing that anytime in the near future ,but Oh well.. have to accept the things I cannot change...
    will check in the later...
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    You women are so inspiring to me!! Too many posts to respond to, but know that I am so motivated reading about everyone's approach to challenges-even if it is just describing them, there's a purpose to it all dont you think?

    Good to see chris checking in, (insert waving emoji here)

    Side note--DH had a promising job interview and I am trying not to get my hopes up-it would relieve so much pressure- but what will be will be. Trying not to get ahead of myself and take it one step at a time. My husband has not had a full time job for 10 years now and it would be life changing for us--but what will be will be.

  • tivocrazy
    tivocrazy Posts: 4 Member
    Day 2. Stayed over in a hotel so nice breakfast. Put it all on this app and GASP!!! Did not realise how much I eat. Not many calories left for today so going to skip lunch and use them up at Dinner. Seriously going to watch out at breakfast tomorrow x. Good luck everybody - positive vibes for a safe and productive 2017 to you all x
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    edited January 2017
    Gloria I noticed that with PM too. It might be how that person has their settings. If you can get them to PM you then you can write them back.

    On the subject of panhandlers I do report them if they do it when I am going into a business. The brick and mortar stores are having a hard enough time. It is legal here in Minnesota for them to be on exit ramps. My problem with that is I think it creates the potential for an accident for them and others. When asked for spare change I say I don't have any. I do not want to be going into my purse in front of a stranger. Unfortunately in the times we live in paranoia is sometimes justified.

    :heart: Margaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    The advice in Britain is never to give to beggars. If you wish to help them, donate to a reputable charity, as I do.
    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-16 X7X 30

    I will be at our fourth of five Christmas celebrations. I will be MIA all day. Everybody have a fantastic day!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,409 Member
    Good morning!

    What a neat group - I am learning something from everyone and so glad I found you all.

    Gloria, yes we are almost neighbors. I am kind of in the Chehalis "burbs" - we have enough land to be able to garden and keep DH busy with the lawn/trees. We were both Master Gardeners and hope to live in a rural area forever. Don't have a big garden any more but I do love canning our own applesauce, tomato sauce, etc.

    I don't get up to Oly much it seems - I do need a Trader Joe's fix now and then.

    And we are covered with a sheet of ice this morning.....deck, sidewalk...our private road. I don't hear any cars on the road (Hwy 12 is not far from us and we tend to hear the truck traffic at times.) Was going to do my weekend early morning Walmart run but will skip that today.

    Yes, Schnoodles are a perfect size. Sophie weighs around 18#. Big enough to take care of herself but small enough to pick up if we need to. Only downside is she needs to be groomed every few months, but plus is that she doesn't have that doggie undercoat so doesn't smell "wet dog" and I'm not allergic to her.

    I'll try to figure out that PM thing, still working my way around this system.

    Oh, regarding beggars - yes, they used to work "shifts" at the I-5 on-ramps in our county. Haven't seen them lately so I think the cops have cracked down on them. Our community has a "soup kitchen" that serves lunch daily so if people are truly hungry they can get meals there and take showers, get a change of clothes, little snacks to tide them over, etc.

    SW Washington State
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    kelly have a fun day planning and the pi-baby shower!! <3
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
    Just saying hi before going out to shovel snow like a lot of us here. At least it's sunny. Might help my mood.

    Ps. Canookie, I absolutely love British comedies. Have you seen Keeping Mum?

    Rita from CT
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did an hour of a Pilates Super Sculpt DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of 10 Minute Solution Pilates DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Lynette - you can do this. Come in here often for motivation.

    Chris - welcome back! How can we forget you????

    Rori - whenever I go to the water aerobics, and I get in the water and the water temp is cool, I always tell myself that I'm burning extra calories to keep my body warm so therefore I can have an extra cookie. Works for me

    Sherry - I'm going to check out SparkPeople's app. I was on the app that was the Daily Plate (which later became Livestrong), they had a lot of features that MFP doesn't have but they didn't have as extensive a database. I really wouldn't be motivated by the virtual rewards, but I'm going to check them out anyway. That's just not a motivator for me, people are. But everyone's different...I'm so glad it's working for you

    Clare - the family across the street from us went to Australia for about 2 years. It's his home (Shane Watts if anyone is into motocross). They're renting the house right now. In talking to his wife, they felt that it would be a good experience for their children to experience a different culture. I am so very impressed with how well you and your son handled the cancer. Very impressed. Your doggie pics are so cute!!!

    Toni - I'd have a dog only if I didn't have to walk him in rain/snow/cold. I want everything, huh? My daughter many times sits for a dog while it's owner goes away and if I'm up there while she is dogsitting, I'll usually take the dog for a walk. That's also a good way to get to know her apartment complex!

    barbie - you are always so good, it's nice to know that even you sometimes have a downfall. Gives me hope

    Someone gave my daughter a down comforter. She left it here so I took it out of the closet last night. I actually put it on the bed (on my side) and slept under it all night

    Kate - "Year of no Sugar"...does sugar include honey? I only take plain yogurt and add honey to it. Congrats on the NSV. when I donate something that has multiple parts, I usually try to pin the parts together. Like I found that the next time I make a donation, I'll be donating some gloves so I safety pinned together the two gloves. What a sweet guy you have there

    Don't ask me to explain this...Vince just told me that the guy across the street (the one who is renting the house) was out driving his tractor in the snow with his 2yo son! We got about 6" of snow. He should probably consider putting a board in front of the tractor and using it to clear his driveway....lol

    Glo - one of the things that I'd like MFP to do is that we'd have the option of keeping foods in our "recent" list even if we don't have it for a while and also have the option of deleting foods from the "recent" list. There are foods that I only have once but it stays in that "recent" list for weeks. Then there are foods that I'll eat (like an avacado), take a break and not have, then go back to eating it. I have found that if I make a "meal" of a food (like avacado), I can just go to the "meals" tab and get it rather than having to search the database again. When we were living in the Poconos, one year my skin was so dry that it was cracking and bleeding. You name it, I tried it to get my hands softer. Nothing worked. Then I remembered that my grandmother used to put glycerine (I get it at WalMart) on her hands and they were always so soft. So I figured "why not try it, what's the worse that can happen...nothing?" Well, it worked! Glycerine is greasy so I usually wear some sort of glove, but that really helped me. I don't know if it'll help you, but what do you have to lose? Thanks so much for the info about the search. I'm going to try it out right now. Update: I tried the search. It only gave me the last few posts by this person, I would like to go back further.

    Rita - while I was shoveling yesterday, the sun came out. It got so hot that I had to put on my lighter jacket.

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Oops! Forgot this part:

    NYKaren - only good thoughts for your hubby

    KJ - have fun with your daughter and congrats! You are so creative! It was me who asked about something to put on shovels. Thanks for the tip

    Michele in NC
  • Jaja99
    Jaja99 Posts: 21 Member
    Charleen in Colorado, your quilt is breathtaking! Thanks for including the detail view. I love the colors you chose and it is beautifully quilted! I know that it was an amazing amount of work! Thanks for sharing the pics.

    Michele in NC- all safe and warm here. I go out and shovel some while it is still snowing too. I sweep the steps and my tiny porch and shovel the bottom of the steps. I like the fresh, cold air.

    It stopped snowing and the sun is out today. But it will remain below freezing until Tuesday. All the local governments are asking people to stay off the roads. Church has been cancelled, but the pastor will live stream his message on Facebook. Technology is a wonderful thing.
    I usually eat a fair amount of veggies, but never weighed them altogether. So, after being inspired by the great photos some of you have posted of your pound of veggies, I decided to weigh them yesterday. I made a big salad out of a lot of them and ate most of the pound. I got a lot of exercise calories shoveling snow. And I will get more today!
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited January 2017
    Gloria - Have you tried taking Biotin? My DD had developed a rashed look to her face like it was wind chapped and was very dry. No amount of cream seemed to help. We did some comparisons of my over the counter supplements and her vitamin supplement and discovered she was getting no biotin. I was getting some but not a lot.

    We both starting taking Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin & Nails gummies (15 calories per serving), her skin cleared up within 3 weeks and an extremely ichy spot on my leg which I had for a year cleared up also.

    Normally I poo poo taking supplements but was surprised by the difference Biotin made. I usually give supplements 30 days to show me they work before I toss them in the trash.

    Charleen in Colorado (Fun day! Meeting Rori today!)
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Good morning :)

    Belle AZ
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Hi everybody

    Heather- I know quite a bit of Spanish but can't hold a conversation and did use Duolingo for a while but although we go to Spain a couple of times a year, sad to say most people speak English. You really have to practice with someone else and DH is not interested. He thinks in a hundred years everyone will speak English!

    Fly home tomorrow evening looking forward to my own bed but will miss my long walks in the sun. It's been great for my step count.

    Kate UK

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,409 Member
    Re face products, I've started using Burt's Bees night cream and am very happy with it. A long time ago I was using an expensive (for me) cream that had honey in it... honey draws moisture so keeps the skin hydrated is the theory. They didn't make it anymore... then I found a BB product that has it. It's a lot less expensive and I can get it at the local drugstore.

    Also remember my grandmother making her own hand lotion with glycerine! Boy that takes me back. Glycerine and rosewater. That stuff worked great. Anyone use Cornhusker's Lotion? It also has glycerine.

    I have good luck with coconut oil keeping my feet soft. I make my own creams with coconut oil or shea butter, beeswax, some essential oils. Kind of fun thing to do on days like this.

    I love reading about everyone's exercise routines, what you are eating, what you are doing/seeing. Very inspirational.

    And those of you having some difficulties - sending many good thoughts your way. I can generally relate having been there or been very close to similar situations regarding job/finances/depression. I am very impressed by your strength!

    SW Washington State